15 research outputs found

    A influência da dupla tarefa no controle postural de adultos jovens

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of dual-tasking on postural balance in young adults. Participants were 20 college students (10 men and 10 women) with a mean age of 25 years. Postural balance was evaluated by the Sensory Organization Test (SOT), using the Smart Equitest(tm) NeuroCom(r) International, which evaluates the individual's ability to use the different systems of postural control (somatosensory, vestibular and visual) to keep in balance in the 6 conditions of sensory conflict presented by the system. The subjects were evaluated while single-tasking (maintaining balance) and dual-tasking (maintaining balance in conjunction with cognitive mental calculation task) in randomized order. Balance was measured by using the balance score, comparing the angular differences between the maximum anterior and posterior displacements. The Wilcoxon test with significance level of p(0.05 was used to compare the mean scores of balance between the situation with and without dual task. The balance scores in SOT conditions were analyzed and demonstrated statistically significant differences in condition 1 (eyes open, fixed platform and visual surroundings; p=0.018) and condition 6 (eyes open, platform swings and fixed visual surroundings; p=0.008), with reduced balance when dual-tasking in both conditions. The results showed that while performing dual tasks, consisted of four arithmetic operations, the posture control is negatively affected, resulting in a greater oscillation of the subjects. Thus, the complexity of the secondary task may have been the main reason for the lower balance scores found.Este artículo tuvo por objetivo verificar la influencia de doble tarea en el equilibrio postural de adultos jóvenes. Se han hecho parte del estudio 20 universitarios (10 hombres y 10 mujeres) con promedio de edad de 25 años. El equilibrio postural se evaluó por el Sensory Organization Test (SOT), con uso del Smart Equitest(tm) de la NeuroCom(r) International, el que evalúa la habilidad del sujeto en el uso de los distintos sistemas de control postural (somatosensorial, vestibular y visual) con el fin de mantenerse en equilibrio en las 6 condiciones de conflicto sensorial presentadas por el sistema. Se han evaluados los sujetos en una sola tarea (manutención del equilibrio) y de doble tarea (manutención del equilibrio en relación con la tarea cognitiva de cálculo mental), del modo aleatorizado. Se midió el equilibrio a través de la puntuación de equilibrio, al comparar diferencias angulares entre el desplazamiento anterior y posterior máximos. Se ha hecho la prueba de Wilcoxon con el nivel de significancia p(0,05 para comparar las medias de las puntuaciones de equilibrio entre la situación sin o con doble tarea. Las puntuaciones de equilibrio en las condiciones del SOT han mostrado diferencias estadísticas significativas en la Condición 1 (ojos abiertos, plataforma y entorno visual fijos; p=0,018) y en la Condición 6 (ojos abiertos, plataforma que oscila y entorno visual fijo; p=0,008), con la reducción de equilibrio con doble tarea en ambas las condiciones. Los resultados mostraron que durante la doble tarea, que consiste en las cuatro operaciones aritméticas, el control se influyó negativamente con mayor oscilación de los sujetos. De esa manera, la complejidad de la tarea secundaria puede ser la principal razón para las menores puntuaciones de equilibrio encontradas.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência da dupla tarefa no equilíbrio postural de adultos jovens. Fizeram parte do estudo 20 universitários (10 homens e 10 mulheres) com idade média de 25 anos. O equilíbrio postural foi avaliado pelo Sensory Organization Test (SOT), utilizando o Smart Equitest(tm) da NeuroCom(r) International, que avalia a habilidade do indivíduo para usar os diferentes sistemas do controle postural (somatossensorial, vestibular e visual) para se manter em equilíbrio nas 6 condições de conflito sensorial apresentadas pelo sistema. Os sujeitos foram avaliados em tarefa única (manutenção do equilíbrio) e dupla tarefa (manutenção do equilíbrio em conjunto com tarefa cognitiva de cálculo mental), de modo randomizado. O equilíbrio foi mensurado através do escore de equilíbrio, comparando diferenças angulares entre os deslocamentos anterior e posterior máximos. Foi utilizado o teste de Wilcoxon com nível de significância p(0,05 para comparar as médias dos escores de equilíbrio entre a situação sem e com dupla tarefa. Os escores de equilíbrio nas condições do SOT evidenciaram diferença estatisticamente significativa na condição 1 (olhos abertos, plataforma e entorno visual fixos; p=0,018) e na condição 6 (olhos abertos, plataforma oscila e entorno visual fixo; p=0,008), com redução do equilíbrio com a dupla tarefa em ambas. Os resultados mostraram que durante a dupla tarefa, composta pelas quatro operações aritméticas, o controle postural é influenciado negativamente com maior oscilação dos sujeitos. Assim, a complexidade da tarefa secundária pode ter sido o principal motivo para os menores escores de equilíbrio encontrados

