455 research outputs found

    Reclaiming our sacredness as nurse healers

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    The nurse-patient relationship encompasses the richness of being in a relationship with another human being. When viewed through a healthcare lens a patient\u27s health, illness, and healing are often defined by procedural testing, diagnosis, and a plan for treatment. Within the community of professional nurses, it is known that healing involves more than an attempt to physically repair the human body. The use of nursing theory, caring science, and recognition of the patient in their wholeness guides nursing practice. Nurses incorporate the use of experiential wisdom (metis) in caring for the life force of another human being in the effort to restore the patient\u27s wholeness. During caring moments nurses have the ability to touch the patient\u27s soul so the individual can heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The profession of a nurse is physically, emotionally, and spiritually challenging. As a profession, there is a profound personal and professional responsibility to care for oneself before extending care to another human being. Nurses must care for their own souls so that nursing can reclaim the historic sacredness as nurse healers. The capacity for intentional caring is magnified when integrated with the use of healing rituals and ceremonies as self-care strategies and synthesized with caring, environment, and integral nursing theory

    Pengaruh Budgeting Participation terhadap Job Satisfaction pada Sektor Jasa di Surabaya

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    Anggaran merupakan alat perencanaan dan pengendalian yang dibutuhkan agarperusahaan dapat mencapai tujuannya. Mengingat anggaran memiliki fungsi penting, maka proses penyusunannya juga penting untuk diperhatikan. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat digunakan dalam menyusun anggaran adalah budgeting participation. Dengan adanya budgeting participation, bawahan dapat memperoleh dan memanfaatkan job relevant information. Dengan job relevant information tersebut akan membantu bawahan untuk dapat menyelesaikan tugas/pekerjaanya, di mana keberhasilan bawahan dalam menyelesaikan tugas/pekerjaannya berhubungan dengan rasa puas yang dirasakan bawahan tersebut terhadap pekerjaannya. Adapun penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budgeting participation terhadap job satisfactiondan job relevant information, pengaruh job relevant information terhadap job satisfaction, dan pengaruh budgeting paticipation terhadap job satisfaction melalui job relevant information sebagai variabel intervening. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Perusahaan jasa di Surabaya yang berjumlah 100 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budgeting participation berpengaruh positif masing-masing terhadap job satisfactiondan job relevant information, lalu job relevant informationjuga berpengaruh positif terhadap job satisfaction, serta budgeting participationberpengaruh positif terhadap job satisfaction melalui job relevant information sebagai variabel intervening

    Analisis Titik Pulang Pokok Usaha Kerajinan Tangan Kayu Hitam (Ebony) pada UD. Krisna Karya Ebony di Kota Palu

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    Ebony attempt at UD. Ebony krisna work is industrial enterprises that produce handicrafts that are in the district of East Palu Palu. UD. Ebony krisna work has 2 types namely superior product ebony clock key chains and wall anchors. This study aims to analyze the break-even point for the production of key chain and anchor wall clock, knowing the magnitude of the physical production, the cost of production, selling price and the amount of revenue that the UD. Ebony Krisna work. The research was conducted at UD. Primary data obtained by direct observation and interviews with the respondents, led UD. Ebony Krisna work, while the secondary data obtained from the relevant agencies and the relevant literature for the purpose of this study. The results showed that the break-even point is achieved keychains products at production volumes of 2,261 pieces with a price of Rp 4.500/buah, the total cost is equal to total revenue of Rp 10,174,500. Even point anchor wall clock products of 100 pieces with a price of Rp 175.000/buah, the total cost is equal to total revenue of Rp 17,500,000

    A New Double Glass-Steel Roof for an Auditorium in Cuneo

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    A new glass-steel roof for an auditorium of the “ex Sala Contrattazioni” in Cuneo(I) was built in 2009, with a design resulted winner of an architectural concourse.The construction, despite the small dimension, is the result of a design process thatinvolved many interdisciplinary professionals, from architectural conception to theconstruction phase. The main structure has a non-conventional behavior and thesteel girders support the curved glass panes with point devices. This article offersan overview of the design criteria, news on technological solutions, and unusualconstruction methods applied to this particular application

    Analisa Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi Akademik Menggunakan Model Terintegrasi

