215 research outputs found

    HPLC-MS/MS method for determination of betamethasone in human plasma with application to a dichorionic twin pregnancy pharmacokinetic and placental transfers studies

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    Betamethasone (BET) is a synthetic glucocorticoid recommended for pregnant women at imminent risk of preterm birth before 34 weeks to reduce neonatal complications. There are different techniques to describe BET plasma quantification. However, none quantified the plasmatic concentration of BET in dichorionic (DC) twin pregnancies using LC-MS. Our objectives were to develop and validate a method for quantifying BET by LC-MS for pharmacokinetic (PK) and placental transfer studies in DC twin pregnancies. Blood samples were collected after intramuscular administration of a single BET dose containing 6 mg disodium phosphate + 6 mg acetate. BET was determined in plasma by liquid-liquid extraction. The method showed linearity in the range of 2-250 ng/mL, as well as precision and accuracy with a coefficient of variation and relative standard errors ≤ 15%. Additionally, the method presented selectivity and did not present matrix or carry-over effect. Stability tests also presented coefficient of variation and relative standard errors ≤ 15%. This is the first study which describe maternal and fetal plasma concentrations of BET in a DC twin pregnancy. The BET PK parameters were AUC0-∞, CL/F, Vd/F, Cmax, Tmax of 292.20 h*ng/mL, 39.08 L/h, 278.72 L, 25.55 ng/mL and 0.58 h, respectively. The placental transfer ratios of umbilical vein/maternal vein and intervillous space/maternal vein were 0.14 and 0.19 and 0.40 and 0.27 for both twins, respectively. However, a clinical study with more subjects is imperative to confirm this higher concentration of BET in the intervillous space

    Green extraction of glycosides from Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) with low solvent consumption: A desirability approach

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    The sweet flavor of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) leaf extract is well known and has raised the interest of huge food companies due to its natural bid. The extraction of their main glycosides stevioside and rebaudioside A is an important step on the preparation of final Stevia granules. The aim of the work reported here was to study and optimize the dynamic maceration of Stevia leaves using water and ethanol as green solvents. For instance, a fractional factorial design was chosen to evaluate the individual effects of the drug powder size, weight ratio of drug to solvent, temperature, agitation, and time on the yield of these glycosides. The glycosides were quantified by high pressure liquid chromatography. An exhaustive extraction by successive maceration steps showed that ethanol 70% was superior to water and ethanol 90% for stevioside and rebaudioside extraction. The liquid extract composition in dry basis and the yield of stevioside and rebaudioside A were significantly affected by the drug to solvent weight ratio, showing that larger volumes of solvent should be used. Furthermore, increasing solvent volume favors the extraction of the stevioside by a twofold factor as compared to rebaudioside A. Among the other factors, only drug powder size affected the yield of rebaudioside A significantly. The optimal solution for S. rebaudiana leaves dynamic extraction estimated by desirability functions methodology led to a condition which allows obtaining extraction yields of 2.31 and 1.24% for stevioside and rebaudioside A and their concentrations in dried extract corresponding to 8.38 and 4.51%, respectively. These high yields were obtained with drug to solvent ratio (1:10, w/w) much higher than previous works, thus resulting in a more sustainable and green process

    Evaluación clínica y de laboratorio de cetamina transdérmica, del fentanyl transdérmico, de la clonidina transdérmica o de sus asociaciones en el dolor lumbar crónico

