27 research outputs found

    Community narratives about women and HIV risk in 21 high-burden communities in Zambia and South Africa.

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    Public health researchers repeatedly represent women as a group vulnerable to ill health. This has been particularly true in the field of HIV research, where women are disproportionately affected by HIV in terms of disease burden and the social effects of the epidemic. Although women have been the focus of many prevention and treatment programs, structural barriers to implementation of these targeted programs persist. In this article we explore how high HIV-burden communities in South Africa and Zambia engage with the concepts of "woman" and "HIV risk". The data are drawn from participatory storytelling activities completed with 604 participants across 78 group discussions between December 2012 and May 2013. During discussions we found that participants made use of the core archetypal caricatures of "goodness," "badness," and "vulnerability" when describing women's HIV risk. Community members shifted between these categories in their characterizations of women, as they acknowledged the multiple roles women play, internalized different stories about women, and sometimes shifted register in the same stories. Findings suggest that health implementers, in consultation with community members, should consider the multiple positions women occupy and how this impacts the wider community's understandings of women and "risk". This approach of taking on board community understandings of the complexity of HIV risk can inform the design and implementation of HIV prevention and care programs by rendering programs more focused and in-line with community needs

    Good Health and Moral Responsibility: Key Concepts Underlying the Interpretation of Treatment as Prevention in South Africa and Zambia Before Rolling Out Universal HIV Testing and Treatment.

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    Gauging community responses to the WHO 2015 recommendation to provide antiretroviral treatment (ART) to all people living with HIV (PLHIV) is critical. There is limited qualitative evidence on the acceptability of this Universal Test and Treat (UTT) strategy or community understanding of the impact of ART on reducing HIV transmission, promoted as Treatment as Prevention (TasP). This article explores early understanding of UTT and TasP in 21 urban communities in South Africa and Zambia in 2013 before a community randomized trial of combination prevention-HPTN 071 (PopART). It draws on participatory research conducted in each community, which carried out group discussions and interviews with 1202 respondents and 203 structured observations. Participants were largely unfamiliar with the concepts of UTT and TasP. They were concerned about an accompanying de-emphasis on sexual behavior change. Treatment and prevention seemed, at first glance, to be experienced separately. With the exception of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission, prevention seldom came into discussions about ART. This was partly because this science had not yet been explained to many and also because it was not an easy fit. Contemplating the link between treatment and prevention, participants emphasized both PLHIV taking care of themselves through good health and preventing disease progression and the moral responsibility of PLHIV to prevent HIV transmission. To avoid igniting moralizing and blaming when introducing UTT and TasP, we should capitalize on the "taking care of yourself" legacy while boosting public responsibility through broad antistigma education and patient empowerment efforts

    A narrative analysis positioning HIV relative to personal (sexual) relationship challenges in an agony aunt column in the Western Cape, South Africa - Aunty Mona's "love advice".

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    HIV prevalence and incidence in South Africa remain high, making HIV a part of everyday life. Community narratives on HIV treatment and prevention are important and influence official and unofficial health messaging and community perceptions and understandings of HIV. We explore how contributors and the columnist of an agony aunt column position HIV relative to choices made about love, partnership, and sex over three years. We analysed all columns of an agony aunt series (Antie Mona) published between December 2012 and November 2015. The column is published in a South African, Afrikaans-language newspaper "Son", prioritising sensationalist news items. Trends were identified through narrative analysis. Data were managed in ATLAS.ti and inductive, iterative coding conducted. It was found that letters to the agony aunt rarely refer to HIV directly (less than 7%). Euphemisms such as diseases of the flesh and the great flu were more commonly used instead of HIV or AIDS. Letters addressed HIV in three ways: direct references to experiences living with HIV; direct questions about HIV prevention; and scenarios where HIV could (from a public health perspective) have been the main concern, but everyday issues took precedence. The majority of letters fell into this latter category where the writers focused on the immediate concerns of good sexual relations, problems related to love and romantic relationships, good moral behaviour of others, and issues of oppressive life conditions rather than on HIV directly. The findings illustrate that informal, public contributions to health information, such as agony aunts, are important narratives that inform popular perspectives on HIV and health. A better appreciation of this context would allow health implementers to ensure that these role players receive updated health messaging to avoid the risk of HIV-related stigma where HIV is used as a moral rod to punish perceived moral transgressions

