494 research outputs found

    Challenging the Evidence Base: The Impact of Teen Pregnancy Prevention Curricula on Disconnected Youth

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    Rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections are substantially higher for youth in foster care, juvenile detention, homeless shelters and substance use rehabilitation facilities. However, these "disconnected youth" face multiple barriers in accessing sexual health information. This study uses data from a multi-site federally funded project to examine the usefulness and effectiveness of teen pregnancy prevention evidence based programs (EBPs) with youth in high risk setting

    Quinta conferencia sobre la mujer y la legislacion castellana : 21 de Marzo de 1869

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Autotaxin: A Regulator of Oligodendrocyte Differentiation

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    In order for oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) to differentiate into fully mature, myelinating oligodendrocytes, they must be specified at the correct times and undergo coordinated changes in both gene expression and morphology. As oligodendrocytes differentiate, they transition from a bipolar morphology into a morphology characterized by a complex network of multiple processes, which will eventually generate membranous structures necessary for myelination of axonal segments. As changes are observed in cellular morphology, oligodendrocytes also undergo changes in their gene expression profile and express genes necessary for both early and later stages of development such as olig1 and myelin basic protein (mbp), respectively. Data from our laboratory demonstrate that autotaxin (ATX), also referred to as phosphodiesterase Iα/autotaxin (PD-Iα/ATX), is involved in all of these processes as a multifunctional protein by regulating lysophospholipid signaling and cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Previously, our laboratory has identified ATX as an oligodendrocyte-secreted factor present in the extracellular environment that via a newly-identified functional domain, named the MORFO domain (modulator of oligodendrocyte remodeling and focal adhesion organization), can regulate adhesion of oligodendrocytes to naturally occurring extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and ultimately the establishment of the oligodendrocyte’s complex process network. In vitro data presented in this dissertation suggest that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), via production from ATX’s well characterized lysophospholipase D (lysoPLD) domain, can induce the expression of myelin basic protein (mbp) and the establishment of membranous structures by differentiating oligodendrocytes, both necessary for the initial stages of myelination. Interested in relating these functions to an in vivo model and due to the early embryonic lethality of atx-null mice, we utilized the zebrafish as an in vivo model. The in vivo data presented in this dissertation demonstrate that atx expression in the zebrafish is evolutionarily conserved within vertebrates. Interestingly, in both mouse and the zebrafish, atx was found expressed by cells of the cephalic floor plate in addition to differentiating oligodendrocytes. Functionally the in vivo data presented in this dissertation confirmed ATX’s role in stimulating mbp expression during later stages of oligodendrocyte development. In addition, a novel function for ATX was revealed by the studies undertaken as part of this dissertation that has never been described before. More specifically, based on the timing of atx expression and the phenotype seen upon atx knock-down, the data presented here suggest that ATX, released by the cephalic floor plate, regulates early oligodendrocyte development and/or specification. Taken together, these data identify ATX as a major regulator for early as well as late developmental stages of the oligodendrocyte lineage

    Organisation of eco camping site and innovative services of camping tourisam

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    Kampiranje je aktivnost na otvorenom koja uključuje noćenja u šatoru, kamp prikolici, kamperu ili mobilnoj kućici. Danas je kampiranje vrlo popularan oblik smještaja, jer je spoj prirode i luksuza. Razvoj kampova doveo je do ponude velikog broja raznih mobilnih kućica i šatora. Kako bi ostali konkurentni, kampovi pokušavaju pružiti višu razinu kvalitete usluge. Kampiranje nije samo provođenje vremena u prirodi, već i način života. Budućnost kampova je u inovativnim rješenjima i ekološkom odgovornom upravljanju, pa ovaj rad pokušava ukazati na važnost ekološke svijesti. Analizom o ponašanju gostiju u kampu "Brioni Sunny Camping" potvrđeno je da su gosti informirani o zagađenju okoliša i važnosti recikliranja kao i racionalne uporabe vode i struje.Camping is an outdoor activity that includes overnight stays in a tent, caravan, motorhome or a mobile home. Today camping is very popular form of accommodation because it is a combination of nature and luxury. The development of the camping sites has led to the offering a wide variety of mobile homes and tents. To stay competative, campsites are trying to provide a higher quality of service. Camping is not just about spending time in nature, it is also a way of life. The future of the campsites is in innovative solutions and ecological responsible management, so this paper tries to highlight the importance of ecological awareness. Through the analysis of guest behavior at "Brioni Sunny Camping", it is comfirmed the guests are informed about the enviormental pollution and the importance of recycling and using rationally the water and electricity