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    OBJECTIVES: chronic low back pain may result in central sensitization, with involvement of different receptors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the analgesic action of transdermal (T) ketamine (a NMDA antagonist), clonidine (an &#945;2-agonist), fentanyl (an opioid agonist), or their combination in chronic low back pain. METHODS: after the institutional approval and informed consent signature, 54 patients were prospectively randomized into 6 groups. Each patient had two of the T preparations applied in different arms. The effect of either T ketamine (1 mg/h), T clonidine (25 µg/h) or T fentanyl (25 µg/h), combined with T placebo (CloG, KetG and FenG); or the combination of T ketamine and clonidine (Ket-CloG), T fentanyl and ketamine (Fen-KetG), or T fentanyl and clonidine (Fen-CloG) was searched for pain and adverse effects. Pain was evaluated by: 1) VAS pain scores, and 2) noradrenaline plasma levels at 0-h (just prior to T application), 3- and 6-h after the T application of two medications, by HPLC. RESULTS: clinically, the pain VAS score at 6-h was smaller in comparison to the 0-h in all groups (p<0.02), and lower when compared to the Fen-CloG and Fen-KetG at the 6-h in relation to the administration of each correspondent T drug alone (p<0.05). The laboratorial data revealed that administration of T fentanyl alone (FenG) resulted in plasma noradrenaline decrease at 6-h (p<0.01), while the association of T fentanyl with clonidine resulted in plasma noradrenaline decrease at 3- and 6-h as compared to the others (p<0.01). The combination of both T ketamine and clonidine (Ket-CloG) did not result in a better analgesic profile and resulted in excessive sedation during the evaluation (p<0.02). CONCLUSIONS: all the studied drugs resulted in clinical analgesia (VAS) at 6-h. However, T fentanyl analgesia was corroborated by lower plasma noradrenaline levels at 6-h when applied alone or at 3-h when combined with T clonidine.OBJETIVOS: a dor lombar crônica pode resultar em sensibilização central, com a participação de diferentes tipos de receptores. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ação analgésica por via transdérmica (T) do fentanil, cetamina, clonidina ou suas associações para o alívio da dor lombar crônica. MÉTODOS: após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, 54 pacientes foram avaliados de forma prospectiva, aleatória e duplamente-encoberta, sendo divididos em 6 grupos. Cada paciente recebeu duas preparações por via transdérmica, aplicadas em braços diferentes (T cetamina (1 mg/h), T clonidina (25 µg/h) ou T fentanil (25 µg/h), associados a T placebo (CloG, CetG and FenG); ou a associação de T cetamina e clonidina (Cet-CloG), T fentanil e cetamina (Fen-CetG), ou T fentanil e clonidina (Fen-CloG). A analgesia e a incidência de efeitos adversos foram avaliadas. A analgesia foi avaliada com: 1) VAS-cm, e 2) níveis plasmáticos de noradrenalina às 0-h (antes da aplicação T), 3- e 6-h após a aplicação T, com HPLC. RESULTADOS: clinicamente, os valores de VAS as 6-h foram menores comparados ao tempo de 0-h para todos os grupos (p<0,02), e menores para o Fen-CloG e Fen-CetG às 6-h em relação à administração de cada droga T isolada (p<0,05). A administração de fentanil T (FenG) resultou em diminuição dos níveis de noradrenalina plasmática às 6-h (p<0,01), enquanto a associação de fentanil T com clonidina T resultou em diminuição de noradrenalina plasmática às 3-h e 6-h em comparação aos demais grupos (p<0.01). A combinação de cetamina e clonidina (Cet-CloG) não ofereceu melhor perfil analgésico e resultou em sedação excessiva (p<0,02). CONCLUSÕES: todos os grupos apresentaram melhora clínica (VAS) da dor às 6-h. Entretanto, somente quem recebeu fentanil T apresentou níveis plasmáticos de noradrenalina mais baixos às 6-h (quando combinado com placebo) e às 3-h quando associado à clonidina T.OBJETIVOS: el dolor lumbar crónico puede resultar en sensibilización central, con la participación de diferentes tipos de receptores. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la acción analgésica por vía transdérmica (T) del fentanyl, cetamina, clonidina o sus asociaciones en dolor lumbar crónico. MÉTODOS: después de la aprobación por el Comité de Ética en Investigación y Consentimiento, 54 pacientes fueron evaluados de forma prospectiva, aleatoria e duplamente-ciego siendo divididos en seis grupos. Cada paciente recibió dos preparaciones por vía transdérmica, aplicadas en brazos diferentes (T cetamina (1 mg/h), T clonidina (25 µg/h) o T fentanyl (25 µg/h), asociados a T placebo (CloG, CetG y FenG); o la asociación de T cetamina y clonidina (Cet-CloG), T fentanyl y cetamina (Fen-CetG), o T fentanyl y clonidina (fen-CloG). La analgesia y la incidencia de efectos adversos fueron evaluadas. La analgesia fue evaluada con: 1) VAS-cm, y 2) niveles plasmáticos de noradrenalina a las 0 hora (antes de la aplicación T), tres y seis horas después de la aplicación T, con HPLC. RESULTADOS: clínicamente los valores de VAS a las seis horas fueron menores comparados a 0 hora para todos los grupos (p<0,02), y menores para el Fen-CloG y Fen-CetG a las seis horas después de la administración de cada droga T aislada (p<0,05). La administración de fentanyl T (Feng) resultó en disminución de los niveles de noradrenalina plasmática a las seis horas (p<0,01). La combinación de cetamina y clonidina (Cet-CloG) no ofreció mejor perfil analgésico y resultó en sedación excesiva (p<0,02). CONCLUSIONES: todos los grupos presentaron mejoría clínica (VAS) del dolor a las seis horas. Sin embargo, solamente quien recibió fentanyl T presentó menores niveles plasmáticos de noradrenalina a las seis horas (cuando combinado con placebo) y a las tres horas cuando asociado con clonidina T

