1,393 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Mengonstruksi Teks Laporan Hasil Observasi Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2016/2017

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan mengonstruksi teks laporan hasil observasi oleh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Medan tahun pembelajaran 2016/2017. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Medan tahun pembelajaran 2016/2017 yang terdiri dari 8 kelas dan berjumlah 309 orang. Sampel penelitian ini diambil dengan cara random sampling. Sampel penelitian diambil 20% dari populasi sehingga sampel penelitian ini adalah 62 orang siswa.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu mendeskripsikan suatu keadaan alamiah mengenai kegiatan mengonstruksi teks laporan hasil observasi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Medan. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data adalah tes essay. Data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam mengonstruksi teks laporan hasil observasi memiliki nilai rata-rata (mean) 78,87 dan berada pada kategori baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari rentang nilai 86-100 dengan kategori sangat baik diperoleh sebanyak 15 orang (24,19%), rentang nilai 76-85 dengan kategori baik diperoleh sebanyak 24 orang (38.71%), rentang nilai 56-75 dengan kategori cukup diperoleh sebanyak 20 orang (32,25%), rentang nilai 10-55 dengan kategori kurang diperoleh sebanyak 3 orang (4,83%). Berdasarkan analisis data diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan mengonstruksi teks laporan hasil observasi pada siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2016/2017 termasuk dalam kategori baik

    A Dynamical Study of the Non-Star Forming Translucent Molecular Cloud MBM16: Evidence for Shear Driven Turbulence in the Interstellar Medium

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    We present the results of a velocity correlation study of the high latitude cloud MBM16 using a fully sampled 12^{12}CO map, supplemented by new 13^{13}CO data. We find a correlation length of 0.4 pc. This is similar in size to the formaldehyde clumps described in our previous study. We associate this correlated motion with coherent structures within the turbulent flow. Such structures are generated by free shear flows. Their presence in this non-star forming cloud indicates that kinetic energy is being supplied to the internal turbulence by an external shear flow. Such large scale driving over long times is a possible solution to the dissipation problem for molecular cloud turbulence.Comment: Uses AAS aasms4.sty macros. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Investment suitability and path dependency perpetuate inequity in international mitigation finance toward developing countries

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    Developed country pledges to provide finance to developing countries for their mitigation actions sit at the heart of international climate cooperation. Currently, climate finance largely flows to big and fast-growing developing countries while low-income and vulnerable countries are underserved. Here, using wind and solar project data, we highlight inequities in the distribution of international investments in mitigation across developing countries and explore the factors that influence public and private investment flows. Results show that public actors are influenced by domestic climate policies since the Paris Agreement, while private finance flows are shaped by investment suitability conditions, which restricts access to both types of finance in the poorest countries. Further, public and private flows are strongly shaped by path dependency, generating an “investment lock-in” that perpetuates distributional inequities. Future international commitments to direct climate finance should address distributional issues to meet countries’ needs and the goals of the Paris Agreement

    Last tesserae of a fading mosaic: floristic census and forest vegetation survey at Parche di Bilello (south-western Sicily, Italy), a site needing urgent protection measures.

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    This paper illustrates the botanic heritage of Parche di Bilello, a site located in the municipality of Castelvetrano. The study area hosts several woodland fragments dominated by Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Quercus suber and Quercus ilex, respectively. According to historical data, these nuclei represent the last remnants of an open forestland which covered a much wider coastal area between Mazara del Vallo and Sciacca until the end of Middle Age. Phytosociological relevés were focused on these forest nuclei, probably the most representative of south-western Sicily, which correspond to three habitats included in the 92/43 EEC Directive (9320, 9330 and 9340, respectively) and represent the final stage of three different edaphic series. Wild olive forests probably dominated on sandy calcareous soils, holm oaks prevailed on steep calcareous and N-exposed slopes. In contrast, cork oaks mostly occurred on sandy subacid soils issuing from pedogenetic processes on palaeodunes. Moreover, field surveys allowed to list 331 vascular plant taxa. Among them, Linaria multicaulis subsp. humilis, Orobanche balsensis and Serapias orientalis subsp. siciliensis are new to Trapani Province. Detailed information on the current distribution and the synecology of several plant taxa of high biogeographic and conservation interest is also provided. The study site also hosts one habitat of priority interest (6220, i.e. xerophilous Mediterranean perennial grasslands and annual swards) and two species protected by international laws, i.e. the orchid Ophrys lunulata and the lichen Teloschistes chrysophthalmus. Considering the high value of its natural heritage, this territory deserves the adoption of more effective protection measures. For this reason the authors recommend its inclusion as a new Site of Community Interest within the Sicilian Natura 2000 network