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    Desain Kuda-kuda bentang panjang dengan menggunakan material Baja Ringan ini dibuat menjadi salah satu solusi dalam perencanaan struktur kuda-kuda. Dimana dengan material Baja Ringan ini dapat diperoleh masa struktur tersebut yang lebih ringan, sehingga mengurangi beban sendirinya. Apalagi dengan diiringi dengan perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat, banyak bangunan yang dibangun dengan dimensi yang cukup panjang dan lebar, sehingga dibutuhkan konstruksi kuda-kuda yang panjang untuk menutup bangunan tersebut. Selain itu, desain ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk profil dan konfigurasi yang sesuai dengan kekuatan yang akan diuji berdasarkan nilai aksial tarik dan tekan yang dihasilkan dari analisis SAP 2000 yang dibandiingkan dengan kapasitas dari aksial tekan dan tariknya. Konfigurasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah Vaulted Paralel Cord. Dengan bentang yang direncanakan yaitu 30m, 40 m, 50 m dan 60 m. Dan hasil penelitian ini juga mendapatkan bentuk profil Channel pada bagian web vertikal dan horizontal dan Channel Ganda (Box) pada bagian elemen bawah (Bottom Chord) dan elemen atas (Top Chord). Untuk bentang 60 m, konfigurasi ditambahkan bracing sebagai pengaku dan bertujuan untuk mengurangi gaya dalam yang dihasilkan. Dari penelitian ini, didapatkan rasio dari perbandingan aksial tarik dan tekan dan kapasitas tarik dan tekan memenuhi syarat di setiap bentangnya. Selain kekuatan, hal yang diperhatikan ialah kekakuan. Dengan bentang yang sangat panjang akan menimbulkan deformasi yang cukup besar pula. Sehingga, lendutan tersebut harus memenuhi batas ijin lendutan maksimum. Dan hasil yang didapatkan pun memenuhi untuk setiap bentangnya. Penelitian ini juga menetukan bentuk sambungan pada konfigurasi dan sambungan antara elemen dengan tumpuan (kolom). Untuk sambungan antara elemen di konfigurasi menggunakan sambungan sekrup dengan kapasitas 1 bautnya 3.97 KN. Untuk sambungan antara elemen antara elemen dengan tumpuan (kolom) menggunakan sambungan baut dengan jumlah 2 baut untuk bentang 30 m dan 40 m serta 3 baut untuk bentang 40 m dan 50 m. Kata kunci: Kuda-kuda bentang panjang, Baja Ringan, Kekuatan aksial tarik, Kekuatan aksial tekan, kekakuan, sambungan sekrup, sambungan baut

    Organisation of eco camping site and innovative services of camping tourisam

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    Kampiranje je aktivnost na otvorenom koja uključuje noćenja u šatoru, kamp prikolici, kamperu ili mobilnoj kućici. Danas je kampiranje vrlo popularan oblik smještaja, jer je spoj prirode i luksuza. Razvoj kampova doveo je do ponude velikog broja raznih mobilnih kućica i šatora. Kako bi ostali konkurentni, kampovi pokušavaju pružiti višu razinu kvalitete usluge. Kampiranje nije samo provođenje vremena u prirodi, već i način života. Budućnost kampova je u inovativnim rješenjima i ekološkom odgovornom upravljanju, pa ovaj rad pokušava ukazati na važnost ekološke svijesti. Analizom o ponašanju gostiju u kampu "Brioni Sunny Camping" potvrđeno je da su gosti informirani o zagađenju okoliša i važnosti recikliranja kao i racionalne uporabe vode i struje.Camping is an outdoor activity that includes overnight stays in a tent, caravan, motorhome or a mobile home. Today camping is very popular form of accommodation because it is a combination of nature and luxury. The development of the camping sites has led to the offering a wide variety of mobile homes and tents. To stay competative, campsites are trying to provide a higher quality of service. Camping is not just about spending time in nature, it is also a way of life. The future of the campsites is in innovative solutions and ecological responsible management, so this paper tries to highlight the importance of ecological awareness. Through the analysis of guest behavior at "Brioni Sunny Camping", it is comfirmed the guests are informed about the enviormental pollution and the importance of recycling and using rationally the water and electricity


