27 research outputs found

    Latent Classes for the Treatment Outcomes in Women with Gambling Disorder and Buying/Shopping Disorder

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    Background: The risk for behavioral addictions is rising among women within the general population and in clinical settings. However, few studies have assessed treatment effectiveness in females. The aim of this work was to explore latent empirical classes of women with gambling disorder (GD) and buying/shopping disorder (BSD) based on the treatment outcome, as well as to identify predictors of the different empirical groups considering the sociodemographic and clinical profiles at baseline. Method: A clinical sample of n = 318 women seeking treatment for GD (n = 221) or BSD (n = 97) participated. Age was between 21 to 77 years. Results: The four latent-classes solution was the optimal classification in the study. Latent class 1 (LT1, good progression to recovery) grouped patients with the best CBT outcomes (lowest risk of dropout and relapses), and it was characterized by the healthiest psychological state at baseline, the lowest scores in harm avoidance and self-transcendence, and the highest scores in reward dependence, persistence, self-directedness and cooperativeness. Latent classes 3 (LT3, bad progression to drop-out) and 4 (LT4, bad progression to relapse) grouped women with the youngest mean age, earliest onset of the addictive behaviors, and worst psychological functioning. Conclusions: GD and BSD are complex conditions with multiple interactive causes and impacts, which need wide and flexible treatment plans. Specific interventions should be designed according to the specific profiles of women for achieving early inclusion, retention and well-maintained long-term effects

    Cistinosis en pacientes adolescentes y adultos: Recomendaciones para la atención integral de la cistinosis

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa cistinosis es una enfermedad lisosomal minoritaria de expresión sistémica con especial afectación renal y oftalmológica, en la que los pacientes inician terapia renal sustitutiva en la primera década de la vida en ausencia de tratamiento. El pronóstico de la cistinosis depende del diagnóstico precoz, la pronta instauración del tratamiento con cisteamina y el buen cumplimiento terapéutico. La progresión de la enfermedad renal y de las complicaciones extrarrenales y una menor supervivencia, son más acentuadas en pacientes no adherentes.ObjetivoEl objetivo de este trabajo fue la elaboración de unas recomendaciones para la atención integral de la cistinosis y la transición del adolescente a la medicina del adulto, basadas en la experiencia clínica, con el fin de reducir el impacto de la enfermedad y mejorar la calidad de vida y el pronóstico del paciente.MétodoBúsqueda bibliográfica y reuniones de consenso de un equipo multidisciplinar de expertos en la práctica clínica con pacientes afectos de cistinosis (Grupo T-CiS.bcn), procedentes de 5 hospitales localizados en Barcelona.ResultadosEl documento recoge recomendaciones específicas y necesarias para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento multidisciplinar de la cistinosis en las siguientes áreas: nefrología, diálisis, trasplante renal, oftalmología, endocrinología, neurología, laboratorio, consejo genético, enfermería y farmacia.ConclusionesDisponer de un documento de referencia para la atención integral de la cistinosis constituye una herramienta de soporte para los profesionales de la salud que asisten a estos pacientes. Los principales pilares en los que se sustenta son: a) el enfoque multidisciplinar, b) la adecuada monitorización de la enfermedad y control de los niveles de cistina intraleucocitarios, c) la importancia de la adherencia al tratamiento con cisteamina y d) la promoción del autocuidado del paciente mediante programas de educación en la enfermedad. Todo ello conducirá, en una segunda fase, a la elaboración de un modelo de transición coordinado entre los servicios de pediatría y de adultos que contemple las necesidades específicas de la cistinosis.AbstractIntroductionCystinosis is a rare lysosomal systemic disease that mainly affects the kidney and the eye. Patients with cystinosis begin renal replacement therapy during the first decade of life in absence of treatment. Prognosis of cystinosis depends on early diagnosis, and prompt starting and good compliance with cysteamine treatment. Kidney disease progression, extra-renal complications and shorter life expectancy are more pronounced in those patients that do not follow treatment.The objective of this work was to elaborate recommendations for the comprehensive care of cystinosis and the facilitation of patient transition from paediatric to adult treatment, based on clinical experience. The goal is to reduce the impact of the disease, and to improve patient quality of life and prognosis.MethodsBibliographic research and consensus meetings among a multidisciplinary professional team of experts in the clinical practice, with cystinotic patients (T-CiS.bcn group) from 5 hospitals located in Barcelona.ResultsThis document gathers specific recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary follow-up of cystinotic patients in the following areas: nephrology, dialysis, renal transplant, ophthalmology, endocrinology, neurology, laboratory, genetic counselling, nursing and pharmacy.ConclusionsA reference document for the comprehensive care of cystinosis represents a support tool for health professionals who take care of these patients. It is based on the following main pillars: a) a multi-disciplinary approach, b) appropriate disease monitoring and control of intracellular cystine levels in leukocytes, c) the importance of adherence to treatment with cysteamine, and d) the promotion of patient self-care by means of disease education programmes. All these recommendations will lead us, in a second phase, to create a coordinated transition model between paediatric and adult care services which will cover the specific needs of cystinosis

