3 research outputs found

    Photoperiodic Effects on Diurnal Rhythms in Cell Numbers of Peripheral Leukocytes in Domestic Pigs

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    The photoperiod is known to modulate immune cell number and function and is regarded essential for seasonal disease susceptibility. In addition, diurnal variations in the immune system are regarded important for immune competence. Whereas few studies investigated the influence of season, none investigated the specific effect of the photoperiod on these diurnal immune rhythms until now. Therefore, the present study compared diurnal rhythms in cell numbers of peripheral leukocyte types in domestic pigs held either under long day conditions (LD) or short day conditions (SD). Cosinor analyses of cell numbers of various peripheral leukocyte subtypes investigated over periods of 50 h revealed distinct photoperiodic differences in diurnal immune rhythms. Relative amplitudes of cell numbers of total leukocytes, NK cells, T cells, and monocytes in blood were higher under SD than LD. In addition, cell counts of total leukocytes, NK cells, T cells including various T cell subtypes, and eosinophils peaked earlier relative to the time of lights-on under SD than LD. In contrast, diurnal rhythms of neutrophil counts did not show photoperiodic differences. Mesor values did not differ in any leukocyte type. Generalized linear mixed model analyses revealed associations of leukocyte counts with plasma cortisol concentration and activity behavior in most investigated cell types. Moreover, the present study demonstrated photoperiodic effects on diurnal rhythms in plasma cortisol concentrations and activity behavior, which is in agreement with human and primate studies. The results of the present study imply stronger rhythmicity in leukocyte counts in general under SD. Common intrinsic mechanisms seem to regulate photoperiodic effects on diurnal rhythms in leukocyte counts, except for neutrophils, in domestic pigs. Our results reveal considerable insights into the regulation of immune rhythms in diurnally active species

    Data characterizing diurnal rhythms in the number of peripheral CD8α− and CD8α+ γδ T cells in domestic pigs

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    This data article is related to the original research article “Diurnal rhythms in peripheral blood immune cell numbers of domestic pigs” of Engert et al. [1] and describes diurnal rhythms in the number of CD8α− and CD8α+ γδ T cells in peripheral blood of domestic pigs. Blood samples were taken from 18 animals over periods of up to 50 h and immune cell subtypes were determined by flow cytometry. Diurnal rhythmicity of cell numbers of γδ T cell subtypes was analyzed with cosinor analysis and different properties of rhythmicity (mesor, amplitude, and peak time) were calculated. In addition, associations between cell numbers of the investigated cell types in porcine blood with plasma cortisol concentration, hematocrit, and experimental conditions were identified with linear mixed model analysis. Keywords: Diurnal rhythm, Immune system, Gamma-delta T cell, CD8 alpha, Sus scrofa domestic