48 research outputs found

    A case of phage therapy against pandrug-resistant Achromobacter xylosoxidans in a 12-year-old lung-transplanted cystic fibrosis patient

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    Bacteriophages are a promising therapeutic strategy among cystic fibrosis and lung-transplanted patients, considering the high frequency of colonization/infection caused by pandrug-resistant bacteria. However, little clinical data are available regarding the use of phages for infections with Achromobacter xylosoxidans. A 12-year-old lung-transplanted cystic fibrosis patient received two rounds of phage therapy because of persistent lung infection with pandrug-resistant A. xylosoxidans. Clinical tolerance was perfect, but initial bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) still grew A. xylosoxidans. The patient's respiratory condition slowly improved and oxygen therapy was stopped. Low-grade airway colonization by A. xylosoxidans persisted for months before samples turned negative. No re-colonisation occurred more than two years after phage therapy was performed and imipenem treatment was stopped. Whole genome sequencing indicated that the eight A. xylosoxidans isolates, collected during phage therapy, belonged to four delineated strains, whereby one had a stop mutation in a gene for a phage receptor. The dynamics of lung colonisation were documented by means of strain-specific qPCRs on different BALs. We report the first case of phage therapy for A. xylosoxidans lung infection in a lung-transplanted patient. The dynamics of airway colonization was more complex than deduced from bacterial culture, involving phage susceptible as well as phage resistant strains

    Optimizing the quality and effectiveness of simple and complex medical devices for infusion

