282 research outputs found

    Effect of Supplementation during the Breeding Season on a May-calving Herd in the Nebraska Sandhills

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    Females in their first and second breeding season received either a 32% crude protein (DM) supplement or no supplement throughout the breeding season. Supplementation did not affect heifer BW, BCS, and pregnancy rate at pregnancy diagnosis. Supplementation impacted primiparous cow BW and BCS at pregnancy diagnosis, but did not affect pregnancy rates. Calf birth weight and dystocia rates were unaffected by supplementation for both heifers and primiparous cow. Calves nursing supplemented dams were heavier at weaning. Greater supplementation may be needed to affect pregnancy rate

    Effects of Maternal Late Gestation Nutrition on May-Born Heifer Progeny

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    May-calving dams in late gestation grazed either sub-irrigated meadow with or without supplement or upland range with or without supplement. Supplementation was 1 lb/d of a 33% CP (DM) supplement. Heifer progeny from these dams were followed through their first and second breeding seasons. Both dam grazing and supplement treatment affected heifer progeny BW and BCS. Heifers born to dams who grazed meadow in late gestation attained a greater percentage of mature BW at the start of their first breeding season and increased pregnancy rates as primiparous cows. Grazing of meadow by May-calving dams in late gestation may increase stayability of heifer progeny. Although supplementing the dam during late gestation tended to increase heifer progeny BW at first breeding, the increased risk of dystocia at heifer’s first parturition may negate the benefit

    Comparison of Two Alternate Prostaglandin Products in Yearling Beef Heifers

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    Yearling heifers were administered 1 of 2 alternate prostaglandin products (Lutalyse vs. Lutalyse HighCon), which differ in concentration of active ingredient and administration route. Timing of estrus, pregnancy rate to AI, and final pregnancy rate did not differ between treatments. Body weight and ADG were also not affected by prostaglandin treatment. These results indicate producers can utilize Lutalyse HighCon, administered subcutaneously (s.c.), to avoid injection site blemishes and reduce carcass discounts with no impact on estrus synchronization or pregnancy rates

    A Cognitive-Perceptual Approach to Conceptualizing Speech Intelligibility Deficits and Remediation Practice in Hypokinetic Dysarthria

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    Hypokinetic dysarthria is a common manifestation of Parkinson's disease, which negatively influences quality of life. Behavioral techniques that aim to improve speech intelligibility constitute the bulk of intervention strategies for this population, as the dysarthria does not often respond vigorously to medical interventions. Although several case and group studies generally support the efficacy of behavioral treatment, much work remains to establish a rigorous evidence base. This absence of definitive research leaves both the speech-language pathologist and referring physician with the task of determining the feasibility and nature of therapy for intelligibility remediation in PD. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a novel framework for medical practitioners in which to conceptualize and justify potential targets for speech remediation. The most commonly targeted deficits (e.g., speaking rate and vocal loudness) can be supported by this approach, as well as underutilized and novel treatment targets that aim at the listener's perceptual skills

    Effects of Backgrounding and Feedlot System Strategies on May-Born Steer Performance

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    May-born steers were backgrounded to achieve either a high or low rate of gain. The high rate of gain was achieved by offering steers meadow hay ad libitum and 4 lb/d of a 33% CP (DM) supplement, while the low rate of gain consisted of steers grazing meadow and offered 1 lb/d of the same supplement. After backgrounding, one-half of the steers from each group entered the feedlot in May as short-yearlings, while the remainder grazed upland range until entering the feedlot as long-yearlings in mid-September. Hot carcass weight was greater for steers backgrounded to achieve a high rate of gain, but they also consumed more during the feedlot phase and had fewer carcasses grade USDA average Choice or greater compared with steers backgrounded to achieve a low rate of gain. Long-yearling steers had increased marbling scores and percentage of carcasses grading USDA average Choice or greater compared with short-yearling steers. Furthermore, long-yearlings had increased carcass weight and risk for overweight carcasses


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    Effects of Prepartum Nutrition on May-Calving Cows and Progeny

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    May-calving dams grazed either sub-irrigated meadow or upland range from Jan. 5 to May 1 each year for 6 years. Within grazing system, dams received either no supplement or 1 lb/d of a 33% CP supplement from Jan. 5 to April 1. Dams grazing meadow in the prepartum period weighed more and had a greater body condition score prior to calving. They also tended to have greater pregnancy rates in the subsequent breeding season and tended to wean heavier calves than dams grazing upland range. Allowing May-calving dams to graze meadow in late gestation may increase herd profitability through increased dam pregnancy rates and weaned calf value. Furthermore, supplemented dams weaned heavier calves, independent of grazing system. Supplementation of May-calving dams in late gestation may be economical if the income from additional pounds of calf weaned is greater than the supplementation cost

