509 research outputs found

    Erving Got the Keys for His Office and Handed Over Them to Me, Saying, “Use My Office, I Can Work at Home”

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    This interview with Kurt Lang, professor emeritus at the University of Washington, and Gladys Lang, professor emeritus at the University of Washington, was recorded over the phone on January 6, 2009. Dmitri Shalin transcribed the interview, after which Drs. Kurt Lang and Gladys Lang edited the transcript and gave their approval for posting the present version in the Erving Goffman Archives. Breaks in the conversation flow are indicated by ellipses. Supplementary information and additional materials inserted during the editing process appear in square brackets. Undecipherable words and unclear passages are identified in the text as “[?]”

    Goffman Converted His Personal Neurosis or Inferiority Complex into a Very Productive and Creative Solution

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    This interview with Kurt Lang, professor emeritus at the University of Washington, and Gladys Lang, professor emeritus at the University of Washington, was recorded over the phone on January 6, 2009. Dmitri Shalin transcribed the interview, after which Drs. Kurt Lang and Gladys Lang edited the transcript and gave their approval for posting the present version in the Erving Goffman Archives. Breaks in the conversation flow are indicated by ellipses. Supplementary information and additional materials inserted during the editing process appear in square brackets. Undecipherable words and unclear passages are identified in the text as “[?]”

    Snow Cover in Alaska: Comprehensive Review

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    This report presents the results of a statistical analysis of snow cover in Alaska using historical data acquired from the Global Historical Climate Network. Measurements of snow depth and snow water equivalence were collected for Alaska stations between 1950 and 2017. Data cleaning and a distribution analysis were completed for all stations. Finally regression equations were developed to estimate snow water equivalence using recorded snow depth data from Alaska stations. The project is partially supported by ConocoPhillips Arctic Science and Engineering Foundation, UAA, and the Structural Engineers Association of Alaska (SEAAK).University of Alaska Anchorage ConocoPhillips Arctic Science and Engineering Foundation Structural Engineers Association of AlaskaAbstract / Introduction / Methodology / Discussion / Conclusion / References / Appendix 1 Predicted 50-year WESD Stations's snow laods / Appendix 2 Calcuated 50-Year SNWD Station's snow loads / Appendix 3 Distribution Assignment for WESD and SNWD Stations / Appendix 4 Station Plot

    The Effect of Pressure on Ion Track Formation in Minerals

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    In many dielectrics, energetic heavy ions produce thin cylindrical damage zones along their trajectories. Massive physical and chemical changes can occur in these ion tracks with diameters of several nm. In nature, such trails are generated by spontaneous fission of 238U-nuclei. So far, irradiation experiments with heavy ions were always performed under vacuum conditions. Studies of ion-track formation in pressurized solids are expected to contribute to an improved understanding of the creation conditions for fission tracks in the Earthïżœs crust. Such experiments will be important for dating of geological samples using the fission-track technique. In addition, it is a question of great interest whether the energy deposition of swift heavy ions in a solid, being exposed to extreme pressure, can induce specific phase transitions. This work describes the first experiments on ion track formation under high pressures up to 140 kbar which were performed at GSI by injecting relativistic heavy ions, accelerated with the SIS-heavy-ion synchrotron, through the diamond anvils of a high-pressure cell. It turned out that high pressures can significantly affect the interaction between heavy ions and solids. The effects observed include the suppression of track formation, the complete recrystallization, and the nucleation of new phases

    Families in the Military System

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    Överbyggnad - utformning vid belĂ€ggning av natursten och markbetong

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    FörstÄ! Gör rÀtt! Spara hundratals miljoner kronor för Àgare av urbana ytor! SÄ lyder vÄrt huvudbudskap i detta Movium Fakta, som pÄ ett kortfattat och elementÀrt sÀtt behandlar överbyggnad med belÀggning av natursten och markbetong i stadsliknande miljöer

    Överbyggnad med belĂ€ggning av natursten och markbetong, för trafikklass ≀ 2 : förenklad dimensionering för stadsliknande miljöer

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    Feldimensionerad överbyggnad, felaktiga material, fel kombination av material och felaktigt utförande kommer att, med tiden, visa sig som spÄrbildningar, ojÀmnheter, sÀttningar, tjÀllyftningar, osv pÄ ytan av markbelÀggningen. I bÀsta fall visar sig skadorna tidigt under garantitiden dÄ det fortfarande finns en affÀrsrelation mellan entreprenör, konstruktör och byggherre/bestÀllare, och dÄ det fortfarande finns en möjlighet till att utreda och ÄtgÀrda. I vÀrsta fall Àr skadeförloppet lÄngsamt och visar sig pÄ ytan lÄng tid efter garantibesiktning dÄbestÀllaren sitter ensam med problemet med en anlÀggning som sedan lÀnge tagits i bruk. Det drabbar dÄ i första hand driftsavdelningen och i detta lÀge kommer alla berörda parter att krÀva snabba ÄtgÀrder vilket vanligen medför kosmetiska justeringar pÄ ytan. Eftersom synliga skador i ytan normalt endast Àr ett symptom pÄ ett skadeförlopp vÀl dolt lÀngre ned i överbyggnaden uppnÄr man endast en tillfÀllig förbÀttring, med stÀndigt Äterkommande problem med ytan. Med tiden kommer acceptansnivÄn för ytskadorna att öka och kvar finns dÄ kanske en högbudgetinvestering i lÄgbudgetutförande, med höga driftskostnader som följd
