796 research outputs found

    Dehumanized in death: representations of murdered women in American true crime podcasts

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    How do American true crime podcasts represent women victims of murder? Emerging research shows that the podcast storytelling format can produce more personal and compassionate discourse, potentially countering the overall harmful representations of the true crime genre. However, research focusing on the representation of women victims of violence in the podcast genre has so far been limited. Based on a discourse analysis of 14 popular true crime podcast episodes released between 2014 and 2021, we identified that the murdered women in the podcasts are represented as part of a dehumanized group who are complicit in their deaths and who serve as a cautionary tale for other women. Based on these findings, we argue that although podcasts’ discursive dynamics can potentially introduce alternative representations of the victims based on social group identification and self-reflexivity, overall, American true crime podcasts align with dominant representations and discourses about stigmatized victim

    Long-Term Efficacy of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with Occupational Respiratory Diseases

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    Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation is a well-recognized treatment option in chronic obstructive lung disease improving exercise performance, respiratory symptoms and quality of life. In occupational respiratory diseases, which can be rather cost-intensive due to the compensation needs, very little information is available. Objectives: This study aims at the evaluation of the usefulness of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with occupational respiratory diseases, partly involving complex alterations of lung function and of the sustainability of effects. Methods: We studied 263 patients with occupational respiratory diseases (asthma, silicosis, asbestosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) using a 4-week inpatient rehabilitation program and follow-up examinations 3 and 12 months later. The outcomes evaluated were lung function, 6-min walking distance (6MWD), maximum exercise capacity (Wmax), skeletal muscle strength, respiratory symptoms, exacerbations and associated medical consultations, quality of life (SF-36, SGRQ), anxiety/depression (HADS) and Medical Research Council and Baseline and Transition Dyspnea Index scores. Results: Compared to baseline, there were significant (p < 0.05) improvements in 6MWD, Wmax and muscle strength immediately after rehabilitation, and these were maintained over 12 months (p < 0.05). Effects were less pronounced in asbestosis. Overall, a significant reduction in the rate of exacerbations by 35%, antibiotic therapy by 27% and use of health care services by 17% occurred within 12 months after rehabilitation. No changes were seen in the questionnaire outcomes. Conclusions: Pulmonary rehabilitation is effective even in the complex settings of occupational respiratory diseases, providing sustained improvement of functional capacity and reducing health care utilization. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Draft Genome Sequence of Kocuria sp. Strain UCD-OTCP (Phylum Actinobacteria).

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    Here, we present the draft genome of Kocuria sp. strain UCD-OTCP, a member of the phylum Actinobacteria, isolated from a restaurant chair cushion. The assembly contains 3,791,485 bp (G+C content of 73%) and is contained in 68 scaffolds

    Onlinesucht im Jugendalter - Perspektiven pädagogischer Prävention

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    Das Phänomen der Onlinesucht wird seit Mitte der 90iger Jahre diskutiert. Studien belegen, dass es sich hierbei um eine Verhaltenssucht handelt, die durch die Merkmale „Einengung des Verhaltensraumes, Kontrollverlust, Entzugserscheinungen, Toleranzentwicklung und negative soziale Konsequenzen“ gekennzeichnet ist. Onlinesucht ist vor allem als Jugendproblematik zu verstehen, da die sich im Identitätsaufbau befindlichen Jugendlichen mit Medien altersbestimmte Bedürfnisse befriedigen wie zum Beispiel Anerkennung durch eine Gruppe, Ausprobieren von Rollen, Spannung, Nervenkitzel und Unterhaltung. Besonders hohes Suchtpotential entwickeln dabei die Bereiche Kommunikation (Soziale Netzwerke, Chat) und Spiel (Onlinerollenspiele). Vor dem Hintergrund der Bedürfnislagen Jugendlicher in der Postmoderne werden die drei primärpräventiven Säulen der Medien-, Erlebnis- und Theaterpädagogik etabliert. Sie tragen dem Ruf nach einem versierten Umgang mit Medien ebenso Rechnung wie dem Bedürfnis sich körperlich/leiblich zu betätigen, in einer Gruppe Anerkennung zu finden und reale Rollen auszuprobieren. Darüber hinaus werden die humanökologisch orientierten Konzepte von Salutogenese und Resilienz herangezogen, um eine generelle präventive Gesundheitsförderung darzulegen. Es gilt, das nicht-virtuelle Leben zum Abenteuer zu machen und Heranwachsenden alle Sinnbereiche ansprechende Freizeitaktivitäten zu ermöglichen. Unter Bezugnahme auf den Begriff der Medienkompetenz wird akzentuiert, dass ein versierter Medienumgang ebenso wichtig ist wie eine kritische Bewertung und eine kreative Gestaltung der Medien

    Relationships between accelerometry and general compensatory movements of the upper limb after stroke

