628 research outputs found

    Road Quality Classification

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    Automatické vyhodnocování kvality vozovky může být užitečné jak správním orgánům, tak i těm účastníkům silničního provozu, kteří vyhledávají vozovky s kvalitním povrchem pro co největší potěšení z jízdy. Tato práce se zabývá návrhem modelu, který klasifikuje obrázky silnic do pěti kvalitativních kategorií na základě jejich celkového vzhledu. V práci prezentujeme nový ručně anotovaný dataset, obsahující fotografie ze služby Google Street View. Anotace datasetu byla navržena pro motorkáře, ale může být použita i pro jiné účastníky silničního provozu. Experimentovali jsme jak s předučenými konvolučními neuronovými sítěmi, jako jsou MobileNet či DenseNet, tak s vlastními architekturami konvolučních neuronových sítí. Dále jsme vyzkoušeli různé techniky předzpracování dat, např. odstraňování stínů či kontrastně-limitní adaptabilní histogramovou ekvalizací (CLAHE). Námi navrhovaný klasifikační model využívá CLAHE a na testovací sadě dosahuje 71% přesnosti. Vizuální kontrola ukázala, že navrhovaný model je i s touto přesností využitelný za účelem, pro který byl navržen.Automated evaluation of road quality can be helpful to authorities and also road users who seek high-quality roads to maximize their driving pleasure. This thesis proposes a model which classifies road images into five qualitative categories based on overall appearance. We present a new manually annotated dataset, collected from Google Street View. The dataset classes were designed for motorcyclists, but they are also applicable to other road users. We experimented with Convolutions Neural Networks, involving custom architectures and pre-trained networks, such as MobileNet or DenseNet. Also, many experiments with preprocessing methods such as shadow removal or CLAHE. Our proposed classification model uses CLAHE and achieves 71% accuracy on a test set. A visual check showed the model is applicable for its designed purpose despite the modest accuracy since the image data are often controversial and hard to label even for humans

    Alien Registration- Lank, David (Kennebunk, York County)

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    Descent conditions for generation in derived categories

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    This work establishes a criterion that determines when strong generation within the bounded derived category of a Noetherian scheme is preserved under the derived pushforward of a proper morphism. Consequently, this criterion produces upper bounds on Rouquier dimension of the bounded derived category, and applications concerning affine varieties are studied. Finally, it is demonstrated that the bounded derived category of a Noetherian scheme of finite type over a perfect field admits a strong generator, yielding new examples that may not necessarily be separated.Comment: Comments welcome; v

    Habitat Fragmenta-on in the Sebago Lake Watershed

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    The goal of this research was to evaluate the extent of land use change occurring in the Sebago lake watershed of southern Maine. The primary data set used was Landsat 7 Near Infrared satellite imagery of the region which was analyzed with ESRI’s ArcGIS soQware. Data was clipped to the Portland Water District’s sub watershed shape file and analyzed with the soQware’s image analysis ‘difference’ tool which calculates the differences in pixel values between to raster datasets. The 2013 Landsat reclassifica-on was compared to 1987, 1995 and 2009 reclassifica-ons. NOAA’s Habitat Priority Planner plugin tool was also u-lized in order to create an excel based dataset of sub watersheds most at risk of being degraded. Once all data was compiled, an open access map of the watershed cloropleth map of the risk assessment data was uploaded to Carto DB for public access and future reference by Portland Water District

    Bovine electrocardiography in normal, tranquilized and certain abnormal animals.

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    Trade-offs, condition dependence and stopover site selection by migrating sandpipers

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    Western sandpipers Calidris mauri on southward migration fly over the Gulf of Alaska to the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, where they stop for a few days to replenish reserves before continuing. In the Strait, individuals captured on the extensive tidal mudflats of the Fraser estuary (∼25000 ha) are significantly heavier (2.71 g, or >10% of lean body mass) than those captured on the small (<100 ha) mudflat of nearby Sidney Island. Previous work has shown that the difference cannot be attributed to seasonal timing, size, age or gender effects, and here we compare predictions made by six hypotheses about a diverse set of data to explain why, partway through a migratory journey of ∼10000 km, birds have such different body masses at two stopover sites within 40 km of each other. The ‘trade-off’ hypothesis – that the large Fraser estuary offers safety from predators, but a lower fattening rate, while the small Sidney Island site is more dangerous, but offers a higher fattening rate – made six successful predictions, all of which were upheld by the data. All other hypotheses failed at least one prediction. We infer that calidrid sandpipers arriving in the Strait of Georgia with little fat remaining (and therefore low body mass) choose to take advantage of the high feeding rate at small sites like Sidney Island because they are less vulnerable to avian predators than are individuals with higher fat reserves, who instead elect to feed at large open sites like the Fraser estuary mudflats

