198 research outputs found

    Influence of Selected Econonic Factors on Girl child Participation in Secondary School Education in Bureti Sub county, Kenya

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    This study, carried out in Bureti  Sub County,  sought to investigate selected economic factors that affect girl child’s participation in secondary school education in Bureti Sub county. The sub county had 62 secondary schools of which 15 were girls’ schools while 30 were mixed secondary schools and 17 were boys’ schools. The entire sub county had a total population of 12250 students and 406 teachers. The target populations were 5541 Female students and 62 secondary school teacher counselors in thesub countyt. Descriptive Survey research design was used in this study.  A saniple of 360 female students and 16 teacher counselors were drawn from 15 girls’  schools and mixed secondary schools in thesub county using stratified sampling technique. Students and teachers’ questionnaires were used to collect therequired data from therespondents. Research Instruments were validated through pilot study and reliability of 0.75 was determined using theCronbach’s alpha procedure. Descriptive statistics; mean, frequencies and percentages were used to analyze thedata while Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) program was used for analysis. From thestudy, it was established that themost common factors that affected girl child participation in secondary school education were parents’ level of income. These have led to a number of girls dropping out of school. As a recommendation, the govemment should aid education of the girl child through provision of bursaries as effort to ensure equal participation by all students irrespective of their gender.. Key words: Girl Child, Participation, Economic factors,Secondary school educatio

    Evaluation of Effects of Value Addition in Sweet Potatoes on Farm Income in Homa Bay County, Kenya

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    Sweet potato value addition has become an increasingly important aspect in improving the diversification in its production and expanding the unexploited market amongst consumers. Homa Bay County is among the leading areas of production in Kenya due to its favorable land conditions and rainfall patterns that enables sweet potato to thrive well in the region. Value addition has been introduced in the County mainly by Non-Governmental organizations that work together with the public sector. However some small scale farmers do not practice value addition, partially because little has been done empirically to measure the impact that value addition has on farm income. This study focused on filling in this gap in the existing knowledge on sweet potato value addition. The study was conducted in Homa Bay County and the study sites selected included three sub counties namely Kasipul, Kabondo Kasipul and Ndhiwa. Multi stage sampling technique was used in selecting the study sites and the required sample size determined by proportionate to size sampling method. Interview schedules and observation were used to collect primary data. Multiple regressions were used to analyze the effect of different value addition activities on Income received solely from sweet potatoes. In addition marginal effects were obtained to analyze the effect of each independent variable separately on income. Findings revealed that the more value a farmer added to raw tuber, the better the income obtained from the market. In addition, farmer marketing groups had a stronger bargaining power in the market compared to farmers selling individually. The study therefore recommended that the County government should work closely with the non-governmental organizations to enlighten farmers on the importance of forming farmer groups since most training on value addition, information on prices and market opportunities can be easily disseminated through farmer groups .It is through these trainings that farmers would be able to make rational decisions with regard to production and adding value to get higher incomes. Keywords: Value Addition techniques, Smallholder farmer, Farm income.

    Factors Determining Choice of Clean Domestic Energy by Households: Evidence from Nakuru Municipality, Kenya

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    As in most developing countries, many attempts have been made and are continuously made to in Kenya to reduce dependence of forests as a source of energy through introduction of bans on logging and campaigns to households to shift to cleaner energy sources. Attempts through rural electrification program as envisaged in the energy policy of Kenya have been geared towards expanding clean energy access to previously unconnected sections of the population. Yet the majority households in urban areas as exemplified by Nakuru municipality residents of Kenya continue to depend on semi-clean fuels as primary source of energy. Using survey data from 300 randomly selected households in Nakuru Municipality, we sought to empirically determine the factors that influence household choice of clean domestic energy. A Multinomial logit model results showed that household’s choice between clean and semi-clean fuels was influenced by Socio-economic and demographic factors, and government energy policies. In particular,  the likelihood of clean fuels was significantly higher in households with higher relative incomes while the likelihood of use of “dirty” and semi – clean fuels was higher with middle and low income households. Based on the study results we draw policy implications. Keywords: Energy, Choice and Domestic Fuels, Multinomial Logit, Kenya, Nakuru Municipalit

    Treatment of shigella infections: why sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, tetracyclines and ampicillin should no longer be used

