1,799 research outputs found

    The Complex-Mass Scheme and Unitarity in perturbative Quantum Field Theory

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    We investigate unitarity within the Complex-Mass Scheme, a convenient universal scheme for perturbative calculations involving unstable particles in Quantum Field Theory which guarantees exact gauge invariance. Since this scheme requires to introduce complex masses and complex couplings, the Cutkosky cutting rules, which express perturbative unitarity in theories of stable particles, are no longer valid. We derive corresponding rules for scalar theories with unstable particles based on Veltman's Largest-Time Equation and prove unitarity in this framework.Comment: 25 pages, PDFLaTeX, PDF figures, improved and slightly extended version appeared in European Physics Journal

    Recola2: a one-loop matrix-element generator for BSM theories and SM effective field theory

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    We present the Recola2 library for the efficient generation and computation of one-loop amplitudes in Beyond-Standard-Model theories. Recola2 is based on Recola, an efficient one-loop amplitude generator for the Standard Model, and Rept1l, a newly developed tool to generate one-loop model files for Recola2 in a fully automated way. Recola2 is able to operate with non-trivial extensions of the SM, e.g. extended Higgs sectors and effective field theories. We discuss first applications to extended Higgs sectors and their renormalization.Comment: 6 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR 2017

    Recola2: REcursive Computation of One-Loop Amplitudes 2

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    We present the Fortran95 program Recola2 for the perturbative computation of next-to-leading-order transition amplitudes in the Standard Model of particle physics and extended Higgs sectors. New theories are implemented via model files in the 't Hooft-Feynman gauge in the conventional formulation of quantum field theory and in the Background-Field method. The present version includes model files for the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and the Higgs-Singlet Extension of the Standard Model. We support standard renormalization schemes for the Standard Model as well as many commonly used renormalization schemes in extended Higgs sectors. Within these models the computation of next-to-leading-order polarized amplitudes and squared amplitudes, optionally summed over spin and colour, is fully automated for any process. Recola2 allows the computation of colour- and spin-correlated leading-order squared amplitudes that are needed in the dipole subtraction formalism. Recola2 is publicly available for download at http://recola.hepforge.org.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figure, matches published versio

    NLO electroweak corrections in extended Higgs Sectors with RECOLA2

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    We present the computer code RECOLA2 along with the first NLO electroweak corrections to Higgs production in vector-boson fusion and updated results for Higgs strahlung in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and Higgs-Singlet extension of the Standard Model. A fully automated procedure for the generation of tree-level and one-loop matrix elements in general models, including renormalization, is presented. We discuss the application of the Background-Field Method to the extended models. Numerical results for NLO electroweak cross sections are presented for different renormalization schemes in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and the Higgs-Singlet extension of the Standard Model. Finally, we present distributions for the production of a heavy Higgs boson.Comment: 47 pages, 29 figures, pdflatex, version to appear in JHE

    Anomalous triple-gauge-boson interactions in vector-boson pair production with RECOLA2

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    Diboson production at the LHC is a process of great importance both in the context of tests of the SM and for direct searches for new physics. In this paper we present a phenomenological study of WW, WZ, and ZZ production considering event selections of interest for the anomalous triple-gauge-boson-coupling searches at the LHC: we provide theoretical predictions within the Standard Model at NLO QCD and NLO EW accuracy and study the effect of the anomalous triple-gauge-boson interactions at NLO QCD. For WW and ZZ production, the contribution of the gluon-initiated loop-induced processes is included. Anomalous triple-gauge-boson interactions are parametrized in the EFT framework. This paper is the first application of RECOLA2 in the EFT context.Comment: 36 pages, 56 pdf figures, latex. Corrected typo in Eq.(3.2). One reference added. Published versio

    Dependent Lindeberg central limit theorem and some applications

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    In this paper, a very useful lemma (in two versions) is proved: it simplifies notably the essential step to establish a Lindeberg central limit theorem for dependent processes. Then, applying this lemma to weakly dependent processes introduced in Doukhan and Louhichi (1999), a new central limit theorem is obtained for sample mean or kernel density estimator. Moreover, by using the subsampling, extensions under weaker assumptions of these central limit theorems are provided. All the usual causal or non causal time series: Gaussian, associated, linear, ARCH(\infty), bilinear, Volterra processes,......, enter this frame

    NLO QCD and EW corrections to processes involving off-shell top quarks

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    We review recent results on next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD and electroweak (EW) corrections for processes involving off-shell top quarks. For the off-shell production of two top quarks that decay leptonically, the full NLO EW corrections have been computed. For the very same process in association with a Higgs boson, EW corrections have been calculated and combined with existing NLO QCD corrections. In both cases, selected differential distributions are shown. In these proceedings, particular emphasis is put on the effect of the EW corrections as well as the off-shell contributions.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR 2017

    Mise en place et évaluation d'un algorithme de répartition de charge pour les plateformes de simulations distribuées basées sur les systèmes multi-agents

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    International audienceCet article traite de la problématique de la répartition de charge dans les systèmes multi-agents à travers un algorithme qui assure la distribution de ces agents. Le besoin est né de l'observation de fréquents problèmes de surcharge lors de simulations basées sur ces systèmes multi-agents. Miro, qui est une plateforme de simulation à grande échelle de la mobilité urbaine en est un exemple concret. La difficulté de ces travaux se situe dans la considération des spécificités des plateformes de simulation orientée agent : autonomie des entités à distribuer et forte imprévisibilité du système. Nous adaptons un algorithme de répartition de charge appelé Comet aux spécificités des simulations distribuées à base d'agents. Cet algorithme est basé sur l'emploi d'un indicateur appelé " crédit " qui pour chaque agent quantifie son affinité pour chaque machine et détermine les meilleurs agents candidats à la migration. Hormis l'algorithme en lui même, ce document en présente une implémentation et une évaluation sur un simulateur développé avec Netlogo. Le but final est d'identifier les paramètres à prendre en considération pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de l'algorithme lors de son implémentation sur une plateforme réelle de simulation