30 research outputs found

    Integrated Analysis and Visualization of Group Differences in Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity: Applications in Typical Ageing and Schizophrenia

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    Structural and functional brain connectivity are increasingly used to identify and analyze group differences in studies of brain disease. This study presents methods to analyze uniand bi-modal brain connectivity and evaluate their ability to identify differences. Novel visualizations of significantly different connections comparing multiple metrics are presented. On the global level, "bi-modal comparison plots" show the distribution of uni-and bi-modal group differences and the relationship between structure and function. Differences between brain lobes are visualized using "worm plots". Group differences in connections are examined with an existing visualization, the "connectogram". These visualizations were evaluated in two proof-of-concept studies: (1) middle-aged versus elderly subjects; and (2) patients with schizophrenia versus controls. Each included two measures derived from diffusion weighted images and two from functional magnetic resonance images. The structural measures were minimum cost path between two anatomical regions according to the "Statistical Analysis of Minimum cost path based Structural Connectivity" method and the average fractional anisotropy along the fiber. The functional measures were Pearson's correlation and partial correlation of mean regional time series. The relationship between structure and function was similar in both studies. Uni-modal group differences varied greatly between connectivity types. Group differences were identified in both studies globally, within brain lobes and between regions. In the aging study, minimum cost path was highly effective in identifying group differences on all levels; fractional anisotropy and mean correlation showed smaller differences on the brain lobe and regional levels. In the schizophrenia study, minimum cost path and fractional anisotropy showed differences on the global level and within brain lobes; mean correlation showed small differences on the lobe level. Only fractional anisotropy and mean correlation showed regional differences. The presented visualizations were helpful in comparing and evaluating connectivity measures on multiple levels in both studies

    Emerenz Meier und der Dialekt - Dokumentation eines wandelbaren Verhältnisses im zeitgenössischen Kontext

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    Die Arbeit analysiert exemplarische, als repräsentativ zu geltende epische wie lyrische Texte Emerenz Meiers sowie ausgewählte Briefe im Hinblick auf latente Dialektismen im Bereich von Lexik, Morphologie und Syntax. Dabei wird sich das Jahr 1906 – das Jahr ihrer Emigration in die USA – insoweit als Zäsur erweisen, als dialektale Strukturen in fiktionalen Texten danach signifikant abnehmen, in persönlichen Briefen jedoch zunehmen. Im Vergleich mit zeitgenössischen Autoren wird die Frage beantwortet, ob und inwieweit Emerenz Meier als typische Schriftstellerin ihrer Region gelten kann. Am Ende der Arbeit steht die Dokumentation und Analyse textgrammatischer Strukturen eines mittelbairischen Verkehrsdialekts, die im Standarddeutschen in dieser Form ungrammatisch wären

    Differential patterns of age-related cortical and subcortical functional connectivity in 6-to-10 year old children: A connectome-wide association study

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    Introduction: Typical brain development is characterized by specific patterns of maturation of functional networks. Cortico-cortical connectivity generally increases, whereas subcortico-cortical connections often decrease. Little is known about connectivity changes amongst different subcortical regions in typical development. Methods: This study examined age- and gender-related differences in functional connectivity between and within cortical and subcortical regions using two different approaches. The participants included 411 six- to ten-year-old typically developing children sampled from the population-based Generation R study. Functional connectomes were defined in native space using regions of interest from subject-specific FreeSurfer segmentations. Connections were defined as: (a) the correlation between regional mean time-series; and (b) the focal maximum of voxel-wise correlations within FreeSurfer regions. The association of age and gender with each functional connection was determined using linear regression. The preprocessing included the exclusion of children with excessive head motion and scrubbing to reduce the influence of minor head motion during scanning. Results: Cortico-cortical associations echoed previous findings that connectivity shifts from short to long-range with age. Subcortico-cortical associations with age were primarily negative in the focal network approach but were both positive and negative in the mean time-series network approach. Between subcortical regions, age-related associations were negative in both network approaches. Few connections had significant associations with gender. Conclusions: The present study replicates previously reported age-related patterns of connectivity in a relatively narrow age-range of children. In addition, we extended these findings by demonstrating decreased connectivity within the subcortex with increasing age. Lastly, we show the utility of a more focal approach that challenges the spatial assumptions made by the traditional mean time series approach

    Loss of oxidative defense and potential blockade of satellite cell maturation in the skeletal muscle of patients with cancer but not in the healthy elderly