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    La perfusion intraveineuse, continue ou intermittente, est un acte courant dans les services de soins bien que non dĂ©nuĂ© de risque. DiffĂ©rents dispositifs mĂ©dicaux peuvent ĂŞtre employĂ©s pour permettre l’administration parfois simultanĂ©e de plusieurs substances actives. Ces dispositifs peuvent, de par leurs caractĂ©ristiques propres, gĂ©nĂ©rer des fluctuations plus ou moins importantes du dĂ©bit massique de principe actif, c’est-Ă -dire la quantitĂ© de mĂ©dicament administrĂ©e au patient par unitĂ© de temps. Le premier axe de travail concernant ces dispositifs mĂ©dicaux est l’étude des prescriptions des normes, en particulier les dĂ©finitions, les mĂ©thodes d’essai et les seuils de conformitĂ© attendus. Les principaux Ă©lĂ©ments de physiologie et de mĂ©canique des fluides sont abordĂ©s afin d’apprĂ©hender la problĂ©matique. Cette Ă©tude est complĂ©tĂ©e par l’analyse des donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature concernant l’impact des dispositifs mĂ©dicaux sur le dĂ©bit massique des principes actifs dĂ©livrĂ©s par voie intraveineuse. Une revue systĂ©matique de la littĂ©rature a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e. Elle porte sur les travaux in vitro ou in vivo se rapportant au sujet et concernant tout Ă©lĂ©ment susceptible de modifier le dĂ©bit ou la concentration du mĂ©dicament perfusĂ©. Le premier travail expĂ©rimental rĂ©alisĂ© in vitro concerne la perfusion simultanĂ©e de trois mĂ©dicaments au moyen d’un dispositif unique de perfusion prĂ©sentant plusieurs points d’accès. Les trois mĂ©dicaments Ă©taient perfusĂ©s par pousse-seringues et une solution d’hydratation par gravitĂ©. Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer l'impact des caractĂ©ristiques (volume rĂ©siduel et valve anti-retour) de deux dispositifs de perfusion, un premier prĂ©sentant un très faible volume rĂ©siduel (0,046 ml) et une valve anti-retour et le second prĂ©sentant un volume rĂ©siduel Ă©levĂ© (6,16 ml) et sans valve anti-retour) sur le dĂ©bit massique de trois principes actifs. La quantification simultanĂ©e de trois principes actifs en solution (dinitrate d’isosorbide, midazolam et noradrĂ©naline) a nĂ©cessitĂ© la mise au point d’une mĂ©thode multivariĂ©e sur spectre UV (rĂ©gression partial least square (PLS)). Cette technique a permis de doser en continu (1 dosage par seconde) les trois principes actifs Ă  la sortie de la ligne de perfusion. La mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© validĂ©e dans les Ă©chelles de concentrations respectives de 5-60, 10-80 et 2,5-20 µg.mL-1 pour le dinitrate d’isosorbide, le midazolam et la noradrĂ©naline, dans des mĂ©langes binaires et 6,67 Ă  30, 0,83 Ă  7,5 et 1,67 Ă  23,33 µg.ml−1 pour ces mĂŞmes produits, dans des mĂ©langes ternaires. La mise au point du modèle a permis de retenir la zone du spectre situĂ©e entre 220 et 300 nm associĂ©e Ă  un index Q2cum optimal. L’étude de recouvrement, employant le modèle pour prĂ©dire les compositions de 8 mĂ©langes ternaires, retrouvait des valeurs de concentrations situĂ©es dans un intervalle de 99,5 Ă  101 % des valeurs thĂ©oriques. Les principaux paramètres dans cette Ă©tude Ă©taient 1) l'Ă©volution du dĂ©bit massique des trois mĂ©dicaments, 2) la valeur du plateau du dĂ©bit massique Ă  l'Ă©quilibre, et 3) l’efficience de perfusion (flow change efficiency (FCE)). Le FCE est obtenu en divisant l’aire sous la courbe du dĂ©bit massique expĂ©rimental en fonction du temps par l’aire sous la courbe du dĂ©bit massique attendu en fonction du temps. Ce paramètre est calculĂ© pour chaque intervalle de 5 minutes après le dĂ©but de la perfusion. Les systèmes de perfusion avec un volume rĂ©siduel rĂ©duit offrent de façon significative un meilleur FCE (53,0  15,4% avec un volume rĂ©siduel très faible après 5 minutes de perfusion comparativement Ă  5,6  8,2% avec un système de perfusion avec un volume rĂ©siduel Ă©levĂ©), quel que soient les conditions de changements de dĂ©bit. Une relation non-linĂ©aire a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie entre le volume rĂ©siduel, le temps depuis le dĂ©but de la perfusion et le FCE. [...]Intravenous infusion, whether used continuously or intermittently, is a common feature in healthcare, although not without risk. Various medical devices can be used to administer the infusion, sometimes simultaneously, of several active substances . These devices, because of their characteristics, may generate more or less significant variations in drug mass flow rate, which is the amount of drug delivered per unit of time to the patient. The first part of this work on these medical devices focuses on studying standard requirements and norms, especially definitions, as well as trial methods and expected conformity thresholds. The main elements of physiology and fluid mechanics are also addressed to offer a better grasp of the problems involved. This study is complemented by analyses of published data on the impact of medical devices on drug mass flow rate when delivered intravenously. A systematic review of publications was made, covering in vitro or in vivo studies related to the topic, targeting more particularly any infusion device likely to alter the flow or concentration of the infused drug. The first experimental in vitro work involves the simultaneous infusion of three drugs using a single infusion device with several access points. The three drugs were infused by syringe pump and a hydration solution by gravity. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of certain features (residual volume and check valve) of two infusion devices (the former with very low residual volume and a check valve and the latter with a high residual volume and no check valve) on the mass flow of three active ingredients. Simultaneous quantification of three active ingredients in solution (isosorbide dinitrate, midazolam and norepinephrine) made it necessary to develop a multivariate method on UV spectrum (partial least square regression (PLS)). This technique meant that the three drugs could be dosed continuously (1 dose per second) at the catheter egress. The method was validated for concentration scales of 5-60, 10-80 and from 2.5 to 20 µg/ml for isosorbide dinitrate, midazolam and noradrenaline in binary mixtures and 6.67 to 30, 0.83 to 7.5 and 1.67 to 23.33 µg/ml for the same products, in ternary mixtures. The perfecting of the model made it possible to maintain the spectral region between 220 and 300 nm with an optimal Q2cum index. The recovery study, performed on prediction sets containing eight different ternary mixtures of isosorbide dinitrate, midazolam and noradrenalin, yielded recovery values ranging from 99.5 to 101% of the theoretic values. The main parameters assessed in this study were 1) the evolution of mass flow rate for the three drugs, 2) the value of the plateau mass flow rate, and 3) flow change efficiency (FCE).. FCE is obtained by dividing the area under the curve of the experimental mass flow in relation to time by the area under the curve of the expected mass flow in relation to time. This parameter was calculated at each 5-minute interval after the start of infusion. Infusion systems with reduced residual volume provided significantly better FCE (53.0  15.4% with very low residual volume after 5 minutes’ infusion compared to 5.6  8.2% with high residual volume), regardless of any changes in flow conditions. A nonlinear relationship was established between residual volume, time since the onset of infusion and FCE. [...

