468 research outputs found

    [Recensione a] I 'Mirabilia urbis Romae', a cura di Maria Accame e Emy Dell'Oro

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    I 'Mirabilia urbis Romae', a cura di Maria Accame e Emy Dell'Oro, Tivoli, Edizioni TORED, 2004, 204 pp

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad terhadap Hasil Belajar Materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Non Elektrolit

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    AbstrackThe purpose of this research was to know the effect of cooperative learning model of Student Teams Achievment Division (STAD) type based toward achievement on the electrolite and non electrolite solutions material. The population of this research was from all students of class X at SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak 2016/2017 school year. As a sample, the researcher used class X TEI B (Industrial Electronics Engineering B) as the control class and class X TPPPP (Broadcasting of Television Program Production Techniques) as the experiment class. This research used quasy experimental design. The sample was taken by random sampling technique. The research finding showed there were the differences between the students\u27achievement in experiment class with the students\u27 achievement in the control class in which the average score of experimental class posttest was 59.00 and the average score of control class posttest was 42.68. The effect cooperative learning model STAD type based constibute about 35.7% toward the achievement of the electrolite and non electrolite solutions material of class X at SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak

    Note on the Fortune of the Epistles of Marcantonio Sabellico : The Case of Matteo Bandello

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    This essay draws attention to the specific phenomenon of borrowings among contemporaries, using as an example Marcantonio Sabellico, whose magnificent descriptions often appeared elsewhere with the role of literary frescoes. I take a close look at the case of a 1493 letter to Barbavarus (Ep. III 18), part of which was reused by Sabellico in a different context (Enneades, X, lib. VIII). After finding this epistle, Matteo Bandello revived it and inserted it in his Parentalis oratio, written on the death of Francesco II Gonzaga. An edition of the letter, which ended up becoming a descriptive model par excellence of a bucentaur is presented in the Appendix

    Note on the Fortune of the Epistles of Marcantonio Sabellico : The Case of Matteo Bandello

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    This essay draws attention to the specific phenomenon of borrowings among contemporaries, using as an example Marcantonio Sabellico, whose magnificent descriptions often appeared elsewhere with the role of literary frescoes. I take a close look at the case of a 1493 letter to Barbavarus (Ep. III 18), part of which was reused by Sabellico in a different context (Enneades, X, lib. VIII). After finding this epistle, Matteo Bandello revived it and inserted it in his Parentalis oratio, written on the death of Francesco II Gonzaga. An edition of the letter, which ended up becoming a descriptive model par excellence of a bucentaur is presented in the Appendix

    The Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act: Does It Really Work?

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    This Article will begin with a background of the TRFRA by exploring the developments in federal law that led to its adoption. It will then examine a proposed definition of substantial burden given by a Texas court, followed by examples of similar definitions from courts outside of Texas. This Article will then provide current examples of how Texas courts could benefit greatly from a definition of substantial burden

    Exploring the Relationship Between Utah\u27s Wages and Utah\u27s Real Estate Values

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    This paper uses a variety of multiple regression analysis techniques to attempt to answer whether a direct relationship exists between Utah\u27s employee wages and Utah\u27s residential real estate values. Unexpected declines in real estate values can have seriously negative impacts on businesses, individuals, and local governments in Utah. Conversely, unexpected increases represent missed opportunities. Researchers have used various statistical and mathematical methods to explain or predict changes in real estate values, but no method has consistently predicted values for a long period of time or across multiple geographical areas. This paper focuses on exploring the relationship between variables in Utah and uses a linear probability model with nine explanatory variables to attempt to explain trends in quarterly data from the Utah Housing Price Index over the last sixteen years. Initially, the regression returned promising numbers, but the results were misleading. Due to nonstationary data, high levels of autocorrelation, and other issues related to time-series data, the regression results were spurious, and no useable conclusions were drawn from the first model. In an attempt to correct for autocorrelation and the nonstationarity, the variables were transformed using a Prais-Winston transformation. Again, the results appeared promising. After multiple tests for stationarity and autocorrelation, however, the results were found to be autocorrelated and spurious. That being said, the time spent reading complex papers, gathering reliable data, researching advanced regression methods, transforming variables, re-specifying models and analyzing results has been a great help and will contribute to a solid statistical foundation in the future. Research opportunities are available in the future when higher level statistical methods are learned. A relation between Utah\u27s wages and Utah\u27s real estate values may exist, but the statistical methods necessary to create the proper model are beyond the scope of this paper

    [Recensione a] Maria Accame, Pomponio Leto. Vita e insegnamento

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    MARIA ACCAME, Pomponio Leto. Vita e insegnamento, Tivoli, Edizioni TORED, 2008 (Biblioteca pomponiana, 1),240 pp
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