9,660 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Amorphous Materials III: Shear-Transformation-Zone Plasticity

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    We use the internal-variable, effective-temperature thermodynamics developed in two preceding papers to reformulate the shear-transformation-zone (STZ) theory of amorphous plasticity. As required by the preceding analysis, we make explicit approximations for the energy and entropy of the STZ internal degrees of freedom. We then show that the second law of thermodynamics constrains the STZ transition rates to have an Eyring form as a function of the effective temperature. Finally, we derive an equation of motion for the effective temperature for the case of STZ dynamics.Comment: 8 pages. Third of a three-part serie

    Localized induction equation and pseudospherical surfaces

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    We describe a close connection between the localized induction equation hierarchy of integrable evolution equations on space curves, and surfaces of constant negative Gauss curvature.Comment: 21 pages, AMSTeX file. To appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    The rotation rates of massive stars: the role of binary interaction through tides, mass transfer and mergers

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    Rotation is thought to be a major factor in the evolution of massive stars, especially at low metallicity, with consequences for their chemical yields, ionizing flux and final fate. Determining the natal rotation-rate distribution of stars is of high priority given its importance as a constraint on theories of massive star formation and as input for models of stellar populations in the local Universe and at high redshift. Recently, it has become clear that the majority of massive stars interact with a binary companion before they die. We investigate how this affects the distribution of rotation rates. For this purpose, we simulate a massive binary-star population typical for our Galaxy assuming continuous star formation. We find that, because of binary interaction, 20^+5_-10% of all massive main-sequence stars have projected rotational velocities in excess of 200km/s. We evaluate the effect of uncertain input distributions and physical processes and conclude that the main uncertainties are the mass transfer efficiency and the possible effect of magnetic braking, especially if magnetic fields are generated or amplified during mass accretion and stellar mergers. The fraction of rapid rotators we derive is similar to that observed. If indeed mass transfer and mergers are the main cause for rapid rotation in massive stars, little room remains for rapidly rotating stars that are born single. This implies that spin down during star formation is even more efficient than previously thought. In addition, this raises questions about the interpretation of the surface abundances of rapidly rotating stars as evidence for rotational mixing. Furthermore, our results allow for the possibility that all early-type Be stars result from binary interactions and suggest that evidence for rotation in explosions, such as long gamma-ray bursts, points to a binary origin.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ., no changes with v1 apart from fixed typos/ref

    Innovative technologies of extruded foods with alcoprotective action on the basis of fish raw

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    У статті наведений аналіз динаміки споживчих вподобань екструдованої снекової продукції на основі рибної сировини та обгрунтована доцільність створення харчових композицій з крупок зернових та картопляних пластівців, збагачених рибними порошками, з регулюємим хімічним складом та біологічною цінністю. З точки зору хімічних та біохімічних процесів описано властивості гліцину та бурштинової кислоти, як речовин, що нейтралізують токсичну дію ацетальдегіду в організмі людини під час вживання слабоалкогольних напоїв. Обгрунтована перспективність виробництва екструдованої продукції з компонентами, що перешкоджають руйнуванню клітин печінки та мозку у разі споживання слабоалкогольних напоїв. Проведена органолептична оцінка розроблених екструдованих продуктів, за результатами якої обгрунтована перспективність використання рибних порошків для виробництва екструдованих продуктів.The article analyzes the dynamics of consumer preferences of extruded snack foods on the basis of fish raw materials and substantiates the expediency of creating food compositions from grains of cereals and potato flakes enriched with fish powders, with regulated chemical composition and biological value. From the point of view of chemical and biochemical processes, the properties of glycine and amber acid are described as substances that neutralize the toxic effect of acetaldehyde in the human body during the use of low-alcohol beverages. The prospect of production of extruded products with components that prevent the destruction of liver and brain cells in the case of low-alcohol beverages is substantiated. The organoleptic evaluation of extruded products developed, the results of which proved the prospect of using fish powders for the production of extruded products. In the given work the technology of innovative food product - with functional alkoprotektornymi properties was presented. It is assumed that this product will expand the range of snack snacks to low-alcohol beverages and will be a reliable protection against the harmful effects of alcohol and its metabolism products in the human bod

    Scanning electron microscopy of Rydberg-excited Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We report on the realization of high resolution electron microscopy of Rydberg-excited ultracold atomic samples. The implementation of an ultraviolet laser system allows us to excite the atom, with a single-photon transition, to Rydberg states. By using the electron microscopy technique during the Rydberg excitation of the atoms, we observe a giant enhancement in the production of ions. This is due to ll-changing collisions, which broaden the Rydberg level and therefore increase the excitation rate of Rydberg atoms. Our results pave the way for the high resolution spatial detection of Rydberg atoms in an atomic sample

