18 research outputs found

    The dynamics of health poverty in Spain during the economic crisis (2008-2016)

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    In recent years, and because of the economic crisis, Spain's governement has been worried about changes in health poverty. In this paper, we examine individual health status measured subjectively (SAH) and we decompose some socio-economic determinants to analyse how this situation affects health. We focus on SAH to estimate the poverty trends over time using the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) index. For this purpose, we have used data provided by the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EUSILC). Our results show a negative growth if a poor SAH status is chosen as a health poverty threshold, and a positive growth of health poverty, if a fair SAH status is chosen. Furthermore, we decompose some socio-economic factors (such as gender, age and education level) to study how these characteristics affect health poverty. Our findings, based on different subgroup decompositions, reveal a rise of health poverty in Spain

    Are childhood immunisation rates associated with per capita income? Empirical evidence from 95 countries

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    Vaccination is a relevant prevention measure as a health strategy as it improves population’s health and well-being. This paper examines the relationship between trends in childhood vaccination coverage and per capita income from 2000 to 2020 and, specifically, the existence of convergence between them. We analyse data from two sources. On the one hand, we use per capita income data according to the World Bank classification (low-, lower-middle, upper-middle and high-income countries). On the other hand, we use data from the World Health Organization to analyse eight vaccines (the first dose of Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG); the first and the third dose of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTP1 and DTP3); the third dose of Hepatitis B (HEPB3); the first and the second dose of Measles-Containing (MCV1 and MCV2); the third dose of Polio (Pol3); and the Tetanus Toxoid (TT2)). We perform a fixed effects model to obtain the correlation between trends in coverage of the 8 vaccines mentioned and income across 95 countries during the first 20 years of the 21st century. Additionally, we follow the Barro and Sala-i-Martín approach to identify conditioned convergence. The study includes 95 countries and eight vaccines. Our findings show a positive correlation for almost all vaccines (BCG: 0.0014, p=0.0006; DTP1: 0.0012, p=0.0006; DTP3: 0.0002, p=0.0009; HepB3: 0.0037, p=0.0011; MCV1: 0.0022, p=0.0010; MCV2: -0.0062, p=0.0044; Pol3: 0.0001, p=0.0010; TT2: 0.0052, p=0.0009). Looking at conditioned convergence, the positive coefficient of the delayed dependent variable implies conditioned convergence for all vaccines (BCG: -0.1145, p=0.0073; DTP1: -0.1105, p=0.00789; DTP3: -0.1097, p=0.0070; HepB3: -0.1184, p=0.0087; MCV1: -0.1115, p=0.0075; MCV2: -0.1376, p=0.0123; Pol3: -0.1089, p=0.0070; TT2: -0.1158, p=0.0131). Hence, even if countries differ in their socioeconomic characteristics, they converge to different steady state. This paper provides new empirical evidence on both the relationship of immunisation coverage rates and per capita income. Our findings may have significant implications for health policies because socio-economic status indicators have a notable impact on immunisation rates

    A systematic review on the suicide’s consequences of social isolation/and loneliness: a first approach to measure indirect effects of COVID-19

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    Background: The present COVID-19 pandemic will negatively affect population public health. A huge economic and emotional impact can be expected because of this situation, contributing to mental health disorders or less healthy lifestyles, among others. The aim of this paper was to identify the relationship between “isolation” and suicides. Methods: In this regard, we had made a systematic review of the most recent papers, published from January 2016 to April 2020, thought the most acknowledged databases. This issue is very important due to the indirect relationship between COVID-19 and suicides. Results: Our analysis demonstrates that suicide and -social isolation and loneliness- have a positive and direct relationship although these findings varied slightly by region or areas. Moreover, the attention is focus on the youth during the most recent period and this is a real problem because economies cannot afford losing (young) population. Conclusions: In order to prevent suicides, public policies should prevent suicidal thoughts that it could induce to terminate the lives of individuals in their most productive years and harmful outcomes to their families and friends

    Ted Talks como recurso docente en la asignatura de “Economics of social expenditure” del grado en Economía

