4,207 research outputs found

    The changing tide: Federal support of civilian-sector R and D

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    The involvement of the Federal government in civilian sector research and development is discussed. Relevant policies are put in an historical perspective. The roles played by industrial research and public funding are reveiwed. Government support of basic an generic research, clientele-oriented applied research, and research with commercial ends is studied. Procurement, anti-trust, and patent policies, all of which affect the climate for private research and development, are examined

    Cosmological evolution of regularized branes in 6D warped flux compactifications

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    We study the cosmological evolution of extended branes in 6D warped flux compactification models. The branes are endowed with the three ordinary spatial dimensions, which are assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic, as well as an internal extra dimension compactified on a circle. We embed these codimension 1 branes in a static bulk 6D spacetime, whose geometry is a solution of 6D Einstein-Maxwell or Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theories, corresponding to a warped flux compactification. The brane matter consists of a complex scalar field which is coupled to the bulk U(1) gauge field. In both models, we show that there is critical point which the brane cannot cross as it moves in the bulk. We study the cosmological behaviour, especially when the brane approaches this critical point or one of the two conical singularities. In the present setup where the bulk geometry is fixed, we find that the brane cosmology does not coincide with the standard one in the low energy limit.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, references and discussions added, to appear in PR

    Massive scalar states localized on a de Sitter brane

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    We consider a brane scenario with a massive scalar field in the five-dimensional bulk. We study the scalar states that are localized on the brane, which is assumed to be de Sitter. These localized scalar modes are massive in general, their effective four-dimensional mass depending on the mass of the five-dimensional scalar field, on the Hubble parameter in the brane and on the coupling between the brane tension and the bulk scalar field. We then introduce a purely four-dimensional approach based on an effective potential for the projection of the scalar field in the brane, and discuss its regime of validity. Finally, we explore the quasi-localized scalar states, which have a non-zero width that quantifies their probability of tunneling from the brane into the bulk.Comment: 14 pages; 5 figure

    International and domestic regulator issues facing the Canadian MSAT system

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    International and domestic regulatory issues which affect the implementation of a mobile satellite system (MSAT) over North America are addressed. WARC-MOB-87, MSAT frequency co-ordination, frequency sharing and key Canadian domestic issues are discussed

    High-Energy theory for close Randall Sundrum branes

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    We obtain an effective theory for the radion dynamics of the two-brane Randall Sundrum model, correct to all orders in brane velocity in the limit of close separation, which is of interest for studying brane collisions and early Universe cosmology. Obtained via a recursive solution of the Bulk equation of motions, the resulting theory represents a simple extension of the corresponding low-energy effective theory to the high energy regime. The four-dimensional low-energy theory is indeed not valid when corrections at second order in velocity are considered. This extension has the remarkable property of including only second derivatives and powers of first order derivatives. This important feature makes the theory particularly easy to solve. We then extend the theory by introducing a potential and detuning the branes.Comment: Version published in the Physical Review

    Shortcuts in the fifth dimension

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    If our Universe is a three-brane embedded in a five-dimensional anti-deSitter spacetime, in which matter is confined to the brane and gravity inhabits an infinite bulk space, then the causal propagation of luminous and gravitational signals is in general different. A gravitational signal traveling between two points on the brane can take a ``shortcut'' through the bulk, and appear quicker than a photon traveling between the same two points along a geodesic on the brane. Similarly, in a given time interval, a gravitational signal can propagate farther than a luminous signal. We quantify this effect, and analyze the impact of these shortcuts through the fifth dimension on cosmology

    Bulk gravitons from a cosmological brane

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    We investigate the emission of gravitons by a cosmological brane into an Anti de Sitter five-dimensional bulk spacetime. We focus on the distribution of gravitons in the bulk and the associated production of `dark radiation' in this process. In order to evaluate precisely the amount of dark radiation in the late low-energy regime, corresponding to standard cosmology, we study numerically the emission, propagation and bouncing off the brane of bulk gravitons.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, minor corrections. Final versio