    Análise das variáveis espaços temporais e angulares da marcha em indivíduos cegos

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    Analisar e descrever as variáveis espaços temporais e angulares da marcha de indivíduos cegos totais. Método: Estudo foi composto por 19 indivíduos com idade média de 28±6 anos, sendo estes divididos em dois grupos, o primeiro composto por oito indivíduos cegos totais (GCT), e o segundo grupo por 11 indivíduos com visão normal (GVN). As variáveis foram coletadas pelo sistema Peak Motus e analisadas no software Ariel Performance Analysis System. Os indivíduos caminharam em um trajeto com sete metros de extensão, livre de obstáculos, em velocidade auto selecionada, até que seis passadas fossem consideradas válidas. Para o tratamento estatístico dos dados utilizou-se o Teste t de student, com nível de significância de p≤0,05. Resultados: Os sujeitos do GCT apresentaram redução significativa da velocidade da marcha, cadência, comprimento da passada, fase de balanço e do ângulo máximo de flexão do joelho, bem como aumento da fase de apoio e do período de duplo apoio, quando comparados com os sujeitos no GVN. Não foi encontrada diferença significativa para ângulo máximo de extensão do quadril entre os grupos pesquisados. Conclusão: Os achados deste estudo mostraram que a ausência da informação visual induz nos sujeitos cegos uma marcha mais lenta, com redução do comprimento da passada, ângulo de flexão do joelho e fase de balanço, e, aumento da fase de apoio e do período de duplo apoio, quando comparados a sujeitos de visão normal.Analyze and describe the spatial-temporal and angular variables of gait of total blind individuals. Method: The present study included 19 individuals with a mean age of 28±6 years, who were divided into two groups, the first composed of eight blinded individuals, and the second group of 11 individuals with normal vision. The variables were collected by the Peak Motus system and were analyzed with the Ariel Performance Analysis System Software. The subjects walked at a self-selected speed on a seven-meter long, obstacle-free route, until reaching six valid strides. For statistical analysis, the Student t test was applied, with significance level of p≤0.05. Results: The blind individuals showed a significant reduction of gait velocity, cadence, stride length, swing phase and maximum angle of knee flexion, as well as increased support phase and double-support period, compared to the subjects with normal vision. No significant difference was found for maximum hip extension angle between the groups. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the absence of visual information associated with postural and balance changes induce the blind subjects to have slower gait, with reduced stride length, angle of knee flexion and swing phase, and increased support phase and period of double-support, when compared to subjects with normal vision

    Analysis of the plantar pressure distribution in functional activities throughout the menstrual cycle for women that are take oral contraceptive and women that don t

