143 research outputs found

    Единая система публичной власти: дискуссионные аспекты нормативной регламентации

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    The subject of this study is the legal regulation of the unified system of public authority in the Russian Federation. Its purpose is to determine the theoretical approaches and practice of legislative regulation of a unified system of public authority, which is unfolding after the adoption of amendments to the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020. The main hypothesis, which authors propose is that there is a contradiction between the norms of the acts, governing organization and activities of public authorities, and those norms in their relationship with the constitutional norms governing the relevant relations. In the course of the work, the authors used both general research methods, including methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as field-specific ones, including the formal legal method. The authors believe that the difficulties in reflecting public authority in normative regulation lie primarily in the fact that neither in Soviet legal research, nor in the current Russian legal thought, issues of public authority have been considered meaningfully and in detail. Its content and structure do not have a clear, complete doctrinal understanding. Foreign experience, however, shows that such a clear understanding at the theoretical level is absent in foreign jurisdictions either.Дается характеристика теоретических подходов и практики законодательного регулирования единой системы публичной власти, разворачивающейся после принятия поправок в текст Конституции РФ в 2020 г. По мнению авторов, в текущем законодательстве присутствуют как проблемы отражения целевого характера формирования единой системы публичной власти, вызванные, в том числе, спецификой конституционноправового статуса местного самоуправления, так и сложности, связанные с законодательным отражением конструкции публичной власти и ее элементов. Авторы полагают необходимым для законодателя более внимательно осуществлять связанное правовое регулирование, обеспечивая непротиворечивость положений новых нормативных актов, принимаемых в развитие положений Основного закона государства

    Dipole-Mode Vector Solitons

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    We find a new type of optical vector soliton that originates from trapping of a dipole mode by a soliton-induced waveguide. These solitons, which appear as a consequence of the vector nature of the two component system, are more stable than the previously found optical vortex-mode solitons and represent a new type of extremely robust nonlinear vector structure.Comment: Four pages with five eps figure

    Quasi-Two-Dimensional Dynamics of Plasmas and Fluids

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    In the lowest order of approximation quasi-twa-dimensional dynamics of planetary atmospheres and of plasmas in a magnetic field can be described by a common convective vortex equation, the Charney and Hasegawa-Mirna (CHM) equation. In contrast to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation, the CHM equation admits "shielded vortex solutions" in a homogeneous limit and linear waves ("Rossby waves" in the planetary atmosphere and "drift waves" in plasmas) in the presence of inhomogeneity. Because of these properties, the nonlinear dynamics described by the CHM equation provide rich solutions which involve turbulent, coherent and wave behaviors. Bringing in non ideal effects such as resistivity makes the plasma equation significantly different from the atmospheric equation with such new effects as instability of the drift wave driven by the resistivity and density gradient. The model equation deviates from the CHM equation and becomes coupled with Maxwell equations. This article reviews the linear and nonlinear dynamics of the quasi-two-dimensional aspect of plasmas and planetary atmosphere starting from the introduction of the ideal model equation (CHM equation) and extending into the most recent progress in plasma turbulence.U. S. Department of Energy DE-FG05-80ET-53088Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of JapanFusion Research Cente

    Observation of narrow baryon resonance decaying into pKs0pK^0_s in pA-interactions at 70GeV/c70 GeV/c with SVD-2 setup

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    SVD-2 experiment data have been analyzed to search for an exotic baryon state, the Θ+\Theta^+-baryon, in a pKs0pK^0_s decay mode at 70GeV/c70 GeV/c on IHEP accelerator. The reaction pApKs0+XpA \to pK^0_s+X with a limited multiplicity was used in the analysis. The pKs0pK^0_s invariant mass spectrum shows a resonant structure with M=1526±3(stat.)±3(syst.)MeV/c2M=1526\pm3(stat.)\pm 3(syst.) MeV/c^2 and Γ<24MeV/c2\Gamma < 24 MeV/c^2. The statistical significance of this peak was estimated to be of 5.6σ5.6 \sigma. The mass and width of the resonance is compatible with the recently reported Θ+\Theta^+- baryon with positive strangeness which was predicted as an exotic pentaquark (uuddsˉuudd\bar{s}) baryon state. The total cross section for Θ+\Theta^+ production in pN-interactions for XF0X_F\ge 0 was estimated to be (30÷120)μb(30\div120) \mu b and no essential deviation from A-dependence for inelastic events (A0.7)(\sim A^{0.7}) was found.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, To be submitted to Yadernaya Fizika. v3-v5 - Some references added, minor typos correcte

    Isolation of two strains of West Nile virus during an outbreak in southern Russia, 1999.

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    From July to September 1999, a widespread outbreak of meningoencephalitis associated with West Nile virus (Flavivirus, Flaviviridae) occurred in southern Russia, with hundreds of cases and dozens of deaths. Two strains of West Nile virus isolated from patient serum and brain-tissue samples reacted in hemagglutination-inhibition and neutralization tests with patients' convalescent-phase sera and immune ascites fluid from other strains of West Nile virus

    A Dipole Vortex Model of Obscuring Tori in Active Galaxy Nuclei

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    The torus concept as an essential structural component of active galactic nuclei (AGN) is generally accepted. Here, the situation is discussed when the torus "twisting" by the radiation or wind transforms it into a dipole toroidal vortex which in turn can be a source of matter replenishing the accretion disk. Thus emerging instability which can be responsible for quasar radiation flares accompanied by matter outbursts is also discussed. The "Matreshka" scheme for an obscuring vortex torus structure capable of explaining the AGN variability and evolution is proposed. The model parameters estimated numerically for the luminosity close to the Eddington limit agree well with the observations.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, version of this paper is published in Astronomy Report


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    As a result of the research on improvement of labour safety in the conditions of changing parameters of cranberry production the mathematical model has been developed. The model allows determining optimal values of the factors when the maximum value of fullness of safe cutting of cranberry shoots is reached. It is established that the process of shoots raising, brushing and cutting is the greatest danger for a machinery operator to be injured on a cranberry check.В результате проведенных исследований по повышению безопасности труда в условиях изменяющихся параметров производственной среды промышленного выращивания клюквы крупноплодной разработана математическая модель, которая позволяет определить оптимальные значения факторов, при которых достигается максимальное значение полноты безопасной обрезки стелющихся побегов клюквы. Установлено, что наибольшую опасность для травмирования механизатора на клюквенном чеке представляет выполнение технологического процесса по поднятию, расчесыванию и обрезке стелющихся побегов клюквенника


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    Currently in Russia number of cases of dengue fever in adults grows up, whereas in endemic areas, due to the wide spread of the disease is more common in children, which symptoms has its own characteristics. In the article is reviewed a clinical case of girl living in Moscow who has been returned from the Thailand vacation — the first registered case of dengue fever in childhood. In the article were discussed the problems of diagnostics of the disease, an algorithm for diagnosis of dengue fever.В настоящее время в России ежегодно увеличивается количество случаев лихорадки денге у взрослого населения, тогда как в эндемичных районах, в связи с широким распространением заболевания чаще болеют дети, у которых заболевание имеет свои особенности. Приведен клинический пример заболевания у московской девочки, вернувшейся после отдыха в Таиланде — первый, зарегистрированный в России случай заболевания лихорадкой денге у ребенка. Обсуждаются проблемы диагностики заболевания, предложен алгоритм диагностики лихорадки денге.

    Wavenumber-frequency analysis of single-layer shallow-water beta-plane quasi-geostrophic turbulence.

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138832/1/phf_2017_mortenetal_betaplaneturbulence.pdfDescription of phf_2017_mortenetal_betaplaneturbulence.pdf : Main articl