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    BACKGROUND: Standardized assessments are used in rehabilitation clinics after stroke to measure restoration versus compensatory movements of the upper limb. Accelerometry is an emerging tool that can bridge the gap between in- and out-of-clinic assessments of the upper limb, but is limited in that it currently does not capture the quality of a person\u27s movement, an important concept to assess compensation versus restoration. The purpose of this analysis was to characterize how accelerometer variables may reflect upper limb compensatory movement patterns after stroke. METHODS: This study was a secondary analysis of an existing data set from a Phase II, single-blind, randomized, parallel dose-response trial (NCT0114369). Sources of data utilized were: (1) a compensatory movement score derived from video analysis of the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), and (2) calculated accelerometer variables quantifying time, magnitude and variability of upper limb movement from the same time point during study participation for both in-clinic and out-of-clinic recording periods. RESULTS: Participants had chronic upper limb paresis of mild to moderate severity. Compensatory movement scores varied across the sample, with a mean of 73.7 ± 33.6 and range from 11.5 to 188. Moderate correlations were observed between the compensatory movement score and each accelerometer variable. Accelerometer variables measured out-of-clinic had stronger relationships with compensatory movements, compared with accelerometer variables in-clinic. Variables quantifying time, magnitude, and variability of upper limb movement out-of-clinic had relationships to the compensatory movement score. CONCLUSIONS: Accelerometry is a tool that, while measuring movement quantity, can also reflect the use of general compensatory movement patterns of the upper limb in persons with chronic stroke. Individuals who move their limbs more in daily life with respect to time and variability tend to move with less movement compensations and more typical movement patterns. Likewise, individuals who move their paretic limbs less and their non-paretic limb more in daily life tend to move with more movement compensations at all joints in the paretic limb and less typical movement patterns

    Antimicrobial and Mechanical Effects of Zeolite Use in Dental Materials: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: Ion-incorporated zeolite is a widely used antimicrobial material studied for various dental applications. At present, there is no other systematic review that evaluates the effectiveness of zeolite in all dental materials. The purpose of this study was to review all available literature that analyzed the antimicrobial effects and/or mechanical properties of zeolite as a restorative material in dentistry. Material and methods: Following PRISMA guidelines, an exhaustive search of PubMed, Ovid Medline, Scopus, Embase, and the Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source was conducted. No language or time restrictions were used and the study was conducted from June 1, 2020 to August 17, 2020. Only full text articles were selected that pertained to the usage of zeolite in dental materials including composite resin, bonding agents, cements, restorative root material, cavity base material, prosthesis, implants, and endodontics. Results: At the beginning of the study, 1534 studies were identified, of which 687 duplicate records were excluded. After screening for the title, abstract, and full texts, 35 articles remained and were included in the qualitative synthesis. An Inter-Rater Reliability (IRR) test, which included a percent user agreement and reliability percent, was conducted for each of the 35 articles chosen. Conclusion: Although ion-incorporated zeolite may enhance the antimicrobial properties of dental materials, the mechanical properties of some materials, such as MTA and acrylic resin, may be compromised. Therefore, since the decrease in mechanical properties depends on zeolite concentration in the restorative material, it is generally recommended to add 0.2-2% zeolite by weight. © 2021 University of Zagreb. All rights reserved

    Characterisation of Death Receptor 3 dependent aortic changes during inflammatory arthritis

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    Murine collagen‐induced arthritis (mCIA) is characterized by decreased vascular constriction responses and increased MMP‐9. Here, we describe additional histological alterations within the aorta and surrounding perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT), study the role of PVAT in constriction response, and investigate the potential involvement of death receptor 3 (DR3). mCIA was induced in wild‐type (WT) and DR3−/− mice with nonimmunized, age‐matched controls. Vascular function was determined in isolated aortic rings ±PVAT, using isometric tension myography, in response to cumulative serotonin concentrations. Cellular expression of F4/80 (macrophages), Ly6G (neutrophils), DR3, and MMP‐9 was determined using immunohistochemistry. In WTs, arthritis‐induced vascular dysfunction was associated with increased F4/80+ macrophages and increased DR3 expression in the aorta and PVAT. MMP‐9 was also up‐regulated in PVAT, but did not correlate with alterations of PVAT intact constriction. DR3−/− mice inherently showed increased leukocyte numbers and MMP‐9 expression in the PVAT, but retained the same nonarthritic constriction response as DR3WT mice ±PVAT. Arthritic DR3−/− mice had a worsened constriction response than DR3WT and showed an influx of neutrophils to the aorta and PVAT. Macrophage numbers were also up‐regulated in DR3−/− PVAT. Despite this influx, PVAT intact DR3−/− constriction responses were restored to the same level as DR3WT. Impaired vascular constriction in inflammatory arthritis occurs independently of total MMP‐9 levels, but correlates with macrophage and neutrophil ingress. Ablating DR3 worsens the associated vasculature dysfunction, however, DR3−/− PVAT is able to protect the aorta against aberrant vasoconstriction caused in this model

