4,742 research outputs found

    Integration of Neural Architecture within a Finite Element Framework for Improved Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

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    Neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) models can aid in studying the impacts of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems on one another. These computational models facilitate studies investigating mechanisms and treatment of musculoskeletal and neurodegenerative conditions. In this study, we present a predictive NMS model that uses an embedded neural architecture within a finite element (FE) framework to simulate muscle activation. A previously developed neuromuscular model of a motor neuron was embedded into a simple FE musculoskeletal model. Input stimulation profiles from literature were simulated in the FE NMS model to verify effective integration of the software platforms. Motor unit recruitment and rate coding capabilities of the model were evaluated. The integrated model reproduced previously published output muscle forces with an average error of 0.0435 N. The integrated model effectively demonstrated motor unit recruitment and rate coding in the physiological range based upon motor unit discharge rates and muscle force output. The combined capability of a predictive NMS model within a FE framework can aid in improving our understanding of how the nervous and musculoskeletal systems work together. While this study focused on a simple FE application, the framework presented here easily accommodates increased complexity in the neuromuscular model, the FE simulation, or both

    Kinematic modelling of a 3-axis NC machine tool in linear and circular interpolation

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    Machining time is a major performance criterion when it comes to high-speed machining. CAM software can help in estimating that time for a given strategy. But in practice, CAM-programmed feed rates are rarely achieved, especially where complex surface finishing is concerned. This means that machining time forecasts are often more than one step removed from reality. The reason behind this is that CAM routines do not take either the dynamic performances of the machines or their specific machining tolerances into account. The present article seeks to improve simulation of high-speed NC machine dynamic behaviour and machining time prediction, offering two models. The first contributes through enhanced simulation of three-axis paths in linear and circular interpolation, taking high-speed machine accelerations and jerks into account. The second model allows transition passages between blocks to be integrated in the simulation by adding in a polynomial transition path that caters for the true machining environment tolerances. Models are based on respect for path monitoring. Experimental validation shows the contribution of polynomial modelling of the transition passage due to the absence of a leap in acceleration. Simulation error on the machining time prediction remains below 1%

    Overview of NASA Behavioral Health and Performance Standard Measures

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    NASAs Human Research Program (HRP) is developing a set of Standard Measures for use in spaceflight and spaceflight analog environments to monitor the risks of long-duration missions on human health and performance, including behavioral health, individual and team performance, and social processes. Based on measures selected, developed, and tested under the NASA-funded Behavioral Core Measures project (PI: D.F. Dinges) as well as other projects from NASAs Human Factors & Behavioral Performance research portfolio, NASAs Behavioral Health & Performance (BHP) Laboratory is further evaluating the operational feasibility, acceptability, and validity of a multidisciplinary suite of objective, subjective, behavioral, and biological measures for monitoring monitor behavioral health, individual and team performance, and social processes over time. The inaugural generation of the NASA Behavioral Health & Performance (BHP) Standard Measures includes a neurocognitive test battery, actigraphy, physical proximity sensors, cardiovascular monitors, and subjective self-reports of mood, depression, and various team and social processes and performance outcomes

    Who is to blame? The relationship between ingroup identification and relative deprivation is moderated by ingroup attributions

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    Contradictory evidence can be found in the literature about whether ingroup identification and perceived relative deprivation are positively or negatively related. Indeed, theoretical arguments can be made for both effects. It was proposed that the contradictory findings can be explained by considering a hitherto unstudied moderator: The extent to which deprivation is attributed to the ingroup. It was hypothesised that identification would only have a negative impact on deprivation, and that deprivation would only have a negative impact on identification, if ingroup attributions are high. To test this, attributions to the ingroup were experimentally manipulated among British student participants (N = 189) who were asked about their perceived deprivation vis-Ă -vis German students, yield ing support for the hypotheses

    Mental health service use among South Africans for mood, anxiety and substance use disorders

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    Background. Europe and North America have low rates of mental health service use despite high rates of mental disorder. Little is known about mental health service use among South Africans. Design. A nationally representative survey of 4 351 adults. Twelve-month DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition) diagnoses, severity, and service utilisation were determined using the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Twelve-month treatment was categorised by sector and province. South Africans in households and hostel quarters were interviewed between 2002 and 2004 in all nine provinces. Outcome measures. 4 317 respondents 18 years and older were analysed. Bivariate logistic regression models predicted (i) 12-month treatment use of service sectors by gender, and (ii) 12-month treatment use by race by gender. Results. Of respondents with a mental disorder, 25.2% had sought treatment within the previous 12 months; 5.7% had used any formal mental health service. Mental health service use was highest for adults with mood and anxiety disorders, and among those with a mental disorder it varied by province, from 11.4% (Western Cape) to 2.2% (Mpumalanga). More women received treatment, and this was largely attributable to higher rates of treatment in women with mood disorders. Age, income, education and marital status were not significantly associated with mental health service use. Race was associated with the treatment sector accessed in those with a mental disorder. Conclusions. There is a substantial burden of untreated mental disorders in the South African population, across all provinces and even in those with substantial impairment. Greater allocation of resources to mental health services and more community awareness initiatives are needed to address the unmet need

    Neuroanatomical Domain of the Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology

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    Background: The diverse set of human brain structure and function analysis methods represents a difficult challenge for reconciling multiple views of neuroanatomical organization. While different views of organization are expected and valid, no widely adopted approach exists to harmonize different brain labeling protocols and terminologies. Our approach uses the natural organizing framework provided by anatomical structure to correlate terminologies commonly used in neuroimaging. Description: The Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) Ontology provides a semantic framework for representing the anatomical entities and relationships that constitute the phenotypic organization of the human body. In this paper we describe recent enhancements to the neuroanatomical content of the FMA that models cytoarchitectural and morphological regions of the cerebral cortex, as well as white matter structure and connectivity. This modeling effort is driven by the need to correlate and reconcile the terms used in neuroanatomical labeling protocols. By providing an ontological framework that harmonizes multiple views of neuroanatomical organization, the FMA provides developers with reusable and computable knowledge for a range of biomedical applications. Conclusions: A requirement for facilitating the integration of basic and clinical neuroscience data from diverse sources is a well-structured ontology that can incorporate, organize, and associate neuroanatomical data. We applied the ontological framework of the FMA to align the vocabularies used by several human brain atlases, and to encode emerging knowledge about structural connectivity in the brain. We highlighted several use cases of these extensions, including ontology reuse, neuroimaging data annotation, and organizing 3D brain models
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