70 research outputs found

    Photoluminescence of hexagonal boron nitride: effect of surface oxidation under UV-laser irradiation

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    We report on the UV laser induced fluorescence of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) following nanosecond laser irradiation of the surface under vacuum and in different environments of nitrogen gas and ambient air. The observed fluorescence bands are tentatively ascribed to impurity and mono (VN), or multiple (m-VN with m = 2 or 3) nitrogen vacancies. A structured fluorescence band between 300 nm and 350 nm is assigned to impurity-band transition and its complex lineshape is attributed to phonon replicas. An additional band at 340 nm, assigned to VN vacancies on surface, is observed under vacuum and quenched by adsorbed molecular oxygen. UV-irradiation of h-BN under vacuum results in a broad asymmetric fluorescence at ~400 nm assigned to m-VN vacancies; further irradiation breaks more B-N bonds enriching the surface with elemental boron. However, no boron deposit appears under irradiation of samples in ambient atmosphere. This effect is explained by oxygen healing of radiation-induced surface defects. Formation of the oxide layer prevents B-N dissociation and preserves the bulk sample stoichiometry

    Epidemiología de la Urgencia Psiquiátrica en el Instituto Psiquiátrico "Dr. José Horwitz": Un nuevo estudio comparativo

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    Indexación: ScieloUna urgencia psiquiátrica es cualquier alteración del afecto, conducta o pensamiento que puede producir daños a terceros o al consultante. La consulta de urgencia ido en aumento en los últimos años. Objetivos: Determinar laprevalencia de las distintas patologías, describir su distribución según sexo, edad, sector de residencia, estado civil, ocupación, previsión y derivación en las consultas de urgencia psiquiátrica en el Hospital Psiquiátrico "Dr. JoséHorwitz" de Santiago y comparar estos resultados con publicaciones previas de estudios en el mismo centro. Material y Método: Muestra representativa de 1999 casos, escogidos aleatoriamente de las consultas realizadas entre el Io de julio de 2005 y el 30 de junio de 2006. Se agruparon los diagnósticos de acuerdo a la nomenclatura CIÉ-10. Resultados: 48,7% de las consultas fueron realizadas por pacientes de sexo masculino. La media de edad fue 39 años. 76,7% de las consultas fueron realizadas en horario diurno. El 48,3% de los pacientes no tiene ocupación. 48% eran solteros. Abuso de sustancias y alcohol, trastornos esquizoides, afectivos y neuróticos congregan el 73,9% de las consultas. La más prevalente fue la de trastornos asociados al abuso de sustancias y alcohol con un 19,7% del total. Conductas autoagresivas (74%) y trastornos afectivos (74%) se asoció más a mujeres, en cambio el abuso de sustancias y alcohol más con hombres (76%). Discusión: Las consultas por trastornos esquizoides han disminuido a lo largo de los años. En cambio las consultas por el abuso de sustancias y alcohol y los trastornos afectivos han aumentado. Se hacen sugerencias para enfrentar el nuevo perfil epidemiológico.A psychiatric emergency is any alteration of affection, thought or behavior that may cause harm to others or to the same consultant. These consultations have increased over the last years. Objectives: Determine the prevalence of the various pathologies, describing their distribution according to sex, age, area of residence, marital status, occupation, health insurance, and referral in psychiatric emergency consultations at "Dr. José Horwitz" Hospital of Santiago, and to compare these results with previously published studies in the same center. Material and Method: We used a representative sample of 1999 cases, chosen randomly from consultations held between July 1,2005 and June 30,2006. Diagnoses were grouped according to the nomenclature of the ICD-10. Results: 48.7% of the consultations were carried out by male patients and. Average age of consultation was 39. 76.7% of consultations were carried out in daytime. The 48.3% of people who consulted didn't have any occupation. 48% were singles. Abuse of substances and alcohol, schizoid, afective and neurotic disorders congregate 73.9% of total consultations. The most prevalent were the disorders associated with abuse of substances and alcohols with a 19.7% overall. Autoagressive behaviors (74%) and affective disorders (74%) were associated with females, while abuse of substances and alcohol was associated with males (76%). Discussion: Schizoid disorders have proportionally declined in importance over the years. In contrast, abuse of substances and alcohol, and affective disorders have increased their frecuency. Suggestions are made to FACE the new epidemiological profile.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-92272010000400002&nrm=is

    Levantamento de reconhecimento dos solos do Noroeste do Estado do Paraná: (informe preliminar).

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    A execucao do levantamento dos solos vem sendo realizada de maneira a atender as necessidades do estado e ao plano basico da EPFS, que visa ao inventario dos recursos potenciais dos solos do territorio nacional, consistindo na identificacao, classificacao, distribuicao e determinacao da area das diversas unidades de solos, de modo a proporcionar elementos basicos essenciais para planejamentos, principalmente os referntes a futuros trabalhos de levantamentos detalhados e ao estabelecimento racional de projetos de experimentacao e pesquisa, com possibilidades de aplicacao dos resultados em areas representativas de cada unidade que apresente expressao geografica importante, permitindo a extrapolacao dos resultados para solos semelhantes. O objetivo e o estudo dosdiferentes solos do Parana, atraves do reconhecimento da sua distribuicao geografica, delimitacao das areas por eles ocupadas e investigacao das suas caracteristicas morfologicas, fisicas e quimicas. O carater generalizado do mapeamento limita a precisao de detalhes cartograficos e nao pode ter por finalidade responder questoes de utilizacao de terras, problemas de fertilidade e produtividade em areas especificas. Procurou-se, tanto quanto possivel, elaborar a presente publicacao em forma simples, evitando ao maximo o excessivo emprego de termos tecnicos, a fim de poder atingir um maior numero de pessoas que dela possam fazer uso. Far-se-a, em seguida, a publicacao do levantamento do Noroeste e, finalmente, de todo o estado, abrangendo as suas varias regioes.bitstream/item/212067/1/EPFS-BT-14-1970.pdf; bitstream/item/125769/1/Levantamento-de-Reconhecimento-dos-Solos-do-Noroeste-do-Estado-do-Parana.pdfAcompanha 1 mapa, color. Escala 1:300.000

