44 research outputs found

    Is VOICE a Good Role Model for English Users in Japan?

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    This study investigated the effect of early feeding mode on the neurological condition at 42 months. For this purpose, healthy pregnant women were recruited in Groningen and Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Children were healthy and born at term. At 42 months, the children were neurologically examined by means of the Touwen/Hempel technique. In addition to the clinical diagnosis, the neurological findings were interpreted in terms of optimality. Special attention was paid to the quality of movements in terms of fluency. In total, 200 (51%) exclusively breastfed (for greater than or equal to 6 weeks) and 194 (49%) formula-fed children were studied. Twelve (3%) 42-month-old children were considered to be neurologically mildly abnormal and 1 child was diagnosed as abnormal. No effect of the type of feeding was found on the clinical diagnosis or the neurological optimality. After adjustments for study centre and social, obstetric, perinatal and neonatal neurological differences, a beneficial effect of breastfeeding on the fluency of movements was found (odds ratio for non-optimal fluency 0.56; 95% confidence interval 0.37-0.85). The prolongation of full breastfeeding beyond 6 weeks did not influence the quality of movements. In conclusion, among Dutch preschool children, there was a small advantageous effect of full breastfeeding during the first 6 weeks of life on the fluency of movements

    The proportion of postmenopausal breast cancer cases in the Netherlands attributable to lifestyle-related risk factors

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    We aimed to estimate the proportion of Dutch postmenopausal breast cancer cases in 2010 that is attributable to lifestyle-related risk factors. We calculated population attributable fractions (PAFs) of potentially modifiable risk factors for postmenopausal breast cancer in Dutch women aged >50 in 2010. First, age-specific PAFs were calculated for each risk factor, based on their relative risks for postmenopausal breast cancer (from meta-analyses) and age-specific prevalence in the population (from national surveys) around the year 2000, assuming a latency period of 10 years. To obtain the overall PAF, age-specific PAFs were summed in a weighted manner, using the age-specific breast cancer incidence rates (2010) as weights. 95 % confidence intervals for PAF estimates were derived by Monte Carlo simulations. Of Dutch women >40 years, in 2000, 51 % were overweight/obese, 55 % physically inactive (<5 days/week 30 min activity), 75 % regularly consumed alcohol, 42 % ever smoked cigarettes and 79 % had a low-fibre intake (<3.4 g/1000 kJ/day). These factors combined had a PAF of 25.7 % (95 % CI 24.2–27.2), corresponding to 2,665 Dutch postmenopausal breast cancer cases in 2010. PAFs were 8.8 % (95 % CI 6.3–11.3) for overweight/obesity, 6.6 % (95 % CI 5.2–8.0) for alcohol consumption, 5.5 % (95 % CI 4.0–7.0) for physical inactivity, 4.6 % (95 % CI 3.3–6.0) for smoking and 3.2 % (95 % CI 1.6–4.8) for low-fibre intake. Our findings imply that modifiable risk factors are jointly responsible for approximately one out of four Dutch postmenopausal breast cancer cases. This suggests that incidence rates can be lowered substantially by living a more healthy lifestyle

    Costs and effects of conventional vision screening and photoscreening in the Dutch preventive child health care system

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    Background: Little is known about costs and effects of vision screening strategies to detect amblyopia. Aim of this study was to compare costs and effects of conventional (optotype) vision screening, photoscreening or a combination in children aged 3-6 years. Methods: Population-based, cross-sectional study in preventive child health care in The Hague. Children aged 3 years (3y), 3 years and 9 months (3y9m) or 5-6 years (5/6y) received the conventional chart vision screening and a test with a photoscreener (Plusoptix 512C). Costs were based on test duration and additional costs for devices and diagnostic work-up. Results: Two thousand, one hundred and forty-four children were included. The estimated costs per child screened were (sic)17.44, (sic)20.37 and (sic)6.90 for conventional vision screening at 3y, 3y9m and 5/6y, respectively. For photoscreening, these estimates were (sic)6.61, (sic)7.52 and (sic)9.40 and for photoscreening followed by vision screening if the result was unclear (combination) (sic)9.32 (3y) and (sic)9.33 (3y9m). The number of children detected with amblyopia by age were 9, 14 and 5 (conventional screening), 6, 13 and 3 (photoscreening) and 10 (3y) and 15 (3y9m) (combination), respectively. The estimated costs per child diagnosed with amblyopia were (sic)1500, (sic)1050 and (sic)860 for conventional vision screening, (sic)860, (sic)420 and (sic)1940 for photoscreensic)ing and (sic)730 (3y) and (sic)450 (3y9m) for the combination. Conclusions: Combining photoscreening with vision screening seems promising to detect amblyopia in children aged 3y/3y9m, whereas conventional screening seems preferable at 5/6y. As the number of study children with amblyopia is small, further research on the effects of these screening alternatives in detecting children with amblyopia is recommended.Research into fetal development and medicin

    Checklist vroegsignalering in de kraamtijd

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    Gelukkig gaat het met de meeste kinderen in Nederland goed. Een deel van de kinderen komt echter in de knel omdat zij opgroeien onder ongunstige omstandigheden. Wanneer deze omstandigheden vroeg worden gesignaleerd, kunnen ouders geholpen worden om hun kind(eren) in een stabiele, veilige omgeving te laten opgroeien. Daarmee kunnen latere problemen mogelijk voorkomen worden. Als kraamverzorgende ben je een aantal dagen intensief betrokken bij de kraamvrouw en heb je een indruk van het gezin. Je bent dus in de gelegenheid om signalen in een vroeg stadium op te pikken. Om kraamverzorgenden te ondersteunen heeft TNO in samenwerking met verloskundigen, kraamverzorgenden en JGZ (jeugdgezondheidszorg/consultatiebureau / Centrum voor Jeugd & Gezin) een checklist gemaakt om het gezinsfunctioneren in kaart te brengen. Deze checklist is een verdere uitwerking van het instrument dat TNO in 2007 ontwikkelde in het pilotproject Preventie en vroegsignalering van risicogezinnen in de kraamperiode (De Jonge e.a. 2007)

    Evaluatie van de screening op AGS/CHT/PKU bij kinderen geboren in 2003

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