    Managing household income and antiretroviral therapy adherence among people living with HIV in a low-income setting: a qualitative data from the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial in South Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: South Africa is reported to have the highest burden of HIV with an estimated 8.2 million people living with HIV (PLHIV) in 2021- despite adopting the World Health Organisation (WHO) universal HIV test and treat (UTT) recommendations in 2016. As of 2021, only an estimated 67% (5.5 million) of all PLHIV were accessing antiretroviral therapy (ART), as per recorded clinic appointments attendance. Studies in sub-Saharan Africa show that people living in low-income households experience multiple livelihood-related barriers to either accessing or adhering to HIV treatment including lack of resources to attend to facilities and food insecurity. We describe the interactions between managing household income and ART adherence for PLHIV in low-income urban and semi-urban settings in the Western Cape, South Africa. METHODS: We draw on qualitative data collected as part of the HPTN 071 (PopART) HIV prevention trial (2016 - 2018) to provide a detailed description of the interactions between household income and self-reported ART adherence (including accessing ART and the ability to consistently take ART as prescribed) for PLHIV in the Western Cape, South Africa. We included data from 21 PLHIV (10 men and 11 women aged between 18 and 70 years old) from 13 households. As part of the qualitative component, we submitted an amendment to the ethics to recruit and interview community members across age ranges. We purposefully sampled for diversity in terms of age, gender, and household composition. RESULTS: We found that the management of household income interacted with people's experiences of accessing and adhering to ART in diverse ways. Participants reported that ART adherence was not a linear process as it was influenced by income stability, changing household composition, and other financial considerations. Participants reported that they did not have a fixed way of managing income and that subsequently caused inconsistency in their ART adherence. Participants reported that they experienced disruptions in ART access and adherence due to competing household priorities. These included difficulties balancing between accessing care and/or going to work, as well as struggling to cover HIV care-related costs above other basic needs. CONCLUSION: Our analysis explored links between managing household income and ART adherence practices. We showed that these are complex and change over the course of treatment duration. We argued that mitigating negative impacts of income fluctuation and managing complex trade-offs in households be included in ART adherence support programmes

    Case-Finding Strategies for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Protocol for a Scoping Review.

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    BACKGROUND Transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is ongoing. Finding individuals with DR-TB and initiating treatment as early as possible is important to improve patient clinical outcomes and to break the chain of transmission to control the pandemic. To our knowledge systematic reviews assessing effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility of different case-finding strategies for DR-TB to inform research, policy, and practice have not been conducted, and it is unknown whether enough research exists to conduct such reviews. It is unknown whether case-finding strategies are similar for DR-TB and drug-susceptible TB and whether we can draw on findings from drug-susceptible reviews to inform decisions on case-finding strategies for DR-TB. OBJECTIVE This protocol aims to describe the available literature on case-finding for DR-TB and to describe case-finding strategies. METHODS We will screen systematic reviews, trials, qualitative studies, diagnostic test accuracy studies, and other primary research that specifically sought to improve DR-TB case detection. We will exclude studies that invited individuals seeking care for TB symptoms, those including individuals already diagnosed with TB, or laboratory-based studies. We will search the academic databases including MEDLINE, Embase, The Cochrane Library, Africa-Wide Information, CINAHL, Epistemonikos, and PROSPERO with no language or date restrictions. We will screen titles, abstracts, and full-text articles in duplicate. Data extraction and analyses will be performed using Excel (Microsoft Corp). RESULTS We will provide a narrative report with supporting figures or tables to summarize the data. A systems-based logic model, developed from a synthesis of case-finding strategies for drug-susceptible TB, will be used as a framework to describe different strategies, resulting pathways, and enhancements of pathways. The search will be conducted at the end of 2021. Title and abstract screening, full text screening, and data extraction will be undertaken from January to June 2022. Thereafter, analysis will be conducted, and results compiled. CONCLUSIONS This scoping review will chart existing literature on case-finding for DR-TB-this will help determine whether primary studies on effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility of different case-finding strategies for DR-TB exist and will help formulate potential questions for a systematic review. We will also describe case-finding strategies for DR-TB and how they fit into a model of case-finding pathways for drug-susceptible TB. This review has some limitations. One limitation is the diverse, inconsistent use of intervention terminology within the literature, which may result in missing relevant studies. Poor reporting of intervention strategies may also cause misunderstanding and misclassification of interventions. Lastly, case-finding strategies for DR-TB may not fit into a model developed from strategies for drug-susceptible TB. Nevertheless, such a situation will provide an opportunity to refine the model for future research. The review will guide further research to inform decisions on case-finding policies and practices for DR-TB. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID) DERR1-10.2196/40009

