284 research outputs found

    Psychometric examination and factorial validity of the Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised in Italian exercisers

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    Background and aims: The purpose of this study was to verify the factorial structure, internal validity, reliability, and criterion validity of the 21-item Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised (EDS-R) in an Italian sample. Methods: Italian voluntary (N = 519) users of gyms who had a history of regular exercise for over a year completed the EDS-R and measures of exercise frequency. Results and conclusions: Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated a good fit to the hypothesized 7-factor model, and adequate internal consistency for the scale was evidenced. Criterion validity was evidenced by significant correlations among all the subscale of the EDS and exercise frequency. Finally, individuals at risk for exercise dependence reported more exercise behavior compared to the nondependent-symptomatic and nondependent-asymptomatic groups. These results suggest that the seven subscales of the Italian version of the EDS are measuring the construct of exercise dependence as defined by the DSM-IV criteria for substance dependence and also confirm previous research using the EDS-R in other languages. More research is needed to examine the psychometric properties of the EDS-R in diverse populations with various research designs


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    Parenting styles and Psychological control: similarities and differences between mothers and fathers of school-age children

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    Background: The first aim of the present study was to investigate differences and similarities in perceived parenting styles between fathers and mothers in the same family. Secondarily, this study wanted to verify the relation between parental anxiety and parenting dimensions, assuming differences according to the parental gender. Methods: The 80 parents of 40 school-age children independently completed the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ), the Parenting Instrument (PI) and the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Results: revealed differences between fathers and mothers in almost all the variables considered, with mothers who reported the highest scores. Significant correlations between paternal and maternal perceptions were found in authoritarian style and in the practices of psychological control (disappointing and shaming). Finally, parental anxiety was associated positively with authoritarian style and inadequate parental practices, and negatively with authoritative style, expressive warmth and supportive involvement: the constructs however correlated in a different way according to parental gender.  Conclusions: Independent assessment of both mother’s and father’s parenting styles and, especially, parental practices of psychological control seem to be necessaries both in research and practical settings

    Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Parents’ Educational Skills.

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    Objectives: The aim of this paper is to propose a self-report questionnaire designed to assess the ability of parents to use appropriate educational strategies to manage the behavior of children, based on the principles of analysis and behavior modification. Methods:180 subjects, divided into 3 groups of 60 subjects: parents of Italian nationality, Italian parents with a disabled child, parents with no Italian nationality (including 20 Filipinos, 20 Sinhalese and 20 Moroccans), were invited to fill the questionnaire. Results: The results showed that the instrument has the potential to be very suitable for the evaluation of behavioral educational skills, which are the basis of behavioral parent training programs, but also to have the possibility to check the effectiveness of the training in terms of more competent techniques learned, even after a long time. Conclusions: The results showed that the instrument has the potential to be very suitable for the evaluation of behavioral educational skills.  To improve the level of confidence it will need to make some corrections, related to the revision of some item. We consider that further studies should be conducted in this area, so to broaden the range of instruments used for the assessment of educational skills

    The incremental role of trait emotional intelligence on perceived cervical screening barriers

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    Researchers have become increasingly interested in investigating the role of the psychological aspects related to the perception of cervical screening barriers. This study investigates the influence of trait EI on perceived cervical screening barriers. Furthermore, this study investigates the incremental validity of trait EI beyond the Big Five, as well as emotion regulation in the perceived barrier towards the Pap test as revealed in a sample of 206 Italian women that were undergoing cervical screening. Results have shown that trait EI is negatively related to cervical screening barriers. Furthermore, trait EI can be considered as a strong incremental predictor of a woman's perception of screening over and above the Big Five, emotion regulation, age, sexual intercourse experience and past Pap test. Detailed information on the study findings and future research directions are discussed

    Affinités littéraires, chemins intellectuels, itinéraires spirituels de Charles de Gaulle : contribution à l’étude de l’univers mental du Général de Gaulle

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    The first section of this study deals with the intellectual and moral formation of general de Gaulle and the influences of his family and school background, as well as his religious, geographical and professional background. it is an attempt to trace and make an inventory of his readings, and find the role they played in the genesis of his written work. After classifying Charles de Gaulle’s writings, it goes into the facets of the intellectual and moral figure and his personality as a practicing catholic. The second part, entitled "the general's anthology", identifies all the allusions to classical writings from antiquity to the present day. It tries to recognize the influence of classical thinkers, more specifically Greek tragic authors and Latin poets, as well as that of Shakespeare, of 17th century French authors, of 18th century moralists, with chateaubriand and the romantic authors. a detailed study is made of the intellectual guides of Charles de Gaulle as a young man : Bergson, Barrès, Péguy, Psichari, Nietzsche as well as the authors commonly read by those of his generation. Encounters with contemporary authors confirm certain likings and affinities. The last chapters deal with the literary genres that Charles de Gaulle valve and practiced as a writer. An analysis is made of his ideas the domains of history, philosophy, politics, sociology and artsL’ouvrage étudie dans la première partie la formation intellectuelle et morale du général de Gaulle et les influences du milieu familial, scolaire, religieux, géographique et professionnel ; cherchant à recenser et à identifier les lectures, il cherche à identifier leur rôle dans la genèse de l'œuvre écrite. Après une classification des écrits de Charles de Gaulle, il précise les facettes de la personnalité intellectuelle et morale ainsi que la pratique de la religion catholique. Dans une deuxième partie intitulée : l'anthologie du général sont recherchées et identifiées toutes les allusions à des écrits classiques de l'antiquité a nos jours, l'influence des penseurs antiques et plus spécialement des tragiques grecs et des poètes latins, celle de Shakespeare, des auteurs français du XVIIème et plus spécialement de chateaubriand et des romantiques, une étude détaillée s'attache aux maitres à penser de Charles de Gaulle, jeune homme : Bergson, Barrès, Péguy, Psichari, Nietzche ainsi qu'aux auteurs lus par sa génération. Les rencontres avec les auteurs contemporains confirment certains gouts et affinités. Les derniers chapitres concernent les genres littéraires prises et souvent pratiques par Charles de Gaulle, écrivain ; l'analyse de sa pensée dans les domaines de l'histoire, de la philosophie, la politique, de la sociologie et dans celui plus réservé de sa foi ou plus particulier des art


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    J’ai participé à ce colloque à différents titres. Comme Lorrain, non de souche, mais dont la famille vit ici depuis trois générations. Nancéien, né dans cette ville et y résidant depuis 1940, année charnière s’il en fut. Comme universitaire – aujourd’hui émérite – appartenant à une université sœur de l’université de Nancy 2, prochainement université Émile Gallé, l’université Henri Poincaré, mais peut-être demain rassemblée avec l’Institut national polytechnique de Lorraine en une seule univer..
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