508 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pertanggungjawaban yuridis tindakan aborsi provucatus ditinjau dari aspek pidana berdasarkan hukum berlaku dan bagaimana faktor-faktor yang menjadi  kendala  dalam penanganan tindakan abortus provacatus criminalis beserta upaya-upaya penanggulangan dan pencegahannya. Pertama, menurut hukum-hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia, aborsi atau pengguguran janin termasuk kejahatan, yang dikenal dengan istilah “Abortus Provocatus Criminalis”. Tindakan aborsi menurut Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) di Indonesia dikategorikan sebagai tindakan kriminal. Dengan diundangkannya UU No 36 tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan yang juga mengatur tindak pidana aborsi, maka pasal-pasal tentang aborsi dalam KUHP ini tidak berlaku lagi atas dasar Lex Specialis Derogat Lex Generalis. Kedua, kendala dalam penanganan tindakan abortus.  Kendala yang pertama adalah dari masyarakat itu sendiri. Kendala yang lain yang menjadi penyebab sulitnya mengungkap kasus abortus provocatus kriminalis adalah pihak kepolisian sering sekali sulit mengidentifikasi hasil dari barang bukti abortus provocatus kriminalis. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini adalah pada disiplin ilmu hukum, maka penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian hukum kepustakaan yakni dengan “cara meneliti bahan pustaka” atau yang dinamakan “penelitian hukum normatif” dan dapat  disimpulkan bahwa dalam perundang-undangan Indonesia, pengaturan tentang aborsi terdapat dalam dua undang-undang yaitu KUHP & UU Kesehatan. Dalam KUHP & UU Kesehatan diatur ancaman hukuman melakukan aborsi (pengguguran kandungan, tidak disebutkan soal jenis aborsinya), sedangkan aborsi buatan legal (terapetikus atau medisinalis), diatur dalam UU Kesehatan. Dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, baik teknologi maupun hukum sampai saat ini, para dokter kini harus berhadapan dengan adanya hak otonomi pasien. Dalam hak otonomi ini, pasien berhak menentukan sendiri tindakan apa yang hendak dilakukan dokter terhadap dirinya, maupun berhak menolaknya. Sedangkan jika tidak puas, maka pasien akan berupaya untuk menuntut ganti rugi atas dasar kelalaian yang dilakukan dokter tersebut. Kata kunci: Aborsi, Indonesi


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    Perkembangan teknologi saat ini melahirkan online shop yang saat ini menjadi pilihan alternatif dalam berbelanja. Shopee merupakan salah satu platform e-commerce yang banyak digunakan di masyarakat. Ada berbagai keunggulan yang dipunyai oleh Shopee yang membawa dampak yaitu terbentuknya pola hidup yang konsumtif yang menyebabkan masyarakat sering membeli barang tanpa disertai pertimbangan dan hanya mengikuti dorongan emosional belaka. Proses pembelian tersebut merupakan pembelian impulsif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perilaku impulsive buying pada mahasiswa akibat belanja online di e-commerce shopee. Desain pada penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif untuk membantu memahami dan melihat situasi atau fenomena dan pengalaman dari partisipan untuk dijadikan sebuah pembelajaran untuk pembaca. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara pada tiga mahasiswa yang menggunakan Shopee. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menggambarkan perilaku impulsive buying pada mahasiswa pengguna Shopee bahwa kurangnya kontrol diri pada diri mereka masing-masing dan keuntungan serta keunggulan yang diberikan oleh Shopee membuat mereka berperilaku impulsive buying yang pada akhirnya akan merugikan dirinya sendiri

    Metabolic effects of a high-fat diet post-weaning after low maternal dietary folate during pregnancy and lactation

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    Scope Investigate the influence of low-folate supply during pregnancy and lactation on obesity and markers of the metabolic syndrome in offspring, and how provision of a high-fat diet post weaning may exacerbate the resultant phenotype. Methods and results Female C57Bl/6 mice were randomized to low or normal folate diets (0.4 or 2 mg folic acid/kg diet) prior to and during pregnancy and lactation. At 4 wk of age, offspring were randomized to high- or low-fat diets, weighed weekly and food intake assessed at 9 and 18 wk old. Adiposity was measured at 3 and 6 months. Plasma glucose and triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations were measured at 6 months. Maternal folate supply did not influence adult offspring body weight or adiposity. High-fat feeding post weaning increased body weight and adiposity at 3 and 6 months (p > 0.001). Maternal low folate lowered plasma glucose (p = 0.010) but increased plasma TAG (p = 0.048). High-fat feeding post weaning increased plasma glucose and TAG (p = 0.023, p = 0.049 respectively). Offspring from folate-depleted (but not folate-adequate) dams had 30% higher TAG concentration when fed the high-fat diet from weaning (p = 0.005 for interaction). Conclusion Inadequate maternal folate intake has long-term effects on offspring metabolism, manifested as increased circulating TAG, particularly in offspring with high-fat intake post weaning

