7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of longitudinal 12 and 24 month cognitive outcomes in premanifest and early Huntington's disease

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    BACKGROUND: Deterioration of cognitive functioning is a debilitating symptom in many neurodegenerative diseases, such as Huntington's disease (HD). To date, there are no effective treatments for the cognitive problems associated with HD. Cognitive assessment outcomes will have a central role in the efforts to develop treatments to delay onset or slow the progression of the disease. The TRACK-HD study was designed to build a rational basis for the selection of cognitive outcomes for HD clinical trials. METHODS: There were a total of 349 participants, including controls (n=116), premanifest HD (n=117) and early HD (n=116). A standardised cognitive assessment battery (including nine cognitive tests comprising 12 outcome measures) was administered at baseline, and at 12 and 24 months, and consisted of a combination of paper and pencil and computerised tasks selected to be sensitive to cortical-striatal damage or HD. Each cognitive outcome was analysed separately using a generalised least squares regression model. Results are expressed as effect sizes to permit comparisons between tasks. RESULTS: 10 of the 12 cognitive outcomes showed evidence of deterioration in the early HD group, relative to controls, over 24 months, with greatest sensitivity in Symbol Digit, Circle Tracing direct and indirect, and Stroop word reading. In contrast, there was very little evidence of deterioration in the premanifest HD group relative to controls. CONCLUSIONS: The findings describe tests that are sensitive to longitudinal cognitive change in HD and elucidate important considerations for selecting cognitive outcomes for clinical trials of compounds aimed at ameliorating cognitive decline in HD

    The potential of composite cognitive scores for tracking progression in Huntington's disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Composite scores derived from joint statistical modelling of individual risk factors are widely used to identify individuals who are at increased risk of developing disease or of faster disease progression. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the ability of composite measures developed using statistical models to differentiate progressive cognitive deterioration in Huntington's disease (HD) from natural decline in healthy controls. METHODS: Using longitudinal data from TRACK-HD, the optimal combinations of quantitative cognitive measures to differentiate premanifest and early stage HD individuals respectively from controls was determined using logistic regression. Composite scores were calculated from the parameters of each statistical model. Linear regression models were used to calculate effect sizes (ES) quantifying the difference in longitudinal change over 24 months between premanifest and early stage HD groups respectively and controls. ES for the composites were compared with ES for individual cognitive outcomes and other measures used in HD research. The 0.632 bootstrap was used to eliminate biases which result from developing and testing models in the same sample. RESULTS: In early HD, the composite score from the HD change prediction model produced an ES for difference in rate of 24-month change relative to controls of 1.14 (95% CI: 0.90 to 1.39), larger than the ES for any individual cognitive outcome and UHDRS Total Motor Score and Total Functional Capacity. In addition, this composite gave a statistically significant difference in rate of change in premanifest HD compared to controls over 24-months (ES: 0.24; 95% CI: 0.04 to 0.44), even though none of the individual cognitive outcomes produced statistically significant ES over this period. CONCLUSIONS: Composite scores developed using appropriate statistical modelling techniques have the potential to materially reduce required sample sizes for randomised controlled trials

    Drift-correction techniques for scale-adaptive VR navigation

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    Scale adaptive techniques for VR navigation enable users to navigate spaces larger than the real space available, while allowing precise interaction when required. However, due to these techniques gradually scaling displacements as the user moves (changing user's speed), they introduce a Drift effect. That is, a user returning to the same point in VR will not return to the same point in the real space. This mismatch between the real/virtual spaces can grow over time, and turn the techniques unusable (i.e., users cannot reach their target locations). In this paper, we characterise and analyse the effects of Drift, highlighting its potential detrimental effects. We then propose two techniques to correct Drift effects and use a data driven approach (using navigation data from real users with a specific scale adaptive technique) to tune them, compare their performance and chose an optimum correction technique and configuration. Our user study, applying our technique in a different environment and with two different scale adaptive navigation techniques, shows that our correction technique can significantly reduce Drift effects and extend the life-span of the navigation techniques (i.e., time that they can be used before Drift draws targets unreachable), while not hindering users' experience

    MSH3 modifies somatic instability and disease severity in Huntington’s and myotonic dystrophy type 1

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    Huntington’s disease and myotonic dystrophy type 1. A recent Huntington’s disease genome-wide association study found rs557874766, an imputed single nucleotide polymorphism located within a polymorphic 9 bp tandem repeat in MSH3/DHFR, as the variant most significantly associated with progression in Huntington’s disease. Using Illumina sequencing in Huntington’s disease and myotonic dystrophy type 1 subjects, we show that rs557874766 is an alignment artefact, the minor allele for which corresponds to a three-repeat allele in MSH3 exon 1 that is associated with a reduced rate of somatic CAG CTG expansion (P = 0.004) and delayed disease onset (P = 0.003) in both Huntington’s disease and myotonic dystrophy type 1, and slower progression (P = 3.86 10 7) in Huntington’s disease. RNA-Seq of whole blood in the Huntington’s disease subjects found that repeat variants are associated with MSH3 and DHFR expression. A transcriptome-wide association study in the Huntington’s disease cohort found increased MSH3 and DHFR expression are associated with disease progression. These results suggest that variation in the MSH3 exon 1 repeat region influences somatic expansion and disease phenotype in Huntington’s disease and myotonic dystrophy type 1, and suggests a common DNA repair mechanism operates in both repeat expansion diseases.UK DementiaResearch Institute/[]//Reino UnidoMedical Research Council/[MR/L010305/1]/MRC/Reino UnidoEuropean Union’s Seventh Framework Programme/[2012-305121]/FP7 2007-2013/Unión EuropeaRosetrees Trust/[JS16/M574]//Reino UnidoUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud (INISA