100 research outputs found

    The incremental role of trait emotional intelligence on perceived cervical screening barriers

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    Researchers have become increasingly interested in investigating the role of the psychological aspects related to the perception of cervical screening barriers. This study investigates the influence of trait EI on perceived cervical screening barriers. Furthermore, this study investigates the incremental validity of trait EI beyond the Big Five, as well as emotion regulation in the perceived barrier towards the Pap test as revealed in a sample of 206 Italian women that were undergoing cervical screening. Results have shown that trait EI is negatively related to cervical screening barriers. Furthermore, trait EI can be considered as a strong incremental predictor of a woman's perception of screening over and above the Big Five, emotion regulation, age, sexual intercourse experience and past Pap test. Detailed information on the study findings and future research directions are discussed

    Stima del fattore di attenuazione per la valutazione del colmo di piena prodotto da piogge efficaci di durata finita ed intensitĂ  costante

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    Physical Self-Concept and Its Relationship to Exercise Dependence Symptoms in Young Regular Physical Exercisers

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    The study aimed to investigate whether certain physical self-concept predicted exercise dependence among young regular exercisers using a multidimensional prospective. One hundred fifty-two regular gym users, 78 were male and 74 female, completed: Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ), Exercise Dependence Scale-21 (EDS-21), and Eating Disorder Inventory–2 (EDI-2). Correlation and regression analyses were calculated to determine the relationship between physical self-concept and exercise dependence behaviors. Significant correlations were found, confirming that exercise dependence symptoms and physical self-concept domains were related each other. In addition, results showed that multidimensional model of self-concept is a strong predictor for exercise dependence both for male and female

    Parental Psychological Control and Moral Attitudes in Sport

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    Introduction: An interesting aspect of parenting that could have a relevant role in predicting indices of morality in sport is psychological control. Psychologically controlling parents rely on intrusive and manipulative strategies such as guilt induction, disappointment, shaming, isolation, and love withdrawal. Recently were proposed two-domain specific expressions in psychologically controlling parenting. Dependency-oriented psychological control is characteristic of parents who pressure their sons and daughters to keep them within close physical and emotional relatedness. Achievement-oriented psychological control is characteristic of parents who are highly demanding and pressure to excel in performance relevant contexts (e.g. sports). For this reason this study will examine the role of these specific domains of psychological control in prediction attitudes towards moral decision making in sport (Acceptance of cheating, Acceptance of gamesmanship). Method: 270 team sport athletes (137 male and 133 female) ranged in age from 17 to 25 (M = 20.93, SD = 1.90) have completed the Dependency-Oriented and Achievement-Oriented Psychological Control Scale (DAPCS) and the Attitudes to Moral Decision-making in Youth Sport Questionnaire (AMDYSQ). DAPCS assesses two modalities of self-perception of parental psychological control: dependency-oriented and achievement-oriented. The AMDYSQ assess the acceptance of cheating, and of gamesmanship. Results: In females, regression analyses showed that after controlling for age and exercise the model with the paternal psychological control had a significant increase in R2 [F change (2, 128) = 5.072; p = .008; R2 = .073] with the paternal dependency-oriented psychological control providing an additional unique contribution (β = .307; t = 3.082; p = .003) predicting acceptance of cheating. In males, instead, there was a significant increase in R2 after entering the two domains of maternal psychological control [F change (2, 132) = 4.771; p = .010; R2 = .066] with the achievement-oriented psychological control giving a strong contribution (β = .215; t = 2.281; p = .024) in predicting acceptance of gamesmanship. Conclusion: Results emphasize the two-domain’s role in the development of the moral attitudes in sport. The paternal dependency-oriented for female and the maternal achievement-oriented for male seem to create a more likely to violate the spirit or the rules of the game. The feeling of pressure that athletes percept by their parents, in fact, could promote the need to achieve at all costs and facilitate the acceptance of gamesmanship and cheating. This relationship could be better understood within the Self-Determination Theory to evaluate the role of psychological basic needs with young athletes

    Family Functioning, Parenting, and Couple Satisfaction in Families of Children with a Disability

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    This study investigated the concept of family resilience in relation to parenting styles comparing four factors that enable parents to cope with a special-needs child: family functioning, couple satisfaction, parental stress and parenting style. Four aspects (Focus of Attention, Experiential Modality, Regulation and Energy) of parent-child interactions were analyzed. The aim of research was to explore differences between parents of a child with an intellectual disability and those with a nondisabled child. The participants were 32 couples with disabled children and 32 couples with nondisabled children. The results showed that parenting stress influences parenting style differently in the two types of families. Parenting style is differently influenced by family functioning and couple satisfaction. Many interesting differences between parents were found
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