    Simplicity of extremal eigenvalues of the Klein-Gordon equation

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    We consider the spectral problem associated with the Klein-Gordon equation for unbounded electric potentials. If the spectrum of this problem is contained in two disjoint real intervals and the two inner boundary points are eigenvalues, we show that these extremal eigenvalues are simple and possess strictly positive eigenfunctions. Examples of electric potentials satisfying these assumptions are given

    One-Loop Corrections to Bubble Nucleation Rate at Finite Temperature

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    We present an evaluation of the 1-loop prefactor in the lifetime of a metastable state which decays at finite temperature by bubble nucleation. Such a state is considered in one-component phi^4 model in three space dimensions. The calculation serves as a prototype application of a fast numerical method for evaluating the functional determinants that appear in semiclassical approximations.Comment: DO-TH-93/18, 15 pages, 11 Figures available on request, LaTeX, no macros neede

    BONNSAI: a Bayesian tool for comparing stars with stellar evolution models

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    Powerful telescopes equipped with multi-fibre or integral field spectrographs combined with detailed models of stellar atmospheres and automated fitting techniques allow for the analysis of large number of stars. These datasets contain a wealth of information that require new analysis techniques to bridge the gap between observations and stellar evolution models. To that end, we develop BONNSAI (BONN Stellar Astrophysics Interface), a Bayesian statistical method, that is capable of comparing all available observables simultaneously to stellar models while taking observed uncertainties and prior knowledge such as initial mass functions and distributions of stellar rotational velocities into account. BONNSAI can be used to (1) determine probability distributions of fundamental stellar parameters such as initial masses and stellar ages from complex datasets, (2) predict stellar parameters that were not yet observationally determined and (3) test stellar models to further advance our understanding of stellar evolution. An important aspect of BONNSAI is that it singles out stars that cannot be reproduced by stellar models through χ2\chi^{2} hypothesis tests and posterior predictive checks. BONNSAI can be used with any set of stellar models and currently supports massive main-sequence single star models of Milky Way and Large and Small Magellanic Cloud composition. We apply our new method to mock stars to demonstrate its functionality and capabilities. In a first application, we use BONNSAI to test the stellar models of Brott et al. (2011a) by comparing the stellar ages inferred for the primary and secondary stars of eclipsing Milky Way binaries. Ages are determined from dynamical masses and radii that are known to better than 3%. We find that the stellar models reproduce the Milky Way binaries well. BONNSAI is available through a web-interface at http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/stars/bonnsai.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 15 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables; BONNSAI is available through a web-interface at http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/stars/bonnsa

    High-frequency spectral decay in P-wave acceleration spectra and source parameters of microearthquakes in southeastern Sicily, Italy

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    In widely used -2 source models the characteristics of high frequency radiation are described as being flat for frequencies between the source corner frequency and an upper limiting frequency fmax. Deviations from this behavior are described in a parameter which is understood as a general measure of the changes the signal undergoes on its way from the source to the receiver. In this study, we calculated  in Southeastern Sicily by using microearthquakes belonging to three different seismic sequences occurring in the area in 1990, 1999-2001, and 2002. The selected events form four different clusters whose seismic sources are located within a 2 km radius. Although the source-to-station paths are approximately the same inside a given cluster, the values of  change considerably at the same recording site from one event to another, also in the case of events having the same magnitude. We parameterized  in terms of event (E), and path (P and Diff) contributions. The term P represents the contribution on total  of both the whole source-to- station path and the near-surface geology, while Diff models the possible spatial variation in the parameter measured with respect to a reference source-station direction. Results show that the source contribution is not negligible and that there is a positive correlation with source size exists. Moreover, the hypothesis of a laterally homogeneous crustal structure within the area in question is not appropriate and significant variation in attenuating properties of the medium may occur in a very small distance range (also in the order of a few tens of meters). Our analysis suggests that the origin of the above mentioned variability is located near the recording site. Synthetic spectra are also computed in order to verify the actual significance of the parameterization employed and its capacity to separate the source and the path contribution to . We describe our spectra as a product of a Brune-type source spectrum and an exponential shaping term accounting for propagation effects. The seismic moments range between 3.8 ×1011 and 5.2 ×1013 N·m, the source radii range between 176 and 669 m, while the stress drop varies from 0.01 to 0.67 MPa

    Impurity Effects on Quantum Depinning of Commensurate Charge Density Waves

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    We investigate quantum depinning of the one-dimensional (1D) commensurate charge-density wave (CDW) in the presence of one impurity theoretically. Quantum tunneling rate below but close to the threshold field is calculated at absolute zero temperature by use of the phase Hamiltonian within the WKB approximation. We show that the impurity can induce localized fluctuation and enhance the quantum depinning. The electric field dependence of the tunneling rate in the presence of the impurity is different from that in its absence.Comment: 14 pages with 13 figures. Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp