296 research outputs found

    Determinants of willingness to pay for hip and knee joint replacement surgery for osteoarthritis

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    Objectives. To determine whether patients with osteoarthritis (OA) would be willing to pay for joint replacement and whether patient characteristics or health outcomes, including pain, physical function and health-related quality of life, were related to willingness to pay (WTP). Methods. Patients who had undergone primary total hip replacement (THR) or total knee replacement (TKR) for OA completed a disease-specific questionnaire (Western Ontario and McMaster: WOMAC index), a generic measure of health status (Medical Outcome Study Short Form-36: SF-36) and an Evaluation Questionnaire to measure WTP and satisfaction with the replacement. Results. Responses were obtained from 109 (77%) THR patients and 129 (72%) TKR patients. Mean age of respondents was 67 yr for THR (47% female) and 73 yr for TKR (60% female). Overall, 85% of patients responded to the WTP question. Of the THR patients, 71% were willing to pay something, 11% were not willing to pay anything and 18% did not answer the question. For TKR patients these figures were 70, 16 and 14% respectively. However, of those who responded to the WTP question, only 25% of the THR patients and 18% of the TKR patients indicated they would be willing to pay the actual current average cost of the operation in Australia (≥ A$15 000). A lower postoperative pain score (as measured by the WOMAC index) was a significant predictor of WTP for both THR and TKR patients. Income also significantly predicted WTP in THR patients but not in TKR patients. The other significant predictors for TKR patients were older age, having private health insurance and willingness to recommend joint replacement to others. Conclusions. Willingness to pay was a measure that was understandable and acceptable to patients, most of whom were willing to pay something. There was a high correlation between WTP, good health outcomes and patient satisfaction, pain relief being the dominant determinant

    Understanding key factors affecting electronic medical record implementation:a sociotechnical approach

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    Recent health care policies have supported the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) but examples of failed ICT projects in this sector have highlighted the need for a greater understanding of the processes used to implement such innovations in complex organizations. This study examined the interaction of sociological and technological factors in the implementation of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system by a major national hospital. It aimed to obtain insights for managers planning such projects in the future and to examine the usefulness of Actor Network Theory (ANT) as a research tool in this context

    Demostración de resultado económico: percepción del comando da aeronáutica de Brasil

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    No ano de 2010, uma alteração no quadro normativo brasileiro introduziu a Demonstração do Resultado Econômico (DRE) para o setor público, que busca comparar custos internos de produção com valores de mercado, segundo o conceito de custo de oportunidade. Este estudo procura analisar as possíveis respostas estratégicas dos gestores , buscando perceber se a cultura contábil existente no País permite a aceitação do novo instrumento. Por meio das percepções dos agentes públicos do Comando da Aeronáutica (Comaer), no Brasil, conclui-se que a resposta estratégica dos entrevistados tende para a atitude de aceitação da nova rotina, demonstrando traços de menor conservadorismo e maior interesse pela evidenciação de resultados.In 2010, a change in the Brazilian accounting regulatory framework introduced the Demonstração do Resultado Econômico (DRE) [Economic Income Statement] for the public sector, which seeks to compare the internal costs of production to market values, according to the concept of opportunity cost. This study aims to analyse the possible strategic responses of managers and tries to understand if the existing accounting culture in Brazil facilitates the introduction of the new statement. By means of perceptions of officials of the Aeronautical Command (Comaer), in Brazil, it is possible to conclude that the strategic response of respondents is closer to acceptance of the new routine, showing traces of less conservatism and greater interest for displaying results.En el año 2010, una modificación del cuadro normativo brasileño introdujo la Demostración del Resultado Económico (DRE) para el sector público, que busca comparar los costos internos de producción con los valores del mercado, según el concepto de costo de oportunidad. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las posibles respuestas estratégicas de los gestores, con el fin de percibir si la cultura contable existente en el país permite la aceptación del nuevo instrumento. Por medio de las percepciones de los agentes públicos del Comando da Aeronáutica (Comaer), en Brasil, se concluyó que la respuesta estratégica de los entrevistados tiende a aceptar la nueva rutina, mostrando rasgos de menos conservadurismo y más interés por la manifestación de resultados.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Doctors under the microscope: the birth of medical audit

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    In 1989 a UK government White Paper introduced medical audit as a comprehensive and statutory system of assessment and improvement in quality of care in hospitals. A considerable body of research has described the evolution of medical audit in terms of a struggle between doctors and National Health Service managers over control of quality assurance. In this paper we examine the emergence of medical audit from 1910 to the early 1950s, with a particular focus on the pioneering work of the American surgeons Codman, MacEachern and Ponton. It is contended that medical professionals initially created medical audit in order to articulate a suitable methodology for assessing individual and organisational performance. Rather than a means of protecting the medical profession from public scrutiny, medical auditing was conceived and operationalised as a managerial tool for fostering the active engagement of senior hospital managers and discharging public accountability. These early debates reveal how accounting was implicated in the development of a system for monitoring and improving the work of medical professionals, advancing the quality of hospital care, and was advocated in ways, which included rather than excluded managers

    A falling of the veils: turning points and momentous turning points in leadership and the creation of CSR