    Implementation of programmes for the transition of adolescents to adult care

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    Transición; Adultos jóvenes; Enfermedades crónicasTransition; Young adults; Chronic diseasesTransició; Adults joves; Malalties cròniquesHasta un 15-20% de adolescentes tienen algún problema de salud crónico. La adolescencia representa un periodo de riesgo especial para la evolución de las enfermedades crónicas, tanto en aquellos con padecimientos con mayor prevalencia como en los afectados por enfermedades raras. La transición de la asistencia pediátrica a la adulta empieza con la preparación y capacitación del paciente pediátrico, acostumbrado a los cuidados tutelados, para que asuma la responsabilidad de su autocuidado en una unidad de adultos. La transferencia es el momento en el que la persona joven pasa a los servicios de adultos y es dada de alta de los servicios pediátricos. La transición sólo se completa cuando los jóvenes están integrados y funcionan con total competencia dentro del servicio de adultos. Los profesionales de adultos tienen un rol crucial al momento de recibir e integrar a los adultos jóvenes. Un programa de transición puede incluir transiciones de diferente complejidad, desde enfermedades frecuentes y conocidas como el asma, que requieren un proceso más sencillo, hasta enfermedades raras complejas con necesidad de participación de personal muy especializado. La transición requiere un trabajo en equipo con participación de numerosos profesionales: pediatras y médicos de adultos, enfermeras, psicólogos clínicos, trabajadores sociales sanitarios, equipo de Farmacia, y personal administrativo. Es importante implicar a los adolescentes en la toma de decisiones y que los padres los dejen ir progresivamente. Un programa de transición bien estructurado puede mejorar los resultados en salud, la experiencia del paciente y la utilización y coste de los cuidados sanitarios.Up to 15%–20% of adolescents have a chronic health problem. Adolescence is a period of particular risk for the development or progression of chronic diseases for both individuals with more prevalent conditions and those affected by rare diseases. The transition from paediatric to adult care begins with preparing and training the paediatric patient, accustomed to supervised care, to assume responsibility for their self-care in an adult care setting. The transition takes place when the young person is transferred to adult care and discharged from paediatric care services. It is only complete when the youth is integrated and functioning competently within the adult care system. Adult care providers play a crucial role in welcoming and integrating young adults. A care transition programme can involve transitions of varying complexity, ranging from those required for common and known diseases such as asthma, whose management is more straightforward, to rare complex disorders requiring highly specialized personnel. The transition requires teamwork with the participation of numerous professionals: paediatricians and adult care physicians, nurses, clinical psychologists, health social workers, the pharmacy team and administrative staff. It is essential to involve adolescents in decision-making and for parents to let them take over gradually. A well-structured transition programme can improve health outcomes, patient experience, the use of health care resources and health care costs

    Motherhood and Treatment Outcome in Female Patients with Compulsive Buying–Shopping Disorder

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    Motherhood has been proposed as an internal facilitating factor for the recovery of women with mental disorders. However, at the same time, there are significant barriers that may be interfering with the access and adherence to treatment for these women. The present longitudinal study aimed to deepen the sociodemographic and clinical profile of women with children and compulsive buying-shopping disorder (CBSD), and to explore the association between motherhood and response to treatment. The total sample included 77 women with a diagnosis of CBSD (n = 49 mothers) who received cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for 12 weeks. No association between psychopathology and motherhood was observed. The group of mothers reported an older age of onset of the CBSD, a lower amount of money spent per compulsive-buying episode, and a higher likelihood of family support for the CBSD. Moreover, this group showed lower risk of relapse. The findings support the theoretical proposal that considers motherhood as an internal facilitating factor for recovery and treatment adherence of mothers with addictions

    Clustering treatment outcomes in women with gambling disorder

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    The rising prevalence of gambling disorder (GD) among women has awakened considerable interest in the study of therapeutic outcomes in females. This study aimed to explore profles of women seeking treatment for GD based on a set of indicators including sociodemographic features, personality traits, clinical state at baseline, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) outcomes. Two-step clustering, an agglomerative hierarchical classifcation system, was applied to a sample of n=163 women of ages ranging from 20 to 73 yearsold, consecutively attended to by a clinical unit specialized in the treatment of G. Three mutually exclusive clusters were identifed. Cluster C1 (n=67, 41.1%) included the highest proportion of married, occupationally active patients within the highest social status index. This cluster was characterized by medium GD severity levels, the best psychopathological functioning, and the highest mean in the self-directedness trait. C1 registered 0% dropouts and only 14.9% relapse. Cluster C2 (n=63; 38.7%) was characterized by the lowest GD severity, medium scores for psychopathological measures and a high risk of dropout during CBT. Cluster C3 (n=33; 20.2%) registered the highest GD severity, the worst psychopathological state, the lowest self-directedness level and the highest harm-avoidance level, as well as the highest risk of relapse. These results provide new evidence regarding the heterogeneity of women diagnosed with GD and treated with CBT, based on the profle at preand post-treatment. Person-centered treatments should include specifc strategies aimed at increasing self-esteem, emotional regulation capacities and self-control of GD women

