124 research outputs found

    Pharyngealization in Libyan (Tripoli) Arabic: an instrumental study.

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    This thesis aims to study the phenomenon of pharyngealization in Arabic, in the dialect of Tripoli, Libya in relation to other dialects of Arabic. The term 'pharyngealization', as used in this study, refers to all the sounds whose main articulatory requisite is a constriction in the pharyngeal cavity. This is a physiological and articulatory study -based primarily on observations made on video-endoscopic and video-fluorographic recordings; spectrographic analysisq palatographic and airflow measurements also contributed. Chapter 1 states the aim and scope of this thesis. It defines the dialect studied and describes some of the main aspects of the sound system of Tripoli Arabic. Chapter 2 gives a description of the main structures and muscles and their actions that are considered to, directly or indirectly, play the major role in the production of these sounds. Chapter 3 describes the experimental techniques used in this study: a) fibreoptic endoscopy with videorecording b) X-ray recording; static, xeroradiography and videofluorography c) airflow recording by pneumotachography d) palatography e) labiography and f) spectrography. Chapter 4 deals with the pharyngeal consonants and studies certain issues related to their phonetic realizations and to the role of the epiglottis in their production. Chapter 5 describes the uvular consonants. Endoscopic observation revealed a great side wall movement of the pharynx occurring during the articulation of the uvular /q/, which takes place at a superior level in the pharynx. Chapter 6 deals with the pharyngealized consonants, divides them into primary and secondary and attempts to show that a large part of the problem in the description of these sounds stems from a phonemic split in the vowel /a:/. Chapter 7 discusses the main findings in this study and shows, among other things, that a great epiglotto-pharyngeal constriction is the main articulatory requisite in the articulation of the pharyngeal sounds in Arabic, irrespective of other factors. It also attempts to determine to what extent soft palate lowering and nasal airflow are coterminous with the articulation of the pharyngeal sounds

    Evaluation of supply chain risk management for material procurement in Libyan oil industry

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    The oil industry is considered to be a major industry as it provides energy to all other industries. This industry is exposed to various risks due to extreme circumstances, such as remote area locations, harsh environment, equipment, and functional engineering materials that are exclusively manufactured for this industry. All of these circumstances can disrupt and threaten the existences of the industry. This is where risk management and supply chain risk management is vitally needed by researchers and practitioners. Therefore, the assessment and prediction of the impact of risks on the procurement operation performance of projects is a very challenging task. As a result of this, many projects in the Libyan oil industry and worldwide are still suffering from the impact of these risks. The aspect of risk in supply chain management is underdeveloped on the body of literature, and very few studies have addressed this issue due to its confidentiality. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of supply-chain risk management in the Libyan oil industry and to understand how procurement practitioners assess supply chain risk management to achieve smooth procurement operations. The author derives a set of propositions and preliminary results which contribute to developing strategies to identify and mitigate those risks. Hence, the contribution to knowledge is to investigate these issues within the Libyan oil industry and also to develop a framework that can be used as a risk management supporting tool. Qualitative and quantitative (triangulation) were adopted for this research. This comprised of the investigation of 65 out of 93 Libyan procurement practitioners, as well as interviews of which 9 Libyan procurement practitioners participated. This research finds that service providers and contractor companies are the highest percentage within stakeholders, who are practising supply risk management techniques. However, this percentage is still low within its group. This research also identifies types of risks that majorly affect the performance of procurement operations, such as purchasing clone parts. Thus, providing valuable information for particular stages of response planning. It also explores how the consideration of risk management can reshape supply chain management. Moreover, a Procurement Risk Management Framework (PRMF) that has been developed and empirically validated

    Evaluating the Response of Soils to Seismic Tremors by Recording Background Noise

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    At 29/10/1989, Tipaza’s region situate in the west of Algiers, was vibrate below a Chenoua earthquakes. A distance between the centre of this earthquakes and Algiers the capital, wasn’t a to make a damages for the constructions (Casbah, Bab El Oued, Hamma, Tagara...). Because this one is dating for the colonial era, and haven’t a para-seismic structures. Then determination of zonal effects is one of the essential components of para-seismic prevention, having recourse to macro-zoning. The conventional method of measuring zonal effects experimentally is based on seismic recording. It is admittedly reliable, but it is laborious We suggest in this paper an original method evaluated, here consists of recording a few minutes of seismic background noise on a site and establishing the spectral ration of the horizontal path to the vertical one. It is thus an economical method of mapping resonant frequencies and thereby gaining a better knowledge of seismic risk in sedimentation basins

    Analysis and Behavior of a Rigid Foundation Massif under the Effect of Vibrations (Application of Barakan Method)

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    This communication proposes a count mode of a rigid foundation massif frequencies, relaxing on a homogeneous soil, semi-infinite having an elastic linear behavior. Several data programs process using the finite elements method, are proposed for the dynamic analysis. Nevertheless, these programs don’t appear the physical phenomenon yielded, they depend on data introduced by the user and are applicable only for the elastic foundation massifs. The BARKAN method is an analytic one that appears the physical behavior of the different displacements and their coupling modes, the involvement of soil by its different dynamic stiffness modules, as well as a constant verification of its application. Well, it remains an approached method because it doesn’t exist an exact count method currently

    HRM in public administration and its impact on user satisfaction: Field ‎study in Blida ‎

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    في إطار الإدارة العمومية الحديثة، هدفت هاته الدراسة إلى تقييم ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية في المؤسسات العمومية، وقياس أثر هذه الممارسات على رضا المستفيدين من وجهة نظر الموظفين. بتوظيف نموذج القدرات-التحفيز-الفرص، وباستعمال المدخل الكمي في الدراسة على عينة من المؤسسات العمومية في ولاية البليدة، كشفت النتائج أن ممارسات تحسين القدرات وممارسات التحفيز وممارسات تنمية الفرص لا زالت مستويات تطبيقها تحتاج إلى تحسين، وكذلك، هذه الممارسات لديها تأثيرات إيجابية في رأس المال البشري، وهذا الأخير يؤثر بدوره إيجابا في رضا المستفيدين.In the context of New Public Management (NPM), this study aims to evaluate Human Resources Management practices in public administration, and to measure the impact of these practices on user satisfaction from employee-based view. Using the quantitative approach on convenience sample of public administration in the state of Blida, the analysis showed that the Ability, Motivation and Opportunity enhancing humain resources practices still need to be improved, and that these three humain resources practices have positive impact on Humain Capital which, in turn, positively affects User Satisfaction

    Polymorphisms in Tunisian patients with N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase gene deficiency: Implication in Morquio A disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p/> <p>Mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA or Morquio A syndrome is characterized by the lack of N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate-sulfatase and the accumulation of keratan sulfate and chondroitin-6-sulfate in the lysosomes. At least, 148 mutations and 16 polymorphisms were identified in the GALNS gene.</p> <p>The aim of this study was the screening of polymorphisms within 7 patients recruited from many regions of Tunisia in order to determine the haplotypes and their association with the mutations previously reported.</p> <p>Patients and methods</p> <p>We have used the PCR sequencing to analyse the different haplotypes and to identify the polymorphisms within 7 affected MPS IVA patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine GALNS polymorphisms were detected in the 7 studied patients. Five of these polymorphisms are within the GALNS gene exons. Six polymorphisms have been previously described and used for linkage analysis in MPS IVA patients and determination of haplotypes. We have identified two novel heterozygous polymorphisms in intron 13 and intron 3</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Polymorphisms may be useful for carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis in informative families whose specific mutations have not been identified. The determination of haplotypes can also determine the origin of some mutations in a population.</p

    Molecular analysis of iduronate -2- sulfatase gene in Tunisian patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type II

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II, Hunter syndrome) is X-linked recessive lysosomal storage disorder resulting from the defective activity of the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS). Hunter disease can vary from mild to severe, depending on the level of enzyme deficiency. We report the IDS mutation and polymorphisms causing the Hunter syndrome in patients from one family in Tunisi

    Molecular analysis of mucopolysaccharidosis type I in Tunisia: identification of novel mutation and eight Novel polymorphisms

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder caused by a genetic defect in alpha-L-iduronidase (IDUA) which is involved in the degradation of dermatan and heparan sulfates. The disease has severe and milder phenotypic subtypes. The aim of this study was the detection of mutations in the IDUA gene from 12 additional MPS I patients with various clinical phenotypes (severe, 8 cases; intermediate, 3 cases; mild, 1 case)

    Hurler disease (mucopolysaccharidosis type IH): clinical features and consanguinity in Tunisian population

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) was a group of rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by the deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme, alpha -L -iduronidase, and the resulting accumulation of undergraded dematan sulfate and heparan sulfate. MPS I patients have a wide range of clinical presentations, that makes it difficult to predict patient phenotype which is needed for genetic counseling and also impedes the selection and evaluation of patients undergoing therapy bone marrow transplantation