24,059 research outputs found

    Way Forward on Healthcare?

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    In the wake of a remarkable visit from Pope Francis, is it time to ask, WWFD? What would Francis do with our half-fixed, highly fragmented healthcare system? [excerpt

    Will They Read It?

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    The Pennsylvania Health Care Plan Saves Money, But Will Legislators Take Time to Read the Bill? Al the new year begins, it\u27s time to hitch up our britches and take a look at how things are going with healthcare insurance reform. [excerpt

    Limitations of B-meson mixing bounds on technicolor theories

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    Recent work by Burdman, Lane, and Rador has shown that B-meson mixing places stringent lower bounds on the masses of topgluons and Z' bosons in classic topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) models. This paper finds analogous limits on the Z' bosons of flavor-universal TC2 and non-commuting extended technicolor models, and compares the limits with those from precision electroweak measurements. A discussion of the flavor structure of these models (contrasted with that of classic TC2) shows that B-meson mixing is a less reliable probe of these models than of classic TC2.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX; added a reference; added references and discussio

    Recent Legal Literature

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    McKelvey: Handbook of the Law of Evidence (2nd ed., rev.); Wigmore: A Supplement to a Treatise on the System of Evidence in Trials at Common Law, Containing the Statues and Judicial Decisions. 1904-1907.; Wood: Modern Business Corporations, including the organization and management of private corporations, with financial principles and practices.

    Space Station Spartan study

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    The required extension, enhancement, and upgrading of the present Spartan concept are described to conduct operations from the space station using the station's unique facilities and operational features. The space station Spartan (3S), the free flyer will be deployed from and returned to the space station and will conduct scientific missions of much longer duration than possible with the current Spartan. The potential benefits of a space station Spartan are enumerated. The objectives of the study are: (1) to develop a credible concept for a space station Spartan; and (2) to determine the associated requirements and interfaces with the space station to help ensure that the 3S can be properly accommodated

    Healthcare: What Comes Next?

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    Where do we go from here on healthcare? America has been talking about fixing its fragmented and overly expensive healthcare system for quite a while now. At times, it seems as though we simply keep having the same conversation (or argument, if you prefer) over and over again without making much progress in ensuring access to affordable care to all Americans. In fact, however, some significant gains have been made. Twenty million left without insurance (our situation now) has got to be better than forty million left without (our situation a decade ago)

    Contract of Infant--Evidence, Competency of Witness under Survivorship Statute

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    Two questions are presented by the case of Sigiaigo v. Signaigo, (Mo. 1918), 205 S. W. Rep. 23: First, the enforcibility of the contract of an infant, fully performed by her, to live with a man and his wife as their adopted child so long as they should live, in consideration that the infant should have all the property of the foster parents upon their death; and Second, the competency of the consenting mother of the infant to testify in support of the infant\u27s claim