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    Objective: The pandemic highlighted the need to reinforce other teaching methods such as virtual teaching, gamification, and asynchronous formats. Our study analyzes the experience of implementing the asynchronous guest speaker approach using TED Talks in the course “Economics of Social Expenditure” in the third year of the Economics Degree. Methods: At the end of each TED Talk, students are given a series of activities to analyze the performance and usefulness of the activity in terms of their acceptance and understanding of the key concepts that have been assessed in the continuous evaluation. Besides, students are required to respond to an anonymous questionnaire regarding their satisfaction with the activity. Results: Both the questionnaires and the grades show the following results: 1. High satisfaction with the proposed activities. 2. Increased student participation and engagement in the course’s development. 3. Improved acceptance and assimilation of key concepts resulting in higher final grades for the course. 4. Enhancement of soft skills such as teamwork and critical thinking. Conclusions: Our experience proves the need to continue in these methodologies, which could be extrapolated to other subjects. Thus, we can consider students’ feedback to improve teaching, but it will also allow us to build a small database to statistically validate this teaching experience.Objetivo: La pandemia puso de manifiesto la necesidad de reforzar otro tipo de métodos docentes como son la docencia virtual, la gamificación o los formatos asíncronos. Nuestro estudio analiza la experiencia de la aplicación de la figura del ponente invitado asíncrono con el uso de las TED Talks en la asignatura de “Economics of Social Expenditure” del Curso de Tercero del Grado en Economía. Métodos: Al final de cada TED Talk se le propone al alumnado una serie de actividades para analizar el rendimiento y la utilidad de la actividad en la aceptación y comprensión de los conceptos principales que han sido considerados en la evaluación continua. Además, el estudiantado tiene que responder a un cuestionario anónimo sobre su grado de satisfacción con la actividad. Resultados: Tanto los cuestionarios como las calificaciones nos muestran los siguientes resultados: 1. Una alta satisfacción con las actividades propuestas. 2. Un incremento en la participación e implicación del estudiantado en el desarrollo de la asignatura. 3. Una mejora en la aceptación y asimilación de conceptos de la asignatura que derivan en una mejora de las notas finales de la asignatura. 4. Mejora de las competencias no cognitivas (soft skills) como son el trabajo en equipo o el pensamiento crítico. Conclusiones: Nuestra experiencia prueba la necesidad de seguir apostando por este tipo de metodologías que serían extrapolables a otras asignaturas. Así, no solo se tendría en cuenta la opinión del alumnado para mejorar los resultados docentes, a su vez pues nos permitiría configurar una base de datos para validar econométricamente esta experiencia docente

    Regional economic effects of COVID-19 on the self-employed: The case of Cantabria

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar y estimar los efectos que la crisis sanitaria desatada por la enfermedad COVID-19 tendrá sobre los trabajadores autónomos en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria a través de la simulación de tres posibles escenarios de contingencia (base, favorable y adverso). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, si los trabajadores autónomos afectados por las caídas de actividad económica se diesen de baja en la Seguridad Social, esto equivaldría a una caída anual de afiliación estimada en un 2,95% en el escenario base, un 0,43% en el favorable y un 4,48% en el caso más desfavorable.The economic crisis that, as a consequence of the health pandemic, has been unleashed, will affect to a greater extent the weakest groups of our labour market. In this regard, self-employed workers may face a particularly dramatic situation. Thus, due to the lock down measures established to mitigate the advance of the coronavirus, at this time of uncertainty, millions of workers in general, and self-employed in particular, have had to radically reduce their economic activity, paralyzing numerous projects and/or jobs. Consequently, their income has been suddenly and indefinitely reduced. Given these circumstances, at the present time, it is especially relevant to analyse the effects that COVID-19 is generating on employment and, more particularly, on the group of self-employed workers. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyse and estimate the effects that the health crisis unleashed by the disease COVID-19 might have on self-employed workers in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria through the simulation of three possible contingency scenarios: base, favourable and adverse

    Coronavirus fear of contagion and compliance with social distancing measures: evidence for a sample of a Spanish university community

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    Background. Social distancing measures have been one of the core pillars of the strategy against COVID-19 in all the countries. This study aims at understanding what motivates behaviours and compliance with social distancing measures among students and workers from a Spanish public university. Methods. We carry out two logistics models considering two different dependent variables: not maintaining social relation with non-cohabiting people and not to leave home except for emergencies (n = 507, sample is formed by students and workers from the University of Cantabria in the North of Spain). Results. Being very concerned about getting ill suggests higher risk of not maintaining social relation with non-cohabiting people. Getting older increase the probability of not leaving home except for emergencies as happens with those who are very concerned about getting ill. Young people often living with vulnerable older relatives may affect students' behaviour. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that compliance with social distancing measures depends on several factors related to age, the number or kind of cohabiting people and level of concern about getting ill. Policies should address all these factors through a multidisciplinary perspective

    The economic burden of localized prostate cancer and insights derived from cost-effectiveness studies of the different treatments

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    Prostate cancer is one of the most frequent and impacting malignant neoplasms for men. In particular, localized prostate cancer has a notably high incidence and prevalence, despite which a solid consensus on treatment and procedure of care has not yet been reached. This article aims to shed light on this challenge by characterizing the economic burden and cost-effectiveness of different treatment strategies for localized prostate cancer after analyzing published comparable data from studies conducted in OECD countries

