14 research outputs found

    Wi-Fi Guest Access: A Struggle For Secure Functionality in Academic Environments

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    The rapid growth in the functionality of Wi-Fi networking in recent years has benefited academic environments. Consistent with their role as centers of innovation academic institutions have an interest in facilitating as much mobile, computer networking functionality as possible to parties of varying levels of affiliation, while also assuring confidentiality and integrity of communications. Providing secure yet functional Wi-Fi access to guests and affiliates in an academic environment presents significant challenges. Academic institutions have taken a wide variety of approaches to this problem. This study presents and analyzes data gathered from semi-structured telephone interviews with employees focused on computer networking and security in academic environments regarding their institutions' approaches toward striking a balance between security and functionality. The results are summarized, conclusions are presented, and solutions to common problems are reviewed. Finally, remaining significant research questions are presented and explored

    Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis, central retinal artery occlusion and optic neuropathy: A new association

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    Purpose: To report a patient with chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) complicated by optic neuropathy and central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO). Observations: CRMO is a noninfectious, inflammatory bone disorder. It is thought to be an autoimmune condition related to an imbalance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Retinal vasculitis has been reported in a patient with CRMO but not CRAO or optic neuropathy. Conclusions: We expanded the list of ophthalmic involvement of CRMO to include CRAO and optic neuropathy

    Paging Materials to Maintain Quality Library Service During a Two-Year Renovation

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    Beginning in July 2002, the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill underwent an 11 million dollar renovation. During three phases of the renovation, parts of the collection were inaccessible to patrons. In order to continue to make the library’s collection available, library staff created a paging system. Patrons submitted requests for needed library materials using paper and electronic forms and library staff retrieved the requested items. The paging service was modified three times based on prior experience. Patrons were generally satisfied with the service. The renovation ended in December 2004

    Justice reinvestment in an "Age of Austerity" : developments in the United Kingdom

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    In the UK, national and local governments are struggling to cope with the economic crisis which ensued in 2008. The effects of that crisis are still being felt in the United Kingdom, with significant reductions in public sector expenditure leading to budget cuts in the criminal justice system and public services more generally. In June 2013, the UK Chancellor projected further expenditure cuts from 2015 onward. Justice reinvestment (JR) has been proposed by UK policy makers and campaign groups as one way of responding to these economic problems. Proponents argue that, at a modest level, it has the potential to deliver efficiency gains in how the criminal justice system is operated. On a more ambitious scale, JR may fundamentally transform the way in which criminal justice services are delivered. Drawing on evidence from JR experiments in the United Kingdom—including Payment by Results (PbR) pilots in England and Wales—this paper examines the nature and extent to which models of JR can be implemented in an “age of austerity” against the backdrop of the wider application of PbR commissioning for criminal justice and related services