33 research outputs found

    Gender Differences in Negative Experiences in Sport, Barriers to Participation in Sport, and Physical Activity in Junior High School Students In Bojonegoro

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    Although it has always been a factor influencing physical activity, it turns out that there have been no research reports on negative experiences in sport, Barriers to participation in sport, or physical activity of students in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to generate knowledge about the negative experiences in sport, Barriers to participation in sport, and physical activity based on the gender of junior high school students in Bojonegoro Regency. The method used in this study is causal comparative correlation. The data used is taken from the Big Data Center for the study of physical literacy and sports education, Masters of Sports Education, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. The population in this study was all junior high school students in Bojonegoro Regency, while the sample used was 846 respondents. To test the hypothesis, the researchers used the following techniques: descriptive analysis, a single mean test, two different means tests, and a correlation test. It was concluded that the negative experiences in sport did not exceed the tolerance limit, Barriers to participation in sport had met the tolerance limit, physical activity did not meet the eligibility criteria, there was no difference in negative experiences in sport, Barriers to participation in sport physical activity based on gender, and there was a relationship between negative experiences in sport and , Barriers to participation in sport. There is no relationship between negative experiences in sport and physical activity; there is a relationship between reasons for not exercising and physical activity


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    The purpose of this study was to obtain information on negative experiences, levels of inhibition, and participation in sports based on the demographics of Indonesian junior high schools and the functional relationship between the three. The research method used is descriptive quantitative and correlational design with the design of the test using the discrepancy model. The sample consists of 1690 junior high schools in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using three techniques: one route re-route, two-reroute check and correlation analysis. Research shows that: 1) bad experiences exceed the established low tolerance threshold; 2) the drag level does not exceed the specified low tolerance limit; 3) training participation does not meet well defined criteria; and 4) correlation analysis concluded that there is a fairly strong positive correlation between experience and barriers to exercising. When bad experiences are high, sports problems are high. While the relationship between bad experiences with physical activity and the relationship between sports barriers and physical activity also correlates, the relationship is negative. These results indicate that the three variables influence each other. When the level of bad experience is low, the training barriers will also be low, so that it will affect the level of training participation


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    Poster film memiliki peranan penting dalam mempromosikan film. Selain sebagai identitas film, poster film juga mengandung banyak informasi yang dapat ditampilkan melalui warna, ilustrasi, maupun tipografi. Seperti halnya dengan film Bumi Manusia karya Hanung Bramantyo yang dominan menggunakan internet marketing yaitu dengan mengunggah teaser dan poster film ke Instagram. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis berbagai makna tanda yang tersirat dalam poster film Bumi Manusia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan metode analisis data menggunakan empat tahapan tinjauan desain yaitu deskriptif, analisis formal, interpretasi, dan evaluasi. Pada tahap interpretasi menggunakan teori semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce. Hasil dari penelitian ditemukan berbagai tanda yang memiliki keselarasan antara satu sama lain sehingga mendukung tersampainya pesan yang ingin disampaikan dalam poster film.Dapat disimpulkan bahwa visualisasi ilustrasi utama, visual pendukung, warna, serta tipografi yang ditampilkan pada visual poster Bumi Manusia memberikan gambaran tersirat mengenai sejarah perjuangan bangsa Indonesia pada masa penjajahan awal abad ke-20 antara orang pribumi dengan kolonialisme Belanda. Kata Kunci: Semiotika, Charles Sanders Peirce, Poster Fil

    Correlation Analysis Between Practicality and Effectiveness of Physical Education Curriculum in Senior High School

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    In education, the curriculum is the most important needs. It becomes a practice guidance for teachers. Moreover, the curriculum was made to be implemented, so that the most important measurement of good curriculum is the practical aspect. This research is classified as quantitative research with statistical correlation analysis. The research data were collected through a questionnaire distributed online in the form of a Google Form application containing curriculum implementation. This research used participants of National Webinar entitled "Physical Education and Sports for Millennials in the New Normal Era". Furthermore, data processing was carried out through the SPSS application and analyzed by means of a single average test (one sample t-test) and correlation. From the results of the correlation test analysis, it was found that the correlation between the practicality value and the effectiveness was 0.776. The limitation of this research was that the researcher only examined the high school curriculum. It did not examine the curriculum in elementary and junior high schools. This research concluded that the curriculum for Physical Education, Sports and Health subjects has met the practicality criteria and effectiveness criteria, and there is a relationship between practicality and curriculum effectiveness. The more practical a curriculum is, the more effective the curriculum will be

    Analysis of Results of Emergency Training Proficiency For High School Physical Education Teacher in East Java

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    Even though you have tried to prevent it, accidents in learning sports can still happen. Physical education teachers are certainly required to be responsive and capable of handling it. What are the emergency training needs faced by high school physical education teachers and analysis of the results of emergency training for high school physical education teachers. In this study using models and theoretical concepts with an andragogical perspective using the Training Need Assessment as well as the theory of needs and gaps. This correlation descriptive study examines the analysis of the results of emergency training for high school physical education teachers. Data were collected by means of an online questionnaire. The results of the study concluded: 1) Various sports emergency events, namely leg muscle cramps, blisters on the skin, fainting due to heat, hand muscle cramps, stomach muscle cramps, bruises on the skin, tears in the skin, respiratory failure, drowning in swimming pools, sprains, nosebleeds, and bone dislocations. 2) Ten sports emergency incidents which are needs for sports emergency training, one unfulfilled need/real needs and nine felt needs. 3). There is a significant relationship between events and proficiency levels and between proficiency levels and the readiness of high school physical education teachers


