9 research outputs found

    Exploring Consumers’ Attitudes of Smart TV Related Privacy Risks

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    A number of privacy risks are inherent in the Smart TV ecosystem. It is likely that many consumers are unaware of these privacy risks. Alternatively, they might be aware but consider the privacy risks acceptable. In order to explore this, we carried out an online survey with 200 participants to determine whether consumers were aware of Smart TV related privacy risks. The responses revealed a meagre level of awareness. We also explored consumers’ attitudes towards specific Smart TV related privacy risks. We isolated a number of factors that influenced rankings and used these to develop awareness-raising messages. We tested these messages in an online survey with 155 participants. The main finding was that participants were generally unwilling to disconnect their Smart TVs from the Internet because they valued the Smart TV’s Internet functionality more than their privacy. We subsequently evaluated the awareness-raising messages in a second survey with 169 participants, framing the question differently. We asked participants to choose between five different Smart TV Internet connection options, two of which retained functionality but entailed expending time and/or effort to preserve privacy

    Development of Trust in an Online Breast Cancer Forum: A Qualitative Study

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    Background: Online health forums provide peer support for a range of medical conditions, including life-threatening and terminal illnesses. Trust is an important component of peer-to-peer support, although relatively little is known about how trust forms within online health forums. Objective: The aim of this paper is to examine how trust develops and influences sharing among users of an online breast cancer forum. Methods: An interpretive qualitative approach was adopted. Data were collected from forum posts from 135 threads on nine boards on the UK charity, Breast Cancer Care (BCC). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 BCC forum users. Both datasets were analysed thematically using Braun and Clarke’s [2006] approach and combined to triangulate analysis. Results: Trust operates in three dimensions, structural, relational and temporal, which intersect with each other and do not operate in isolation. The structural dimension relates to how the affordances and formal rules of the site affected trust. The relational dimension refers to how trust was necessarily experienced in interactions with other forum users: it emerged within relationships and was a social phenomenon. The temporal dimension relates to how trust changed over time and was influenced by the length of time users spent on the forum. Conclusions: Trust is a process that changes over time, and which is influenced by structural features of the forum and informal but collectively understood relational interactions among forum users. The study provides a better understanding of how the intersecting structural, relational and temporal aspects that support the development of trust facilitate sharing in online environments. These findings will help organisations developing online health forums

    Information overload in the information age: a review of the literature from business administration, business psychology, and related disciplines with a bibliometric approach and framework development

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