507 research outputs found

    Integrated reconfigurable control and guidance based on evaluation of degraded performance

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    The present paper is focused on analysing an integrated reconfigurable control and guidance approach for recovering a small fixed-wing UAV from different actuator faults, which cover locked in place (stuck) and loss of effectiveness. The model of the UAV Aerosonde is used to develop a reconfigurable control system based on the control allocation technique for a variety of faults, such as locked-in-place control surfaces. It is shown through simulation that the developed technique is successful to recover the aircraft from various faults but cannot guarantee success on the planned mission. For mission scenarios where performance degradation is such that the prescribed trajectory cannot be achieved, a reconfigurable guidance system is developed, which is capable of adapting parameters such as the minimum turning radius and the look-ahead distance for obstacle avoidance, to allow the vehicle to dynamically generate a path which guides the aircraft around the no-fly zones taking into account the post-fault reduced performance. Path following is performed by means of a non-linear lateral guidance law and a collision avoidance algorithm is implemented as well. Finally, the integration of control reconfiguration and guidance adaptation is carried out to maximise probabilities of post-failure success in the mission. A methodology is developed, using an error based control allocation parameter, as a measure of performance degradation, which links both reconfiguration and guidance systems. The developed method, although approximate, is proven to be an efficient way of allocating the required degree of reconfiguration in guidance commands when an accurate prediction of the actual performance is not available

    Gestão de resíduos sólidos na Continental: melhoria de práticas e de processos

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    A Cubesat mission with a deployable solar sail of 5 meter by 5 meter in a sun-synchronous low earth orbit is analyzed to demonstrate solar sailing using active attitude stabilization of the sail panel. The sail panel is kept parallel to the orbital plane to minimize aerodynamic drag and optimize the orbit inclination change caused by the solar pressure force normal to the sail surface. A practical control system is proposed, using a combination of small 2-dimensional translation of the sail panel and 3-axis magnetic torquing which is proved to have sufficient control authority over the gravity gradient and aerodynamic disturbance torques. Miniaturized CMOS cameras are used as sun and nadir vector attitude sensors and a robust Kalman filter is used to accurately estimate the inertially referenced body rates from only the sun vector measurements. It is shown through realistic simulation tests that the proposed control system, although inactive during eclipse, will be able to stabilize the sail panel to within ±2° in all attitude angles during the sunlit part of the orbit, when solar sailing is possible. © 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.Articl

    Magnetic versus nonmagnetic doping effects on the magnetic ordering in the Haldane chain compound PbNi2V2O8

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    A study of an impurity driven phase-transition into a magnetically ordered state in the spin-liquid Haldane chain compound PbNi2V2O8 is presented. Both, macroscopic magnetization as well as 51V nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements reveal that the spin nature of dopants has a crucial role in determining the stability of the induced long-range magnetic order. In the case of nonmagnetic (Mg2+) doping on Ni2+ spin sites (S=1) a metamagnetic transition is observed in relatively low magnetic fields. On the other hand, the magnetic order in magnetically (Co2+) doped compounds survives at much higher magnetic fields and temperatures, which is attributed to a significant anisotropic impurity-host magnetic interaction. The NMR measurements confirm the predicted staggered nature of impurity-liberated spin degrees of freedom, which are responsible for the magnetic ordering. In addition, differences in the broadening of the NMR spectra and the increase of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in doped samples, indicate a diverse nature of electron spin correlations in magnetically and nonmagnetically doped samples, which begin developing at rather high temperatures with respect to the antiferromagnetic phase transition.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Enforced isolation deep network for anomaly detection in images

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    An Attitude Control System and Commissioning Results of the SNAP-1 Nanosatellite

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    SNAP-1 is a low-cost nanosatellite build by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL), it is amongst other objectives a technology demonstrator for 3-axis stabilisation and orbit control for a future constellation of small satellites during formation flying. The satellite uses a single miniature Ymomentum wheel, 3-axis magnetorquer rods and a single butane gas thruster to ensure a nominal nadirpointing attitude with full pitch control and in-track delta-V manoeuvrability. The magnetorquer rods do momentum maintenance and nutation damping of the Y-wheel. The primary attitude sensor used, is a miniature 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer. Precise orbital knowledge will be obtained using a small single antenna GPS receiver supported by an on-board orbit estimator. This paper describes the various attitude control modes required to support: 1) a narrow and three wide angle CMOS cameras during pointing and tracking of targets, 2) the propulsion thruster during orbit manoeuvres, 3) the initial attitude acquisition phase and 4) a safe mode backup controller. The specific attitude controllers and estimators used during these modes are explained. Simulation and in-orbit commissioning results will be presented to evaluate the performance and design objectives

    Attitude control analysis of tethered de-orbiting

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    The increase of satellites and rocket upper stages in low earth orbit (LEO) has also increased substantially the danger of collisions in space. Studies have shown that the problem will continue to grow unless a number of debris are removed every year. A typical active debris removal (ADR) mission scenario includes launching an active spacecraft (chaser) which will rendezvous with the inactive target (debris), capture the debris and eventually deorbit both satellites. Many concepts for the capture of the debris while keeping a connection via a tether, between the target and chaser have been investigated, including harpoons, nets, grapples and robotic arms. The paper provides an analysis on the attitude control behaviour for a tethered de-orbiting mission based on the ESA e.Deorbit reference mission, where Envisat is the debris target to be captured by a chaser using a net which is connected to the chaser with a tether. The paper provides novel insight on the feasibility of tethered de-orbiting for the various mission phases such as stabilization after capture, de-orbit burn (plus stabilization), stabilization during atmospheric pass, highlighting the importance of various critical mission parameters such as the tether material. It is shown that the selection of the appropriate tether material while using simple controllers can reduce the effort needed for tethered deorbiting and can safely control the attitude of the debris/chaser connected with a tether, without the danger of a collision