3,463 research outputs found

    Non-abelian instantons on a fuzzy four-sphere

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    We study the compatibility between the BPSTSU(2)BPST SU(2) instanton and the fuzzy four-sphere algebra. By using the projective module point of view as an intermediate step, we are able to identify a non-commutative solution of the matrix model equations of motion which minimally extends the SU(2) instanton solution on the classical sphere S4S^4. We also propose to extend the non-trivial second Chern class with the five-dimensional noncommutative Chern-Simons term

    Fast reconnection in relativistic plasmas: the magnetohydrodynamics tearing instability revisited

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    Fast reconnection operating in magnetically dominated plasmas is often invoked in models for magnetar giant flares, for magnetic dissipation in pulsar winds, or to explain the gamma-ray flares observed in the Crab nebula, hence its investigation is of paramount importance in high-energy astrophysics. Here we study, by means of two dimensional numerical simulations, the linear phase and the subsequent nonlinear evolution of the tearing instability within the framework of relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamics, as appropriate in situations where the Alfven velocity approaches the speed of light. It is found that the linear phase of the instability closely matches the analysis in classical MHD, where the growth rate scales with the Lundquist number S as S^-1/2, with the only exception of an enhanced inertial term due to the thermal and magnetic energy contributions. In addition, when thin current sheets of inverse aspect ratio scaling as S^-1/3 are considered, the so-called "ideal" tearing regime is retrieved, with modes growing independently on S and extremely fast, on only a few light crossing times of the sheet length. The overall growth of fluctuations is seen to solely depend on the value of the background Alfven velocity. In the fully nonlinear stage we observe an inverse cascade towards the fundamental mode, with Petschek-type supersonic jets propagating at the external Alfven speed from the X-point, and a fast reconnection rate at the predicted value R~(ln S)^-1.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication (MNRAS

    Acceleration of weakly collisional solar-type winds

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    One of the basic properties of the solar wind, that is the high speed of the fast wind, is still not satisfactorily explained. This is mainly due to the theoretical difficulty of treating weakly collisional plasmas. The fluid approach implies that the medium is collision dominated and that the particle velocity distributions are close to Maxwellians. However the electron velocity distributions observed in the solar wind depart significantly from Maxwellians. Recent kinetic collisionless models (called exospheric) using velocity distributions with a suprathermal tail have been able to reproduce the high speeds of the fast solar wind. In this letter we present new developments of these models by generalizing them over a large range of corona conditions. We also present new results obtained by numerical simulations that include collisions. Both approaches calculate the heat flux self-consistently without any assumption on the energy transport. We show that both approaches - the exospheric and the collisional one - yield a similar variation of the wind speed with the basic parameters of the problem; both produce a fast wind speed if the coronal electron distribution has a suprathermal tail. This suggests that exospheric models contain the necessary ingredients for the powering of a transonic stellar wind, including the fast solar one.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (accepted: 13 May 2005

    Using X-ray catalogues to find counterparts to unassociated high-energy Fermi/LAT sources

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    The first Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) catalogue of sources (1FHL) emitting at high energies (above 10 GeV) reports the details of 514 objects detected in the first three years of the Fermi mission. Of these, 71 were reported as unidentified in the 1FHL catalogue, although six are likely to be associated with a supernova remnant (SNR), a Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) or a combination of both, thereby leaving a list of 65 still unassociated objects. Herein, we report a preliminary analysis on this sample of objects concentrating on nine 1FHL sources, which were found to have a clear optical extragalactic classification. They are all blazar, eight BL Lac and one flat spectrum radio quasar, typically at redshift greater than 0.1.Comment: Proceedings of "Swift: 10 Years of Discovery", December 2-5 2014, Rome, Italy, in Proceedings of Science (SWIFT 10

    Swift/XRT counterparts to unassociated Fermi high-energy LAT sources

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    We report the results from our analysis of a large set of archival data acquired with the X-ray telescope (XRT) onboard Swift, covering the sky region surrounding objects from the first Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) catalogue of high-energy sources (1FHL), which still lack an association. Of the 23 regions analysed, ten did not show any evidence of X-ray emission, but 13 were characterised by the presence of one or more objects emitting in the 0.3-10 keV band. Only in a couple of cases is the X-ray counterpart located outside the Fermi positional uncertainty, while in all other cases the associations found are compatible with the high-energy error ellipses. All counterparts we found have been studied in detail by means of a multi-waveband approach to evaluate their nature or class; in most cases, we have been able to propose a likely or possible association except for one Fermi source whose nature remains doubtful at the moment. The majority of the likely associations are extragalactic in nature, most probably blazars of the BL Lac type.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Unveiling GRB hard X-ray afterglow emission with Simbol-X

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    Despite the enormous progress occurred in the last 10 years, the Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB) phenomenon is still far to be fully understood. One of the most important open issues that have still to be settled is the afterglow emission above 10 keV, which is almost completely unexplored. This is due to the lack of sensitive enough detectors operating in this energy band. The only detection, by the BeppoSAX/PDS instrument (15-200 keV), of hard X-ray emission from a GRB (the very bright GRB 990123), combined with optical and radio observations, seriously challenged the standard scenario in which the dominant mechanism is synchrotron radiation produced in the shock of a ultra-relativistic fireball with the ISM, showing the need of a substantial revision of present models. In this respect, thanks to its unprecedented sensitivity in the 10-80 keV energy band, Simbol-X, through follow-up observations of bright GRBs detected and localized by GRB dedicated experiments that will fly in the >2010 time frame, will provide an important breakthrough in the GRB field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Paper presented at "Simbol-X: the hard X-ray universe in focus", held in Bologna, Italy, on 14-16 May 2007. To be published in Memorie della Societa' Astronomica Italian

    On the Dirac Eigenvalues as Observables of the on-shell N=2 D=4 Euclidean Supergravity

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    We generalize previous works on the Dirac eigenvalues as dynamical variables of the Euclidean gravity and N=1 D=4 supergravity to on-shell N=2 D=4 Euclidean supergravity. The covariant phase space of the theory is defined as as the space of the solutions of the equations of motion modulo the on-shell gauge transformations. In this space we define the Poisson brackets and compute their value for the Dirac eigenvalues.Comment: 10 pages, LATeX fil

    Noncommutative geometry, topology and the standard model vacuum

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    As a ramification of a motivational discussion for previous joint work, in which equations of motion for the finite spectral action of the Standard Model were derived, we provide a new analysis of the results of the calculations herein, switching from the perspective of Spectral triple to that of Fredholm module and thus from the analogy with Riemannian geometry to the pre-metrical structure of the Noncommutative geometry. Using a suggested Noncommutative version of Morse theory together with algebraic KK-theory to analyse the vacuum solutions, the first two summands of the algebra for the finite triple of the Standard Model arise up to Morita equivalence. We also demonstrate a new vacuum solution whose features are compatible with the physical mass matrix.Comment: 24 page
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