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    Background: Bloody diarrhoea results in high morbidity and mortality especially in developing countries with shigellosis being the main cause of acute bloody diarrhoea. The use of appropriate antimicrobial agents in the treatment of acute diarrheal disease shortens the duration of illness and bacterial shedding leading to a reduction in morbidity and mortality. Treatment options for many infections are becoming limited due to globally emerging antibiotic resistance. Globally, resistance of shigella species to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), tetracyclines and ampicillin has been reported with subsequent recommendations of not using these antimicrobial drugs for empirical therapy of acute bloody diarrhoea.Objective: To establish the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and antimicrobial drug use for treatment of shigella species in patients with acute bloody diarrhoea.Design: A hospital based case control study.Setting: Six health facilities, three in Kilifi County and three in Nairobi County.Subject: A total of 284 stool specimens were collected from patients who fitted the standard cases definition for acute bloody diarrhoea.Results: Eighty (28.2%) bacterial isolates were recovered from 284 stool samples collected from cases presenting with acute bloody diarrhoea of which 67 (83.8%) were Shigella species, nine (11.3%) were Enteroinvassive Escherichia coli isolates, three (3.8%) were Salmonella Typhi and one (1.3%) were Yersinia enterocolitica. Shigella isolates had high resistance to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (97%), tetracycline (83.6%) ampicillin (58.2%) and chloramphenicol (20.9%). The isolates showed low resistance to nalidixic (4.5%) and ciprofloxacin (3.0%) while there was no resistance to ceftriaxone. The most common multidrug resistance pattern detected in Shigella strains combined sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, amoxicillin/ampicillin and tetracyclines.Antibiotic prescriptions were given to 243(85.6%) of the patients presenting with acute bloody diarrhoea. Among these, 94 (38.7%) were given prescriptions for ciprofloxacin, 53 (21.8%) for sulfamethaxazole-trimethiprin and 36(14.8%) for Tetracyclines. Chloramphenicol, amoxicillin/ampicillin, nalidixic acid and ceftriaxone were prescribed to 10.7 %, 3.7%, 2.9% and 0.4% of the patients respectively. A total of 123 (51%) received antibiotics which were ranked to have high resistance (sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, tetracyclines ampicillin and chloramphenicol).Conclusion: The high rates of antimicrobial resistance among the commonly prescribed antimicrobials such as sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, tetracycline, ampicillin and chloramphenicol is of major concern. Despite recommendations discouraging the empirical use of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, tetracycline, ampicillin and chloramphenicol for treatment of acute bloody diarrhoea, more than half of the patients with acute bloody diarrhoea were still treated with these antibiotics.There is need to train health care workers on the proper management of acute bloody diarrhoea and the importance of adhering to the clinical guidelines

    Estimating the furrow infiltration characteristic from a single advance point

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    Management and control of surface irrigation, in particular furrow irrigation, is limited by spatio-temporal soil infiltration variability as well as the high cost and time associated with collecting intensive field data for estimation of the infiltration characteristics. Recent work has proposed scaling the commonly used infiltration function by using a model infiltration curve and a single advance point for every other furrow in an irrigation event. Scaling factors were calculated for a series of furrows at two sites and at four points down the length of the field (0.25 L, 0.5 L, 0.75 L and L). Differences in the value of the scaling factor with distance were found to be a function of the shape of the advance curves. It is concluded that use of points early in the advance results in a substantial loss of accuracy and should be avoided. The scaling factor was also strongly correlated with the furrow-wetted perimeter suggesting that the scaling is an appropriate way of both predicting and accommodating the effect of the hydraulic variability

    The mechanism of resistance to favipiravir in influenza.

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    Favipiravir is a broad-spectrum antiviral that has shown promise in treatment of influenza virus infections. While emergence of resistance has been observed for many antiinfluenza drugs, to date, clinical trials and laboratory studies of favipiravir have not yielded resistant viruses. Here we show evolution of resistance to favipiravir in the pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus in a laboratory setting. We found that two mutations were required for robust resistance to favipiravir. We demonstrate that a K229R mutation in motif F of the PB1 subunit of the influenza virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) confers resistance to favipiravir in vitro and in cell culture. This mutation has a cost to viral fitness, but fitness can be restored by a P653L mutation in the PA subunit of the polymerase. K229R also conferred favipiravir resistance to RNA polymerases of other influenza A virus strains, and its location within a highly conserved structural feature of the RdRP suggests that other RNA viruses might also acquire resistance through mutations in motif F. The mutations identified here could be used to screen influenza virus-infected patients treated with favipiravir for the emergence of resistance

    Development of a botanical plant protection product from Larix by-products to protect grapevine from Plasmopara viticola

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    Extracts from European Larch (Larix decidua) were shown to be efficient to control grapevine downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) under controlled and field conditions. Larixyl acetate and larixol were identified as the active compounds

    Monitoring using mobile technology: the case of dispensers for safe water

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    Since 2009, Dispensers for Safe Water (DSW) has collected thousands of community surveys, dispenser surveys, promoter surveys, installation forms, and chlorine delivery records to track and monitor the quality of service it provides to local communities in Kenya and Uganda. In late 2011, the program began the transition to electronic surveys on handheld mobile devices and the complex data management systems needed to support this technology. Mobile surveys have proven faster, cheaper, and more accurate than paper forms; they have also enabled increased innovation, iteration, and course correction through rapid feedback and analysis. However, challenges remain, including connecting daily field activities to higher-level analysis and aggregation of results in the cloud. To address this, DSW is working to build a system of dashboards and mobile applications to better enable the field team to access, edit, and operationalize the information collected

    Exposure to parasitic infections determines features and phenotypes of active convulsive epilepsy in Africa

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    Background: Epilepsy affects 70 million people worldwide, 80% of whom are in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs). Infections of the central nervous system (CNS) contribute considerably to the burden of epilepsy in LMICs, but the nature and presentation of epilepsy following these infections is not fully understood. We examined if epilepsy foutcomes are associated with the exposure to parasitic infections. Methods: This was a case-comparison study nested in a cross-sectional survey of people with active convulsive epilepsy, with cases as those exposed to parasitic infections, and comparison as those unexposed. Associations of exposure to parasites with clinical and electroencephalographic features of epilepsy were done using a modified mixed effects Poisson regression model across five sites in Africa. Multiplicative and additive scale (RERI) interactions were explored to determine the effect of co-infections on epilepsy features. Population attributable fractions (PAF) were calculated to determine the proportion of severe clinical and electroencephalographic features of epilepsy attributable to CNS infections. Results: A total of 997 participants with active convulsive epilepsy from the five African sites were analyzed, 51% of whom were males. Exposure to parasitic infections was associated with more frequent seizures in adult epilepsy (relative risk (RR)=2.58, 95% confidence interval (95%CI):1.71-3.89). In children, exposure to any parasite was associated with convulsive status epilepticus (RR=4.68, (95%CI: 3.79-5.78), intellectual disabilities (RR=2.13, 95%CI: 1.35-3.34) and neurological deficits (RR=1.92, 95%CI: 1.42-2.61). Toxoplasma gondii and Onchocerca volvulus interacted synergistically to increase the risk of status epilepticus (RERI=0.91, 95%CI=0.48-1.35) in the data pooled across the sites. Exposure to parasitic infections contributed to 30% of severe features of epilepsy as shown by PAF. Conclusions: Parasitic infections may determine features and phenotypes of epilepsy through synergistic or antagonistic interactions, which can be different in children and adults. Interventions to control or manage infections may reduce complications and improve prognosis in epilepsy

    Alcohol use and immune reconstitution among HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy in Nairobi, Kenya

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    Studies on the effects of alcohol use on HIV disease progression have been contradictory, with at least one study finding a positive effect of low alcohol consumption on CD4 count. In addition, most such studies have taken place in the developed West. We investigated the association between alcohol use and immune reconstitution through CD4 count response among HIV-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at an urban sub-Saharan African clinic. This was a retrospective cohort study of treatment-naïve HIV-infected adults initiating ART in Nairobi, Kenya and followed for 12 months between January 2009 and December 2012. At enrollment, a standardized questionnaire was used to collect data on sociodemographic variables and alcohol consumption. CD4 count was measured every six months. Linear regression models assessed the association between CD4 count and alcohol consumption, categorized as abstinent, moderate, or hazardous. Overall, 854 participants were included, 522 of which were women, with 85 (25.6%) men and 50 (9.6%) women reporting any alcohol use, and 8 (2.4%) men and 7 (1.3%) women reporting hazardous drinking. At baseline, alcohol use was associated with higher education and socioeconomic status. Median CD4 count was higher among alcohol users compared to those who abstained at baseline and at 6 and 12 months post-ART initiation, although this was only significant at 6 months. There were no differences in adherence between abstainers and drinkers. While overall alcohol use was significantly associated with higher CD4 counts, moderate and hazardous use treated separately were not. We conclude that, while alcohol use was associated with higher CD4 counts at 12 months post-ART, the mechanism for this association is unclear but may reflect unmeasured socioeconomic or nutritional differences. Additional research is required on the specific drinking patterns of this population and the types of alcoholic beverages consumed to clarify this relationship