217 research outputs found

    El depósito arqueológico de Larrañaga (Hondarribia, Gipuzkoa) : Algunas reflexiones sobre la problemática de los yacimientos al aire libre

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    En el presente artículo se exponen los resultados obtenidos en las labores de prospección arqueológica desarrolladas en el yacimeinto al aire libre de Larrañaga (Hondarribia, Gipuzkoa). Asimismo, se contextualizan estos resultados con los obtenidos en el proyecto de prospección, catas y sondeos arqueólógicos del Monte Jaizkibel que M.J. Iriarte y A. Arrizabalaga vienen desarrollando desde el año 2001, en el sector noreste del monte Jaizkibel (término municipal de Hondarribia, vertiente norte)

    Music as a Resource Against Bullying and Cyberbullying: Intervention in two Centers in Spain

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    Aggressive conflicts are quite frequent in schools, and all students take part in them. Bullying and cyberbullying are the most common methods used. The main objective of this work was to prevent and reduce aggressive behaviors among school children. In this study we present the results of an intervention that we have carried out in two education centers, one public and one semi-public, with students between the ages of 11 and 14. This intervention was done using music and was reinforced by a talk about human values. Two hundred adolescents from the autonomous city of Melilla, Spain, took part in this study. This was a quasi-experimental study with pre-test/post-test design and an equivalent randomized control group. The instrument used was the Garaigordóbil Cyberbullying Test. The musical intervention lasted for four months. The effect of the intervention program was checked through the t-test of related samples, checking the size of the effect through Cohen's d. The results showed a decrease in victims, aggressors and witnesses of cyberbullying in the semi-public education center and a decrease in victims of bullying in the public center. It is concluded that music can be a valid resource in making people aware of aggressive behaviors and in helping to reduce it

    Land use drives detritivore size structure and decomposition through shifts in resource quality and quantity

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    Land use change and nutrient pollution are two pervasive stressors that can modify carbon cycling, as they influence the inputs and the transformation of detritus. Understanding their impact on stream food webs and on diversity is particularly pressing, as streams are largely fuelled by detrital material received from the adjacent riparian environment. Here we assess how a switch from native deciduous forest to Eucalyptus plantations and nutrient enrichment alter the size distribution of stream detritivore communities and decomposition rates of detritus. As expected, more detritus resulted in higher size-independent, or overall, abundance (i.e. higher intercept of size spectra). This change in overall abundance was mainly driven by a change of the relative contribution of large taxa (Amphipoda and Trichoptera), which changed from an average relative abundance of 55.5 to 77.2 % between the sites compared for resource quantity differences in our study. In contrast, detritus quality modified the relative abundance of large vs small individuals (i.e. size spectra slopes), with shallow slopes of size spectra (proportionately more large individuals) associated with sites with nutrient-richer waters and steeper slopes (proportionately fewer large individuals) associated with sites draining Eucalyptus plantations. Decomposition rates of alder leaves due to macroinvertebrates increased from 0.0003 to 0.0142 when relative contribution of large organisms increased (modelled slopes of size spectra: −1.00 and − 0.33, respectively), highlighting the importance of large sized individuals for ecosystem functioning. Our study reveals that land use change and nutrient pollution can greatly impair the transfer of energy through the detrital or ‘brown’ food web by means of intra- and inter-specific responses to quality and quantity of the detritus. These responses enable linking land use change and nutrient pollution to ecosystem productivity and carbon cycling.This work was carried out with financial support from the EU Commission within the RivFunction project (contract EVK1-CT-2001-00088). AL acknowledges the financial support by the mobility program Ikermugikortasuna-2019 of the Basque Government

    Factores personales y sociales que protegen frente a la victimización por bullying

