8 research outputs found

    Possibilities of using plasticizers and superplasticizers in alkali-activated systems

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá přípravou a vlastnostmi alkalicky aktivované vysokopecní strusky po přidání různých druhů plastifikátorů a superplastifikátorů v různém procentuelním zastoupení. Cílem této práce je nalézt vhodný plastifikátor nebo superplastifikátor, který by zlepšil jak zpracovatelnost, tak mechanické vlastnosti alkalicky aktivované strusky. Dále byl posouzen vliv těchto příměsí na pevnosti v tlaku a pevnosti v tahu za ohybu. Na závěr se pomocí infračervené spektrometrie studuje chování plastifikačních přísad v alkalickém prostředí.Bachelor thesis deals with the preparation and properties alkali activated blast furnace slag after addition of the different types of plasticizers and superplasticizers with the different weight percentage amount. The aim of this thesis is to find suitable plasticizers or superplasticizers which would improve both workability and mechanical properties of alkali activated blast furnace slag. The effect of these admixtures on compressive and flexural strength was determined. In conclusion the behaviour of plasticizing admixtures in alkaline environment through the infrared spectrometry is studied.

    Moderní technologie nealkoholických nápojů

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    ABSTRACT The main purpose of this balechor thesis was describe technology of non-alcoholic drinks and focus on modern ways of its processing. The next purpose was focus on trends by raw material which are used, by methods of preservation and packaging of final products. The bachelor thesis with topic Modern technology of non-alcoholic drinks was created in years 2017-2018 at the Faculty of Agriculture, Mendel University in Brno at the Department of Food Technology

    Determination of the value of the company of industrial sector by selected methods

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    Import 29/09/2010Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku oceňování podniku. Tématem práce je stanovení hodnoty podniku zpracovatelského průmyslu vybranými metodami. Cílem práce je stanovení tržní hodnoty vybraného podniku k 1. 1. 2010 s využitím výnosových metod DCF a EVA na bázi entity s dvoufázovým přepočtem. Ocenění je provedeno na základě subjektivního ocenění pro potřeby případného prodeje podniku. Náplní první kapitoly je obecná charakteristika týkající se přístupů a metodologie oceňování podniku. V kapitole druhé jsou aplikovány vybrané metody ocenění na konkrétní data vybrané společnosti. Je také provedena analýza citlivosti. Poslední kapitola je zaměřena na konečné zhodnocení a zdůvodnění dosažených výsledků.This Diploma´s thesis deals with value of the company. The topic of the Diploma´s thesis is determinnation of the value of the company of indurstrial sector by selected methods. The aim of this thesis is determination of the value of selected company to 1. 1. 2010 using DCF-Entity and EVA-Entity by diphase reduction. Valuation is subjectively detailed pro sell. The first charter concerns on general charakteristic of access a nd methodology to a determination of the value of the company. In the second chapter are applied selected methods of valuation to a concrete data of selected company. There is pracitsed an analysis of the sensivity. The last part of this thesis deals with last results of previous part and the results are valuated and reasoned.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Analýza finanční situace vybraného podniku s přihlédnutím k jeho lokalizaci

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    The thesis is based on the company's financial statements, which have become the basis for the financial analysis. The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the financial situation of the company in the years 2010 - 2016, to identify the efficiency of its management and to propose possible improvements for the future. The secondary objective is also to assess the quality of the business environment. The work is divided into two parts, a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part explains the concept of financial analysis, its most commonly used methods, and the criteria for assessing the business environment. In the practical part there is applied financial analysis of a selected company

    Technologické možnosti výroby nealkoholických nápojů s využitím pivovarských surovin

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    The range of beverages is constantly expanding with new sensory attractive products with health benefits. Such products are increasingly accompanied by beverages resulting from the fermentation of non-dairy substrates, and various groups of bacteria or yeasts can be used to ferment fruit and vegetable juices. This work focuses on the possibility of using such microorganisms, brewing and non-traditional raw materials in the production of new beverages. In the practical part, the sensory properties of beverages and the content of some components in connection with the used culture of microorganisms were evaluated. The results of analyzes of fermented beverages were compared with non-fermented beverages and at the same time the work shows that kombucha, lactic acid bacteria and water kefir culture are able to ferment non-dairy substrates, even with the content of hop compounds

    Terénní výuka s přírodovědnou tematikou v oblasti "Dívčických rybníků"

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    This final thesis deals outdoor education with a natural science theme in the area of "The Dívčické Ponds" with the main emphasis on waterfowl. The theoretical part defines the concept of outdoor education, describes its forms, goals, benefits and potential obstacles associated with the implementation of field education, including individual forms and at the same time geographically characterizes the area of the "Dívčické Ponds". The practical part contains proposed natural science educational topics for the specified area, a detailed methodical description of individual teaching activities, proposed worksheets for teaching activities and the description of the course of field teaching with an evaluation of effectiveness from the point of view of meeting goals in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor areas

    Financial analysis of company Pamet, spol. s r.o.

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    Import 01/10/2008Prezenční154 - Katedra financíNeuveden

    Analýza sítě turistických tras na Adamovsku

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    This thesis deals with the analysis of network of hiking trails in Adamovsko. It is primarily focused on a history and development of hiking, the kinds of hiking, cycling, flora and fauna of given area. The work is devoted to chosen area around Adamovsko. It proceeds from my own experience, collected data and elaborated SWOT analysis. At first it will be introduced the area, and then I describe state and amenities in hiking trails, transportation availability and propagation. The goal is to evaluate current state of hiking trails on a defined territory and suggest suitable improvements