10 research outputs found

    Lokální steroidogeneze v periferních tkáních a její regulace

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    Vrozené i adaptivní imunitní reakce jsou modulovány hormonálně, mimo jiné pomocí glukokortikoidů, a působením mikrobiomu, nicméně přesný mechanismus není zcela objasněn. Tato studie se zabývá vlivem mikrobiomu na de novo biogenezi a lokální regeneraci glukokortikoidů. Konkrétním předmětem analýzy je vliv komenzálů na expresi genů kódujících steroidogenní enzymy (Star, Cyp11a1, Hsd3b1, Cyp21a1, Cyp11b1) a enzym zajišťující regeneraci glukokortikoidů (Hsd11b1) v nadledvinách, tračníku, slezině a mesenteriálních lymfatických uzlinách. Studie byla provedena na konvenčních a bezmikrobních myších. Exprese všech 5 komponent de novo steroidogeneze byla pozorována pouze v nadledvinách a tračníku. V lymfatických orgánech byla pozorována především exprese Star, Cyp11a1 a Hsd3b1, naznačující pouze schopnost produkce progesteronu, nikoli jeho další konverzi na kortikosteron. Vlivem přítomného mikrobiomu došlo k poklesu exprese Star ve všech studovaných tkáních, exprese ostatních enzymů byla ovlivněna tkáňově specificky či ovlivněna nebyla. Konvenční myši vykazovaly zvýšenou expresi Hsd11b1 ve slezině, v ostatních orgánech exprese ovlivněna nebyla. Exprese Hsd11b1 nebyla ovlivněna ani in vitro stimulací Toll-like receptorů v imunitních buňkách izolovaných z mesenteriálních lymfatických uzlin. Z výsledků lze tedy...The innate and adaptive immune processes are modulated by hormones including glucocorticoids and by microbiota. The exact mechanisms underlying the microbial and hormonal contributions to this control are not completely clear. Present study is therefore focused to crosstalk between microbiota and de novo biogenesis or local regeneration of glucocorticoids. In particular, the study analysed the effect of commensal microbiota on expression of genes encoding steroidogenic enzymes (Star, Cyp11a1, Hsd3b1, Cyp21a1, Cyp11b1) and regeneration of glucocorticoids (Hsd11b1) in adrenal glands, colon, spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes using conventional and germ-free mice. The expression of all 5 components of steroidogenesis was identified only in the adrenal gland and colon, whereas the lymphoid organs expressed predominantly Star, Cyp11a1 and Hsd3b1 indicating the ability to produce only progesterone but not corticosterone. Microbiota decreased the expression of Star in all studied tissues but the expression of other genes was insensitive to microbiota or did not respond homogenously depending on the tissue and gene. Hsd11b1 expression was upregulated by microbiota in the spleen but not in other tissues. Similarly, the in vitro treatment of immune cells isolated from mesenteric lymph nodes by microbial...Katedra fyziologieDepartment of PhysiologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Effect of early stress on neuroendocrine regulation, behavior and immnunity

