61 research outputs found

    Influence of X-Rays on some electrical properties of the bovine vitreous humour

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    In this study, the influence of x-rays on the ionic properties of the vitreous humour of the bovine eyes has been investigated. Each vitreous sample studied was divided into three parts with two parts x-irradiated with a skin dose of 4.43 mGy and 140.15 mGy respectively, while the third part served as a non-irradiated control. Measurements of ionic conductivity, pH and bulk electric potential were made on the irradiated and non-irradiated samples at varying temperatures from 5oC to 45oC in order to study their temperature dependence. It was observed that high radiation dose significantly altered the temperature distribution of the ionic content of the vitreous humour. The possible contributions of the observed physico-chemical changes on the structure and charge distribution in the vitreous body have been discussed. Keywords: Bovine, conductivity, vitreous, electrical, liquefaction Nigerian Journal of Physics Vol. 18 (1) 2006: pp. 141-14


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    The study examined the factors which influence the occupational choice of youths in Oyo State of Nigeria. Information was obtained through the use of structured questionnaire. Results of data analysis indicate that 30% of respondents chose medicine as their career, 22.5% chose engineering as their future occupation, while careers in computer science came third (20%) in the occupational choice of the respondents and agriculture and teaching occupations attracted 6% and 5% respectively. Parents are more influential in assisting the youths with their occupational aspirations. Agricultural occupation is not favoured by a great majority of respondents because of lack of clear understanding as to what are involved in agricultural occupations. The paper provides different ways of educating students about career choice


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    The study examined the factors which influence the occupational choice of youths in Oyo State of Nigeria. Information was obtained through the use of structured questionnaire. Results of data analysis indicate that 30% of respondents chose medicine as their career, 22.5% chose engineering as their future occupation, while careers in computer science came third (20%) in the occupational choice of the respondents and agriculture and teaching occupations attracted 6% and 5% respectively. Parents are more influential in assisting the youths with their occupational aspirations. Agricultural occupation is not favoured by a great majority of respondents because of lack of clear understanding as to what are involved in agricultural occupations. The paper provides different ways of educating students about career choice

    An evaluate study of Hezekiah Oluwasanmi library collections, Obafami Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to investigate the awareness and usage of Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library collection by the students of Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. A questionnaire was used for data collection from the students in six out of the eleven faculties of the university. The study showed that the awareness of the Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library collection and its information services at various units of the library were provided for the students, and the usage of the information materials was high among the student of faculties of Pharmacy, Law and Education. It was found that the rate of awareness of the library collection and its information services provided was low in the faculties of Science, Health Science and Technology. The majority of the students from these three faculties did not use the Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library collection because either the materials were not relevant to their learning and research for the materials and the services provided by the collection. Factors affecting awareness and use of library collections such as competence in library-use skills; inadequate user education and attitudes towards users by library staff were reviewed. A comprehensive range of recommendations to improve user awareness including a well structured library orientation programme, provision of faculty libraries and automation of library functions were also presented in the study. University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal Vol.6(1) 2004: 90-10

    Theoretical model analysis of molecular orientations in liquid protein dielectrics

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    In this study, some theoretical model functions have been used to explain the molecular behaviour of four different types of proteins; human haemoglobin, Insulin, egg-white lysozyme and &#946 - globulin molecules in solution. The results of the computational fitting procedures showed that the dielectric dispersion of the protein molecules generally followed the Debye and Cole-Cole functions. The dielectric parameters obtained from the dispersions, relating to the structural and electrical properties of the molecules were tabulated. The relationships between the dispersion amplitude &#916 and the molecular dipole moment &#956 of the proteins and also between the relaxation time &#964 and the energy of activation &#916H of the molecules have been highlighted. The molecular interpretation of the polarization effects responsible for the dielectric dispersions have been discussed. Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol. 10 2006: pp. 15-2


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    This study was conducted to determine the motivational factors for youth participation in rural leadership development activities (R.L.D.As.) in Ogun State, Nigeria. Pre-tested and structured interview schedule was used to elicit information from 558 rural youths between the age group of 13 years and 30 years that were randomly selected, using multi-stage and random sampling techniques. Descriptive statistics like frequency counts and percentage were used to analyse the data, while the Pearson s correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the variables investigated, principal component analysis was used to establish the variables used in naming the motivational factors. The study shows that personal interest (r = 0.24). family value (r = 0.23), recognition (r = 0.25). responsibility (r = 0.19), incentives derived (r = 0.20) and economic status (r - 0.13) had positive and significant relationship with level of participation in R.L.D.As

    Influence of x-rays on the radiofrequency dielectric properties of bovine kidney tissues

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    The radiofrequency dielectric properties of x-irradiated and non-irradiated bovine kidney tissues have been investigated. The relative permittivity α , the dielectric loss factor α , and the a.c conductivity α of the tissues have been measured in the frequency range 1.0 to 50.0 MHz using a Marconi Q-meter, TF 1245 working in conjunction with an Oscillator TF 1246 at a room temperature of 28 0.5°C.The tissues were irradiated at dose levels of 0 to 6.25mGy, using a 3 phase diagnostic xray machine, Watson PX 304 (Picker International, U.K.). The xray doses were determined by Thermoluminescence Dosimetry (TLD) technique using the LiF TLD discs and Automated SOLARO TLD Reader. The dielectric properties of the irradiated tissues were found to be distinctly different from those of the non-irradiated tissues, showing that the dielectric behaviour of the tissues is highly influenced by x-irradiation. Keywords: x-rays, radiofrequency, dielectric, permittivity, conductivity Nigerian Journal of Physics Vol. 17, 2005: 117-12


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    This study was conducted to determine the motivational factors for youth participation in rural leadership development activities (R.L.D.As.) in Ogun State, Nigeria. Pre-tested and structured interview schedule was used to elicit information from 558 rural youths between the age group of 13 years and 30 years that were randomly selected, using multi-stage and random sampling techniques. Descriptive statistics like frequency counts and percentage were used to analyse the data, while the Pearson s correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the variables investigated, principal component analysis was used to establish the variables used in naming the motivational factors. The study shows that personal interest (r = 0.24). family value (r = 0.23), recognition (r = 0.25). responsibility (r = 0.19), incentives derived (r = 0.20) and economic status (r - 0.13) had positive and significant relationship with level of participation in R.L.D.As

    Effects of gamma rays on the low frequency dielectric dispersion of crude oil

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    The relative permittivity of irradiated and non- irradiated crude oil was investigated in the frequency range 1 to 100kHz and room temperature of 27.0 0.5°C. Samples of crude oil of specific gravity 0.828 0.005 were irradiated for periods of 2 months, 4 months and 6 months respectively using a cobalt 60 (60Co) gamma radiation source at a dose rate of 0.65 mSv per hour. The dielectric measurement was made using a Marconi TF 1313 Universal Bridge, working in conjunction with a Philip Harris signal generator. Results for irradiated and non-irradiated samples showed a decrease of relative permittivity (e') with frequency from 1 to 100 kHz. However, the relative permittivity of the irradiated samples was found to differ distinctly from the non-irradiated samples. This difference has been attributed to the ionization and weakening of molecular bonds in the irradiated samples. Increase in irradiation time of the samples from two months to four and six months respectively resulted in further increase of the relative permittivity owing to increased level of ionization. Keywords: dielectric, frequency, crude oil, dispersion, permittivityNigerian Journal of Physics Vol. 17, 2005: 99-10
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