    Tendencias en la pobreza en salud: análisis para España, 2008-2016

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to analyse the trend in health poverty in Spain from micro-data that come from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions. This survey provides the individual self-assessment health variable, on which this paper is focused. This variable has five traditional levels of health, ranging from “very good” to “very poor”. The data, used in this project, provide information on approximately 30,000 individuals each year. In addition, it has been selected for a nine-year period, from 2008 to 2016. The analysis of the trend in health poverty by means of self-assessment health is carried out by the poverty index developed by Foster-Greer-Thorbecke: FGT index. In addition, it is made statistical inference. Finally, this index is decomposed to obtain the contributions of health inequality determinants. Thus, it is possible to make comparisons across years. The results show a negative growth of health poverty in Spain, whether a poor self-reported health status is chosen as a poverty threshold. Meanwhile, all the indices point out a positive growth of the health poverty in Spain, when a fair self-assessed health status is selected as a poverty threshold. Furthermore, in terms of determinants, health inequalities can be explained, to some extent, by some determinants such gender, age, education level or income, among others. The results suggest inequalities in health, favouring male population, younger age groups, individuals with high education level and high income as well as employed and no single population. In conclusion, it can be affirmed that the results are consistent with the period studied. This is because this paper analyses the whole period of the Spanish economic crisis.RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la tendencia de la pobreza en salud en España a partir de microdatos que provienen de la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida. Dicha encuesta provee la variable de autoevaluación de la salud del individuo, en la cual se centra este trabajo. La variable cuenta con cinco niveles, que van desde “muy buena” hasta “muy mala” salud. Los datos utilizados en este estudio proporcionan información acerca de, aproximadamente, 30.000 individuos cada año. Además, se han seleccionado para un periodo de 9 años, concretamente, desde 2008 hasta 2016. El análisis de la tendencia de la pobreza en salud a través de la autovaloración de salud se realiza mediante el índice de pobreza desarrollado por Foster-Greer-Thorbecke. Además, se realiza inferencia estadística. Por último, se procede a la descomposición de dicho índice para obtener la contribución de los determinantes de desigualdad en salud. Así, es posible realizar comparaciones a lo largo de los años. Los resultados muestran un crecimiento negativo de la pobreza en salud en España si se elige un mal estado de auto-evaluación de la salud como umbral de pobreza. Mientras tanto, todos los índices calculados señalan un crecimiento positivo de la pobreza en salud cuando se supone un estado de salud normal como umbral de pobreza. Además, los hallazgos indican que las desigualdades en salud, en cierta medida, son explicadas por determinantes como el género, la edad, el nivel de educación o los ingresos, entre otros. Estos resultados sugieren desigualdades en salud, favoreciendo a los hombres, a los grupos de menor edad, a los individuos con alto nivel de educación y altos ingresos, así como a aquellos que son asalariados y no están solteros. En conclusión, se puede afirmar que los resultados son coherentes con el periodo analizado. Es decir, se examina el periodo de tiempo que comprende la actual crisis económica española.Máster en Economía: Instrumentos del Análisis Económic

    Essays about health economics: inequality, poverty and polarization

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    RESUMEN: Los impactos que generan determinados factores sobre la salud de la población tienen como consecuencia que los grupos sociales más favorecidos experimentan mejoras de salud y, todo lo contrario, sucede con la población menos favorecida. Ante esta situación, el objetivo concreto de esta tesis doctoral es analizar las desigualdades socioeconómicas existentes para comprobar cómo afectan a la salud autopercibida de la población, tasas de cobertura de vacunación, salud mental y obesidad, y la existencia de desigualdad. Más concretamente, se investigan consecuencias causadas por la Gran Recesión sobre determinadas variables asociadas con la salud en España y Europa. Esta tesis doctoral se divide en seis secciones y cada uno contribuye a analizar determinados aspectos de la desigualdad en la salud a través de diferentes enfoques. No obstante, a pesar de ser independientes, los capítulos están relacionados entre sí a través de la desigualdad en salud. Más concretamente, cada uno de ellos aborda un tema diferente del campo de Economía de la Salud, utilizando distinta metodología y datos.ABSTRACT: Impacts generated by certain factors on populations’ health have several consequences, experiencing most favoured social groups’ improvements in health. By contrast, less favoured population present worse health status. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to examine several socio-economic characteristics to know how they affect population’s self-perceived health status as well as vaccination coverage rates, mental health status and obesity. In addition, it is shown whether these factors imply health inequality. More specifically, the study of different consequences caused by the Great Recession on certain variables related to health in Spain and in Europe is investigated. This thesis is divided into six sections. Each helps to examine some health characteristics throughout different approaches. However, the chapters are related to each other through health inequality, but they are totally independent between them. More specifically, each section deals with a different issue of the Heath Economics field, using different methodologies as well as dat