    Optimisation de la qualité et de l’efficacité des dispositifs médicaux de perfusion simple et complexe

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    Intravenous infusion, whether used continuously or intermittently, is a common feature in healthcare, although not without risk. Various medical devices can be used to administer the infusion, sometimes simultaneously, of several active substances . These devices, because of their characteristics, may generate more or less significant variations in drug mass flow rate, which is the amount of drug delivered per unit of time to the patient. The first part of this work on these medical devices focuses on studying standard requirements and norms, especially definitions, as well as trial methods and expected conformity thresholds. The main elements of physiology and fluid mechanics are also addressed to offer a better grasp of the problems involved. This study is complemented by analyses of published data on the impact of medical devices on drug mass flow rate when delivered intravenously. A systematic review of publications was made, covering in vitro or in vivo studies related to the topic, targeting more particularly any infusion device likely to alter the flow or concentration of the infused drug. The first experimental in vitro work involves the simultaneous infusion of three drugs using a single infusion device with several access points. The three drugs were infused by syringe pump and a hydration solution by gravity. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of certain features (residual volume and check valve) of two infusion devices (the former with very low residual volume and a check valve and the latter with a high residual volume and no check valve) on the mass flow of three active ingredients. Simultaneous quantification of three active ingredients in solution (isosorbide dinitrate, midazolam and norepinephrine) made it necessary to develop a multivariate method on UV spectrum (partial least square regression (PLS)). This technique meant that the three drugs could be dosed continuously (1 dose per second) at the catheter egress. The method was validated for concentration scales of 5-60, 10-80 and from 2.5 to 20 µg/ml for isosorbide dinitrate, midazolam and noradrenaline in binary mixtures and 6.67 to 30, 0.83 to 7.5 and 1.67 to 23.33 µg/ml for the same products, in ternary mixtures. The perfecting of the model made it possible to maintain the spectral region between 220 and 300 nm with an optimal Q2cum index. The recovery study, performed on prediction sets containing eight different ternary mixtures of isosorbide dinitrate, midazolam and noradrenalin, yielded recovery values ranging from 99.5 to 101% of the theoretic values. The main parameters assessed in this study were 1) the evolution of mass flow rate for the three drugs, 2) the value of the plateau mass flow rate, and 3) flow change efficiency (FCE).. FCE is obtained by dividing the area under the curve of the experimental mass flow in relation to time by the area under the curve of the expected mass flow in relation to time. This parameter was calculated at each 5-minute interval after the start of infusion. Infusion systems with reduced residual volume provided significantly better FCE (53.0  15.4% with very low residual volume after 5 minutes’ infusion compared to 5.6  8.2% with high residual volume), regardless of any changes in flow conditions. A nonlinear relationship was established between residual volume, time since the onset of infusion and FCE. [...]La perfusion intraveineuse, continue ou intermittente, est un acte courant dans les services de soins bien que non dĂ©nuĂ© de risque. DiffĂ©rents dispositifs mĂ©dicaux peuvent ĂŞtre employĂ©s pour permettre l’administration parfois simultanĂ©e de plusieurs substances actives. Ces dispositifs peuvent, de par leurs caractĂ©ristiques propres, gĂ©nĂ©rer des fluctuations plus ou moins importantes du dĂ©bit massique de principe actif, c’est-Ă -dire la quantitĂ© de mĂ©dicament administrĂ©e au patient par unitĂ© de temps. Le premier axe de travail concernant ces dispositifs mĂ©dicaux est l’étude des prescriptions des normes, en particulier les dĂ©finitions, les mĂ©thodes d’essai et les seuils de conformitĂ© attendus. Les principaux Ă©lĂ©ments de physiologie et de mĂ©canique des fluides sont abordĂ©s afin d’apprĂ©hender la problĂ©matique. Cette Ă©tude est complĂ©tĂ©e par l’analyse des donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature concernant l’impact des dispositifs mĂ©dicaux sur le dĂ©bit massique des principes actifs dĂ©livrĂ©s par voie intraveineuse. Une revue systĂ©matique de la littĂ©rature a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e. Elle porte sur les travaux in vitro ou in vivo se rapportant au sujet et concernant tout Ă©lĂ©ment susceptible de modifier le dĂ©bit ou la concentration du mĂ©dicament perfusĂ©. Le premier travail expĂ©rimental rĂ©alisĂ© in vitro concerne la perfusion simultanĂ©e de trois mĂ©dicaments au moyen d’un dispositif unique de perfusion prĂ©sentant plusieurs points d’accès. Les trois mĂ©dicaments Ă©taient perfusĂ©s par pousse-seringues et une solution d’hydratation par gravitĂ©. Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer l'impact des caractĂ©ristiques (volume rĂ©siduel et valve anti-retour) de deux dispositifs de perfusion, un premier prĂ©sentant un très faible volume rĂ©siduel (0,046 ml) et une valve anti-retour et le second prĂ©sentant un volume rĂ©siduel Ă©levĂ© (6,16 ml) et sans valve anti-retour) sur le dĂ©bit massique de trois principes actifs. La quantification simultanĂ©e de trois principes actifs en solution (dinitrate d’isosorbide, midazolam et noradrĂ©naline) a nĂ©cessitĂ© la mise au point d’une mĂ©thode multivariĂ©e sur spectre UV (rĂ©gression partial least square (PLS)). Cette technique a permis de doser en continu (1 dosage par seconde) les trois principes actifs Ă  la sortie de la ligne de perfusion. La mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© validĂ©e dans les Ă©chelles de concentrations respectives de 5-60, 10-80 et 2,5-20 µg.mL-1 pour le dinitrate d’isosorbide, le midazolam et la noradrĂ©naline, dans des mĂ©langes binaires et 6,67 Ă  30, 0,83 Ă  7,5 et 1,67 Ă  23,33 µg.ml−1 pour ces mĂŞmes produits, dans des mĂ©langes ternaires. La mise au point du modèle a permis de retenir la zone du spectre situĂ©e entre 220 et 300 nm associĂ©e Ă  un index Q2cum optimal. L’étude de recouvrement, employant le modèle pour prĂ©dire les compositions de 8 mĂ©langes ternaires, retrouvait des valeurs de concentrations situĂ©es dans un intervalle de 99,5 Ă  101 % des valeurs thĂ©oriques. Les principaux paramètres dans cette Ă©tude Ă©taient 1) l'Ă©volution du dĂ©bit massique des trois mĂ©dicaments, 2) la valeur du plateau du dĂ©bit massique Ă  l'Ă©quilibre, et 3) l’efficience de perfusion (flow change efficiency (FCE)). Le FCE est obtenu en divisant l’aire sous la courbe du dĂ©bit massique expĂ©rimental en fonction du temps par l’aire sous la courbe du dĂ©bit massique attendu en fonction du temps. Ce paramètre est calculĂ© pour chaque intervalle de 5 minutes après le dĂ©but de la perfusion. Les systèmes de perfusion avec un volume rĂ©siduel rĂ©duit offrent de façon significative un meilleur FCE (53,0  15,4% avec un volume rĂ©siduel très faible après 5 minutes de perfusion comparativement Ă  5,6  8,2% avec un système de perfusion avec un volume rĂ©siduel Ă©levĂ©), quel que soient les conditions de changements de dĂ©bit. Une relation non-linĂ©aire a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie entre le volume rĂ©siduel, le temps depuis le dĂ©but de la perfusion et le FCE. [...