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of bullying victimization and to analyze personal and social factors influence over this phenomenon in an adolescent population.Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional and multicenter study was carried out in 15-18 years old pupils in five secondary schools of Cuenca during the 2015-16 school year. The variables were collected through a self-administered questionnaire and included age, gender, different subscales of the KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire and the resilience scale CD-RISC 10.Results: Data were obtained from 844 students (of whom 54% were girls) whose average age was 16.36 years old. The prevalence of bullying victimization was 29,5%. The multivariate analysis for the personal factors showed that being girl, more resilient, having better self-perception and psychological well-being, protect from being victims. Whereas the social factors model indicated that financial resources, parents and peers´ relations and school environment do also have a protective effect.Conclusion: Bullying is a complex phenomenon with high prevalence and great social impact. In our work, adolescents´ specific characteristics such as resistance capacity and emotional control, as well as the ones related to their social support, are protective factors against bullying. Prevention polices should be multisectoral and multidisciplinary involving the family, school and health environment and social network. Primary care nurses and especially the school nurse could provide greater coordination among the different sectors and join efforts to promote safe environments for our young people.Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de ser víctima de bullying y analizar la influencia de factores personales y sociales sobre este fenómeno en una población de adolescentes. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, transversal y multicéntrico, realizado entre alumnos de 15–18 años en cinco institutos de educación secundaria de Cuenca durante el curso académico 2015-1016. Las variables de estudio se recogieron mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado que incluyó: edad, sexo, diferentes subescalas del cuestionario KIDSCREEN-52 y la escala de resiliencia CD-RISC 10.Resultados: Se recogieron datos de 844 estudiantes (54% chicas), la edad media de la muestra fue de 16,36 años. La prevalencia de víctimas de bullying fue de 29,5%. El análisis multivariante para los factores personales, mostró que ser chica, ser más resiliente, tener mejor autopercepción y bienestar psicológico, protegen frente a ser víctimas. Mientras que el modelo de factores sociales indicó que tienen también un efecto protector los recursos económicos, las relaciones con los padres, amigos y entorno escolar. Conclusión: El bullying es un fenómeno complejo de elevada prevalencia y gran repercusión social. En nuestro trabajo, las características propias de los adolescentes tales como la capacidad de resistencia y el control emocional, así como las relacionadas con su red social de apoyo, son factores protectores frente al bullying. Las políticas de prevención deben ser multisectoriales y multidisciplinares implicando a la familia, entorno escolar y asistencial y red social. Las enfermeras de atención primaria y especialmente la enfermera escolar, podrían facilitar una mayor coordinación entre los distintos sectores y aunar esfuerzos para promover entornos seguros para nuestros jóvenes. &nbsp

    Variation in the Climate Sensitivity Dependent on Neighbourhood Composition in a Secondary Mixed Forest

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    Understanding the vulnerability of individual trees to climate requires moving from population to individual level. This study evaluates individual tree response in a mixed forest by assessing how size and neighbourhood density modulated growth responses to climate among coexisting tree species. To understand the complete variation in growth responses to climate, it is necessary to consider intrapopulation variability. Trees respond as individual entities, and their response is modulated by their characteristics and neighbourhood context. To assess the individual climate sensitivity, all living Iberian birches, European beeches, and pedunculate oaks trees located in a temperate mixed forest were cored in four 40 m × 40 m plots. Standard ring-width chronologies were built at tree and species level for the 1977–2007 period. Chronologies were related to climatic variables (monthly precipitation, hailstorm and mean temperature, and summer (June–August) precipitation). Growth response to climate varied among species and individual trees. Differences in climate–growth relationship among species could be partially attributed to the different xylem anatomy, since secondary growth of ring-porous pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) was mainly dependent on the previous-winter climatic conditions (January temperature), while for the diffuse-porous Iberian birch (Betula celtiberica Rothm. and Vasc.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), spring temperature and summer precipitation were the major constraining factors of growth. Tree features and identity of neighbourhood modulated climatic response, especially for Iberian birch and pedunculate oak. Dominant trees in less crowded neighbourhoods responded more intensely to climate factors. Understanding the individual variability of growth responses to climate will provide more realistic predictions of forests response to climate change.Special thanks to Silvia Martinez de Olcoz for assistance with the fieldwork and the measurements of the tree-rings. Urkiola Natural Park provided the facilities for field work. Urkiola Natural Park provided the facilities for field work and financial support. Additional financial support was provided by a Basque Government (Grupo de Investigacion Consolidado: Grupo Estudio en Flora, Vegetacion y Ecosistemas Terrestres). Furthermore, this work has been supported by the projects CGL2012-34209 and CGL2015-69186-C2-1-R (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity) and by the Excellence Network "Ecometas" (CGL2014-53840-REDT)

    Team work in the classroom, bullying and cyberbullying: : Study with Adolescents

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    Bullying has become a common practice in the adolescent population, and especially through cyberbullying. These practices generate serious problems in this collective, especially in cognitive, social and emotional dimensions, being essential to act preventively. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 227 adolescents from the city of Melilla (Spain), which sought to analyze the existing relationships between bullying, cyberbullying and cooperative work practices. The cyberbullying test (Garaigordobil, 2013) and a teamwork questionnaire using validation of experts are used as main instruments. The results reveal that cooperative work is higher in girls, decreasing it as age increases. Likewise, group work was inversely related to situations of harassment. It was also observed that the older age suffered more victimization linked to cyberbullying and increased the situations in which one is an aggressor. It concludes how cooperative work in the classroom can act preventively in situations of bullying by helping to build better relationships between peers and group identity.El acoso escolar se ha convertido en una práctica común entre adolescentes y especialmente a través del cyberbullying. Estas prácticas generan graves problemas en un colectivo en desarrollo cognitivo, social y emocional, siendo esencial actuar preventivamente. Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo y corte transversal en una muestra de 227 adolescentes de Melilla (España), el cual perseguía analizar las relaciones existentes entre bullying, cyberbullying y prácticas de trabajo cooperativo. Se emplean como principales instrumentos el test de cyberbullying (Garaigordobil, 2013)y un cuestionario de trabajo en equipo mediante validación de expertos. Los resultados revelan que el trabajo cooperativo es más elevado en las chicas, disminuyendo el mismo con la edad. El trabajo grupal se relacionó inversamente con las situaciones de acoso. También se observó que a mayor edad se sufre más victimización ligada a cyberbullying e incrementan las situaciones en las que se es agresor. Se concluye cómo el trabajo cooperativo en las aulas puede actuar preventivamente ante situaciones de acoso al ayudar a construir mejores relaciones entre pares e identidad de grupo

    Trabalho colaborativo na primária e secundária: diferenças de acordo com o sexo eo curso

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    El objetivo principal de la educación primaria y secundaria consiste en facilitar a los jóvenes una formación plena que les permita desempeñar una futura vida personal y profesional de calidad. Durante la vida profesional de una persona, el trabajo en equipo es una herramienta muy utilizada debido a las grandes ventajas que proporciona a nivel individual, grupal, social y profesional, pero ello exige una preparación previa que se debe adquirir durante la etapa escolar. En este manuscrito presentamos el estudio que hemos realizado sobre el trabajo en equipo que se lleva a cabo en dos centros de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla (España). Se pretenden ver las diferencias existentes en este aspecto según sexo, curso y tipo de centro. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que las mujeres son más responsables que los hombres al llevar a cabo un trabajo en grupo y que a mayor edad o curso superior, disminuye la motivación e implicación en el trabajo colaborativo.The aim of the Primary and Secondary Education consists of facilitating to adolescents a full training that allows them to carry out a qualified personal and professional future life. At that time, the teamwork is a very used tool due to the big advantages that it provides to individual, grupal, social and professional levels, but it is required a previous preparation that it is necessary to acquire during the school stage. In this research, we analize the Teamwork in two centers of Primary and Secondary Education of the Autonomous City of Melilla (Spain). We need to see the differences according to sex, course and type of center. The results demonstrate that in a teamwork the women are more responsible than the men. Also, with the increase in the age, the motivation and implication in the Collaborative Work diminishes.O objetivo principal da Educação Primária e Secundária é proporcionar aos jovens uma educação completa que lhes permita ter uma vida futura pessoal e profissional de qualidade. Durante a vida profissional de uma pessoa, o trabalho em equipe é uma ferramenta muito utilizada devido às grandes vantagens que proporciona ao nível individual, grupal, social e profissional, mas isso requer um preparo prévio que deve ser adquirido durante a etapa escolar. Neste manuscrito apresentamos o estudo que fizemos sobre o trabalho em equipe, que ocorre em dois centros de Educação Primária e Secundária da cidade autônoma de Melilla (Espanha). Pretendemos ver as diferenças neste aspecto de acordo com sexo, curso e tipo de centro. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as mulheres são mais responsáveis do que os homens na realização de um trabalho em equipe e que em uma idade maior ou curso superior, a motivação e o envolvimento no Trabalho Colaborativo diminui

    Kulturarteko harremanak Bigarren Hezkuntzan: ikasle etorkin eta bertakoen akulturazio-orientazioak