    Respon GA3 Terhadap Induksi Tunas Mikro Tanaman Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis (Muell). Arg)

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    The aim of the research was to know effect of GA3 to rubber plant in micro shoot formation. The research was conducted at the rubber plant microcutting labortory PT Perkebunan Nusantara III Kebun Gunung Pamela, Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatera, Indonesia from April 2015 to Juli 2015. The Completely randomize design was used with two factors,i.e.:the addition of GA3 (GA3 0 mg/l; GA3 0.5 mg/l; GA3 1 mg/l; GA3 1.5 mg/l) and the immersion of nodes (GA3 0 mg/l; GA3 5 mg/l; GA3 10 mg/l; GA3 15 mg/l) with seven replications. The result showed that addition of 0.5 mg/l GA3 of significantly affected the percent of shoot emergence but no significantly different age of shoot emergence and immersion of nodes of 0 mg/l significantly affected the percent of shoot emergence but no significantly different age of shoot emergence and the interraction that addition of 0.5 mg/l GA3 and immersion of nodes significant affected the percent of shoot emergence on age of shoot emergence but no significantly different.Keywords : rubber, micro shoot, addition of GA3, immersion of nodesThe aim of the research was to know effect of GA3 to rubber plant in micro shoot formation. The research was conducted at the rubber plant microcutting labortory PT Perkebunan Nusantara III Kebun Gunung Pamela, Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatera, Indonesia from April 2015 to Juli 2015. The Completely randomize design was used with two factors,i.e.:the addition of GA3 (GA3 0 mg/l; GA3 0.5 mg/l; GA3 1 mg/l; GA3 1.5 mg/l) and the immersion of nodes (GA3 0 mg/l; GA3 5 mg/l; GA3 10 mg/l; GA3 15 mg/l) with seven replications. The result showed that addition of 0.5 mg/l GA3 of significantly affected the percent of shoot emergence but no significantly different age of shoot emergence and immersion of nodes of 0 mg/l significantly affected the percent of shoot emergence but no significantly different age of shoot emergence and the interraction that addition of 0.5 mg/l GA3 and immersion of nodes significant affected the percent of shoot emergence on age of shoot emergence but no significantly different

    The Sound Emission Board of the KM3NeT Acoustic Positioning System

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    We describe the sound emission board proposed for installation in the acoustic positioning system of the future KM3NeT underwater neutrino telescope. The KM3NeT European consortium aims to build a multi-cubic kilometre underwater neutrino telescope in the deep Mediterranean Sea. In this kind of telescope the mechanical structures holding the optical sensors, which detect the Cherenkov radiation produced by muons emanating from neutrino interactions, are not completely rigid and can move up to dozens of meters in undersea currents. Knowledge of the position of the optical sensors to an accuracy of about 10 cm is needed for adequate muon track reconstruction. A positioning system based on the acoustic triangulation of sound transit time differences between fixed seabed emitters and receiving hydrophones attached to the kilometre-scale vertical flexible structures carrying the optical sensors is being developed. In this paper, we describe the sound emission board developed in the framework of KM3NeT project, which is totally adapted to the chosen FFR SX30 ultrasonic transducer and fulfils the requirements imposed by the collaboration in terms of cost, high reliability, low power consumption, high acoustic emission power for short signals, low intrinsic noise and capacity to use arbitrary signals in emission mode.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence for a Weak Galactic Center Magnetic Field from Diffuse Low Frequency Nonthermal Radio Emission

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    New low-frequency 74 and 330 MHz observations of the Galactic center (GC) region reveal the presence of a large-scale (6\arcdeg\times 2\arcdeg) diffuse source of nonthermal synchrotron emission. A minimum energy analysis of this emission yields a total energy of (ϕ4/7f3/7)×1052\sim (\phi^{4/7}f^{3/7})\times 10^{52} ergs and a magnetic field strength of 6(ϕ/f)2/7\sim 6(\phi/f)^{2/7} \muG (where ϕ\phi is the proton to electron energy ratio and ff is the filling factor of the synchrotron emitting gas). The equipartition particle energy density is 1.2(ϕ/f)2/71.2(\phi/f)^{2/7} \evcm, a value consistent with cosmic-ray data. However, the derived magnetic field is several orders of magnitude below the 1 mG field commonly invoked for the GC. With this field the source can be maintained with the SN rate inferred from the GC star formation. Furthermore, a strong magnetic field implies an abnormally low GC cosmic-ray energy density. We conclude that the mean magnetic field in the GC region must be weak, of order 10 \muG (at least on size scales \ga 125\arcsec).Comment: 12 pages, 1 JPEG figure, uses aastex.sty; Accepted for publication, ApJL (2005, published