168 research outputs found

    Divine intervention? A Cochrane review on intercessory prayer gone beyond science and reason

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    We discuss in this commentary a recent Cochrane review of 10 randomised trials aimed at testing the religious belief that praying to a god can help those who are prayed for. The review concluded that the available studies merit additional research. However, the review presented a scientifically unsound mixture of theological and scientific arguments, and two of the included trials that had a large impact on the findings had problems that were not described in the review. The review fails to live up to the high standards required for Cochrane reviews

    Genomic markers to tailor treatments: waiting or initiating?

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    The decade since the publication of the Human Genome Project draft has ended with the discovery of hundreds of genomic markers related to diseases and phenotypes. However, the project has not yet delivered on its promise to tailor treatments for individuals. The number of genomic markers in clinical practice is very small. The number of markers to guide treatment decisions is even smaller. In order to speed up discovery and validation of genomic treatment selection markers, we call for considering the brilliant potential of randomized clinical trials. If biomedical research community can collaborate in organizing large-scale consortium of clinical trials associated with well-designed biobanks, these studies would soon act as huge laboratories for investigating genomic medicine; a big step forward towards personalizing medicine

    Health research ethics in malaria vector trials in Africa

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    Malaria mosquito research in Africa as elsewhere is just over a century old. Early trials for development of mosquito control tools were driven by colonial enterprises and war efforts; they were, therefore, tested in military or colonial settings. The failure of those tools and environmental concerns, coupled with the desperate need for integrated malaria control strategies, has necessitated the development of new malaria mosquito control tools, which are to be tested on humans, their environment and mosquito habitats. Ethical concerns start with phase 2 trials, which pose limited ethical dilemmas. Phase 3 trials, which are undertaken on vulnerable civilian populations, pose ethical dilemmas ranging from individual to community concerns. It is argued that such trials must abide by established ethical principles especially safety, which is mainly enshrined in the principle of non-maleficence. As there is total lack of experience with many of the promising candidate tools (eg genetically modified mosquitoes, entomopathogenic fungi, and biocontrol agents), great caution must be exercised before they are introduced in the field. Since malaria vector trials, especially phase 3 are intrusive and in large populations, individual and community respect is mandatory, and must give great priority to community engagement. It is concluded that new tools must be safe, beneficial, efficacious, effective, and acceptable to large populations in the short and long-term, and that research benefits should be equitably distributed to all who bear the brunt of the research burdens. It is further concluded that individual and institutional capacity strengthening should be provided, in order to undertake essential research, carry out scientific and ethical review, and establish competent regulatory frameworks

    Extending an evidence hierarchy to include topics other than treatment: revising the Australian 'levels of evidence'

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    Background: In 1999 a four-level hierarchy of evidence was promoted by the National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia. The primary purpose of this hierarchy was to assist with clinical practice guideline development, although it was co-opted for use in systematic literature reviews and health technology assessments. In this hierarchy interventional study designs were ranked according to the likelihood that bias had been eliminated and thus it was not ideal to assess studies that addressed other types of clinical questions. This paper reports on the revision and extension of this evidence hierarchy to enable broader use within existing evidence assessment systems. Methods: A working party identified and assessed empirical evidence, and used a commissioned review of existing evidence assessment schema, to support decision-making regarding revision of the hierarchy. The aim was to retain the existing evidence levels I-IV but increase their relevance for assessing the quality of individual diagnostic accuracy, prognostic, aetiologic and screening studies. Comprehensive public consultation was undertaken and the revised hierarchy was piloted by individual health technology assessment agencies and clinical practice guideline developers. After two and a half years, the hierarchy was again revised and commenced a further 18 month pilot period. Results: A suitable framework was identified upon which to model the revision. Consistency was maintained in the hierarchy of "levels of evidence" across all types of clinical questions; empirical evidence was used to support the relationship between study design and ranking in the hierarchy wherever possible; and systematic reviews of lower level studies were themselves ascribed a ranking. The impact of ethics on the hierarchy of study designs was acknowledged in the framework, along with a consideration of how harms should be assessed. Conclusion: The revised evidence hierarchy is now widely used and provides a common standard against which to initially judge the likelihood of bias in individual studies evaluating interventional, diagnostic accuracy, prognostic, aetiologic or screening topics. Detailed quality appraisal of these individual studies, as well as grading of the body of evidence to answer each clinical, research or policy question, can then be undertaken as required.Tracy Merlin, Adele Weston and Rebecca Toohe

    A relational analysis of an invisible illness: A meta-ethnography of people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis and their support needs

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)/myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is indicated by prolonged, medically unexplained fatigue (amongst other symptoms), not alleviated by rest, and causing substantial disability. There are limited treatments on offer, which may not be effective and/or acceptable for all people, and treatment views are polarised. We, thus, aimed to take a step back from this debate, to explore more broadly preferences for formal and informal support among people with CFS/ME. We used a meta-ethnography approach to examine the substantial qualitative literature available. Using the process outlined by Noblit and Hare, and guided by patient involvement throughout, 47 studies were analysed. Our synthesis suggested that to understand people with CFS/ME (such as their invisibility, loss of self, and fraught clinical encounters), it was useful to shift focus to a ‘relational goods’ framework. Emotions and tensions encountered in CFS/ME care and support only emerge via ‘sui generis’ real life interactions, influenced by how social networks and health consultations unfold, and structures like disability support. This relational paradigm reveals the hidden forces at work producing the specific problems of CFS/ME, and offers a ‘no blame’ framework going forward. Chronic fatigue syndrome; myalgic encephalomyelitis; meta-ethnography: qualitative; relational goods; social support; Users' Experience