45 research outputs found

    Analyzing the external social capital of family firms

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    We examine an important yet overlooked aspect in research on social capital: the familial bonding that interorganizational relations may hold. We argue that the social identity of a family member is likely to reframe how they behave within social relations and towards actors outside the firm that are within or not within the family, changing the conditions for trust, knowledge exchange, and value creation. Drawing on a family and nonfamily classification of interorganizational relations, we examine: 1) theoretically and empirically the extent to which relationships with family members located in other related firms, which we define as external family social capital (EFSC), affect firm performance; (2) its interaction with relationships with members of other firms not bearing a family connection, referred to as external organizational social capital (EOSC); and (3) the varying levels of trust required to extract value from EFSC and EOSC

    Transdermal delivery of bisphosphonates using dissolving and hydrogel-forming microarray patches: Potential for enhanced treatment of osteoporosis

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    As of 2023, more than 200 million people worldwide are living with osteoporosis. Oral bisphosphonates (BPs)are the primary treatment but can cause gastrointestinal (GI) side effects, reducing patient compliance. Microarray (MAP) technology has the potential to overcome GI irritation by facilitating the transdermal delivery ofBPs. This study examines the delivery of alendronic acid (ALN) and risedronate sodium (RDN) using dissolvingand hydrogel-forming MAPs for osteoporosis treatment. In vivo testing on osteoporotic female Sprague Dawleyrats demonstrated the efficacy of MAPs, showing significant improvements in mean serum and bone alkalinephosphatase levels, bone volume, and porosity compared to untreated bilateral ovariectomy (OVX) controls.Specifically, MAP treatment increased mean bone volume to 55.04 ± 2.25 % versus 47.16 ± 1.71 % in OVXcontrols and reduced porosity to 44.30 ± 2.97 % versus 52.84 ± 1.70 % in the distal epiphysis of the femur. Inthe distal metaphysis, bone volume increased to 43.32 ± 3.24 % in MAP-treated rats compared to 24.31 ± 3.21% in OVX controls, while porosity decreased to 55.39 ± 5.81 % versus 75.69 ± 3.21 % in OVX controls. Thisproof-of-concept study indicates that MAP technology has the potential to be a novel, patient-friendly alternativefor weekly osteoporosis management

    Microneedles: A New Frontier in Nanomedicine Delivery

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    This review aims to concisely chart the development of two individual research fields, namely nanomedicines, with specific emphasis on nanoparticles (NP) and microparticles (MP), and microneedle (MN) technologies, which have, in the recent past, been exploited in combinatorial approaches for the efficient delivery of a variety of medicinal agents across the skin. This is an emerging and exciting area of pharmaceutical sciences research within the remit of transdermal drug delivery and as such will undoubtedly continue to grow with the emergence of new formulation and fabrication methodologies for particles and MN. Firstly, the fundamental aspects of skin architecture and structure are outlined, with particular reference to their influence on NP and MP penetration. Following on from this, a variety of different particles are described, as are the diverse range of MN modalities currently under development. The review concludes by highlighting some of the novel delivery systems which have been described in the literature exploiting these two approaches and directs the reader towards emerging uses for nanomedicines in combination with MN

    Enhancement strategies for transdermal drug delivery systems: current trends and applications

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    Contribución al estudio de la talla, edad y crecimiento de la sardina (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) de las costas españolas de Levante (Noviembre 1949 - marzo 1950)

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    31 pages, 11 figures, 14 tables[EN] lu tlie meantime of tbe last ten years, the fishing fleet of Castellón lias been multiplied by ten. Tbe weiglit of the fisb landed lias progresively augmented. Tbe sardine is fished from Marcb to September, specially in the inonths of July, May, June and November. Fishing is discontinued yearly from half December to end March or beginning April. The sardine is fished exclusively in the dark nights, discontinuing cateh for 8 days in the full-moons. The drifting nets (trama and mamparra) are practically not selective, only the very small fislies escape throngh the meshes. The trawlnets are neither selective; in the nets small Mullas barbatus and Gadus mvnutus are catched, but not the very young sardines. The total length of the sardine (samples from November 1949 to May 1950) oscilles between 71 and 219 mm. (average of 1796 specimens: 139,1 mm.; disregarding some less representative samples, the average length of 1403 specimens, was 146 mm.). The sardines catched in the trawls shows a very homogeneous length. [...][ES] Las costas del Levante español ofrecen magnífico campo a la invetigación sardinera. El rendimiento pesquero se ha puesto de manifiesto estos últimos años, en que la sardina se ha cotizado en los mercados a precios muy altos, lo que ha estimulado a los armadores a aumentar considerablemente la flota pesquera. El Puerto pesquero de Castellón, que contaba el año 1940, con tres o cuatro equipos de mamparra, ha aumentado diez veces su capacidad de pesca en el último decenio, dotando a sus unidades de redes de mayor rendimiento, siendo frecuente que se reúnan en dichas aguas hasta sesenta embarcaciones sardineras de distintas localidades (Vinaroz, San Carlos, Altea, Valencia,etc.). En la figura 1, se representa gráficamente el progresivo rendimiento de la pesca con luz, constituida fundamentalmente (quizás más del 90 '%) por sardina; en menor proporción se encuentran representadas las demás especies pelágicas: alacha (Sardinella aurita), anchoa (Engraulis encrasicholus), jurel (Trachurus trachums), boga (Box boops), caballa (Scomber scombrus), etc. En 1948, Castellón capturó, aproximadamente, el 6 !% de la pesca total de sardina en España (Estadística de pesca (8)). En líneas generales el aumento de flota se ha visto correspondido por un aumento notable del rendimiento pesquero, aunque no podemos afirmar si el rendimiento por unidad de esfuerzo se ha mantenido o, por el contrario, ha disminuido. [...]Peer reviewe

    Datos para una crĂ­tica del significado de la media vertebral de las poblaciones de la sardina (Sardina pilchardus Walb.)