    Rôle du pharmacien d'officine dans la prise en charge des personnes âgées dépendantes à domicile

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    LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Mobility Energy Emissions Diagnosis (MEED)*: A standardized approach to assess the environmental impacts of urban mobility in France"

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    The article describes the methodology used to systematically enhance the Household Travel Surveys (HTS) with energy data on consumption, local pollutant emissions and greenhouse gas emissions in France. This is part of an approach called Mobility Emission Energy Diagnosis (MEED), which aims to facilitate the development of Urban Mobility Plans by providing a strategic diagnosis of environmental issues related to urban mobility of travellers. To obtain quality data that are comparable in time and space, a standardized methodology is proposed. This has been used systematically since 2014, and has already made it possible to link individual mobility behaviours with emissions of pollutants in about 25 towns, which represents about 15% of the French population. The method used is considered relevant and the database so constituted should be capable of generating many innovative analyses

    Weighted conditional random fields for supervised interpatient heartbeat classification

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    This paper proposes a method for the automatic classification of heartbeats in an ECG signal. Since this task has specific characteristics such as time dependences between observations and a strong class unbalance, a specific classifier is proposed and evaluated on real ECG signals from the MIT arrhythmia database. This classifier is a weighted variant of the conditional random fields classifier. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms previously reported heartbeat classification methods, especially for the pathological heartbeats

    Weighted SVMs and Feature Relevance Assessment in Supervised Heart Beat Classification.

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    The diagnosis of cardiac dysfunctions requires the analysis of longterm ECG signal recordings, often containing hundreds to thousands of heart beats. In this work, automatic inter-patient classification of heart beats following AAMI guidelines is investigated. The prior of the normal class is by far larger than the other classes, and the classifier obtained by a standard SVM training is likely to act as the trivial acceptor. To avoid this inconvenience, a SVM classifier optimizing a convex approximation of the balanced classification rate rather than the standard accuracy is used. First, the assessment of feature sets previously proposed in the litterature is investigated. Second, the performances of this SVM model is compared to those of previously reported inter-patient classification models. The results show that the choice of the features is of major importance, and that some previously reported feature sets do not serve the classification performances. Also, the weighted SVM model with the best feature set selection achieves results better than previously reported inter-patient models with features extracted only from the R spike annotation