21 research outputs found
Background: Nutrition is an important factor to achieve great performance which  needs to be prepared during training by maintaining the cardio respiration health. Athletes who have balanced diet and nutritional status during training is considered to be able to increase cardio respiration health.Objectives: To determine the correlation between food intake and nutritional status on cardio respiration health of swimming athletesMethod: This research was an observational study with cross-sectional design. Fourteen swimming athletes of 10-20 years age group were selected for this study. Food intake (energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate) were obtained by interview using 24h recall. Nutritional status were collected by measurement of BMI and body fat percentages. Cardio respiration health was assessed by measurement of VO2 max using Critical Swim Speed Test. The statistical analysis used the SpearmanTest.Results: Most subjects had an adequate energy, protein and fat intake and all subjects had an inadequate carbohydrate intake. Most of subjects had normal BMI (79%) and over body fat percentage (86%). There was correlation between food intake (energy, fat, carbohydrate) and cardio respiration health (p0.05). There was no correlation between nutritional status (BMI, body fat percentages) and cardio respiration health (p0.05).Conclusion: Adequate food intake significantly maintaining cardio respiration health of swimming athletes
Pengaruh Pemberian Puding Wortel dan Mentimun Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Prehipertensi
Latar belakang: Penanganan hipertensi menggunakan obat antihipertensi memiliki efek samping gangguan gastrointestinal seperti kenaikan asam lambung, sakit perut, mual, muntah, mulut kering, gusi bengkak dan sariawan. Solusi untuk pencegahan dan penanggulangan hipertensi yaitu dengan terapi nonfarmakologis. Salah satu terapi nonfarmakologis adalah dengan meningkatkan asupan kalium. Wortel dan mentimun merupakan sayuran sumber kalium yang dapat dikonsumsi untuk mengontrol tekanan darah.Tujuan: mengetahui pengaruh pemberian puding wortel dan mentimun terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada wanita dewasa prehipertensi.Metode: Jenis penelitian merupakan true eksperimen dengan rancangan randomized pretest-posttest with control group. Sampel sebanyak 23 wanita usia 35-45 tahun dibagi ke dalam kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Kelompok perlakuan menerima puding wortel dan mentimun sebanyak ± 180 gram perhari selama seminggu. Uji statistik menggunakan Independent T-Test, Mann Whitney, Paired T Test, Wilcoxon dan ANOVA Repeated Measure.Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan tekanan darah sistolik (p=0,133) dan diastolik (p=0,313) yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah pemberian puding wortel dan mentimun. Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap perubahan tekanan darah sistolik (p=0,834) dan diastolik (p=0,487) yang dikontrol dengan faktor perancu. Kesimpulan: Pemberian puding wortel dan mentimun selama seminggu mampu menurunkan tekanan darah sistolik secara klinis sebesar -2,25 mmHg dan diastolik sebesar -1,5 mmHg meskipun secara statistik tidak signifikan. Penurunan tekanan darah terbesar terjadi pada hari ke 4 yaitu tekanan darah sistolik menjadi sebesar 109,83 mmHg dan diastolik sebesar 76,400 mmHg
Efektifitas Kombinasi Buah Pisang Dan Jambu Biji Terhadap Daya Terima Dan Nilai Gizi Jus Sebagai Alternatif Selingan Bagi Pasien Hipertensi
Latar Belakang : Hipertensi merupakan penyebab kematian utama dan kecacatan tertinggi di Indonesia. Konsumsi 2 porsi buah per hari dikaitkan dengan penurunan risiko hipertensi sebesar 7%. Kandungan kalium pada pisang dapat menghambat reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dan meningkatkan ekskresi natrium melalui urin. Penambahan jambu biji diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya browning dan menurunkan tekanan darah.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi buah pisang dan jambu biji terhadap daya terima dan kandungan gizinya.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data kadar kalium dan vitamin C serta uji organoleptik dengan tingkat kesukaan. Uji Krukal Wallis untuk mengetahui pengaruh formula dengan uji organoleptik dan uji One Way Anova untuk mengetahui pengaruh formula terhadap kadar kalium dan vitamin C.Hasil: Kandungan kalium dan vitamin C dalam 1 porsi jus kombinasi adalah F1 (124.25; 59.71 mg), F2 (127.58 ; 57.23 mg) dan F3 (115.49 ; 51.24 mg). Terdapat perbedaan penerimaan panelis terhadap warna (p=0,008) dan rasa (p=0,014). Tingkat penerimaan jus kombinasi adalah 63% konsumen dapat menghabiskan 75% porsi F1, 23% pada F2, dan 43% pada F3.Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil uji organoleptik dengan parameter warna, aroma, rasa dan kekentalan panelis, konsumen menyukai formula jus F1
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a risk factors for metabolic disorders such as high levels of triglyceride, blood sugar, blood pressure, central obesity and the low of HDL(NCEP-ATP III criteria). These risk factors are important to detect earlier. The worldwide prevalence of MetS were increased up to 20 – 25% and based on Riskesdas data from 2013 to 2018, the prevalence of MetS component were increased.Objective: To examine the risk of physiology and behavioral factors towards MetS incidents in Tlogosari Kulon PHC area.Method: An observational research with case-control design which involved 50 sampels aged 25 – 65 years in Tlogosari Kulon PHC area. Physiology factors were included gender, age, and genetic history which were collected through interview. Nutritional status based on anthropometric measurement, meanwhile the behavioral factors, including physical activities which were collected using an IPAQ and the knowledge factors were collected through 20 question which were collected by interview. Triglyceride, fasting blood sugar and HDL were measured using a spectrophotometer. Statistical analysis were used Chi-Square and Logistic Regression.Result: The chi-square test showed that there were significant relations between age (95% CI = 1,510 – 21,424; OR = 5,688), nutritional status (95% CI = 1,446 – 17,922; OR = 5,091), genetic history (95% CI = 1,170 – 12,194; OR = 3,778) and physical activity (95% CI = 1,180 – 12,606; OR = 3.857) with MetS incidents (p0,05). The logistic regression test showed that age (95% CI = 1,271 – 33,256; OR = 6,502) and nutritional status (95% CI = 1,038 – 25,957; OR = 5,191) were the most dominant variables toward the MetS incidents. Physiology and behavioral factors were contributed 47,8% to the MetS incidents.Conclusion: Age and nutritional status affect MetS incidents in Tlogosari Kulon PHC area
Background: Leaflet media is limited to only writing, so it is necessary to develop booklet media that present short messages accompanied by pictures so that they are easily accepted and understood as an alternative media that supports efforts to increase knowledge and understanding regarding the management of a hypertension diet. Objective: To develop and determine the feasibility of a booklet as a nutritional education medium for people with hypertension based on assessments from media experts and material experts. Method: Research and Development with the ADDIE model includes 5 stages, namely needs analysis, planning, development, testing and evaluation. Booklet evaluation was carried out by material experts and media experts using the CVI (Content Validity Index) which was then tested on 10 respondents with hypertension using a questionnaire. The media eligibility criteria are based on scores with very appropriate categories (81% -100%), appropriate (61% -80%), sufficiently feasible (41% -60%), less feasible (21% -40%), and not feasible (0-20%). Descriptive data analysis. Results: The CVI assessment according to material experts and booklet media experts obtained a score (> 0.8) worthy of being used as a media for nutrition education and the results of the respondent's trial obtained a score (87.25%) in the very feasible category. Conclusion: The media booklet on the management of hypertension is appropriate to be used as a media for nutrition education
Pemanfaatan Ikan Rucah: Mempersiapkan Wirausaha Baru dalam Produksi Abon Ikan “Bon-Bon” sebagai Alternatif Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Lokal
Nutrition of pregnant women plays an important role in the growth of the fetus and the delivery process. Malnutrition during pregnancy increases fetal growth retardation, low birth weight, and risk of stunting at 2 years of age. One of the national strategies for accelerating stunting reduction in the form of specific interventions is that pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency receive Supplementary Feeding. Currently, the provision of PMT to pregnant women is in the form of layer biscuits formulated with vitamins and minerals. Other types of supplementary food as recovery food include animal protein source foods that are given for 90 days. Local PMT needs to be developed to support healthy eating patterns from a sustainable food system using local and inexpensive food ingredients such as trash fish. The purpose of this activity is to prepare new independent entrepreneurs in utilizing local food ingredients as an alternative to local PMT for pregnant women in KEK through training on making shredded fish for posyandu and UMKM cadres in Pedurungan Tengah Village totaling 21 people. The results of the training still need to improve the taste and texture of the shredded fish that has been processed by the participants. Suggestions for implementing the next activity is assistance during the manufacture of shredded fish so that local PMT products are obtained with good acceptance.Gizi ibu hamil berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan janin dan proses persalinan. Kekurangan gizi selama kehamilan meningkatkan pertumbuhan janin terhambat, berat badan lahir rendah, dan risiko stunting pada usia 2 tahun. Salah satu strategi nasional percepatan penurunan stunting berupa intervensi spesifik adalah ibu hamil Kurang Energi Kronik (KEK) mendapatkan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT). Saat ini pemberian PMT ibu hamil berupa biskuit lapis yang diformulasikan dengan vitamin dan mineral. Adapun jenis pemberian makanan tambahan lain sebagai makanan pemulihan diantaranya bahan makanan sumber protein hewani yang diberikan selama 90 hari. PMT lokal perlu dikembangkan untuk mendukung pola makan sehat dari sistem pangan berkelanjutan menggunakan bahan makanan lokal dan murah seperti ikan rucah. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mempersiapkan wirausaha baru mandiri dalam memanfaatkan bahan makanan lokal sebagai alternatif PMT lokal ibu hamil KEK melalui pelatihan pembuatan abon ikan “Bon-Bon” kepada kader posyandu dan UMKM di Kelurahan Pedurungan Tengah berjumlah 21 orang. Hasil pelatihan masih perlu perbaikan rasa dan tekstur dari abon ikan yang telah diolah peserta. Saran pelaksanaan kegiatan selanjutnya adalah pendampingan selama pembuatan abon ikan sehingga diperoleh produk PMT lokal dengan daya terima yang baik
The Effect of Healthy Boba Pearl Drink on Post-Prandial Glucose
This study was a randomized controlled trial using a repeated experimental design with a pre-test and a post-test control group. The study subjects were women of childbearing age, aged 20‒30 years, with no diagnosed chronic diseases and with baseline fasting blood glucose levels less than 125 mg/dL. Participants were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. The treatment group received 350 mL of healthy boba drink, while the control group received 350 mL of commercial boba drink. The healthy boba drink was made by mixing 67 mL of fresh milk, 133 mL of soy milk, 1 g of stevia sweetener, 100 g of red dragon fruit, and 40 g of healthy boba pearls. It contained 215 kcal of energy, 8.82 g of protein, 8.90 g of fat, 30.78 g of carbohydrate, and 1,808 g of fiber. Each group had an initial fasting blood glucose levels measurement before the intervention, and postprandial glucose levels were measured at the end of the intervention (one time of intervention). The collected data were analyzed univariately to analyze the effect of treatment on postprandial glucose using the independent t-test. The result indicated that the subjects in the treatment group and 96.2% of the subjects in the control group had fasting glucose levels less than 126 mg/dL. Both participants in the control and treatment groups had postprandial glucose levels less than 200 mg/dL. The mean glucose level was 89.49 mg/dL in the treatment group and 92.57 mg/dL in the control group. The study results showed that the treatment group that consumed the healthy boba drink had a lower average postprandial glucose level than the control group. The statistical test results showed that there was a significant effect of healthy boba drink consumption on postprandial glucose levels in the treatment group (p<0.000). It is concluded that the healthy boba drink intervention had a significant effect (p<0.000) on lowering blood glucose by 5.82 mg/dL after the initial treatment. The results of this study are a major first step for future work to develop a healthier boba drink