    Impact of Winter Supplementation of May Calving Cows and Heifer Development System in Two Different Breeding Seasons on Subsequent Growth and Reproduction

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    In Exp. 1, May-calving cows were utilized to evaluate the effects of winter supplementation on heifer progeny. Cows grazed either dormant upland winter range with or without a protein supplement or grazed dormant meadow with or without a protein supplement. In Exp. 2, replacement heifers from March and May calving herds were offered ad libitum meadow hay and 4 lb/d supplement or grazed meadow and offered 1 lb/d supplement from mid-January to mid-April. Calf weaning BW and ADG from birth to weaning was less for calves from cows grazing winter range with no supplement compared with all other dam treatments. Heifer development system did not impact final pregnancy rates. Therefore, a reduced input winter heifer development system is a viable option in both early and late summer breeding seasons. However, winter supplementation of May-calving dams did influence heifer progeny ADG from birth to weaning

    Dynamic Analysis of Vascular Morphogenesis Using Transgenic Quail Embryos

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    Background: One of the least understood and most central questions confronting biologists is how initially simple clusters or sheet-like cell collectives can assemble into highly complex three-dimensional functional tissues and organs. Due to the limits of oxygen diffusion, blood vessels are an essential and ubiquitous presence in all amniote tissues and organs. Vasculogenesis, the de novo self-assembly of endothelial cell (EC) precursors into endothelial tubes, is the first step in blood vessel formation [1]. Static imaging and in vitro models are wholly inadequate to capture many aspects of vascular pattern formation in vivo, because vasculogenesis involves dynamic changes of the endothelial cells and of the forming blood vessels, in an embryo that is changing size and shape. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have generated Tie1 transgenic quail lines Tg(tie1:H2B-eYFP) that express H2B-eYFP in all of their endothelial cells which permit investigations into early embryonic vascular morphogenesis with unprecedented clarity and insight. By combining the power of molecular genetics with the elegance of dynamic imaging, we follow the precise patterning of endothelial cells in space and time. We show that during vasculogenesis within the vascular plexus, ECs move independently to form the rudiments of blood vessels, all while collectively moving with gastrulating tissues that flow toward the embryo midline. The aortae are a composite of somatic derived ECs forming its dorsal regions and the splanchnic derived ECs forming its ventral region. The ECs in the dorsal regions of the forming aortae exhibit variable mediolateral motions as they move rostrally; those in more ventral regions show significant lateral-to-medial movement as they course rostrally. Conclusions/Significance: The present results offer a powerful approach to the major challenge of studying the relative role(s) of the mechanical, molecular, and cellular mechanisms of vascular development. In past studies, the advantages of the molecular genetic tools available in mouse were counterbalanced by the limited experimental accessibility needed for imaging and perturbation studies. Avian embryos provide the needed accessibility, but few genetic resources. The creation of transgenic quail with labeled endothelia builds upon the important roles that avian embryos have played in previous studies of vascular development

    ‘I think I'm more free with them'—Conflict, Negotiation and Change in Intergenerational Relations in African Families Living in Britain

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    While the family is increasingly being recognised as pivotal to migration, there remain too few studies examining how migration impacts on intergenerational relationships. Although traditional intergenerational gaps are intensified by migration, arguably there has been an over-emphasis on the divisions between ‘traditional’ parents and ‘modern’ children at the expense of examining the ways in which both generations adapt. As Foner and Dreby [2011. “Relations Between the Generations in Immigrant Families.” Annual Review of Sociology 37: 545–564] stress, the reality of post-migration intergenerational relations is inevitably more complex, requiring the examination of both conflict and cooperation. This article contributes to this growing literature by discussing British data from comparative projects on intergenerational relations in African families (in Britain, France and South Africa). It argues that particular understandings can be gained from examining the adaptation of parents and parenting strategies post-migration and how the reconfiguration of family relations can contribute to settlement. By focusing on how both parent and child generations engage in conflict and negotiation to redefine their relationships and expectations, it offers insight into how families navigate and integrate the values of two cultures. In doing so, it argues that the reconfiguration of gender roles as a result of migration offers families the space to renegotiate their relationships and make choices about what they transmit to the next generation