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    Purpose: Muscle wasting in old age or cancer may result from failure of myofibre regeneration and /or accelerated apoptosis both of which may be up-regulated by oxidative stress or inflammation. The aim of this study was to determine from the transcriptome in human skeletal muscle whether there is evidence for oxidative stress and its relationship with satellite cell differentiation or apoptosis in the muscle of patients with cancer (weight-stable: CWS or weight-losing: CWL) or healthy elderly (HE) when compared with healthy middle aged controls (HMAC) . Design: 28 patients with resectable upper GI/pancreatic cancer (CWS: 14 and CWL14), 17 HE and 22 HMAC underwent biopsy of the quadriceps muscle. Markers of muscle regeneration, inflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis were measured by qPCR. Results: The expression of transcription factors responsible for muscle regeneration (Pax3, Pax7 and MyoD) were increased in the skeletal muscle of CWS and HE when compared with HMAC (P<0.001). In contrast, the expression of myogenic differentiation markers (MyoG and Myh2) was reduced in CWS and CWL but increased in HE when compared with HMAC (P<0.0001). The expression of the pro-apoptotic gene Bax was significantly increased in CWS, CWL and HE compared with HMAC (P<0.0001). Pro-inflammatory cytokine expression was variable with increased expression of TNF in CWS and HE, increased Il-6 in CWS and increased Il-1 in CWL when compared with HMAC. Expression of the oxidative defense genes SOD2, GCLM, and NRF2 was decreased in CWS and CWL but increased in HE when compared with HMA (P<0.0001). Conclusion: There is evidence for blockade of satellite cell maturation, upregulation of apoptosis and reduced oxidative defense in the skeletal muscle of cancer patients. In contrast, in muscle from healthy elderly the potential for myotube differentiation and oxidative defense is maintained

    Candidate CSPG4 mutations and induced pluripotent stem cell modeling implicate oligodendrocyte progenitor cell dysfunction in familial schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is highly heritable, yet its underlying pathophysiology remains largely unknown. Among the most well-replicated findings in neurobiological studies of schizophrenia are deficits in myelination and white matter integrity; however, direct etiological genetic and cellular evidence has thus far been lacking. Here, we implement a family-based approach for genetic discovery in schizophrenia combined with functional analysis using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We observed familial segregation of two rare missense mutations in Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan 4 (CSPG4) (c.391G > A [p.A131T], MAF 7.79 × 10−5 and c.2702T > G [p.V901G], MAF 2.51 × 10−3). The CSPG4A131T mutation was absent from the Swedish Schizophrenia Exome Sequencing Study (2536 cases, 2543 controls), while the CSPG4V901G mutation was nominally enriched in cases (11 cases vs. 3 controls, P = 0.026, OR 3.77, 95% CI 1.05–13.52). CSPG4/NG2 is a hallmark protein of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). iPSC-derived OPCs from CSPG4A131T mutation carriers exhibited abnormal post-translational processing (P = 0.029), subcellular localization of mutant NG2 (P = 0.007), as well as aberrant cellular morphology (P = 3.0 × 10−8), viability (P = 8.9 × 10−7), and myelination potential (P = 0.038). Moreover, transfection of healthy non-carrier sibling OPCs confirmed a pathogenic effect on cell survival of both the CSPG4A131T (P = 0.006) and CSPG4V901G (P = 3.4 × 10−4) mutations. Finally, in vivo diffusion tensor imaging of CSPG4A131T mutation carriers demonstrated a reduction of brain white matter integrity compared to unaffected sibling and matched general population controls (P = 2.2 × 10−5). Together, our findings provide a convergence of genetic and functional evidence to implicate OPC dysfunction as a candidate pathophysiological mechanism of familial schizophrenia

    Short circuit : how brain connectivity and disconnectivity relate to brain function

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    The brain is like a super computer: it is a collection of interconnected computational units which work together to enable both basic functions, such as regulation of breathing, as well as higher functions, such as cognition, thought and emotion. The computational units, or regions, are located in the grey matter (i.e. the cortical surface and in the subcortex), whereas the connections between them, or tracts, are found in the white matter. The development and maintenance of both grey and white matter is essential to brain function. When either tissue type becomes compromised, so too does function. Brain connectivity can non-invasively be derived fro


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    Connectome file format file that holds networkX networks for each connectivity type. Each connection in the network represents an ordinary least squares regression with group membership as the variable of interest and age and gender as covariates. For each variable, covariable and a constant term, the beta, pvalue and t-statistic is stored


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    tar.gz holding the connectome information of each subject included in the MGH proof-of-concept study. Each subject has a connectome file format (cff) file, and each cff file holds networkX networks for each network type considered


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    List of subjects included in the MGH analysis. Each subject's URSI identifier, type (patient/control), age, gender, and ses is provided. Additional information about subjects can be obtained from the MIND Clinical Imaging Consortium