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    Cette étude analyse les orientations d'acculturation des étudiants Basques dans l'Enseignement Secondaire,en comparant les orientations des élèves selon leur origine et leur identité ethnolinguistique. Les résultats ont montré que les orientations d'acculturation plus acceptées sont l'individualisme, la ségrégation-séparation et l'intégration. Les orientations des deux groupes, étudiants autochtones et immigrants, coïncident. Les relations intergroupes résultantes de l'interaction de ces deux groupes seraient assez positives, sauf dans les cas de ségrégation-séparation, qui pourraient etre conflictuelles.Les étudiants autochtones ont été classés en trois groupes, selon leur identité ethnolinguistique: identité duale, identité polarisée basque, et identité polarisée espagnole. Les étudiants immigrants ont été classés en deux groupes: identité avec le pays d'origine et identité duale. Les résultats ne confirment pas l' hypothese selon laque lle les sujets avec identité duale présenteraient des orientations d'acculturation plus positives que les sujets d'identité polarisée.; Este estudio analiza las orientaciones de aculturación de escolares vascos de Educación Secundaria, comparando las orientaciones de los alumnos según su origen y su identidad etnolingüística. Los resultados mostraron que las orientaciones de aculturación mas aceptadas fueron el individualismo, la segregación-separación y la integración. Las orientaciones de ambos grupos, alumnos autóctonos e inmigrantes son coincidentes. Las relaciones inter grupo resultantes de las interacciones de las aculturaciones de ambos grupos serían bastante positivas salvo en los casos de segregación-separación que podrían resultar conflictivas. Los alumnos autóctonos fueron clasificados en tres grupos según su identidad etnolingüística: identidad dual, polarizada española y polarizada vasca. A su vez, los escolares inmigrantes se clasificaron en dos grupos: identidad con el país de origen e identidad dual. Los resultados no confirman la hipótesis de que los sujetos con identidad dual muestran orientaciones de aculturación más positivas que los sujetos con identidad polarizada.; This study analyzes the acculturation orientations of Basque students of secondary, and it compares the orientations by origin and ethno-linguistic identity. The results showed that the orientations of acculturation more accepted were individualism, separation segregation and integration. The orientations of both groups, native and immigrant students are coincident. Intergroup relations resulting from interactions of the acculturation of both groups would be quite positive except in cases of segregation-separation could be conflicting.Native students were classified into three groups according to their ethno-linguistic identity, dual identity, Basque 1dent1ty polanzed,and Spanish polarized identity. In turn, the immigrant students were classified into two groups: identity with the country of origin and dual identity. The results do not support the hypothesis that subjects with dual identity were more positive than subjects with polarized identity acculturation

    Influence of resilience on health-related quality of life in adolescents

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    Objetivo: Analizar la influencia de la resiliencia sobre las distintas dimensiones de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en un grupo de adolescentes escolarizados en la ciudad de Cuenca. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal multicéntrico y polietápico en cinco institutos de educación secundaria durante el curso académico 2015-1016. Instrumentos: cuestionario autoadministrado que incluía variables sociodemográficas y las escalas CD-RISC 10 para evaluar resiliencia y KIDSCREEN-52 para medir la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Resultados: Se recogieron datos de 844 estudiantes, de los cuales el 54% fueron chicas y la edad media de la muestra fue de 16,36 ± 1,05 años. Se observaron valores superiores de resiliencia en chicos. Con respecto a la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud fue menor en chicas (salvo en la dimensión de aceptación social) y en el grupo de mayor edad. La resiliencia se asoció significativamente con todas las dimensiones del KIDSCREEN-52 y resultó ser un predictor relevante especialmente en las dimensiones relacionadas con la salud mental y en todas las que miden relaciones sociales. Conclusión: Nuestro estudio aporta evidencias sobre la sinergia calidad de vida relacionada con la salud – resiliencia en adolescentes. La resiliencia se asocia con niveles más elevados de calidad de vida en adolescentes y al ser menor en chicas, puede ser uno de los factores explicativos de su peor calidad de vida relacionada con la salud./ Objective: Analyze the influence of resilience on the different dimensions of health-related quality of life in a group of adolescents in Cuenca. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter and multistage study was carried out in five secondary schools during the 2015-16 school year. Instruments: A self-administered questionnaire, which included sociodemographic characteristics and the CD-RISC 10 scale to assess resilience together with KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire to measure health-related quality of life. Results: Data were obtained from 844 students, of whom 54% were girls and the mean age was 16.36±1.05 years old. Higher resilience scores were observed in boys. Regarding health-related quality of life, it was lower in girls (except in the dimension of social acceptance) and in the oldest group. Resilience was significantly associated with all KIDSCREEN-52 dimensions and turned to be a relevant predictor specially in the dimensions related with mental health and witn in the ones which measure social relationships. Conclusion: Our study provides evidence for a synergy between health-related quality of life and resilience in adolescents. Resilience is associated with higher levels of quality of life in adolescents and as the scores are lower in girls, it could be one of the explanatory factors of their poorer health-related quality of life
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