    FAIR Assessment Tools: An evaluation of assessment tools of data sets according to the FAIR principles

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    Seit der Veröffentlichung der FAIR Prinzipien im Jahr 2016 gewinnen diese immer mehr an Bedeutung. Seither wurden verschiedene Tools entwickelt, die dabei helfen sollen publizierte Daten hinsichtlich der Erfüllung der FAIR Prinzipien zu bewerten. Bei den derzeit angebotenen Fair Assessment Tools gibt es eine große Bandbreite. Sie reicht von einfachen ausdruckbaren PDF-Checklisten zu vollautomatischen Tools die nur eine DOI oder URL brauchen, um die Bewertung durchzuführen. Forschende, die sich Feedback zur Optimierung des eigenen Datensatzes bezüglich der FAIR Prinzipien erhoffen, haben andere Anforderungen als Data Stewards, die einen schnellen Überblick über die Qualität der im Repositorium veröffentlichten Datensätze brauchen. Um eine Orientierung zu bekommen, welche Tools für welchen Nutzerkreis und welche Fragestellung geeignet sind, haben wir die im Zeitraum von Juli bis Dezember 2022 verfügbaren FAIR Assessment Tools evaluiert. Wir haben in unserer Bewertung unter anderem folgende Aspekte betrachtet: die Dauer der Bearbeitung, Zielgruppe des Tools, ob Vorkenntnisse (im Bereich IT und FDM) notwendig sind für die Verwendung des Tools sowie für das Verständnis der Ergebnisse. Das Poster fasst die Auswertung der FAIR Assessment Tools zusammen indem es sie vier Kategorien zuordnet: Fully Configurable Tools, Automatic Tools, Improved Survey Tools und Regular List Tools. Die Kategorisierung gibt einen Überblick und unterstützt so bei der Auswahl des für die eigenen Bedürfnisse entsprechenden Tools

    Predicting later categories of upper limb activity from earlier clinical assessments following stroke: An exploratory analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Accelerometers allow for direct measurement of upper limb (UL) activity. Recently, multi-dimensional categories of UL performance have been formed to provide a more complete measure of UL use in daily life. Prediction of motor outcomes after stroke have tremendous clinical utility and a next step is to explore what factors might predict someone\u27s subsequent UL performance category. PURPOSE: To explore how different machine learning techniques can be used to understand how clinical measures and participant demographics captured early after stroke are associated with the subsequent UL performance categories. METHODS: This study analyzed data from two time points from a previous cohort (n = 54). Data used was participant characteristics and clinical measures from early after stroke and a previously established category of UL performance at a later post stroke time point. Different machine learning techniques (a single decision tree, bagged trees, and random forests) were used to build predictive models with different input variables. Model performance was quantified with the explanatory power (in-sample accuracy), predictive power (out-of-bag estimate of error), and variable importance. RESULTS: A total of seven models were built, including one single decision tree, three bagged trees, and three random forests. Measures of UL impairment and capacity were the most important predictors of the subsequent UL performance category, regardless of the machine learning algorithm used. Other non-motor clinical measures emerged as key predictors, while participant demographics predictors (with the exception of age) were generally less important across the models. Models built with the bagging algorithms outperformed the single decision tree for in-sample accuracy (26-30% better classification) but had only modest cross-validation accuracy (48-55% out of bag classification). CONCLUSIONS: UL clinical measures were the most important predictors of the subsequent UL performance category in this exploratory analysis regardless of the machine learning algorithm used. Interestingly, cognitive and affective measures emerged as important predictors when the number of input variables was expanded. These results reinforce that UL performance, in vivo, is not a simple product of body functions nor the capacity for movement, instead being a complex phenomenon dependent on many physiological and psychological factors. Utilizing machine learning, this exploratory analysis is a productive step toward the prediction of UL performance. Trial registration NA

    Інженерна геодезія. Методичні рекомендації до виконання лабораторних робіт для студентів напряму підготовки 6.080101 Геодезія, картографія та землеустрій

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    Розглянуто теоретичні відомості про ключові питання інженерно- геодезичного проектування будівель та споруд, геодезичну підготовку даних для винесення проекту в натуру та визначення деформації споруд й поверхні зсувних схилів. Подано також рекомендації до розв’язування типових практичних задач з аналітичного розрахунку розмічувальних елементів різноманітними способами для винесення основних точок проекту в натуру, оцінювання точності їхнього положення залежно від способу розмічування та визначення деформації поверхні зсувних схилів. Наведено питання для самостійного оцінювання модульного контролю виконання лабораторних робіт. Орієнтовано на активізацію виконавчого етапу навчальної діяльності студентів