    Students’ perceptions of a major engineering curriculum reform

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    As the demands of industry are evolving and new generations of students are entering universities, many engineering faculties invest time in curriculum reforms based on inspirational innovations, underpinned by engineering education research. The Faculty of Engineering Technology (FET) of KU Leuven had an additional argument to implement a huge programme reform: this faculty, hosting more than 6000 students spread across seven campuses in Flanders (Belgium), was an amalgam of different traditions and visions. Their merger into one faculty in 2013 aimed to optimize the organisation of research, education and community service. The goal of the programme reform in 2020-2021 was fourteenfold: enhancing our typical profile of (1) hands-on engineering in (2) strong interaction with the labour market and setting up (3) a technology hub with more attention to (4) multidisciplinarity, (5) professional competencies, (6) personal development & support, (7) lifelong learning and (8) challenges including (9) complex problem solving. The reform also aims to increase the (10) attractiveness and (11) social relevance of the programmes. By strengthening the internal coherence in the faculty, we can exploit the (12) multicampus narrative to offer students more choices and develop their (13) future disciplinary self, supported by (14) choice guidance. This paper describes how the curriculum was adapted in order to achieve these goals and presents the results of perception measurements organised among freshmen who followed the old programme in 2019-2020 and freshmen registered in the new programme in 2020-2021. Of foremost importance is the increased feeling that the professional competencies are essential for an engineer

    Nutritional modulation of DNA repair

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    A Look Inside The Engineering Students’ Backpack: Differences In Engineering Capital According To Gender Or Migration Background.

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    Every student has a unique combination of experiences, resources and social networks related to engineering, called ‘engineering capital’, derived from Archer’s concept of ‘science capital’. The engineering capital gathered throughout life creates a backpack that impacts someone’s aspirations to study engineering, as well as the performance and persistence in the programme itself. Engineering technology is one of the most homogeneous fields within the STEM domain, being mostly white and male. To stimulate a more diverse engineering technology field, this research paper investigates the relationship between the level of engineering capital and gender or migration background, as well as the influence of engineering capital on aspiration and performance within the engineering technology field. Through an online survey, last-year secondary education pupils in math/science tracks (N = 490, March 2023), and first-year engineering technology students (N =391, October 2022) in Belgium were asked about their engineering capital, and engineering aspiration (pupils) or performance (students). Results disclose little difference in engineering capital, engineering aspiration, or engineering performance for students with a migration background. However, female pupils appear to have less engineering capital than male pupils, and in need of more engineering capital to gain an interest in engineering technology compared to male pupils. Once women start the engineering technology program, engineering capital does not influence female students’ performance differently than male students. It is possible that only those with a heavy backpack of engineering capital find their way to the program. That is why it is important that educators stimulate students’ engineering capital

    Political experience and contemporary Brazilian cinema

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    This text relates the notion of politics to a specific kind of cultural experience: sessions of Brazilian cinema inuniversities. We investigate the processes of subjectivation enabled by the encounter with independent works of art, those that do not have space to circulate in traditional screens. In this frame of thought, a political experience may occur in the being-along with the common shareable object that is the movie. Thus, we propose that projects that today profane devices can form microcommunities of sharing, in addition to hegemonic capitalistic models.Este texto objetiva agenciar a noção de política a um tipo específico de experiência cultural: as sessões de cinema brasileiro em universidades. Buscamos investigar os processos de subjetivação possíveis no encontro com obras de arte independentes, aquelas que não possuem espaço de circulação nas janelas tradicionais. Nessa trama de pensamento, uma experiência política pode ocorrer no estar-junto com o comum compartilhável que é o filme. Assim, propomos que projetos que profanam dispositivos na atualidade podem formar microcomunidades de partilha, para além de modelos capitalísticos hegemônicos