    “As a patient I do not belong to the clinic, I belong to the community”: co-developing multi-level, person-centred tuberculosis stigma interventions in Cape Town, South Africa

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    Background: Anticipated, internal, and enacted stigma are major barriers to tuberculosis (TB) care engagement and directly impact patient well-being. Unfortunately, targeted stigma interventions are lacking. We aimed to co-develop a person-centred stigma intervention with TB-affected community members and health workers in South Africa. Methods: Using a community-based participatory research approach, we conducted ten group discussions with people diagnosed with TB (past or present), caregivers, and health workers (total n = 87) in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Group discussions were facilitated by TB survivors. Discussion guides explored experiences and drivers of stigma and used human-centred design principles to co-develop solutions. Recordings were transcribed, coded, thematically analysed, and then further interpreted using the socio-ecological model and behaviour change wheel framework. Results: Intervention components across socio-ecological levels shared common functions linked to effective behaviour change, namely education, training, enablement, persuasion, modelling, and environmental restructuring. At the individual level, participants recommended counselling to improve TB knowledge and provide ongoing support. TB survivors can guide messaging to nurture stigma resilience by highlighting that TB can affect anyone and is curable, and provide lived experiences of TB to decrease internal and anticipated stigma. At the interpersonal level, support clubs and family-centred counselling were suggested to dispel TB-related myths and foster support. At the institutional level, health worker stigma reduction training informed by TB survivor perspectives was recommended to decrease enacted stigma. Participants discussed how integration of TB/HIV care services may exacerbate TB/HIV intersectional stigma and ideas for restructured service delivery models were suggested. At the community level, participants recommended awareness-raising events led by TB survivors, including TB information in school curricula. At the policy level, solutions focused on reducing the visibility generated by a TB diagnosis and resultant stigma in health facilities and shifting tasks to community health workers. Conclusions: Decreasing TB stigma requires a multi-level approach. Co-developing a person-centred intervention with affected communities is feasible and generates stigma intervention components that are directed and implementable. Such community-led multi-level intervention components should be prioritised by TB programs, including integrated TB/HIV care services

    Women’s sexual scripting in the context of universal access to antiretroviral treatment—findings from the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial in South Africa

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    Background HIV treatment-based prevention modalities present new opportunities for women to make decisions around sex, intimacy, and prevention. The Universal test and treat (UTT) strategy, where widespread HIV testing is implemented and all people with HIV can access treatment, has the potential to change how sex is understood and HIV prevention incorporated into sexual relationships. We use the frame of sexual scripting to explore how women attribute meaning to sex relative to UTT in an HIV prevention trial setting. Exploring women’s sexual narratives, we explored how HIV prevention feature in the sexual scripts for women who had access to UTT in South Africa (prior to treatment guideline changes) and increased HIV prevention messaging, compared to places without widespread access to HIV testing and immediate access to treatment. Methods We employed a two-phased thematic analysis to explore longitudinal qualitative data collected from 71 women (18–35 years old) between 2016 and 2018 as part of an HIV prevention trial in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Of the participants, 58/71 (82%) were from intervention communities while 13/71 (18%) lived in control communities without access to UTT. Twenty participants self-disclosed that they were living with HIV. Results We found no narrative differences between women who had access to UTT and those who did not. HIV and HIV prevention, including treatment-based prevention modalities, were largely absent from women’s thinking about sex. In their scripts, women idealised romantic sex, positioned sex as ‘about relationships’, and described risky sex as ‘other’. When women were confronted by HIV risk (for example, when a partner disclosed his HIV-positive status) this created a point of disjuncture between this new perception of risk and their accepted relationship scripts. Conclusion These findings suggest that HIV-negative women did not include their partners’ use of antiretroviral therapy in their sexual partnership choices. For these women, the preventive benefits of UTT are experienced passively—through community-wide viral suppression—rather than through their own behaviour change explicitly related to the availability of treatment as prevention. We propose that prevention-based modalities should be made available and supported and framed as an intervention to promote relationship well-being