26,672 research outputs found

    Symmetries of hadrons after unbreaking the chiral symmetry

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    We study hadron correlators upon artificial restoration of the spontaneously broken chiral symmetry. In a dynamical lattice simulation we remove the lowest lying eigenmodes of the Dirac operator from the valence quark propagators and study evolution of the hadron masses obtained. All mesons and baryons in our study, except for a pion, survive unbreaking the chiral symmetry and their exponential decay signals become essentially better. From the analysis of the observed spectroscopic patterns we conclude that confinement still persists while the chiral symmetry is restored. All hadrons fall into different chiral multiplets. The broken U(1)_A symmetry does not get restored upon unbreaking the chiral symmetry. We also observe signals of some higher symmetry that includes chiral symmetry as a subgroup. Finally, from comparison of the \Delta - N splitting before and after unbreaking of the chiral symmetry we conclude that both the color-magnetic and the flavor-spin quark-quark interactions are of equal importance.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures; final versio

    Topological Charge and the Spectrum of the Fermion Matrix in Lattice-QED_2

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    We investigate the interplay between topological charge and the spectrum of the fermion matrix in lattice-QED_2 using analytic methods and Monte Carlo simulations with dynamical fermions. A new theorem on the spectral decomposition of the fermion matrix establishes that its real eigenvalues (and corresponding eigenvectors) play a role similar to the zero eigenvalues (zero modes) of the Dirac operator in continuous background fields. Using numerical techniques we concentrate on studying the real part of the spectrum. These results provide new insights into the behaviour of physical quantities as a function of the topological charge. In particular we discuss fermion determinant, effective action and pseudoscalar densities.Comment: 33 pages, 10 eps-figures; reference adde

    Predicting positive parity BsB_{s} mesons from lattice QCD

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    We determine the spectrum of BsB_s 1P states using lattice QCD. For the Bs1(5830)B_{s1}(5830) and Bs2∗(5840)B_{s2}^*(5840) mesons, the results are in good agreement with the experimental values. Two further mesons are expected in the quantum channels JP=0+J^P=0^+ and 1+1^+ near the BKBK and B∗KB^{*}K thresholds. A combination of quark-antiquark and B(∗)B^{(*)} meson-Kaon interpolating fields are used to determine the mass of two QCD bound states below the B(∗)KB^{(*)}K threshold, with the assumption that mixing with Bs(∗)ηB_s^{(*)}\eta and isospin-violating decays to Bs(∗)πB_s^{(*)}\pi are negligible. We predict a JP=0+J^P=0^+ bound state Bs0B_{s0} with mass mBs0=5.711(13)(19)m_{B_{s0}}=5.711(13)(19) GeV. With further assumptions motivated theoretically by the heavy quark limit, a bound state with mBs1=5.750(17)(19)m_{B_{s1}}= 5.750(17)(19) GeV is predicted in the JP=1+J^P=1^+ channel. The results from our first principles calculation are compared to previous model-based estimates.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; Final versio

    Spectra of magnetic perturbations triggered by pellets in JET plasmas

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    Aiming at investigating edge localised mode (ELM) pacing for future application on ITER, experiments have been conducted on JET injecting pellets in different plasma configurations, including high confinement regimes with type-I and type-III ELMs, low confinement regimes and Ohmically heated plasmas. The magnetic perturbations spectra and the toroidal mode number, n, of triggered events are compared with those of spontaneous ELMs using a wavelet analysis to provide good time resolution of short-lived coherent modes. It is found that—in all these configurations—triggered events have a coherent mode structure, indicating that pellets can trigger an MHD event basically in every background plasma. Two components have been found in the magnetic perturbations induced by pellets, with distinct frequencies and toroidal mode numbers. In high confinement regimes triggered events have similarities with spontaneous ELMs: both are seen to start from low toroidal mode numbers, then the maximum measured n increases up to about 10 within 0.3 ms before the ELM burst

    The moduli space of hypersurfaces whose singular locus has high dimension

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    Let kk be an algebraically closed field and let bb and nn be integers with n≥3n\geq 3 and 1≤b≤n−1.1\leq b \leq n-1. Consider the moduli space XX of hypersurfaces in Pkn\mathbb{P}^n_k of fixed degree ll whose singular locus is at least bb-dimensional. We prove that for large ll, XX has a unique irreducible component of maximal dimension, consisting of the hypersurfaces singular along a linear bb-dimensional subspace of Pn\mathbb{P}^n. The proof will involve a probabilistic counting argument over finite fields.Comment: Final version, including the incorporation of all comments by the refere
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