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    Evaluasi sistem informasi diperlukan untuk mengetahui kesuksesan sistem yang diterapkan, termasuk pada sistem informasi akademik di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Penelitian ini menggabungkan model penerimaan teknologi informasi dan model kesuksesan sistem informasi yaitu UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance Technology), D&M IS Success Model, dan HOT-Fit (Human Organization and Technology Fit) untuk menganalisa kesuksesan sistem informasi. Penggabungan model dipilih untuk meneliti pengaruh konstruk ke niat keperilakuan (behavioral intention) dan menghubungkan penggunaan dengan dampaknya. Disamping itu, ditambahkan pula variabel moderator yaitu gender untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor individu (human context) dengan niat keperilakuan. Model persamaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Structural Equation Model (SEM) menggunakan SPSS AMOS v.22. Variabel yang digunakan dalam model terintegrasi ini antara lain faktor manusia, faktor teknologi, faktor organisasi, niat keperilakuan, kepuasan pengguna, dan manfaat-manfaat bersih. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi pengujian reliabilitas, CFA, teknik Kolmogrov-Smirnov Goodness of Fit Test, hingga pengujian keseluruhan model

    Pengaruh Pengumuman Dividen Terhadap Perubahan Harga Saham Sebelum Dan Sesudah Ex-dividend Date Di Bursa Efek Jakarta (Bej)

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    This research is aimed to examine the influence of ex-dividend date on stock price movements in the Jakarta Stock Exchange. A 30-days of observation%2C divided into a 15-days period before and a 15-days period after the ex-dividend date%2C is analized by using an event study method applying the Paired Sample T-test.The result shows that the average price of stocks before the ex-dividend date are significantly different with those after the ex-dividend date. It indicates that there is a significant movement in the stocks prices between the both periods of observation due to dividend announcement. Far more than that%2C the research also reveals that the amount of the stocks price alteration is statistically the same as the amount of their dividend per share

    Environment-Driven Shifts in Inter-Individual Variation and Phenotypic Integration within Subnetworks of the Mussel Transcriptome and Proteome

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    The environment can alter the magnitude of phenotypic variation among individuals, potentially influencing evolutionary trajectories. However, environmental influences on variation are complex and remain understudied. Populations in heterogeneous environments might exhibit more variation, the amount of variation could differ between benign and stressful conditions, and/or variation might manifest in different ways among stages of the gene-to-protein expression cascade or among physiological functions. Here, we explore these three issues by quantifying patterns of inter-individual variation in both transcript and protein expression levels among California mussels, Mytilus californianus Conrad. Mussels were exposed to five ecologically relevant treatments that varied in the mean and inter-individual heterogeneity of body temperature. To target a diverse set of physiological functions, we assessed variation within 19 expression subnetworks, including canonical stress-response pathways and empirically derived co-expression clusters that represent a diffuse set of cellular processes. Variation in expression was particularly pronounced in the treatments with high mean and heterogeneous body temperatures. However, with few exceptions, environment-dependent shifts of variation in the transcriptome were not reflected in the proteome. A metric of phenotypic integration provided evidence for a greater degree of constraint on relative expression levels (i.e., stronger correlation) within expression subnetworks in benign, homogeneous environments. Our results suggest that environments that are more stressful on average – and which also tend to be more heterogeneous – can relax these expression constraints and reduce phenotypic integration within biochemical subnetworks. Context-dependent \u27unmasking\u27 of functional variation may contribute to inter-individual differences in physiological phenotype and performance in stressful environments

    Fasilitas Wisata Budaya Osing di Desa Kemiren Banyuwangi

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    Fasilitas Wisata Budaya Osing di Desa Kemiren Banyuwangi ini merupakan fasilitas rekreasi dan edukasi yang mendukung visi dan misi pemerintah kota Banyuwangi dalam menjalankan program pengembangan kota berbasis Ecotourism. Fasilitas ini didesain untuk mewadahi aktivitas budaya masyarakat Osing sekaligus menjadi wadah edukasi dan pengenalan budaya untuk masyarakat yang tidak hanya secara lisan melainkan dari segi arsitektural dan lingkungannya. Fasilitas Wisata Budaya Osing ini terletak di Desa Kemiren yang merupakan kawasan desa adat Osing yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah kota karena keberadaan pemukiman masyarakat Osing asli dimana tradisi dan adat istiadat masih kental dirasakan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan wisata budaya yang memperhatikan tradisi, adat-istiadat dan kepercayaan masyarakat Osing serta memperhatikan kondisi dan potensi lingkungan sekitarnya agar dapat mewujudkan desain bangunan dan lansekap yang mampu berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar secara langsung dan bukan merupakan sebuah desain yang berdiri sendiri melainkan menjadi satu kesatuan dengan lingkungan aslinya. Rumah tradisional Osing memiliki keunikan dari segi bentuk arsitektural dan struktur kontruksinya yang berbeda dengan rumah adat tradisional di daerah lain sehingga pendalaman struktur konstruksi diambil untuk mengenalkan pada masyarakat mengenai identitas asli rumah Osing
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