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    V souvislosti s charakterem časného stresu se mohou v dospělosti lišit hladiny výchozích hormonů hypothalamo-hypofyzárně-adrenální (HPA) osy, kortikoliberinu (CRH) a argininu-vazporesinu. Tento efekt může být ještě zesílen vystavením jedince akutnímu stresu. Příčinou vyšší hladiny může být podle některých autorů nižší míra metylace v promotorech genů těchto hormonů. Častým důsledkem vysoké hladiny výchozích hormonů je vysoká hladina kortikosteronu. K vyšší koncentraci volného kortikosteronu v krvi může přispívat i nižší hladina transkortinu, která je pozorovaná u dospělých jedinců po prenatální malnutrici. Lokálně ve tkáních je hladina kortikosteronu regulována 11β- hydroxysteroiddehydrogenázami dvou typů. Hyperreaktivita HPA osy může být příčinou úzkostného chování. K regulaci úzkostného chování dochází vazbou CRH na jeho receptory. Myši s vyřazeným genem pro receptor prvního typu (CRHR1) vykazují obecně méně úzkostné chování. Naopak vazba CRH na receptor druhého typu (CRHR2) může podle některých autorů úzkostné chování tlumit. U prenatálně stresovaných samců byla pozorována vyšší exprese CRHR1, prenatálně stresované samice vykazují redukovanou expresi CRHR2. Dospělá zvířata, která byla v rané fázi života vystavena stresu, také vykazují depresi podobné chování. To může souviset s přítomností některých...Levels of initial hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and arginin-vasopressin, can be altered in adulthood with a context of early-life stress. The effect can be stronger after an acute stress. Some authors suggest that higher levels can be caused by hypomethylation of that genes promotors. High level of default hormones often results in high concentration of corticosterone. Higher concentration of corticosterone in blood can also be supported by a lower level of transcortine, which has been observed in adulthood after a prenatal malnutrition. Locally in tisues is the concentration of corticosterone regulated by 2 types of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Hyperreactivity of HPA axis can cause an anxiety-like behavior. Anxiety-like behavior is regulated by binding CRH to its receptors. Mice with knockouted gene of the first type receptor (CRHR1) shows generally less anxiety-like behavior. Conversely, some author say that binding CRH to its second type receptor (CRHR2) can inhibit an anxiety-like behavior. Prenatally stressed males show increased expression of CRHR1, prenatally stressed females show reduced expression of CRHR2. Early- life stressed animals also shows a depression-like behavior. It can be related to the presence of some pro-...Department of PhysiologyKatedra fyziologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Significant aspects of the national mergers in the Czech Republic

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    The paper deals with issues of national mergers carried out in the year 2015 and 2016. The development of the mergers is characterized by the fact that it is a multidisciplinary areas (tax, accounting and legal), in practice the most widespread method is Mergers through consolidation. The analysis is therefore focused just on this type of merger. It examines the development of mergers carried out in the Czech Republic as well as globally. In the global perspective,is processed the number of mergers and acquisitions, and the trends in company transformations are monitored. For the Czech Republic is analyzed the number of mergers, number of merging companies, including their legal form, the number of registered mergers by individual Regional Courts, the date of entries, determination of the appointed date of merger and date of completion of merger project. Consequently are presented features typical of the implementation of national mergers. The paper also examines the relationship between the number of mergers and GDP and PX index from 2002 to 2016.O

    Local steroidogenesis in peripheral tissues and its regulation

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    The innate and adaptive immune processes are modulated by hormones including glucocorticoids and by microbiota. The exact mechanisms underlying the microbial and hormonal contributions to this control are not completely clear. Present study is therefore focused to crosstalk between microbiota and de novo biogenesis or local regeneration of glucocorticoids. In particular, the study analysed the effect of commensal microbiota on expression of genes encoding steroidogenic enzymes (Star, Cyp11a1, Hsd3b1, Cyp21a1, Cyp11b1) and regeneration of glucocorticoids (Hsd11b1) in adrenal glands, colon, spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes using conventional and germ-free mice. The expression of all 5 components of steroidogenesis was identified only in the adrenal gland and colon, whereas the lymphoid organs expressed predominantly Star, Cyp11a1 and Hsd3b1 indicating the ability to produce only progesterone but not corticosterone. Microbiota decreased the expression of Star in all studied tissues but the expression of other genes was insensitive to microbiota or did not respond homogenously depending on the tissue and gene. Hsd11b1 expression was upregulated by microbiota in the spleen but not in other tissues. Similarly, the in vitro treatment of immune cells isolated from mesenteric lymph nodes by microbial..

