15,715 research outputs found

    High-energy gluon bremsstrahlung in a finite medium: harmonic oscillator versus single scattering approximation

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    A particle produced in a hard collision can lose energy through bremsstrahlung. It has long been of interest to calculate the effect on bremsstrahlung if the particle is produced inside a finite-size QCD medium such as a quark-gluon plasma. For the case of very high-energy particles traveling through the background of a weakly-coupled quark-gluon plasma, it is known how to reduce this problem to an equivalent problem in non-relativistic two-dimensional quantum mechanics. Analytic solutions, however, have always resorted to further approximations. One is a harmonic oscillator approximation to the corresponding quantum mechanics problem, which is appropriate for sufficiently thick media. Another is to formally treat the particle as having only a single significant scattering from the plasma (known as the N=1 term of the opacity expansion), which is appropriate for sufficiently thin media. In a broad range of intermediate cases, these two very different approximations give surprisingly similar but slightly differing results if one works to leading logarithmic order in the particle energy, and there has been confusion about the range of validity of each approximation. In this paper, I sort out in detail the parametric range of validity of these two approximations at leading logarithmic order. For simplicity, I study the problem for small alpha_s and large logarithms but alpha_s log << 1.Comment: 40 pages, 23 figures [Primary change since v1: addition of new appendix reviewing transverse momentum distribution from multiple scattering

    Passage, Profit, Protection and the Challenge of Participation

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    Accepting that successful 'development' is premised on a population's participation in a collective undertaking, we must understand urban residents' interactions and ambitions. In African cities being transformed by geographic and social mobility, it is umigration, urbanization, African cities, social cohesion, integration,

    Authority and Inclusion: Reconsidering Integration in a Fragmented Age

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    This paper explores the meaning of refugee integration in a fragmented age where multi-culturalism is said to be dead. It focuses on the results of recent research in four cities in South and East Africa, which showed an increasing tendency towards new forms of association that the author termed “communities of convenience”. The author reflects upon the lessons that these highly mobile African urban contexts offer for refugee integration in Britain

    Phenomenological Analysis of pppp and pˉp\bar{p}p Elastic Scattering Data in the Impact Parameter Space

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    We use an almost model-independent analytical parameterization for pppp and pˉp\bar{p}p elastic scattering data to analyze the eikonal, profile, and inelastic overlap functions in the impact parameter space. Error propagation in the fit parameters allows estimations of uncertainty regions, improving the geometrical description of the hadron-hadron interaction. Several predictions are shown and, in particular, the prediction for pppp inelastic overlap function at s=14\sqrt{s}=14 TeV shows the saturation of the Froissart-Martin bound at LHC energies.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Charged-to-neutral heavy meson yield ratio at the Z_b^0 resonances as a probe of the I^G(J^P)=0^-(1^+) channel

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    It is argued that the ratio of the yield of pairs of charged and neutral B()B^{(*)} mesons in the processes Υ(5S)π0+(BBˉ+c.c.)\Upsilon(5S) \to \pi^0 + (B \bar B^* + c.c.) and Υ(5S)π0+BBˉ\Upsilon(5S) \to \pi^0 + B^* \bar B^* is very sensitive near the corresponding heavy meson threshold to the strong interaction between the mesons in the IG(JP)=0(1+)I^G(J^P)=0^-(1^+) channel due to significant isospin breaking by the Coulomb force. This channel, not readily accessible by other means, may contain near-threshold molecular meson-antimeson resonances --- isoscalar analogs of the isovector states Zb(10610)Z_b(10610) and Zb(10650)Z_b(10650).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Resonance Damping in Ferromagnets and Ferroelectrics

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    The phenomenological equations of motion for the relaxation of ordered phases of magnetized and polarized crystal phases can be developed in close analogy with one another. For the case of magnetized systems, the driving magnetic field intensity toward relaxation was developed by Gilbert. For the case of polarized systems, the driving electric field intensity toward relaxation was developed by Khalatnikov. The transport times for relaxation into thermal equilibrium can be attributed to viscous sound wave damping via magnetostriction for the magnetic case and electrostriction for the polarization case.Comment: 5 pages no figures ReVTeX

    On Urabe's criteria of isochronicity

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    We give a short proof of Urabe's criteria for the isochronicity of periodical solutions of the equation x¨+g(x)=0\ddot{x}+g(x)=0. We show that apart from the harmonic oscillator there exists a large family of isochronous potentials which must all be non-polynomial and not symmetric (an even function of the coordinate x).Comment: 8 page

    Neutrino scattering on atomic electrons in searches for neutrino magnetic moment

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    The scattering of a neutrino on atomic electrons is considered in the situation where the energy transferred to the electrons is comparable to the characteristic atomic energies, as relevant to the current experimental search for neutrino magnetic moment. The process is contributed by the standard electroweak interaction as well as by the possible neutrino magnetic moment. Quantum mechanical sum rules are derived for the inclusive cross section at a fixed energy deposited in the atomic system, and it is shown that the differential over the energy transfer cross section is given, modulo very small corrections, by the same expression as for free electrons, once all possible final states of the electronic system are taken into account. Thus the atomic effects effectively cancel in the inclusive process.Comment: 7 pages. A clarifying illustrative example adde

    Properties of new unflavored mesons below 2.4 GeV

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    The global features of spectrum of highly excited light nonstrange mesons can be well understood within both chiral symmetry restoration scenario combined with the relation M2J+nM^2\sim J+n and within nonrelativistic description based on the relation M2L+nM^2\sim L+n. The predictions of these two alternative classifications for missing states are different and only future experiments can distinguish between the two. We elaborate and compare systematically the predictions of both schemes, which may serve as a suggestion for future experiments devoted to the search for missing states.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. C XX, 005200 (2007

    Measurement of the complex Faraday angle in thin-film metals and high temperature superconductors

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    A sensitive polarization modulation technique uses photoelastic modulation and hetrodyne detection to simultaneously measure the Faraday rotation and induced ellipticity in light transmitted by semiconducting and metallic samples. The frequencies measured are in the mid-infrared and correspond to the spectral lines of a CO2 laser. The measured temperature range is continuous and extends from 35 to 330K. Measured samples include GaAs and Si substrates, gold and copper films, and YBCO and BSCCO high temperature superconductors.Comment: 12 pages of text, 6 figures, fixed typos in formulas, added figur