    Levantamento de reconhecimento de baixa intensidade dos solos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    Este trabalho refere-se ao levantamento dos solos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que abrange uma área de 43.797,5 km2. Consiste no reconhecimento e caracterização dos solos em sua ambiência, visando contribuir para o planejamento do uso e ocupação das terras de forma racional e sustentável. Foi realizado em nível de reconhecimento de baixa intensidade, com mapa final em escala 1:250.000, de acordo com os procedimentos metodológicos preconizados pela Embrapa. Como material cartográfico básico foram utilizadas fotografias aéreas 1:60.000 (USAF), com apoio adicional de imagens de satélite Landsat (escala 1:100.000 e 1:250.000) e bases planialtimétricas 1:50.000 (IBGE). A distribuição espacial dos solos no estado é representada em cartas topográficas 1:250.000 através de 161 unidades de mapeamento, que compõem uma legenda de identificação de solos, individualizados até o quarto nível categórico, conforme o atual Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (SiBCS), seguido de textura, tipo de horizonte A, fases de vegetação, relevo, e, para o caso específico dos Cambissolos desenvolvidos de sedimentos aluvionares recentes, substrato geológico. As principais classes de solos identificadas foram: Argissolos (Amarelos, Vermelhos e Vermelho-Amarelos), Latossolos (Amarelos, Vermelhos e Vermelho- -Amarelos), Cambissolos (Húmicos e Háplicos), Neossolos (Litólicos e Regolíticos), Luvissolos (Crômicos e Hipocrômicos), Chernossolos (Rêndzicos e Argilúvicos) e Nitossolos (Vermelhos e Háplicos), que predominam nas áreas de drenagem livre, enquanto nas partes mais baixas da paisagem ocorrem Gleissolos (Tiomórfi cos, Sálicos, Melânicos e Háplicos), Neossolos (Flúvicos e Quartzarênicos), Espodossolos (Cárbicos e Ferrocárbicos), Planossolos (Nátricos, Hidromórfi cos e Háplicos) e Organossolos (Tiomórficos, Mésicos e Háplicos). Foram identificados quatro grandes ambientes na área do estado, com padrões de distribuição de solos característicos, cujas principais relações com os outros elementos do meio natural são descritas.bitstream/item/156812/1/BPD-32-Levantamento-Rio-de-Janeiro.pd

    Rare variant in scavenger receptor BI raises HDL cholesterol and increases risk of coronary heart disease.

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    Scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) is the major receptor for high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (HDL-C). In humans, high amounts of HDL-C in plasma are associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Mice that have depleted Scarb1 (SR-BI knockout mice) have markedly elevated HDL-C levels but, paradoxically, increased atherosclerosis. The impact of SR-BI on HDL metabolism and CHD risk in humans remains unclear. Through targeted sequencing of coding regions of lipid-modifying genes in 328 individuals with extremely high plasma HDL-C levels, we identified a homozygote for a loss-of-function variant, in which leucine replaces proline 376 (P376L), in SCARB1, the gene encoding SR-BI. The P376L variant impairs posttranslational processing of SR-BI and abrogates selective HDL cholesterol uptake in transfected cells, in hepatocyte-like cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells from the homozygous subject, and in mice. Large population-based studies revealed that subjects who are heterozygous carriers of the P376L variant have significantly increased levels of plasma HDL-C. P376L carriers have a profound HDL-related phenotype and an increased risk of CHD (odds ratio = 1.79, which is statistically significant)

    Anesthesia advanced circulatory life support

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    The constellation of advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) events, such as gas embolism, local anesthetic overdose, and spinal bradycardia, in the perioperative setting differs from events in the pre-hospital arena. As a result, modification of traditional ACLS protocols allows for more specific etiology-based resuscitation. Perioperative arrests are both uncommon and heterogeneous and have not been described or studied to the same extent as cardiac arrest in the community. These crises are usually witnessed, frequently anticipated, and involve a rescuer physician with knowledge of the patient's comorbidities and coexisting anesthetic or surgically related pathophysiology. When the health care provider identifies the probable cause of arrest, the practitioner has the ability to initiate medical management rapidly. Recommendations for management must be predicated on expert opinion and physiological understanding rather than on the standards currently being used in the generation of ACLS protocols in the community. Adapting ACLS algorithms and considering the differential diagnoses of these perioperative events may prevent cardiac arrest

    Contemporary Management of Locally Advanced and Recurrent Rectal Cancer: Views from the PelvEx Collaborative

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    Pelvic exenteration is a complex operation performed for locally advanced and recurrent pelvic cancers. The goal of surgery is to achieve clear margins, therefore identifying adjacent or involved organs, bone, muscle, nerves and/or vascular structures that may need resection. While these extensive resections are potentially curative, they can be associated with substantial morbidity. Recently, there has been a move to centralize care to specialized units, as this facilitates better multi-disciplinary care input. Advancements in pelvic oncology and surgical innovation have redefined the boundaries of pelvic exenterative surgery. Combined with improved neoadjuvant therapies, advances in diagnostics, and better reconstructive techniques have provided quicker recovery and better quality of life outcomes, with improved survival This article provides highlights of the current management of advanced pelvic cancers in terms of surgical strategy and potential future developments

    Laparoscopic extraperitoneal rectal cancer surgery: the clinical practice guidelines of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)

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