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    Introduction: The interest studying feminine hormonal factors as predisposing of biomechanics alterations has emerged from the identification of estrogen and progesterone receptors in the anterior cruciate ligaments in humans. Related topics provide greater insight into the hormonal influence on assessment, rehabilitation and prevention of disorders. Objective: Analyse the kinetic variables of the pressure plantar distribution, contact area and pressure peaks during the functional activities both in asymptomatic women, users or non-users of oral contraceptive. Method: 30 volunteers, aged 18 and 30 years, were divided into two groups: NOCG (non oral contraceptive group) and OCG (oral contraceptive group). Two evaluations have been made, one during follicular phase in the 1st or 2nd day and the other during luteal phase in the 14th or 15th day of the menstrual cycle. Kinetic reviews were realised by the Emed-AT® (Novel GmbH) system, using the prc mask (divided into 10 plantar areas) during the realisation of three functional activities: walking, walking upstairs and walking downstairs. For the data analysis, the new factorial of repeated measures with the Bonferroni corrections has been used. Results: There was a significant difference in peak pressure between the follicular and luteal GNCO during the walking downstairs. No differences were observed in other activities, both between the phases and between the groups. Conclusions: Under the experimental conditions used, the findings showed increased peak pressure during the walking downstairs in the follicular phase in GNCO in the regions of medial foot retro, retro side and forefoot lateral foot. The association phases of the menstrual cycle, oral contraceptives and functional activities over the plantar pressure analysis must be further explored.Introdução: O interesse em estudar fatores hormonais femininos como predisponentes de alterações biomecânicas surgiu a partir da identificação de receptores de estrogênio e progesterona no ligamento cruzado anterior em humanos. Informações relacionadas fornecerão maior esclarecimento sobre a influência hormonal na avaliação, reabilitação e prevenção de disfunções. Objetivos: Analisar as variáveis cinéticas de distribuição de pressão plantar, área de contato e pico de pressão, durante a realização de atividades funcionais, em mulheres assintomáticas, usuárias e não usurárias de contraceptivo oral. Método: 30 voluntárias, com idades entre 18 e 30 anos, foram divididas em dois grupos: GNCO (não usuárias de contraceptivo oral) e GCO (usuárias de contraceptivo oral). Foram realizadas duas avaliações, uma na fase folicular no 1º ou 2º dia e outra na fase lútea no 14º ou 15° dia do mesmo ciclo menstrual. As avaliações cinéticas foram realizadas por meio do sistema Emed-AT® (Novel GmbH), máscara prc (divisão em 10 regiões plantares), durante a realização do caminhar, subir e descer degraus. Foi utilizado anova fatorial de medidas repetidas com correção de Bonferroni para análise dos dados. Resultados: Houve diferença significativa no pico de pressão entre a fase folicular e lútea no GNCO durante a descida de degraus. Não foram observadas diferenças nas outras atividades realizadas, tanto entre as fases quanto entre os grupos. Conclusão: Nas condições experimentais utilizadas, os achados mostraram maior pico de pressão durante a descida de degraus na fase folicular no GNCO, nas regiões de retro pé medial, retro pé lateral e antepé lateral. A associação de fases do ciclo menstrual, contraceptivos orais e atividades funcionais através da análise de pressão plantar devem ser ainda explorados.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Peripheral muscle oxygenation, pain, and disability indices in individuals with and without nonspecific neck pain, before and after myofascial reorganization®: A double-blind randomized controlled trial.

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    To investigate whether myofascial reorganization® in the trapezius muscle (MRT) improves peripheral muscle oxygenation and pain tolerance and decreases neck disability index (NDI) scores in individuals with and without nonspecific neck pain (NP) using a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Seventy-five subjects were equally and randomly assigned to three groups: the intervention groups (experimental [EG] and sham sSG]) and the control group (CG). Several inclusion criteria were applied to the intervention groups: male or female, aged 18-32 years, self-reported NP in the last 3 months without a defined cause; at least "soft" pain in session 1 of the NDI, and at least a score of 1 on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The CG was required to have NDI and VAS scores of 0 at recruitment. Intervention: The EG underwent MRT for 10 min, once a week for 6 weeks. Patients with NP in the SG underwent classical massage for the same duration and frequency. Patients in the CG had no pain and underwent no intervention. Data collection was performed using the NDI Questionnaire, a pressure algometer for pain evaluation, and near-infrared spectroscopy for muscle oxygenation measurements. It was registered as NCT03882515 at ClinicalTrials.gov. The NDI score in both the EG (p<0.001) and SG (p<0.001) decreased after 6 weeks of intervention compared to the CG. The CG demonstrated a lower basal tissue saturation (TSI) index than the EG (p<0.001) and SG (p = 0.02). The EG demonstrated higher oxyhemoglobin values than the SG (p<0.001) and CG (p = 0.03). The CG had higher pain tolerance than the EG (p = 0.01) and SG (p<0.001) post-intervention. MRT increased trapezius muscle oxygenation after 6 weeks of intervention