    Development of tax rates in the EU countries

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    The object of the bachelor thesis is the development of the tax rates in the European Union (EU). Tax policy is an integral part of the EU since its establishment and for the smooth functioning of the internal market of the EU Member States was chosen the value added tax (VAT) as a general tax on consumption. Value added tax is subject to harmonization within the EU rules but the original intention of a single tax rate of the VAT in all Member States has not been reached yet, the VAT system is still in the so-called the transition period and the Member States are enough autonomous in the application of the VAT rates. The main objective is to determine whether the standard and the reduced VAT rates in the EU Member States converged during the period from 1999 to 2015. The analysis is based on calculation of the coefficient of variation. The secondary objective is to analyse the evolution of average standard and reduced VAT rates in the EU Member States and identify trend in the number of applied reduced rates. By the convergence analysis was detected the convergence in both standard and reduced VAT rates. However, the values of the coefficient of variance were significantly lower for the standard VAT rate than those for the reduced rate

    Linguistic analysis of choice spoken orations

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    The thesis on Linguistic analysis of choice speeches aims to introduce the issue of speeches. We will focus on basic building system these speeches, carry out characteristics language means in terms of phonology, morphology, syntax and lexis. The speeches will be analyzed after the linguistic and stylistic and compared

    Dopad zvýšení ceny tabákových výrobků na výrobce

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    The bachelor thesis deals with analysis of impact of increasing cigarette excise taxes and their prices on the producers in Czech Republic during the years 2004 -- 2015. The first part of this work includes theoretical findings from available literature which is dealing with taxes issues. Major topics of this part are excise tax on tobacco products, harmonization within European Union and tax incidence. The second part concentrates on identification of primal factors which affect ciga-rette market and producers themselves. Based on these factors the impacts of increasing tobacco excise on producers of cigarettes were found, as well as impacts of increasing prices of cigarettes which are closely related

    Analysis of tree growth on avalanche slopes in the Krkonoše Mts.

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    I applied dendrochronological methods to reconstruct snow avalanches in the Krkonoše national park. Tree-ring analyses are based on samples from Norway spruce (Picea abies),which is dominant species growing on selected avalanche slopes (Pramenný důl, Navorská jáma and Pančavská stěna). Mean growth curve were constructed for chosen localities and two different approaches were applied (detection of growth release and occurrence of resin ducts) for avalanche reconstruction

    Object or adverbial?

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    Object or Adverbial? The theme of this work is Object or Adverbial? Therefore, we are going to deal with the sentential syntax and the development of the opinions of the distinction between the object and the adverbial. The aim of the work is to accumulate the component standpoints of the Czech linguistic schools, the Prague school (Šmilauer, Hrbáček, Daneš) and the Brno school (Grepl, Karlík), to carry out a theoretical comparation and to find out (using the established facts) if it is possible to define criterions applyable for the definite decision, whether to determine a given word as an adverbial, or as an object

    The Gaze of Schizophrenia Patients Captured by Bottom-up Saliency

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    Abstract Schizophrenia (SCHZ) notably impacts various human perceptual modalities, including vision. Prior research has identified marked abnormalities in perceptual organization in SCHZ, predominantly attributed to deficits in bottom-up processing. Our study introduces a novel paradigm to differentiate the roles of top-down and bottom-up processes in visual perception in SCHZ. We analysed eye-tracking fixation ground truth maps from 28 SCHZ patients and 25 healthy controls (HC), comparing these with two mathematical models of visual saliency: one bottom-up, based on the physical attributes of images, and the other top-down, incorporating machine learning. While the bottom-up (GBVS) model revealed no significant overall differences between groups (beta = 0.01, p = 0.281, with a marginal increase in SCHZ patients), it did show enhanced performance by SCHZ patients with highly salient images. Conversely, the top-down (EML-Net) model indicated no general group difference (beta = −0.03, p = 0.206, lower in SCHZ patients) but highlighted significantly reduced performance in SCHZ patients for images depicting social interactions (beta = −0.06, p < 0.001). Over time, the disparity between the groups diminished for both models. The previously reported bottom-up bias in SCHZ patients was apparent only during the initial stages of visual exploration and corresponded with progressively shorter fixation durations in this group. Our research proposes an innovative approach to understanding early visual information processing in SCHZ patients, shedding light on the interplay between bottom-up perception and top-down cognition