33 research outputs found

    Photon bunching in parametric down-conversion with continuous wave excitation

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    The first direct measurement of photon bunching (g2 correlation function) in one output arm of a spontaneous-parametric-down-conversion source operated with a continuous pump laser in the single-photon regime is demonstrated. The result is in agreement with the statistics of a thermal field of the same coherence length, and shows the feasibility of investigating photon statistics with compact cw-pumped sources. Implications for entanglement-based quantum cryptography are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, expanded introduction and experimental details added. Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Spatial coherence effects on second- and fourth-order temporal interference

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    We report the results of two experiments performed with two-photon light, produced via collinear degenerate optical spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC), in which both second-order (one-photon) and fourth-order (two-photon) interferograms are recorded in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI). In the first experiment, high-visibility fringes are obtained for both the second- and fourth-order interferograms. In the second experiment, the MZI is modified by the removal of a mirror from one of its arms; this leaves the fourth-order interferogram unchanged, but extinguishes the second-order interferogram. A theoretical model that takes into consideration both the temporal and spatial degrees-of-freedom of the two-photon state successfully explains the results. While the temporal interference in the MZI is independent of the spatial coherence of the source, that of the modified MZI is not

    Quantum optical coherence tomography of a biological sample

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    Quantum optical coherence tomography (QOCT) makes use of an entangled-photon light source to carry out dispersion-immune axial optical sectioning. We present the first experimental QOCT images of a biological sample: an onion-skin tissue coated with gold nanoparticles. 3D images are presented in the form of 2D sections of different orientations.Comment: 16 Pages, 6 Figure

    Quantum correlations versus Multisimultaneity: an experimental test

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    Multisimultaneity is a causal model of relativistic quantum physics which assigns a real time ordering to any set of events, much in the spirit of the pilot-wave picture. Contrary to standard quantum mechanics, it predicts a disappearance of the correlations in a Bell-type experiment when both analysers are in relative motion such that, each one in its own inertial reference frame, is first to select the output of the photons. We tested this prediction using acousto-optic modulators as moving beam-splitters and interferometers separated by 55 m. We didn't observe any disappearance of the correlations, thus refuting Multisimultaneity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTex 4 versio

    Quantum optical coherence tomography with dispersion cancellation

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    We propose a new technique, called quantum optical coherence tomography (QOCT), for carrying out tomographic measurements with dispersion-cancelled resolution. The technique can also be used to extract the frequency-dependent refractive index of the medium. QOCT makes use of a two-photon interferometer in which a swept delay permits a coincidence interferogram to be traced. The technique bears a resemblance to classical optical coherence tomography (OCT). However, it makes use of a nonclassical entangled twin-photon light source that permits measurements to be made at depths greater than those accessible via OCT, which suffers from the deleterious effects of sample dispersion. Aside from the dispersion cancellation, QOCT offers higher sensitivity than OCT as well as an enhancement of resolution by a factor of 2 for the same source bandwidth. QOCT and OCT are compared using an idealized sample.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Generating Entangled Two-Photon States with Coincident Frequencies

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    It is shown that parametric downconversion, with a short-duration pump pulse and a long nonlinear crystal that is appropriately phase matched, can produce a frequency-entangled biphoton state whose individual photons are coincident in frequency. Quantum interference experiments which distinguish this state from the familiar time-coincident biphoton state are described.Comment: Revised version (a typo was corrected) as published on PR

    Polarization-sensitive quantum-optical coherence tomography

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    We set forth a polarization-sensitive quantum-optical coherence tomography (PS-QOCT) technique that provides axial optical sectioning with polarization-sensitive capabilities. The technique provides a means for determining information about the optical path length between isotropic reflecting surfaces, the relative magnitude of the reflectance from each interface, the birefringence of the interstitial material, and the orientation of the optical axis of the sample. PS-QOCT is immune to sample dispersion and therefore permits measurements to be made at depths greater than those accessible via ordinary optical coherence tomography. We also provide a general Jones matrix theory for analyzing PS-QOCT systems and outline an experimental procedure for carrying out such measurements.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Quantum-inspired interferometry with chirped laser pulses

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    We introduce and implement an interferometric technique based on chirped femtosecond laser pulses and nonlinear optics. The interference manifests as a high-visibility (> 85%) phase-insensitive dip in the intensity of an optical beam when the two interferometer arms are equal to within the coherence length of the light. This signature is unique in classical interferometry, but is a direct analogue to Hong-Ou-Mandel quantum interference. Our technique exhibits all the metrological advantages of the quantum interferometer, but with signals at least 10^7 times greater. In particular we demonstrate enhanced resolution, robustness against loss, and automatic dispersion cancellation. Our interferometer offers significant advantages over previous technologies, both quantum and classical, in precision time delay measurements and biomedical imaging.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum entanglement with acousto-optic modulators: 2-photon beatings and Bell experiments with moving beamsplitters

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    We present an experiment testing quantum correlations with frequency shifted photons. We test Bell inequality with 2-photon interferometry where we replace the beamsplitters by acousto-optic modulators, which are equivalent to moving beamsplitters. We measure the 2-photon beatings induced by the frequency shifts, and we propose a cryptographic scheme in relation. Finally, setting the experiment in a relativistic configuration, we demonstrate that the quantum correlations are not only independent of the distance but also of the time ordering between the two single-photon measurements.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Long-distance Bell-type tests using energy-time entangled photons

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    Long-distance Bell-type experiments are presented. The different experimental challenges and their solutions in order to maintain the strong quantum correlations between energy-time entangled photons over more than 10 km are reported and the results analyzed from the point of view of tests of fundamental physics as well as from the more applied side of quantum communication, specially quantum key distribution. Tests using more than one analyzer on each side are also presented.Comment: 22 pages including 7 figures and 5 table