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    Prestasi olahraga Indonesia masih memprihatinkan, salah satunya adalah karena pola pembinaan dan talenta atlet usia sekolah yang kurang menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Minat bakat olahraga anak Indonesia harus diidentifikasi untuk mempersiapkan olahragawan muda dalam memilih olahraga yang tepat. Tujuan pengembangan pada tahap pertama penelitian adalah membuat skenario skrip pembuatan perangkat lunak olahraga PEMIKAT. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan penelitian deskriptif dan penelitian pengembangan. Tujuan penelitian pada tahap kedua adalah pembuatan perangkat lunak PEMIKAT olahraga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persyaratan teknologi dalam pendampingan atlet talenta sebesar 54,45%, sedangkan sekitar 36,36% responden menyatakan bahwa atlet perlu dibangun sejak dini, 50,00% lainnya menyatakan perlu dan 13,64% lainnya. responden menyatakan Kurang perlu dan sisanya 9,09% tidak perlu membangun atlet pada usia dini. Kemudian sebanyak 22,73% responden menyatakan bahwa pola pembinaan atlet di Indonesia sudah benar, sekitar 27,27% responden lainnya menyatakan cukup benar, 50,00% responden menyatakan tidak akurat dan tidak ada responden yang menyatakan pola pembinaan atlet di Indonesia tidak benar. Baik . Sebanyak 27,27% responden mengatakan perlu membuat sistem untuk mendukung bakat pengambilan keputusan dan minat seseorang, 72,73% responden mengatakan perlu dan tidak ada responden yang menyatakan kurang perlu atau tidak perlu


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    Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) is the most popular vegetables in the world. Softening and decay are the main factors of post-harvest losses caused by microbes Alternaria tenuis marked black spots Microorganisms enter through cracks and sores on the tomatoes. The wholesale vegetable seller group in Karangploso have difficulty when faced with the harvest of vegetables, especially tomatoes, the difficulties encountered when the amount of commodity is plentiful but the buyer is not much. This resulted in a vegetable stock is also abundant that eventually decay so sellers mangalami financial losses. Vegetable wholesaler of Commerce business management IbM1 Partners is managed by the simple management, and with the information by word of mouth for marketing, so marketing results can not be maximized. While partners IbM2 Partners also have the same problem, but it has solutions to problems but is constrained by the science and technology of food processing tomato base material. Partners for the assistance given IbM1 is (a) training of products from basic ingredients of tomato, (b) a comparative study into food production center of apple ingredients to Kota Wisata Batu and vegetable marketing website creation. While IbM Partner 2 (a) training the manufacture of products from raw material tomatoes in food / beverage to another, (b) a comparative study into food production center of apple material in Kota Wisata Batu. Manufacture of products derived from tomatoes may have a positive impact in the economy of the groups greengrocer, where tomatoes are unsold and has not experienced decay will soon be converted into other foods such as tomatoes dates, juice tomatoes, tomato jam, jelly / candy tomato and has a level of durability compared with the tomatoes in the form of vegetables. The positive impact in terms of marketing online through the website is an increasing number of buyers from all over the city that could eventually increase the economic value of the vegetable wholesalers

    Pendampingan dan Pelatihan Senam Aerobik dan Jantung Sehat untuk Meningkatkan Kebugaran Jasmani Masyarakat RW. 05 Kelurahan Arjowinangun Malang

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    The aim of this program is to enhance the physical fitness of the community in RW. 05, Arjowinangun Village, Malang. This program is designed to address the challenges related to low physical fitness and the lack of understanding regarding the benefits of aerobic exercise and heart health within the community.The implementation method of the program includes preliminary studies, program planning, the execution of training sessions, monitoring, and evaluation. The outcomes of this program encompass an improvement in participants' physical fitness, a better understanding of the advantages of sports, active participation in aerobic exercise and heart health activities, and the development of positive social relationships among the community members

    Penguasaan literasi fisik, aktivitas fisik dan kebugaran fisik: Studi komparatif peserta didik Sekolah Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memverifikasi penguasaan literasi fisik, aktivitas, dan kebugaran fisik siswa sekolah dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah  di wilayah Malang Raya. Penguasaan literasi fisik merujuk pada pemahaman siswa tentang konsep dan pengetahuan terkait dengan kebugaran fisik. Aktivitas fisik mencakup partisipasi siswa dalam kegiatan fisik yang melibatkan gerakan   dan latihan, sedangkan Persepsi kebugaran fisik merujuk pada cara seseorang memahami dan mengevaluasi tingkat kebugaran fisik mereka sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian komparatif dengan sampel siswa Sekolah Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Malang Raya sebanyak 1.468 siswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes literasi fisik yang mengukur pemahaman konsep dan pengetahuan siswa tentang kebugaran fisik. Selain itu, koesioner persepsi kebugaran fisik dilakukan untuk mengukur  persepsi kebugaran fisik siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan literasi fisik siswa Sekolah Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Malang Raya telah memenuhi kriteria yang di tentukan.  Keaktifan berolahraga siswa Sekolah Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Malang Raya tidak memenuhi kelayakan yang di tentukan.  Tingkat kebugaran fisik siswa Sekolah Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Malang Raya tidak memenuhi kriteria yang di tentukan