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    8 pages[EN] Various authors have shown that vertebral number and otlier meristic characters in teleostean fishes are not only genetically etablished, but also dependent apon external conditions during development. Phaenogenesis under a higher temperature reduces number of vertebrae. Average vertebral number, a character frequently employed in routine ichtyological research, is a character that says nothing about genotypical affinities; a wiser procedure should characterize “races” through a curve that describes relation between number of vertebrae and temperature, that is, the norm of reaction of the genotype. [...][ES] I. Determinación de caracteres meristicos en peces. Solo se poseen datos experimentales relativos a especies cuya freza es posible en acuarios, faltando, en general, para espcies pelágicos. Los estudios realizados en aquellos teleósteos nos pueden servir de evidencia indirecta, en la interpretación de los caracteres observados en las poblaciones naturales de peces pelágicos. Schmidt (1917, 1919) observa que el número de radios de la aleta dorsal de Lebistes reticulatus depende de la temperatura del acuario en que nacieron. El mismo autor (1920) realiza nuevos estudios en Zoarces viviparus} no concluyentes, aunque suministrando indicios de que el número de vértebras depende de la temperatura y de la salinidad. También Schmidt (1921) en Salmo trutta comprueba una correlación entre temperatura y número de vértebras, éste es máximo a 6-7° centígrados y disminuye si la temperatura de los acuarios es más elevada o demasiado baja. Mottley (1917, 1934, 1936, 1937) trabajando con salmónidos llega a la conclusión de que el número de escamas y de vértebras se relaciona con las temperatura durante el desarrollo embrionario, y, quizá, con otros factores externos, por ejemplo, con la concentración de oxígeno. Rollefsen (1940), en híbridos de Pleuronectes platessa hembra por Pl. flessus macho, obtiene una confirmación de que el número de vértebras y de radios de las aletas es dependiente de la temperatura. Taning (1944) con Salmo trutta, llega a resultados parecidos a los de Schmidt. Heuts (1949) comprueba [...]Peer reviewe

    3D printing of medical devices

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    The current state of 3D printing in the medical field is explored here, specifically in the fabrication of implantable medical devices. Also known as additive manufacturing, it is a versatile technology that enables the production of prototypes and complex objects using a variety of materials. It has gained considerable attention in recent years due to the potential to create customised medical devices and dosage forms that match the specific needs of patients, resulting in precise and individualised care. Applications of 3D printing range from surgical tools and catheters to implantable devices which provide sustained drug release. This chapter discusses the current techniques and materials used in 3D printing of medical devices, as well as regulatory challenges faced surrounding sterilisation and quality control.<br/

    Publicaciones del Instituto de BiologĂ­a Aplicada. Tomos 12-13-14-15

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    [Tomo 12] R. Margalef. — Estudios experimentales sobre las modificaciones inducidas por diferentes temperaturas en células de clorofíceas. Contribución al estudio de los Tintinnidos del plancton de las costas de Castellón (Mediterráneo occidental). Nota II. M. Duran. V. Brehm. — Sobre algunas hipótesis de la Hidrobiología, actualmente invalidades. R. Margalef. — Caracteres ligados a las magnitudes de los organismos y su significado sistemático y evolutivo. E. Gadea. — Nota sobre algunos nematodos muscícolas de Tagsut (Marruecos español). B. Andreu y J. Rodríguez-Roda. — Contribución a la biología de la caballa (Scomber scombrus L.) (Mediterráneo occidental).[Tomo 13] R. Margalef y M. Duran. — Microplancton de Vigo, de octubre de 1951 a septiembre de 1952. D. Selga. — Sobre una especie de Anoplophrya (Ciliata) parásita de Brachionus urceolaris. M. G. Larrañeta. — Observaciones sobre la sexualidad de Pagellus erythrinus L. R. Zariquiey. — Decápodos españoles. VII. - Algo sobre Hippolytidae de las costas NE. de España. A. Planas. — Un caso de teratodimia en la mielga Squalus acanthias L. Montserrat. — Análisis polínico del aire de Barcelona, II. P. Montserrat. — El polen atmosférico de Barcelona en 1951. E. Gadea. — Nematodos libres terrestres de la Serranía de Ronda. A. Planas y F. Vives. — Contribución al estudio del jurel (Trachurus trachurus L.) del Mediterráneo occidental. (Sectores de Vinaroz e islas Columbretes.[Tomo 14] E. Balcells R. — Estudio biológico de Haltica lythri subespecie ampelophaga, Guerin-Meneville (Col. Halticinae). J. Rodríguez-Roda. — Datos climáticos del puerto de Castellón y térmicos en las aguas costeras superficiales en relación con la pesca, en 1952. E. Gadea. — Nematodos libres terrestres de los Montes Cántabros. M. G. Larrañeta. — Sobre la distribución de los peces jóvenes bentónicos de las playas de Castellón.[Tomo 15] R. Margalef. — Materiales para hidrobiología de la isla de Mallorca E. Gadea. — Nematodos libres terrestres de la Sierra de Guadarrama.Peer reviewe