    Lixiviação de atrazina em solo em área de recarga do Aquífero Guarani.

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    No Aqüífero Guarani, o maior e mais importante lençol de água subterrânea de toda a região centro-sul do país, encontra-se a microbacia do Córrego do Espraiado, um dos seus pontos de recarga. Nesta área, existe predomínio de culturas, nas quais são utilizados herbicidas da família das triazinas e a presença de solo arenoso, que tornam a área vulnerável à lixiviação. Entre os produtos aplicados encontra-se a atrazina (2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-S-triazine). Devido as suas características físico-químicas, esse herbicida tem alto potencial de risco de movimentar-se para água subterrânea. Para avaliar a lixiviação da atrazina foram feitas amostragens de solo para análise física e de água superficial e subterrânea, durante os anos de 2000 a 2002, para análise de resíduo através de cromatografia líquida HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), e confirmadas com GC-MS (Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry). Apenas quatro amostras de água superficial apresentaram resíduos de atrazina. Destas, duas com 0,04; e as outras com 0,05 e 0,09 ug/L. Nas amostras de água subterrânea os resultados indicaram uma amostra contendo 0,03 ug/L de atrazina. Entretanto, nenhuma delas foi confirmada pelo GC-MS, não indicando resíduos. A presente avaliação contou também com o uso do simulador de sistemas CMLS-94 (Chemical Movement in Layered Soils). O simulador também mostrou que a atrazina não atinge profundidades comprometedoras para a qualidade do aquífero

    Fentanil peridural versus venoso na analgesia pós-operatória de cirurgia ortopédica: ensaio clínico aleatório