    Strong generation and (co)ghost index for module categories

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    This work focuses on notions of generation and (co)ghost index in the module category of a Noetherian commutative ring. In particular, a sufficiency condition is established for the existence of strong generators in the module category of a Noetherian ring. As a result, this provides an affirmative answer to a question posed by Iyengar and Takahashi. Furthermore, the techniques developed provide upper bounds on the Rouquier dimension and rank respectively for the singularity category and category of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules. Additionally, a local-to-global principle for (co)ghost index in the module category is investigated, and explicit computations are provided.Comment: V1, comments welcome; v2 consists of additional coauthors and massive improvements to results; v3, no changes, add grant informatio

    Creating Your Bubble: Personal Space On and Around Large Public Displays

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    We describe an empirical study that explores how users establish and use personal space around large public displays (LPDs). Our study complements field studies in this space by more fully characterizing interpersonal distances based on coupling and confirms the use of on-screen territories on vertical displays. Finally, we discuss implications for future research: limitations of proxemics and territoriality, how user range can augment existing theory, and the influence of display size on personal space

    Living from existing; Parasitic architecture

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    Biyoloji alanında karşımıza çıkan simbiyoz kavramı, iki organizma arasındaki her türlü ilişkiyi tarif etmektedir. Parazitlik kavramı ise bu iki organizmadan birinin aralarındaki ilişkiden yarar sağladığı ve diğer organizmanın ise zarar gördüğü bir ilişki durumunu anlatmaktadır. Bu ilişkide konak durumundaki organizma parazit olarak tanımlanan organizmanın taşıyıcısı ve besin kaynağıdır. Bahsi geçen taşıyıcılar mimaride, kent sistemlerini oluşturan mevcut yapılardır ve bu yapılara eklemlenen yeni birimler ise parazit mimari örnekleri olarak anılmaktadır. Kısaca parazit mimari, konak yapı ile arasındaki ilişkiden beslenen, konağa uyum sağlayabilen, geçici ve sömürücü bir mimari biçim olarak tanımlanabilir. Fakat biyolojideki parazitlikten farklı olarak mimarideki parazitlikte konak yapı zarar görmez. Bu çalışmada parazit mimarinin özellikleri belirlenip, literatürden ve internet arama motorlarından elde edilen ve parazit mimari örneği sayılan yüz adet yapının parazitlikleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda çalışma beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde çalışmanın amacı, önemi ve kapsamı vurgulanmıştır. Çalışma yapılırken karşılaşılan sorunlara ve bu soruların çözümlerine yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde simbiyoz, parazit, parazit mimari kavramları ile parazit mimarinin tarihsel gelişimi araştırılmış ve bu araştırmalar dahilinde parazit mimarinin özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, parazit mimari örneklerinin sistematik olarak derlenebilmesi için seçilen yöntem vurgulanmıştır. Bu bağlamda oluşturulan değerlendirme tablolarına ve bu tabloların oluşum aşamalarına yer verilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde literatürden ve internet arama motorlarından elde edilen örnekler hakkında bilgiler verilmiş ve yöntem bölümünde oluşturulan tablolar bu bilgiler ışığında doldurulmuştur. Beşinci bölüm ise tüm örneklerin değerlendirmelerini ve varılan sonuçları kapsamaktadır.The concept of symbiosis, which we encounter in the field of biology, describes all kinds of relationships between two organisms. The concept of parasitism, on the other hand, describes a relationship in which one of these two organisms benefit from the relationship between them and the other organism is harmed. In this relationship, the host organism is the carrier and food source of the organism defined as the parasite. The aforementioned carriers are the existing structures that make up the urban systems, and the new units added to these structures are referred as parasitic architecture examples. In short, parasitic architecture can be defined as a temporary and exploitative architectural form that can adapt to the host, nourished by the relationship between the host and the building. However, unlike parasitism in biology, the host structure is not damaged in parasitism in architecture. In this study, the characteristics of the parasite architecture were determined and the parasitism of hundred structures, which were obtained from the literature and web search engines and considered as examples of parasite architecture, were evaluated. In the first chapter, the aim, importance and scope of the study are emphasized. The problems encountered during the study and the solutions to these questions are included. In the second chapter, the concepts of symbiosis, parasite, parasite architecture and the historical development of parasitic architecture were investigated and the characteristics of parasitic architecture were determined within the scope of these studies. In the third chapter, the chosen method for systematic compilation of parasite architecture examples is highlighted. In this context, the evaluation tables created and the stages of formation of these tables are included. In the fourth chapter, information about the examples obtained from the literature and web search engines is given and the tables created in the method section are filled in the light of this information. The fifth chapter covers the evaluations of all the examples and the conclusions reached