136 research outputs found

    Evaluatie en waardering van de archeologische sites Rooiveld-Papenvijvers(Oostkamp, provincie West-Vlaanderen)

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    Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van het waarderend onderzoek op de archeologische sites Rooiveld-Papenvijvers in Oostkamp (West-Vlaanderen). De oudste sporen van menselijke activiteit in dit gebied gaan terug tot het mesolithicum. De bewoning tijdens het neolithicum is goed gedocumenteerd. Naast de opgegraven nederzetting te Waardamme Vijvers, leverde het proefsleuvenonderzoek te Papenvijvers een finaal-neolithische site (3de millennium cal BC). Verder leverden de beperkte prospecties op verschillende plaatsen, waaronder Oostkamp Nieuwenhove en Hertsberge Papevijvers, lithische artefacten op die naar alle waarschijnlijkheid tot een niet nader te bepalen fase van het neolithicum behoren. Deze situatie is vrij uniek voor Vlaanderen. Neolithische bewoning in de zandige delen van Vlaanderen ontbrak tot nog toe vrijwel, met uitzondering van enkele graven van de Klokbekercultuur. De opgraving te Waardamme Vijvers is bijzonder vanwege de ontdekking van de eerste en vooralsnog enige huisplattegrond uit het neolithicum in Vlaanderen. Sporen uit de bronstijd zijn dankzij de luchtfotografie heel talrijk in het gebied. Het desktop onderzoek leverde in totaal een negental cirkelvormige structuren op die naar alle waarschijnlijkheid mogen geĂŻnterpreteerd worden als resten van grafheuvels uit de vroege en midden-bronstijd. Het is ook duidelijk dat de regio in de bronstijd bewoond was, o.a. door de opgraving op de site Waardamme Vijvers. Voor de ijzertijd is de situatie vermoedelijk gelijklopend. De enige nederzetting die uit deze periode werd aangetroffen komt eveneens uit de opgraving in Waardamme Vijvers. Voor de Romeinse periode beschikken we slechts over de sporen van een grafveld op Waardamme Vijvers en keramiekvondsten. Latere periodes zijn alleen via cartografische bronnen gedocumenteerd. Het rapport eindigt met aanbevelingen voor verder onderzoek en beheer van dit gebied

    Congenital Neosporosis in Goats from the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Congenital Neospora caninum infection was diagnosed in two Saanen goat kids from two distinct herds with a history of abortion and weak newborn goat kids in the Southern region of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The first kid was weak at birth, had difficulty to rise and was unable to nurse. Gross lesions of porencephaly and hydrocephalus ex vacuo were seen. Multifocal necrosis, gliosis and non-supurative encephalitis were observed in the brain. Several parasitic cysts with a thick wall that reacted strongly only with polyclonal antiserum to Neospora caninum were seen in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and cerebellum. The second kid was born from a Neospora caninum seropositive mother that aborted in the last pregnancy. It was born without clinical signs. The diagnosis of neosporosis was based on antibody titer of 1:800 to N. caninum by indirect fluorescence antibody test obtained from blood collected before the goat kid ingested the colostrum and Neospora caninum DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced from placenta. This is the first report of neosporosis in goats in the southeast region of Brazil

    Erratum to: Low IgA and IgM is Associated with a Higher Prevalence of Bronchiectasis in Primary Antibody Deficiency

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    Erratum to: J Clin Immunol DOI 10.1007/s10875–017-0381-y The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The family name of Andrea Wartenberg-Demand was misspelled as Watenberg-Demand. The original article was corrected

    Sustainable Finance Ratings as the Latest Symptom of “Rating Addiction”

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    Using the widely accepted but rarely articulated concept of ‘rating addiction’, this piece aims to examine the recent entrance of the credit rating agencies into the sustainable finance field against the backdrop of ‘rating addiction’. Once the concept of ‘rating addiction’ is positioned, the effects of the addiction can be witnessed by even just a cursory glance at the history of the credit rating agencies, particularly their recent history. On that basis, this article provides a warning for regulators and the field with regards to the potentially negative effect that credit rating agencies can have upon the ever-growing and socially-important sustainable finance sector. Additionally, assessing the aptitude of the agencies in this sector, in comparison to the sector’s utilisation of their products, may provide further evidence of a system addicted to ratings

    Efficacy and safety of trimodulin, a novel polyclonal antibody preparation, in patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter, phase II trial (CIGMA study)

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    Purpose The CIGMA study investigated a novel human polyclonal antibody preparation (trimodulin) containing ~ 23% immunoglobulin (Ig) M, ~ 21% IgA, and ~ 56% IgG as add-on therapy for patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia (sCAP). Methods In this double-blind, phase II study (NCT01420744), 160 patients with sCAP requiring invasive mechanical ventilation were randomized (1:1) to trimodulin (42 mg IgM/kg/day) or placebo for five consecutive days. Primary endpoint was ventilator-free days (VFDs). Secondary endpoints included 28-day all-cause and pneumonia-related mortality. Safety and tolerability were monitored. Exploratory post hoc analyses were performed in subsets stratified by baseline C-reactive protein (CRP; ≄ 70 mg/L) and/or IgM (≀ 0.8 g/L). Results Overall, there was no statistically significant difference in VFDs between trimodulin (mean 11.0, median 11 [n = 81]) and placebo (mean 9.6; median 8 [n = 79]; p = 0.173). Twenty-eight-day all-cause mortality was 22.2% vs. 27.8%, respectively (p = 0.465). Time to discharge from intensive care unit and mean duration of hospitalization were comparable between groups. Adverse-event incidences were comparable. Post hoc subset analyses, which included the majority of patients (58–78%), showed significant reductions in all-cause mortality (trimodulin vs. placebo) in patients with high CRP, low IgM, and high CRP/low IgM at baseline. Conclusions No significant differences were found in VFDs and mortality between trimodulin and placebo groups. Post hoc analyses supported improved outcome regarding mortality with trimodulin in subsets of patients with elevated CRP, reduced IgM, or both. These findings warrant further investigation

    Revisiting and modelling the woodland farming system of the early Neolithic Linear Pottery Culture (LBK), 5600–4900 B.C

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    International audienceThis article presents the conception and the conceptual results of a modelling representation of the farming systems of the Linearbandkeramik Culture (LBK). Assuming that there were permanent fields (PF) then, we suggest four ways that support the sustainability of such a farming system over time: a generalized pollarding and coppicing of trees to increase the productivity of woodland areas for foddering more livestock, which itself can then provide more manure for the fields, a generalized use of pulses grown together with cereals during the same cropping season, thereby reducing the needs for manure. Along with assumptions limiting bias on village and family organizations, the conceptual model which we propose for human environment in the LBK aims to be sustainable for long periods and can thereby overcome doubts about the PFs hypothesis for the LBK farming system. Thanks to a reconstruction of the climate of western Europe and the consequent vegetation pattern and productivity arising from it, we propose a protocol of experiments and validation procedures for both testing the PFs hypothesis and defining its eco-geographical area