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Controversy exists regarding the site of action of fentanyl after epidural injection. The objective of this investigation was to compare the efficacy of epidural and intravenous fentanyl for orthopedic surgery. DESIGN AND SETTING: A randomized double-blind study was performed in Hospital São Paulo. METHODS: During the postoperative period, in the presence of pain, 29 patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (n = 14) received 100 µg of fentanyl epidurally and 2 ml of saline intravenously; group 2 (n = 15) received 5 ml of saline epidurally and 100 µg of fentanyl intravenously. The analgesic supplementation consisted of 40 mg of tenoxicam intravenously and, if necessary, 5 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine epidurally. Pain intensity was evaluated on a numerical scale and plasma concentrations of fentanyl were measured simultaneously. RESULTS: The percentage of patients who required supplementary analgesia with tenoxicam was lower in group 1 (71.4%) than in group 2 (100%): 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.001-0.4360 (P = 0.001, Fisher's exact test; relative risk, RR = 0.07). Epidural bupivacaine supplementation was also lower in group 1 (14.3%) than in group 2 (53.3%): 95% CI = 0.06-1.05 (P = 0.03, Fisher's exact test; RR = 0.26). There was no difference in pain intensity on the numerical scale. Mean fentanyl plasma concentrations were similar in the two groups. CONCLUSION: Intravenous and epidural fentanyl appear to have similar efficacy for reducing pain according to the numerical scale, but supplementary analgesia was needed less frequently when epidural fentanyl was used. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT00635986CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Existem controvérsias sobre o local de ação do fentanil injetado por via peridural. O objetivo foi comparar a eficácia do fentanil peridural e do venoso em cirurgias ortopédicas. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo aleatório, duplo-cego, realizado no Hospital São Paulo. MÉTODO: No pós-operatório, na presença de dor, 29 pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 (n = 14) recebeu solução de 100 mcg de fentanil por via peridural e 2 ml de solução salina venosa; grupo 2 (n = 15), 5 ml de solução salina peridural e 100 µg de fentanil venoso. A complementação analgésica foi com 40 mg de tenoxicam venoso e, se necessário, 5 ml de bupivacaína 0.25%. A intensidade da dor foi avaliada pela escala numérica e a concentração plasmática do fentanil foi medida simultaneamente. RESULTADOS: A percentagem de pacientes que necessitaram de complementação analgésica com tenoxicam foi menor no grupo 1 (71.4% versus 100.0% grupo 2): intervalo de confiança, IC 95% = 0.001-0.4360 (P = 0.001, teste exato de Fisher; risco relativo, RR = 0.07). A complementação com bupivacaína peridural também foi menor no grupo 1 (14.3% versus 53.3% grupo 2): IC 95% = 0.06-1.05 (P = 0.03, teste exato de Fisher; RR = 0.26). Não houve diferença na intensidade da dor avaliada pela escala numérica. As concentrações plasmáticas do fentanil foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A eficácia do fentanil venoso e peridural parece ser semelhante na redução da dor de acordo com a escala numérica, porém a frequência de analgesia suplementar foi menor com o uso do fentanil peridural. REGISTRO DE ENSAIO CLÍNICO: NCT0063598

    Presence of Atrazine in Water in a Recharge Area of Guarany Aquifer in Brazil

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    The region of Ribeirao Preto City located in Sao Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, is an important sugarcane, soybean and corn producing area. This region is also an important recharge area for groundwater of the Guarany aquifer, a water supply source of the city and region. The cultivation of grain and sugar cane in thes area demands the frequent use of the herbicide atrazine (2-chloro-4- (ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-S-triazine). This research was conducted to characterize the potential contamination of groundwater with atrazine. Surface water samples were collected in the Espraiado stream in a selected watershed on the area, during the years of 1995-1998. Groundwater was also collected in wells located at the edge of the watershed during the years of 1999 to 2002. The water samples were analyzed by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) procedure followed by GC-MS form confirmation. To predict the atrazine leaching in the area, the CMLS-94 (Chemical Movement Layered Soil) simulation model was also used. Only four atrazine detections in surface water were found, however, none of them were confirmed with GC-MS. No atrazine was detected in groundwater samples. The results obtained by the CMLS-94 simulations predicted that atrazine, after four years from the application date, would not have reached the depth of the confined aquifer (40m)

    Population pharmacokinetics of carvedilol enantiomers and their metabolites in type-2 diabetes and healthy subjects

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    Carvedilol, a drug available as a racemic mixture, is eliminated as hydroxyphenylcarvedilol (OHC) by CYP2D6 and O-desmethylcarvedilol (DMC) by CYP2C9 followed by conjugation to glucuronides. In contrast to other β-adrenergic receptor antagonists, carvedilol does not induce insulin resistance or worsen glycaemic control in the diabetic hypertensive patients. This study aims to investigate the implications of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) on the pharmacokinetics of carvedilol enantiomers using an integrated population pharmacokinetic modelling approach. In total, 14 T2DM patients with good glycaemic control receiving standard doses of metformin and glibenclamide were evaluated along with a control group of 13 healthy subjects. Serial blood samples were collected up to 24 h after administration of a single 25 mg dose of racemic carvedilol. A multicompartmental population pharmacokinetic model describing the enantioselective disposition of the parent compound, OHC and DMC was developed in NONMEM v7.2. Even though data are limited, it appears that despite inhibition of CYP2C9 by long-term glibenclamide administration to T2DM patients, overall there is no differences in the total clearance of carvedilol when compared to healthy volunteers (43.1 vs 45.9 L/h for (S)-(−)-carvedilol and 29.0 vs 33.1 L/h for (R)-(+)-carvedilol). These results provide evidence for a compensatory mechanism to the inhibition of CYP2C9, with higher contribution of CYP2D6 to the elimination of carvedilol. Therefore, no dose adjustment for carvedilol is recommended in T2DM patients receiving glibenclamide and metformin

    Herbicide and nitrate residues in surface and groundwater from sugarcane area in Brazil.