    Potential Nociceptive Role of the Thoracolumbar Fascia: A Scope Review Involving In Vivo and Ex Vivo Studies

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    Nociceptive innervation of the thoracolumbar fascia (TLF) has been investigated over the past few decades; however, these studies have not been compiled or collectively appraised. The purpose of this scoping review was to assess current knowledge regarding nociceptive innervation of the TLF to better inform future mechanistic and clinical TLF research targeting lower back pain (LBP) treatment. PubMed, ScienceDirect, Cochrane, and Embase databases were searched in January 2021 using relevant descriptors encompassing fascia and pain. Eligible studies satisfied the following: (a) published in English; (b) preclinical and clinical (in vivo and ex vivo) studies; (c) original data; (d) included quantification of at least one TLF nociceptive component. Two-phase screening procedures were conducted by a pair of independent reviewers, after which data were extracted and summarized from eligible studies. The search resulted in 257 articles of which 10 met the inclusion criteria. Studies showed histological evidence of nociceptive nerve fibers terminating in lower back fascia, suggesting a TLF contribution to LBP. Noxious chemical injection or electrical stimulation into fascia resulted in longer pain duration and higher pain intensities than injections into subcutaneous tissue or muscle. Pre-clinical and clinical research provides histological and functional evidence of nociceptive innervation of TLF. Additional knowledge of fascial neurological components could impact LBP treatment

    Data collection procedure scheme.

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    Abbreviations: EG, experimental group; SG, sham group; CG, control group; MRT, myofascial reorganization® trapezius muscle; CM, classical massage; NIRS, near-infrared spectroscopy; NDI, neck disability index.</p

    A schematic of the protocols performed: (A) MRT and (B) CM techniques (SINHORIM, et al., 2019).

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    (A) (1): Participants began in a side position. Pressure was applied with a closed fist and movement in shear in the medium fibers of the TM. (2–9): Participants were moved to a prone position. (2–3) Sliding along the TM to the base of the skull, (4) Sliding of the T12 level around the lateral edge of the scapula to the axilla, (5) Sliding forming a canoe from one acronym to another, passing above and below the level of T1, (6) Compression in the caudal direction from the upper to the lower TM in the thenar region, (7) Sliding of the proximal and distal insertion of TM medial fibers, (8) Sliding bypassing the T1 spinous process, and (9) Sliding transversely at the upper insertion of the upper TM fibers. (10) Participants were moved to the supine position and tweezer traction of the TM fibers was performed. (11) Participants were seated with their hands in a fist, and continuous clamping and shear on the TM was performed. (B) (1) Participants were placed in a prone position. Continuous superficial displacement at the lateral edges of the TM followed the directional movement of the lower, medium, and upper fibers. (2) Caudal–cranial return of the technique. Abbreviations: MRT, myofascial reorganization® trapezius; CM, classical massage; TM, trapezius muscle.</p

    d-value in comparisons between groups.

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    To investigate whether myofascial reorganization® in the trapezius muscle (MRT) improves peripheral muscle oxygenation and pain tolerance and decreases neck disability index (NDI) scores in individuals with and without nonspecific neck pain (NP) using a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Seventy-five subjects were equally and randomly assigned to three groups: the intervention groups (experimental [EG] and sham sSG]) and the control group (CG). Several inclusion criteria were applied to the intervention groups: male or female, aged 18–32 years, self-reported NP in the last 3 months without a defined cause; at least “soft” pain in session 1 of the NDI, and at least a score of 1 on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The CG was required to have NDI and VAS scores of 0 at recruitment. Intervention: The EG underwent MRT for 10 min, once a week for 6 weeks. Patients with NP in the SG underwent classical massage for the same duration and frequency. Patients in the CG had no pain and underwent no intervention. Data collection was performed using the NDI Questionnaire, a pressure algometer for pain evaluation, and near-infrared spectroscopy for muscle oxygenation measurements. It was registered as NCT03882515 at ClinicalTrials.gov. The NDI score in both the EG (p</div