1,625 research outputs found

    Geometric constraints in dual F-theory and heterotic string compactifications

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    We systematically analyze a broad class of dual heterotic and F-theory models that give four-dimensional supergravity theories, and compare the geometric constraints on the two sides of the duality. Specifically, we give a complete classification of models where the heterotic theory is compactified on a smooth Calabi-Yau threefold that is elliptically fibered with a single section and carries smooth irreducible vector bundles, and the dual F-theory model has a corresponding threefold base that has the form of a P^1 bundle. We formulate simple conditions for the geometry on the F-theory side to support an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfold. We match these conditions with conditions for the existence of stable vector bundles on the heterotic side, and show that F-theory gives new insight into the conditions under which such bundles can be constructed. In particular, we find that many allowed F-theory models correspond to vector bundles on the heterotic side with exceptional structure groups, and determine a topological condition that is only satisfied for bundles of this type. We show that in many cases the F-theory geometry imposes a constraint on the extent to which the gauge group can be enhanced, corresponding to limits on the way in which the heterotic bundle can decompose. We explicitly construct all (4962) F-theory threefold bases for dual F-theory/heterotic constructions in the subset of models where the common twofold base surface is toric, and give both toric and non-toric examples of the general results.Comment: 81 pages, 2 figures; v2, v3: references added, minor corrections; v4: minor errors, Table 5 correcte

    M-Theory on the Orbifold C^2/Z_N

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    We construct M-theory on the orbifold C^2/Z_N by coupling 11-dimensional supergravity to a seven-dimensional Yang-Mills theory located on the orbifold fixed plane. It is shown that the resulting action is supersymmetric to leading non-trivial order in the 11-dimensional Newton constant. This action provides the starting point for a reduction of M-theory on G_2 spaces with co-dimension four singularities.Comment: 33 pages, Late

    T-Branes and Geometry

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    T-branes are a non-abelian generalization of intersecting branes in which the matrix of normal deformations is nilpotent along some subspace. In this paper we study the geometric remnant of this open string data for six-dimensional F-theory vacua. We show that in the dual M-theory / IIA compactification on a smooth Calabi-Yau threefold X, the geometric remnant of T-brane data translates to periods of the three-form potential valued in the intermediate Jacobian of X. Starting from a smoothing of a singular Calabi-Yau, we show how to track this data in singular limits using the theory of limiting mixed Hodge structures, which in turn directly points to an emergent Hitchin-like system coupled to defects. We argue that the physical data of an F-theory compactification on a singular threefold involves specifying both a geometry as well as the remnant of three-form potential moduli and flux which is localized on the discriminant. We give examples of T-branes in compact F-theory models with heterotic duals, and comment on the extension of our results to four-dimensional vacua.Comment: v2: 80 pages, 2 figures, clarifications and references added, typos correcte

    Monad Bundles in Heterotic String Compactifications

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    In this paper, we study positive monad vector bundles on complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds in the context of E8 x E8 heterotic string compactifications. We show that the class of such bundles, subject to the heterotic anomaly condition, is finite and consists of about 7000 models. We explain how to compute the complete particle spectrum for these models. In particular, we prove the absence of vector-like family anti-family pairs in all cases. We also verify a set of highly non-trivial necessary conditions for the stability of the bundles. A full stability proof will appear in a companion paper. A scan over all models shows that even a few rudimentary physical constraints reduces the number of viable models drastically.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figure

    Heterotic and M-theory Compactifications for String Phenomenology

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    In this thesis, we explore two approaches to string phenomenology. In the first half of the work, we investigate M-theory compactifications on spaces with co-dimension four, orbifold singularities. We construct M-theory on C^2/Z_N by coupling 11-dimensional supergravity to a seven-dimensional Yang-Mills theory located on the orbifold fixed-plane. The resulting action is supersymmetric to leading non-trivial order in the 11-dim Newton constant. We thereby reduce M-theory on a G2 orbifold with C^2/Z_N singularities, explicitly incorporating the additional gauge fields at the singularities. We derive the Kahler potential, gauge-kinetic function and superpotential for the resulting N=1 four-dimensional theory. Blowing-up of the orbifold is described by a Higgs effect and the results are consistent with the corresponding ones obtained for smooth G2 spaces. Further, we consider flux and Wilson lines on singular loci of the G2 space, and discuss the relation to N=4 SYM theory. In the second half, we develop an algorithmic framework for E8 x E8 heterotic compactifications with monad bundles. We begin by considering cyclic Calabi-Yau manifolds where we classify positive monad bundles, prove stability, and compute the complete particle spectrum for all bundles. Next, we generalize the construction to bundles on complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds. We show that the class of positive monad bundles, subject to the heterotic anomaly condition, is finite (~7000 models). We compute the particle spectrum for these models and develop new techniques for computing the cohomology of line bundles. There are no anti-generations of particles and the spectrum is manifestly moduli-dependent. We further study the slope-stability of positive monad bundles and develop a new method for proving stability of SU(n) vector bundles.Comment: PhD Thesis, 230 pages; University of Oxford (2008

    Matter in transition

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    We explore a novel type of transition in certain 6D and 4D quantum field theories, in which the matter content of the theory changes while the gauge group and other parts of the spectrum remain invariant. Such transitions can occur, for example, for SU(6) and SU(7) gauge groups, where matter fields in a three-index antisymmetric representation and the fundamental representation are exchanged in the transition for matter in the two-index antisymmetric representation. These matter transitions are realized by passing through superconformal theories at the transition point. We explore these transitions in dual F-theory and heterotic descriptions, where a number of novel features arise. For example, in the heterotic description the relevant 6D SU(7) theories are described by bundles on K3 surfaces where the geometry of the K3 is constrained in addition to the bundle structure. On the F-theory side, non-standard representations such as the three-index antisymmetric representation of SU(N) require Weierstrass models that cannot be realized from the standard SU(N) Tate form. We also briefly describe some other situations, with groups such as Sp(3), SO(12), and SU(3), where analogous matter transitions can occur between different representations. For SU(3), in particular, we find a matter transition between adjoint matter and matter in the symmetric representation, giving an explicit Weierstrass model for the F-theory description of the symmetric representation that complements another recent analogous construction.Comment: 107 pages, 3 figures, 32 tables. In version 2, one figure and comments added on the geometry of matter transition