    Exploring the Association between Gambling-Related Offenses, Substance Use, Psychiatric Comorbidities, and Treatment Outcome

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    Several studies have explored the association between gambling disorder (GD) and gambling-related crimes. However, it is still unclear how the commission of these offenses influences treatment outcomes. In this longitudinal study we sought: (1) to explore sociodemographic and clinical differences (e.g., psychiatric comorbidities) between individuals with GD who had committed gambling-related illegal acts (differentiating into those who had had legal consequences (n = 31) and those who had not (n = 55)), and patients with GD who had not committed crimes (n = 85); and (2) to compare the treatment outcome of these three groups, considering dropouts and relapses. Several sociodemographic and clinical variables were assessed, including the presence of substance use, and comorbid mental disorders. Patients received 16 sessions of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Patients who reported an absence of gambling-related illegal behavior were older, and showed the lowest GD severity, the most functional psychopathological state, the lowest impulsivity levels, and a more adaptive personality profile. Patients who had committed offenses with legal consequences presented the highest risk of dropout and relapses, higher number of psychological symptoms, higher likelihood of any other mental disorders, and greater prevalence of tobacco and illegal drugs use. Our findings uphold that patients who have committed gambling-related offenses show a more complex clinical profile that may interfere with their adherence to treatment

    The prevalence and features of schizophrenia among individuals with gambling disorder

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    Background-objectives: Few studies have analyzed the comorbid presence of gambling disorder (GD) with schizophrenia, its sociodemographic correlates and clinical implications. This study estimated the prevalence of the dual diagnosis (GD with schizophrenia) and the differences in the profiles of patients with and without the dual condition. Method: The sample included n = 3,754 patients consecutively accepted for treatment for GD. Sociodemographics, gambling-related variables, psychopathological state and personality traits were assessed and compared between the groups. Results: The prevalence of schizophrenia within patients who met clinical criteria for GD was 4.4% (95% confidence interval: 3.8%-5.1%). Variables related to the dual presence of GD with schizophrenia were single marital status, lower education level, inactive working status, socioeconomic disadvantage, younger age, earlier onset of gambling problems, worse global psychopathological state and more dysfunctional personality profile (higher level in harm avoidance and lower level in cooperativeness, reward dependence, persistence and selfdirectedness). Conclusion: The presence of schizophrenia among patients with GD was around 4 times higher than the prevalence rate estimated in the reference general population. The differences in the profiles of GD patients with and without schizophrenia suggest that individuals with the dual diagnosis condition require unique assessment considerations and tailored treatment interventions specifically designed for the clinical and functioning higher risk

    Women and gambling disorder: Assessing dropouts and relapses in cognitive behavioral group therapy

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    Background: Gender-specific literature focused on gambling disorder (GD) is scarce, and women with GD have been understudied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate the short-term effectiveness in women with GD (n = 214) of a group standardized cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and to identify the most relevant predictors of the primary therapy outcomes (dropout and relapse). Methods: The manualized CBT consisted of 16 weekly outpatient group sessions. Women were provided with resources to obtain a better understanding of the GD, to improve self-control and to manage risk situations. Results: The dropout risk was higher for women with lower GD severity and higher psychopathological distress. Among other factors, lower education levels were a significant predictor of the relapse risk and and the frequency of relapses was higher for divorced women with a preference for non-strategic gambling and with substances consumption. Conclusions: Our findings evidence women-specific predictors of the primary therapy outcomes. The results highlight the need to design psychological interventions that address dropout and relapse risk factors in women

    Guia de pràctica clínica: tractament del dolor oncològic pediàtric

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    Dolor oncològic pediàtric; Càncer; Tractament; RegistreDolor oncológico pediátrico; Cáncer; Tratamiento; RegistroPediatric oncological pain; Cancer; Treatment; RegistryEl dolor oncològic pediàtric és un problema clínic rellevant a l'Hospital Vall d'hebron i les dades de què es disposa sobre el seu tractament són escasses. Aquest document s'ha desenvolupat per millorar el registre i el tractament del dolor en nens amb càncer atesos a l’Hospital, sobre la base de l’evidència científica de què es disposa. Es pretén aconseguir que, d’una banda, la mesura del dolor es faci de forma regular, amb la metodologia adequada i es registri sistemàticament a la història clínica. De l’altra, utilitzar les estratègies de tractament del dolor, tant farmacològiques com no farmacològiques; més efectives i segures per a aquest tipus de població. La utilització pràctica d’aquesta publicació s’ha de considerar com una guia; no es pretén anteposar-la al judici clínic