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    This article uses the life stories approach to leadership and leadership development. Using exploratory, qualitative data from a Forbes Global 2000 and FTSE 100 company, we discuss the role of the turning point (TP) as an important antecedent of leadership in corporate social responsibility. We argue that TPs are causally efficacious, linking them to the development of life narratives concerned with an evolving sense of personal identity. Using both a multi-disciplinary perspective and a multi-level focus on CSR leadership, we identify four narrative cases. We propose that they helped to re-define individuals’ sense of self and in some extreme cases completely transformed their self-identity as leaders of CSR. Hence we also distinguish the momentous turning point (MTP) that created a seismic shift in personality, through re-evaluation of the individuals’ personal values. We argue that whilst TPs are developmental experiences that can produce responsible leadership, the MTP changes the individuals’ personal priorities in life to produce responsible leadership that perhaps did not exist previously. Thus we appropriate Maslow’s (1976, p. 77) metaphorical phrase ‘A falling of the veils’ from his discussion of peak and desolation experiences that produce personal growth. Using a multi-disciplinary literature from social theory (Archer, 2012) moral psychology (Narvaez, 2009) and social psychology (Schwartz, 2010), we present a theoretical model that illustrates the psychological process of the (M)TP, thus contributing to the growing literature on the microfoundations of CSR

    How is the New Public Management applied in the occupational health care system? - decision-makers' and OH personnel's views in Finland

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In many countries occupational health care system is in change. Occupational health studies are mainly focused on occupational health substance and content. This study offers new perspectives on municipal OHS and its operations from management perspective.</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>The aim of this study is to analyse how New Public Management (NPM) doctrines are applied in the Finnish occupational health care system (OHS). The main focus is to describe and compare the views of decision-makers' and OH workers within the framework of NPM.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The data were collected by semi-structured interviews from 17 municipal decision-makers' and 26 municipal OH workers. Data was analyzed by examining coded data in a theory-driven way according to Hood's doctrine of NPM.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The doctrines were not as compatible with the OH personnel view as with the decision-makers' view. Decision-makers and OH personnel highlighted the strict criteria required for operation evaluation. Moreover, decision-makers strongly accentuated professional management in the public sector and the reorganization of public sector units. These were not equally relevant in OH personnel views. In OH personnel views, other doctrines (more attention to performance and accomplishments, emphasizing and augmentation of the competition and better control of public expense and means test) were not similarly in evidence, only weak evidence was observed when their importance viewed as medium by decision-makers. Neither of the respondents group kept the doctrine of management models of the private sector relevant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The NPM and Hoods doctrine fitted well with OH research. The doctrine brought out view differences and similarities between decision-makers and OH personnel. For example, policymakers highlighted more strongly the structural change by emphasizing professional management compared to OH personnel. The need for reorganization of municipal OH, regardless of different operational preconditions, was obvious for both decision-makers and OH personnel. The adaptation of more clarify management to a municipal context is not trouble-free. The municipality systemic structure, complex operational environment, and reconciliation of political and officer authority set challenges to management of municipalities.</p

    On ethically solvent leaders : the roles of pride and moral identity in predicting leader ethical behavior.

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    The popular media has repeatedly pointed to pride as one of the key factors motivating leaders to behave unethically. However, given the devastating consequences that leader unethical behavior may have, a more scientific account of the role of pride is warranted. The present study differentiates between authentic and hubristic pride and assesses its impact on leader ethical behavior, while taking into consideration the extent to which leaders find it important to their self-concept to be a moral person. In two experiments we found that with higher levels of moral identity, authentically proud leaders are more likely to engage in ethical behavior than hubristically proud leaders, and that this effect is mediated by leaders’ motivation to act selflessly. A field survey among organizational leaders corroborated that moral identity may bring the positive effect of authentic pride and the negative effect of hubristic pride on leader ethical behavior to the forefront

    Do anti-TNF agents have equal efficacy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis?

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists have dramatically improved the outcomes of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Three agents currently available in the USA – infliximab, etanercept, and adalimumab – have been designed to modify the biologic effects of TNF. Infliximab and adalimumab are monoclonal antibodies, and etanercept is a soluble protein. The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of each differs significantly from those of the others. All three agents are effective and safe, and can improve the quality of life in patients with RA. Although no direct comparisons are available, clinical trials provide evidence that can be used to evaluate the comparative efficacy of these agents. Infliximab, in combination with methotrexate, has been shown to relieve the signs and symptoms of RA, decrease total joint score progression, prevent joint erosions and joint-space narrowing, and improve physical function for up to 2 years. Etanercept has been shown to relieve the signs and symptoms of RA, decrease total joint score progression, and slow the rate of joint destruction, and might improve physical function. Etanercept is approved with and without methotrexate for patients who have demonstrated an incomplete response to therapy with methotrexate and other disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), as well as for first-line therapy in early RA, psoriatic arthritis, and juvenile RA. Adalimumab relieves the signs and symptoms of RA with and without methotrexate and other DMARDs, decreases total joint score progression, prevents joint erosions and joint-space narrowing in combination with methotrexate, and might improve physical function. When selecting a TNF antagonist, rheumatologists should weigh evidence and experience with specific agents before a decision is made for use in therapy