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    ABSTRAKCovid-19 merupakan virus yang menyerang sistem pernapasan dengan gejala demam, batuk, pilek, sakit tenggorokan, sesak napas, letih, dan lesu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kepatuhan mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan Masker dalam pencegahan Penularan Covid-19. Penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif yaitu untuk membuat gambaran, meringkaskan berbagai kondisi, berbagai situasi, atau berbagai fenomena yang ada di masyarakat lalu mengungkapkan makna secara mendalam mengenai fenomena yang terjadi tersebut. Hasil penelitian dari wawancara informan didapatkan bahwa penggunaan masker sangat penting terlebih di tempat umum dan pelayanan seperti kampus. Menggunakan masker tidak hanya digunakan dengan menempatkan di area muka tetapi harus mengetahui juga pemakaian masker dengan baik dan benar serta pemilihan masker yang baik seperti masker medis. Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Kepatuhan, Masker ABSTRACTCovid-19 is a virus that attacks the respiratory system with symptoms of fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue and lethargy. The purpose of this study was to determine student compliance with the use of masks in the prevention of Covid-19 transmission. This research uses qualitative descriptive, namely to create a picture, summarize various conditions, various situations, or various phenomena that exist in society and then reveal the meaning in depth about the phenomenon that occurs. The results of the research from informant interviews found that the use of masks is very important, especially in public places and services such as campuses. Using a mask is not only used by placing it on the face area but you must also know how to use a mask properly and choose a good mask such as a medical mask. Keywords: Covid-19, Compliance, Mask


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    Kemampuan motorik halus menjadi salah satu aspek penting dalam perkembangan anak. Keterlambatan pada kemampuan motorik halus dapat menyebabkan anak kesulitan dalam mengeksplorasi lingkungan, hambatan dalam belajar, malas menulis, kurangnya minat belajar dan kreativitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh intervensi finger painting terhadap peningkatan motorik halus anak prasekolah di PAUD Aisiyah VI Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Quasi Eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian One group pretest and posttest design, sampel sebanyak 26 anak diambil menggunakan purposive sampling. Intervensi diberikan selama 2 minggu sebanyak 6 kali pertemuan dengan waktu 45 menit setiap pertemuan. Data perkembangan motorik halus anak dikumpulkan menggunakan format skrining DDST II, dianalisis menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Hasil Penelitian, sebelum intervensi bermain finger painting, kategori perkembangan motorik halus anak sebagian besar pada kategori suspect sebanyak 12 (46,2%) anak, dan normal sebanyak 9 (34,6%) anak. Setelah diberikan intervensi diketahui sebagian besar kategori perkembangan motoric halus anak adalah normal sebanyak 23 (88,5%). Hasil uji Wilcoxon didapatkan p value 0,000. Simpulan, ada pengaruh yang signifikan secara statistic intervensi finger painting terhadap peningkatan perkembangan motorik halus anak. Guru dan orangtua hendaknya lebih meningkatkan stimulus motorik halus anak usia dengan memfasilitasi anak untuk lebih sering bermain melipat kertas, menggunting, menggambar, menulis dan mewarnai

    Preservice teachers’ perception of longitudinal child development field coursework at a university-affiliated teaching school

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    Abstract: Background: Most field coursework in teacher education (TE) programmes do not incorporate extended in situ interaction with individual children in a classroom. Furthermore, child development theory (from coursework) is not taught in tandem with students’ extended periods of practicum placement in schools. Aim: This study sought to determine preservice teachers’ perception of their longitudinal study of children’s development and learning in a clinical setting at a university-affiliated teaching school. Setting: This study focusses on two undergraduate primary school TE programmes at an urban university in Johannesburg, South Africa. These programmes incorporate six semester courses on child development with extended clinical field experience at a teaching school on campus. Each student teacher follows a particular child’s development and learning over four years of their undergraduate coursework. Methods: This was a qualitative descriptive study with some cross-sectional data. Data were collected from 120 undergraduate students, by using anonymous questionnaires and four focus group interviews. Results: Students reported that they had gained in-depth learning of child development during their longitudinal pairing with an individual child and that assigned observation activities had taught them to recognise, and support, nuanced differences in a child’s learning. Conclusion: Students regard their longitudinal interaction and learning in the clinical setting positively. Future research should focus on the long-term value of the clinical model with insights from students who have graduated from the programme and are in the teaching profession