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    Various studies have demonstrated the presence at high levels of pesticides and nitrate in soil, surface, and groundwater. Prior studies have identified a watershed area in Brazil with a high risk of soil, surface, and groundwater contamination by pesticides at the region of Riberao Preto, SP. Surface and groundwater were collected at the area during the period of October 1995 to November 1998. By means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) technique the herbicides tebuthiuron, diuron, simazine, atrazine, and ametryne, and nitrate were analyzed according to the protocols established in literature. The recovery obtained in the extraction procedure was higher than 95% for all herbicides except simazine for which the recovery was 85,6%. Due to the enrichment in the extraction procedure and the sensitive detection at two wavelengths it was possible to obtain a quantification limit of 0.02 ug/L for the herbicides studied. The method was linear over the range of 0.02 to 2.0 ug/L. Soil data showed a higher level of the herbicide tebuthiuron, at the levels of 59.6 ppb; than the other applied during all the months. The results have shown the hercicide tebuthiuron as the one with higher concentrations in groundwater and in January of 1996 the concentration found was 0.08 ug/L, close to the maximum allowed, 0.1 ug/L, but this fact was not consistent during the other months. No residue of the other herbicides was detected. In case of nitrates, with maximum level allowed of 10 mg/L, it was found the maximum of 0.9 mg/l, but in a shallow well inside the area. Commercial wells at the edge of the watershed showed low levels of nitrate, below the risk level, but with potential for dangerous contamination.bitstream/item/199623/1/Cerdeira-Herbicide.pd

    Efecto de la lidocaína venosa intraoperatoria sobre el dolor e interleucina-6 plasmática en pacientes sometidas a histerectomía

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    ResumenJustificación y objetivosLa interleucina-6 (IL-6) es predictora de intensidad en el trauma. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la lidocaína por vía venosa sobre la intensidad del dolor e IL-6 después de la histerectomía.MétodoEl estudio fue prospectivo, aleatorizado, comparativo y doble ciego en 40 pacientes, entre 18 y 60 años. Fue administrada lidocaína (2mg/kg–1.h–1) en el G1 o solución salina al 0,9% en el G2 durante la operación. La anestesia fue con O2/isoflurano. Se calculó la intensidad del dolor (T0: despertar y 6, 12, 18 y 24h), la primera solicitud de analgésico, y la dosis de morfina en las primeras 24h. La IL-6 se midió antes del inicio de la operación (T0), después de 5h del inicio (T5) y 24h después de finalizada (T24).ResultadosNo hubo diferencia en la intensidad del dolor entre los grupos. Hubo disminución de la intensidad del dolor entre T0 y los otros momentos evaluados en el G1. El tiempo para la primera complementación fue mayor en el G2 (76±104,4min) que en el G1 (26,7±23,3min). No hubo diferencia en las dosis de morfina complementaria entre G1 (23,5±12,6mg) y G2 (18,7±11,3mg). Hubo aumento en las concentraciones de IL-6 en los 2 grupos de T0 para T5 y T24. No hubo diferencia en la dosificación de IL-6 entre los grupos. La concentración de lidocaína fue 856,5±364,1ng/ml–1 en T5 y 30,1±14,2ng/ml–1 en T24.ConclusiónLa lidocaína (2mg/kg–1 /h–1) por vía venosa no generó reducción de la intensidad del dolor y de los niveles plasmáticos de IL-6 en pacientes sometidas a histerectomía abdominal.AbstractBackground and objectivesInterleukin-6 (IL-6) is a predictor of trauma severity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous lidocaine on pain severity and plasma IL-6 after hysterectomy.MethodA prospective, randomized, comparative, double-blind study with 40 patients, aged 18-60 years. G1 received lidocaine (2mg.kg−1.h−1) or G2 received 0.9% saline solution during the operation. Anesthesia was induced with O2/isoflurane. Pain severity (T0: awake and 6, 12, 18 and 24hours), first analgesic request, and dose of morphine in 24hours were evaluated. IL-6 was measured before starting surgery (T0), 5hours after the start (T5), and 24hours after the end of surgery (T24).ResultsThere was no difference in pain severity between groups. There was a decrease in pain severity between T0 and other measurement times in G1. Time to first supplementation was greater in G2 (76.0±104.4min) than in G1 (26.7±23.3min). There was no difference in supplemental dose of morphine between G1 (23.5±12.6mg) and G2 (18.7±11.3mg). There were increased concentrations of IL-6 in both groups from T0 to T5 and T24. There was no difference in IL-6 dosage between groups. Lidocaine concentration was 856.5±364.1ng.ml−1 in T5 and 30.1±14.2ng.ml−1 in T24.ConclusionIntravenous lidocaine (2mg.kg−1.h−1) did not reduce pain severity and plasma levels of IL-6 in patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy

    Efeito da lidocaína venosa intraoperatória sobre dor e interleucina‐6 plasmática em pacientes submetidas a histerectomia

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    ResumoJustificativa e objetivosA interleucina‐6 (IL‐6) é preditora de intensidade no trauma. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da lidocaína por via venosa sobre a intensidade da dor e IL‐6 após histerectomia.MétodoO estudo foi prospectivo, randomizado, comparativo e duplo‐encoberto em 40 pacientes, entre 18 e 60 anos. Foi administrada lidocaína (2mg.kg–1.h–1) no G1 ou solução salina a 0,9% no G2 durante a operação. A anestesia foi com O2/isoflurano. Foi avaliada a intensidade da dor (T0: despertar e seis, 12, 18 e 24 horas), a primeira solicitação de analgésico, a dose de morfina nas 24 horas. A IL‐6 foi medida antes do início da operação (T0), após cinco horas do início (T5) e 24 horas após o término (T24).ResultadosNão houve diferença na intensidade da dor entre os grupos. Ocorreu diminuição da intensidade da dor entre T0 e os outros momentos avaliados no G1. O tempo para primeira complementação foi maior no G2 (76,0±104,4min) do que no G1 (26,7±23,3min). Não houve diferença na dose de morfina complementar entre G1 (23,5±12,6mg) e G2 (18,7±11,3mg). Houve aumento das concentrações de IL‐6 em ambos os grupos de T0 para T5 e T24. Não houve diferença na dosagem de IL‐6 entre os grupos. A concentração de lidocaína foi 856,5±364,1 ng.mL–1 em T5 e 30,1±14,2 ng.mL–1 em T24.ConclusãoA lidocaína (2mg.kg‐1.h–1) por via venosa não promoveu redução da intensidade da dor e dos níveis plasmáticos de IL‐6 em pacientes submetidas a histerectomia abdominal.AbstractBackground and objectivesInterleukin‐6 (IL‐6) is a predictor of trauma severity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous lidocaine on pain severity and plasma IL‐6 after hysterectomy.MethodA prospective, randomized, comparative, double‐blind study with 40 patients, aged 18‐60 years. G1 received lidocaine (2mg.kg−1.h−1) or G2 received 0.9% saline solution during the operation. Anesthesia was induced with O2/isoflurane. Pain severity (T0: awake and 6, 12, 18 and 24hours), first analgesic request, and dose of morphine in 24hours were evaluated. IL‐6 was measured before starting surgery (T0), five hours after the start (T5), and 24hours after the end of surgery (T24).ResultsThere was no difference in pain severity between groups. There was a decrease in pain severity between T0 and other measurement times in G1. Time to first supplementation was greater in G2 (76.0±104.4min) than in G1 (26.7±23.3min). There was no difference in supplemental dose of morphine between G1 (23.5±12.6mg) and G2 (18.7±11.3mg). There were increased concentrations of IL‐6 in both groups from T0 to T5 and T24. There was no difference in IL‐6 dosage between groups. Lidocaine concentration was 856.5±364.1 ng.mL−1 in T5 and 30.1±14.2 ng.mL−1 in T24.ConclusionIntravenous lidocaine (2mg.kg−1.h−1) did not reduce pain severity and plasma levels of IL‐6 in patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy