19 research outputs found

    Effect of the both partners' experiences from families of origin on the quality of their intimate relationship in the young adulthood

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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je, polazeći od postavki teorije socijalnoga učenja, ispitati učinak koji percepcija (dis)funkcionalnosti roditeljskog odnosa tijekom odrastanja ima na kvalitetu intimnih veza potomaka u mlađoj odrasloj dobi (20 – 40 godina). Budući da su roditelji prvi modeli iz čije međusobne interakcije djeca uče o tome kako partnerski odnos izgleda, brojna istraživanja pokazala su da potomci mnoge obrasce ponašanja koje su opažali kod svojih roditelja prenose i na svoje intimne veze u odrasloj dobi. Ipak, točan mehanizam preko kojega se taj međugeneracijski prijenos obrazaca partnerskih odnosa odvija još nije utvrđen. Ti odnosi postaju još složeniji kada uzmemo u obzir da svaku intimnu vezu čini interakcija dvoje ljudi koji u nju ulaze s različitim iskustvima, karakteristikama i vještinama te međusobno neprestano utječu jedno na drugo. Stoga smo, koristeći dijadnu metodologiju, odlučili provjeriti ulogu samoefikasnosti u vezi i komunikacije kao potencijalnih posredujućih varijabli u međugeneracijskom prijenosu partnerskih obrazaca. Na uzorku od 309 parova mlađe odrasle dobi od kojih je većina bila u braku, a tek manji broj njih je kohabitirao, provjerili smo dva odvojena proširena modela međusobne zavisnosti aktera i partnera (APIMeM). Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da ne postoji izravan učinak percepcije roditeljskoga odnosa na kvalitetu intimne veze u mlađoj odrasloj dobi, niti kod žena, ni kod muškaraca. Medijatorska uloga samoefikasnosti u vezi i komunikacije potvrđena je samo kod muškaraca. Odnosno, percepcija muškaraca da je odnos između njihovih roditelja više disfunkcionalan, smanjuje njihovu samoučinkovitost i vještine komunikacije u vezi, što onda pak ima učinak na njihovu nižu procjenu kvalitete trenutne veze. Kod žena se uloga medijatora nije pokazala značajnom niti u jednom od modela. U oba modela pokazalo se da kod muškaraca postoji dijadni obrazac ˝samo akter˝, odnosno rezultati partnerice nemaju učinak na njihove ishode. S druge strane, kod žena je nađen značajan učinak partnera u oba modela, na način da partnerova percepcija veće disfunkcionalnosti primarne obitelji smanjuje njegovu samoučinkovitost i komunikaciju u vezi, što onda djeluje i na smanjenje ženinog doživljaja kvalitete veze. Dobiveni nalazi, osim znanstvenog aspekta, u smislu teorijskog i metodološkog doprinosa ovom području, imaju i važne praktične implikacije te su razmatrani u kontekstu unapređenja kvalitete partnerskih odnosa.Introduction: According to the social learning theory (Bandura, 1977), parents are the first models that children see and learn from about different aspects of life, including what intimate relationship should be like. Vicarious learning is a very powerful learning mechanism because models (parents) usually do not invest any special efforts or skills to teach observers (children) about intimate relationships. Still, children learn more by observing than by following verbal instructions. Since the parents' relationship/marriage is the first model of an intimate relationship, it is not unusual for the intergenerational transmission of relationship skills and partner interactions (or relationship/marriage quality per se) to happen. Offspring develop inadequate interpersonal skills and behavior patterns from their parents, and they transfer them to their own intimate relationships in young adulthood. Usually, this transmission happens through some intervening variables (mediators) like relationship self-efficacy (which has an important place in Bandura's theory) and communication patterns. Thus, the main goal of this study was to investigate the effect of the both partners' experiences from families of origin on the quality of their intimate relationship in young adulthood within the context of the social learning theory. Methodology: Participants in this study were 309 married or cohabitating couples in young adulthood (20 – 40 years old). They have answered questions from several questionnaires: Children’s Perception of Interparental Conflict (Grych, Seid & Fincham, 1992; we have later developed its short version Observed Parents’ Conflict Behavior Scale), Norton’s Index of Marriage Quality (Norton, 1983), Relationship Self-Efficacy Scale (Lopez, Morúa & Rice, 2007) and Marital Communication Questionnaire (Bodenmann, 2000; in Ledermann, Bodenmann, Rudaz & Bradbury, 2010). Using dyadic methodology, we have tested two separate extended actor-partner interdependence models with relationship self-efficacy and communication as mediators. Results and discussion: There is no evidence of direct effect for the offspring's perception of their parents relationship on the offspring's relationship quality in young adulthood. Relationship selfefficacy and communication have proved to be significant mediators only for men. Men's perception of their parents' greater dysfunctionality is decreasing their relationship selfefficacy and positive communication patterns, which lowers the relationship quality. When it comes to women, indirect (mediator) effects were not significant in both models that we have tested. Results from both models show a significant dyadic ˝only actor˝ pattern for men. That means that their partners' (women's) results do not have an effect on men's outcomes. On the other hand, when it comes to women, there are significant partner effects in both models. This means that their partner's perception of the more dysfunctional relationship between his parents lowers his relationship self-efficacy and positive communication which leads to a decrease in women's evaluation of their relationship quality. It could be that dysfunctionality of the family of origin, especially parents' open conflicts, has more long-term detrimental consequences for men then for women which is line with some of the previous studies (Feng, Giarusso, Bengston, & Frye, 1999; Story, Karney, Lawrence, & Bradbury, 2004). Significant partner effects for women could be due to the socialization process and social roles that emphasize women's focus on the relationships, which makes them more empathetic and more sensitive to their partner's behavior and interpersonal skills. Conclusion: Present research contributes to the field of intimate relationship by emphasizing the importance of parents' conflicts and not divorce in intergenerational transmission of relationship skills and partner interactions, especially for men. Dyadic methodology is a very useful tool for relationship research and provides us with useful information not only in scientific terms, but it also in everyday life and it has practical implications for couples' workshops and other activities that can improve relationship quality

    Effect of the both partners' experiences from families of origin on the quality of their intimate relationship in the young adulthood

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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je, polazeći od postavki teorije socijalnoga učenja, ispitati učinak koji percepcija (dis)funkcionalnosti roditeljskog odnosa tijekom odrastanja ima na kvalitetu intimnih veza potomaka u mlađoj odrasloj dobi (20 – 40 godina). Budući da su roditelji prvi modeli iz čije međusobne interakcije djeca uče o tome kako partnerski odnos izgleda, brojna istraživanja pokazala su da potomci mnoge obrasce ponašanja koje su opažali kod svojih roditelja prenose i na svoje intimne veze u odrasloj dobi. Ipak, točan mehanizam preko kojega se taj međugeneracijski prijenos obrazaca partnerskih odnosa odvija još nije utvrđen. Ti odnosi postaju još složeniji kada uzmemo u obzir da svaku intimnu vezu čini interakcija dvoje ljudi koji u nju ulaze s različitim iskustvima, karakteristikama i vještinama te međusobno neprestano utječu jedno na drugo. Stoga smo, koristeći dijadnu metodologiju, odlučili provjeriti ulogu samoefikasnosti u vezi i komunikacije kao potencijalnih posredujućih varijabli u međugeneracijskom prijenosu partnerskih obrazaca. Na uzorku od 309 parova mlađe odrasle dobi od kojih je većina bila u braku, a tek manji broj njih je kohabitirao, provjerili smo dva odvojena proširena modela međusobne zavisnosti aktera i partnera (APIMeM). Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da ne postoji izravan učinak percepcije roditeljskoga odnosa na kvalitetu intimne veze u mlađoj odrasloj dobi, niti kod žena, ni kod muškaraca. Medijatorska uloga samoefikasnosti u vezi i komunikacije potvrđena je samo kod muškaraca. Odnosno, percepcija muškaraca da je odnos između njihovih roditelja više disfunkcionalan, smanjuje njihovu samoučinkovitost i vještine komunikacije u vezi, što onda pak ima učinak na njihovu nižu procjenu kvalitete trenutne veze. Kod žena se uloga medijatora nije pokazala značajnom niti u jednom od modela. U oba modela pokazalo se da kod muškaraca postoji dijadni obrazac ˝samo akter˝, odnosno rezultati partnerice nemaju učinak na njihove ishode. S druge strane, kod žena je nađen značajan učinak partnera u oba modela, na način da partnerova percepcija veće disfunkcionalnosti primarne obitelji smanjuje njegovu samoučinkovitost i komunikaciju u vezi, što onda djeluje i na smanjenje ženinog doživljaja kvalitete veze. Dobiveni nalazi, osim znanstvenog aspekta, u smislu teorijskog i metodološkog doprinosa ovom području, imaju i važne praktične implikacije te su razmatrani u kontekstu unapređenja kvalitete partnerskih odnosa.Introduction: According to the social learning theory (Bandura, 1977), parents are the first models that children see and learn from about different aspects of life, including what intimate relationship should be like. Vicarious learning is a very powerful learning mechanism because models (parents) usually do not invest any special efforts or skills to teach observers (children) about intimate relationships. Still, children learn more by observing than by following verbal instructions. Since the parents' relationship/marriage is the first model of an intimate relationship, it is not unusual for the intergenerational transmission of relationship skills and partner interactions (or relationship/marriage quality per se) to happen. Offspring develop inadequate interpersonal skills and behavior patterns from their parents, and they transfer them to their own intimate relationships in young adulthood. Usually, this transmission happens through some intervening variables (mediators) like relationship self-efficacy (which has an important place in Bandura's theory) and communication patterns. Thus, the main goal of this study was to investigate the effect of the both partners' experiences from families of origin on the quality of their intimate relationship in young adulthood within the context of the social learning theory. Methodology: Participants in this study were 309 married or cohabitating couples in young adulthood (20 – 40 years old). They have answered questions from several questionnaires: Children’s Perception of Interparental Conflict (Grych, Seid & Fincham, 1992; we have later developed its short version Observed Parents’ Conflict Behavior Scale), Norton’s Index of Marriage Quality (Norton, 1983), Relationship Self-Efficacy Scale (Lopez, Morúa & Rice, 2007) and Marital Communication Questionnaire (Bodenmann, 2000; in Ledermann, Bodenmann, Rudaz & Bradbury, 2010). Using dyadic methodology, we have tested two separate extended actor-partner interdependence models with relationship self-efficacy and communication as mediators. Results and discussion: There is no evidence of direct effect for the offspring's perception of their parents relationship on the offspring's relationship quality in young adulthood. Relationship selfefficacy and communication have proved to be significant mediators only for men. Men's perception of their parents' greater dysfunctionality is decreasing their relationship selfefficacy and positive communication patterns, which lowers the relationship quality. When it comes to women, indirect (mediator) effects were not significant in both models that we have tested. Results from both models show a significant dyadic ˝only actor˝ pattern for men. That means that their partners' (women's) results do not have an effect on men's outcomes. On the other hand, when it comes to women, there are significant partner effects in both models. This means that their partner's perception of the more dysfunctional relationship between his parents lowers his relationship self-efficacy and positive communication which leads to a decrease in women's evaluation of their relationship quality. It could be that dysfunctionality of the family of origin, especially parents' open conflicts, has more long-term detrimental consequences for men then for women which is line with some of the previous studies (Feng, Giarusso, Bengston, & Frye, 1999; Story, Karney, Lawrence, & Bradbury, 2004). Significant partner effects for women could be due to the socialization process and social roles that emphasize women's focus on the relationships, which makes them more empathetic and more sensitive to their partner's behavior and interpersonal skills. Conclusion: Present research contributes to the field of intimate relationship by emphasizing the importance of parents' conflicts and not divorce in intergenerational transmission of relationship skills and partner interactions, especially for men. Dyadic methodology is a very useful tool for relationship research and provides us with useful information not only in scientific terms, but it also in everyday life and it has practical implications for couples' workshops and other activities that can improve relationship quality

    Effect of the both partners' experiences from families of origin on the quality of their intimate relationship in the young adulthood

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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je, polazeći od postavki teorije socijalnoga učenja, ispitati učinak koji percepcija (dis)funkcionalnosti roditeljskog odnosa tijekom odrastanja ima na kvalitetu intimnih veza potomaka u mlađoj odrasloj dobi (20 – 40 godina). Budući da su roditelji prvi modeli iz čije međusobne interakcije djeca uče o tome kako partnerski odnos izgleda, brojna istraživanja pokazala su da potomci mnoge obrasce ponašanja koje su opažali kod svojih roditelja prenose i na svoje intimne veze u odrasloj dobi. Ipak, točan mehanizam preko kojega se taj međugeneracijski prijenos obrazaca partnerskih odnosa odvija još nije utvrđen. Ti odnosi postaju još složeniji kada uzmemo u obzir da svaku intimnu vezu čini interakcija dvoje ljudi koji u nju ulaze s različitim iskustvima, karakteristikama i vještinama te međusobno neprestano utječu jedno na drugo. Stoga smo, koristeći dijadnu metodologiju, odlučili provjeriti ulogu samoefikasnosti u vezi i komunikacije kao potencijalnih posredujućih varijabli u međugeneracijskom prijenosu partnerskih obrazaca. Na uzorku od 309 parova mlađe odrasle dobi od kojih je većina bila u braku, a tek manji broj njih je kohabitirao, provjerili smo dva odvojena proširena modela međusobne zavisnosti aktera i partnera (APIMeM). Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da ne postoji izravan učinak percepcije roditeljskoga odnosa na kvalitetu intimne veze u mlađoj odrasloj dobi, niti kod žena, ni kod muškaraca. Medijatorska uloga samoefikasnosti u vezi i komunikacije potvrđena je samo kod muškaraca. Odnosno, percepcija muškaraca da je odnos između njihovih roditelja više disfunkcionalan, smanjuje njihovu samoučinkovitost i vještine komunikacije u vezi, što onda pak ima učinak na njihovu nižu procjenu kvalitete trenutne veze. Kod žena se uloga medijatora nije pokazala značajnom niti u jednom od modela. U oba modela pokazalo se da kod muškaraca postoji dijadni obrazac ˝samo akter˝, odnosno rezultati partnerice nemaju učinak na njihove ishode. S druge strane, kod žena je nađen značajan učinak partnera u oba modela, na način da partnerova percepcija veće disfunkcionalnosti primarne obitelji smanjuje njegovu samoučinkovitost i komunikaciju u vezi, što onda djeluje i na smanjenje ženinog doživljaja kvalitete veze. Dobiveni nalazi, osim znanstvenog aspekta, u smislu teorijskog i metodološkog doprinosa ovom području, imaju i važne praktične implikacije te su razmatrani u kontekstu unapređenja kvalitete partnerskih odnosa.Introduction: According to the social learning theory (Bandura, 1977), parents are the first models that children see and learn from about different aspects of life, including what intimate relationship should be like. Vicarious learning is a very powerful learning mechanism because models (parents) usually do not invest any special efforts or skills to teach observers (children) about intimate relationships. Still, children learn more by observing than by following verbal instructions. Since the parents' relationship/marriage is the first model of an intimate relationship, it is not unusual for the intergenerational transmission of relationship skills and partner interactions (or relationship/marriage quality per se) to happen. Offspring develop inadequate interpersonal skills and behavior patterns from their parents, and they transfer them to their own intimate relationships in young adulthood. Usually, this transmission happens through some intervening variables (mediators) like relationship self-efficacy (which has an important place in Bandura's theory) and communication patterns. Thus, the main goal of this study was to investigate the effect of the both partners' experiences from families of origin on the quality of their intimate relationship in young adulthood within the context of the social learning theory. Methodology: Participants in this study were 309 married or cohabitating couples in young adulthood (20 – 40 years old). They have answered questions from several questionnaires: Children’s Perception of Interparental Conflict (Grych, Seid & Fincham, 1992; we have later developed its short version Observed Parents’ Conflict Behavior Scale), Norton’s Index of Marriage Quality (Norton, 1983), Relationship Self-Efficacy Scale (Lopez, Morúa & Rice, 2007) and Marital Communication Questionnaire (Bodenmann, 2000; in Ledermann, Bodenmann, Rudaz & Bradbury, 2010). Using dyadic methodology, we have tested two separate extended actor-partner interdependence models with relationship self-efficacy and communication as mediators. Results and discussion: There is no evidence of direct effect for the offspring's perception of their parents relationship on the offspring's relationship quality in young adulthood. Relationship selfefficacy and communication have proved to be significant mediators only for men. Men's perception of their parents' greater dysfunctionality is decreasing their relationship selfefficacy and positive communication patterns, which lowers the relationship quality. When it comes to women, indirect (mediator) effects were not significant in both models that we have tested. Results from both models show a significant dyadic ˝only actor˝ pattern for men. That means that their partners' (women's) results do not have an effect on men's outcomes. On the other hand, when it comes to women, there are significant partner effects in both models. This means that their partner's perception of the more dysfunctional relationship between his parents lowers his relationship self-efficacy and positive communication which leads to a decrease in women's evaluation of their relationship quality. It could be that dysfunctionality of the family of origin, especially parents' open conflicts, has more long-term detrimental consequences for men then for women which is line with some of the previous studies (Feng, Giarusso, Bengston, & Frye, 1999; Story, Karney, Lawrence, & Bradbury, 2004). Significant partner effects for women could be due to the socialization process and social roles that emphasize women's focus on the relationships, which makes them more empathetic and more sensitive to their partner's behavior and interpersonal skills. Conclusion: Present research contributes to the field of intimate relationship by emphasizing the importance of parents' conflicts and not divorce in intergenerational transmission of relationship skills and partner interactions, especially for men. Dyadic methodology is a very useful tool for relationship research and provides us with useful information not only in scientific terms, but it also in everyday life and it has practical implications for couples' workshops and other activities that can improve relationship quality

    Perception of Parents’ Conflicts and Constructive Partner Communication Contribution to the Relationship Quality: Dyadic Approach

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    Prema teoriji socijalnoga učenja roditelji su prvi modeli partnerskoga odnosa te potomci iz njihove interakcije koju opažaju usvajaju različite obrasce ponašanja. Ako su ti opaženi obrasci bili neadaptivni i ako je roditeljski odnos bio obilježen mnogobrojnim sukobima i/ili razvodom, može doći do međunaraštajnoga prijenosa bračne nestabilnosti. Partnerski odnos postaje još složeniji kada uzmemo u obzir da je on rezultat interakcije dvoje ljudi koji su u njega donijeli različita iskustva i vještine. Dijadna nam metodologija omogućava da uzmemo u obzir upravo tu zavisnost partnera u odnosu i dođemo do podataka o njihovoj interakciji. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada bio ispitati ulogu konstruktivne komunikacije u vezi kao potencijalnoga medijatora između percepcije roditeljskih sukoba tijekom odrastanja i kvalitete veze u mlađoj odrasloj dobi jer je to razdoblje u kojemu je jedan od glavnih razvojnih zadataka uspostava kvalitetnoga partnerskog odnosa. Koristeći prošireni model međusobne zavisnosti aktera i partnera (APIMeM) na uzorku od 309 heteroseksualnih parova, nismo pronašli značajan izravan efekt percepcije roditeljskih sukoba na kvalitetu veze ni kod žena ni kod muškaraca. Međutim, muškarčeva konstruktivna komunikacija pokazala se kao medijator i kod muškaraca i kod žena. Konkretno, muškarčeva percepcija izraženijih roditeljskih sukoba ima negativan efekt na njegove vještine konstruktivne komunikacije, koje zatim imaju efekt na smanjen doživljaj kvalitete veze (efekt aktera), no muškarčeve vještine konstruktivne komunikacije također doprinose ženinu smanjenom doživljaju kvalitete veze (efekt partnera).According to the social learning theory, parents serve as the first models of a partnership, and offspring observe and adopt various patterns of behaviour from their interaction. These patterns are often passed down to the offspring\u27s intimate relationships in adulthood, so if the observed patterns were maladaptive and the parental relationship was marked by numerous conflicts and/or divorce, it may lead to intergenerational transmission of marital instability. The intimate relationship becomes even more complex when we consider it a result of the interaction of two people who bring different experiences and skills into it. Dyadic methodology allows us to take into account this interdependence of partners in the relationship and gather data on their interaction. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the role of constructive communication in a relationship as a potential mediator between the perception of parental conflict during upbringing and the quality of the relationship in young adulthood, as this is a period when establishing a  quality partnership is one of the main developmental tasks. Using the extended actor-partner interdependence model (APIMeM) on a sample of 309 heterosexual couples, we did not find a significant direct effect of the perception of parental conflict on the quality of the relationship in either women or men. However, men’s constructive communication proved to be a mediator for both men and women. Specifically, men’s perception of a more pronounced parental conflict has a negative effect on their constructive communication skills, which in result have an effect on reducing the perception of relationship quality (actor effect) for men, but men\u27s constructive communication skills also contribute to women\u27s reduced perception of relationship quality (partner effect)

    Economic Adjustment and Life Satisfaction of Men and Women: The Role of Social Support

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    Cilj rada bio je provjeriti pokazuje li socijalna podrška moderatorsku i/ili medijatorsku ulogu u odnosu dvaju indikatora teške ekonomske prilagodbe (gubitka financijske neovisnosti i gubitka načina života) i zadovoljstva životom. Podatci su prikupljeni u dvije točke mjerenja 2016. godine na prigodnom uzorku od 164 muškarca i 180 žena. U prvoj su točki samoiskazom mjerena dva indikatora ekonomske prilagodbe, dok je u drugoj točki mjerena percipirana socijalna podrška i zadovoljstvo životom. Podatci su obrađeni nizom moderacijskih i medijacijskih analiza. Rezultati su pokazali neznačajnost testiranih moderacijskih učinaka socijalne podrške na odnos obaju indikatora ekonomske prilagodbe i zadovoljstva životom kod oba spola, dok su medijacijske analize pokazale značajnost samo jednoga testiranog medijacijskog učinka, i to na uzorku žena. Specifičnije, pokazalo se da izraženiji gubitak načina života dovodi do manje socijalne podrške, što naposljetku dovodi do nižega zadovoljstva životom. Rezultati su interpretirani s obzirom na postavke o ekonomskoj prilagodbi kao izvoru stresa te s obzirom na postojeće hipoteze o ulozi socijalne podrške u kontekstu dobrobiti pojedinca, odnosno zadovoljstva životom.The aim of the study was to explore whether social support plays a moderator and / or mediator role in relation to two indicators of difficult economic adjustment (loss of financial independence and loss of lifestyle) and life satisfaction of men and women. Data were collected at two measurement points during 2016, on a convenient sample of 180 women and 164 men. In the first point, two indicators of economic adjustment were measured by self-report, while in the second point, perceived social support, as well as life satisfaction were measured. Data were analyzed with several moderation and mediation analyses. The results showed the non-significance of the tested moderational effects of social support on the relationship between both indicators of economic adjustment and life satisfaction on both sexes, while mediational analysis showed the significance of only one tested mediation effect, on a sample of women. More specifically, a pronounced loss of lifestyle has been shown to lead to less social support, which ultimately leads to lower life satisfaction. The results were interpreted with regard to economic adjustment as a source of stress, and existing hypotheses of the role of social support in the context of well-being of the individual, i.e. life satisfaction

    Papel del castigo parental en relación entre la adaptación económica y la inclusión escolar de niños

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    Cilj je rada bio ispitati izravan i neizravanučinak ekonomske prilagodbe na emocionalnu i ponašajnu školsku uključenost djece. Pri tome su izravni i neizravni učinci, koji su rezultat roditeljskog kažnjavanja, provjeravani ovisno o spolu djeteta i roditelja te izvoru procjene istraživanih konstrukata. Na temelju teorijskih modela, odnosno modela odnosa obitelj – škola Adamsa i Ryana (2005), modela obiteljskog stresa Congera i suradnika (2010) te modela Yoshikawa i suradnika (2012), postavljena je hipoteza o postojanju značajnoga neizravnog, ali ne i izravnog učinka ekonomske prilagodbe na školsku uključenost dječaka i djevojčica. U radu su analizirani podatci prikupljeni od 285 djeteta školske dobi i njihova oba roditelja. Djeca su procjenjivala kažnjavanje posebno za oca i posebno za majku te svoju školsku uključenost, a roditelji su dali podatke o ekonomskoj prilagodbi. Koristeći Hayesovu (2013) medijacijsku procesnu analizu provjereno je osam modela s izravnim i neizravnim učincima ekonomske prilagodbe na školsku uključenost djece. Rezultati su dijelom potvrdili postavljenu hipotezu o postojanju značajnih neizravnih, a neznačajnih izravnih učinaka ekonomske prilagodbe na školsku uključenost djece. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da je učinak ekonomske prilagodbe na školsku uključenost kod dječaka samo neizravan kroz roditeljsko kažnjavanje, dok je kod djevojčica ekonomska prilagodba i izravno i neizravno povezana sa školskom uključenosti. Kod dječaka se neizravan učinak ekonomske prilagodbe na školsku uključenost ostvaruje kroz povezanosti s ponašanjem i majke i oca, dok kod djevojčica samo s povezanosti koju ekonomska prilagodba ima s ponašanjem majke. Rezultati rada upućuju na značajan negativan učinak ekonomske prilagodbe na školsku uključenost djece.The aim of the paper was to examine the direct and indirect effect of economic adjustment on the emotional and behavioural school engagement of children, through parental punishment. The direct and indirect effects were examined depending on the gender of the child and the parent, and the source of the assessment of the examined constructs. Based on theoretical models, namely the Adams\u27s and Ryan Family–School Relationships Model (2005), the Conger\u27s and colleges Family Stress Model (2010), and the model of Yoshikawa and colleges (2012), hypothesis has been postulated about the existence of significant indirect but not the direct effect of the economic adjustment on the school engagement of boys and girls. In this paper, the data collected from 285 schoolchildren and their parents analysed. Children assessed punishment of the father and of the mother, and their school engagement and parents provided information on the economic adjustment. Using the Hayes\u27s (2013) mediation process analysis, eight models were tested with direct and indirect effects of the economic adjustment on school engagement of the children. The results partly supported the hypothesis of the existence of significant indirect but not direct effects of economic adjustment on school engagement. The obtained results indicate that the effect of economic adjustment on school engagement of boys is only indirect, namely through parental punishment, while in girls the economic adjustment is both directly and indirectly related to school engagement. In boys, the adverse effect of economic adjustment on school engagement is realized through the behaviour of both mothers and fathers, while in girls only with the relation to maternal behaviour. The results indicate the significant and negative impact of the economic adjustment on school engagement of children.El objetivo de este trabajo fue verificar el efecto directo e indirecto que a través del castigo parental tiene la adaptación económica sobre la inclusión escolar emocional y conductual de niños. Los efectos directos e indirectos fueron examinados dependiendo del sexo (tanto de niños, como padres) y de la fuente de evaluación de constructos investigados. A base de modelos teóricos, o sea, modelo de relación familia-escuela de Adams y Ryan (2005), modelo de estrés familiar de Conger y colaboradores (2010) y modelo de Yoshikawa y colaboradores (2012), se formuló la hipótesis sobre el efecto indirecto significativo (pero no también efecto directo) que tiene la adaptación económica sobre la inclusión escolar de niños y niñas. En el trabajo fueron analizados datos obtenidos de 285 niños de edad escolar y sus padres. Los niños evaluaron el castigo separadamente para el padre y para la madre. Evaluaron también su inclusión escolar, y los padres proporcionaron datos sobre la adaptación económica. Usando el análisis de mediación procesal de Hayes (2013) fueron verificados ocho modelos con efectos directos e indirectos de la adaptación económica sobre la inclusión escolar de niños. Los resultados confirmaron parcialmente la hipótesis formulada sobre la existencia de efectos indirectos significativos y efectos directos no significativos de la adaptación económica sobre la inclusión escolar de niños. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el efecto de la adaptación económica sobre la inclusión escolar de niños es solo indirecto a través del castigo parental, mientras que las niñas muestran la relación tanto directa, como indirecta, de la adaptación social con la inclusión escolar. En niños, el efecto indirecto de la adaptación económica sobre la inclusión escolar se realiza a través de la conexión con el comportamiento tanto de la madre como del padre, mientras que en niñas es así sólo con la conexión que la adaptación económica tiene con el comportamiento de la madre. Los resultados del trabajo indican un efecto negativo significativo que la adaptación económica tiene sobre la inclusión escolar de niños

    Cystitis Cystica and Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Children

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    The pathogenesis of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in preschool children with anatomically correct urinary tract (UT) is rather obscure. In girls, the bladder wall changes of cystitis cystica (CC) may be per se responsible for UTIs recurrence. During the 20-year period, 127 preschool children (125 girls; median age: 6.1 years) with CC, in whom UT anomalies were excluded, were diagnosed. The mean duration of UTIs symptoms prior to diagnosis was 3.31±2.51 years. Cystoscopical findings were labelled as mild, moderate and severe in 22.8%, 39.4% and 37.8% of patients, respectively. Following the confirmation of CC, long-term chemoprophylaxis with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim/nitrofurantoin was administered. A one year UTI-free period after chemoprophylaxis discontinuation was defined as therapeutic success. With 2.5 years median duration of regular chemoprophylaxis this goal was achieved in 58 children mainly with mild/ moderate CC. Thirty children from »improved/unchanged« group taking regular prophylaxis had significant reduction of UTIs (»improved«). Only 12 children belonging to the same group taking regular prophylaxis and all children with irregular prophylaxis had approximately the same number of UTIs as before treatment (»unchanged«). The »improved/unchanged« outcomes were predominantly found in children with severe form of CC. Although urodynamic disturbances detected in more than 50% of patients in whom urodynamics was performed were not found influential on the disease outcome, they could be responsible for its development. The results of our study suggest that regular and long-lasting chemoprophylaxis remains a basis for successful treatment for majority of patients with CC, even those with severe forms. If not treated properly with chemoprophylactic agents and without fair compliance in taking drugs, the disease is prone to recurrent UTIs

    Cystitis Cystica and Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Children

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    The pathogenesis of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in preschool children with anatomically correct urinary tract (UT) is rather obscure. In girls, the bladder wall changes of cystitis cystica (CC) may be per se responsible for UTIs recurrence. During the 20-year period, 127 preschool children (125 girls; median age: 6.1 years) with CC, in whom UT anomalies were excluded, were diagnosed. The mean duration of UTIs symptoms prior to diagnosis was 3.31±2.51 years. Cystoscopical findings were labelled as mild, moderate and severe in 22.8%, 39.4% and 37.8% of patients, respectively. Following the confirmation of CC, long-term chemoprophylaxis with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim/nitrofurantoin was administered. A one year UTI-free period after chemoprophylaxis discontinuation was defined as therapeutic success. With 2.5 years median duration of regular chemoprophylaxis this goal was achieved in 58 children mainly with mild/ moderate CC. Thirty children from »improved/unchanged« group taking regular prophylaxis had significant reduction of UTIs (»improved«). Only 12 children belonging to the same group taking regular prophylaxis and all children with irregular prophylaxis had approximately the same number of UTIs as before treatment (»unchanged«). The »improved/unchanged« outcomes were predominantly found in children with severe form of CC. Although urodynamic disturbances detected in more than 50% of patients in whom urodynamics was performed were not found influential on the disease outcome, they could be responsible for its development. The results of our study suggest that regular and long-lasting chemoprophylaxis remains a basis for successful treatment for majority of patients with CC, even those with severe forms. If not treated properly with chemoprophylactic agents and without fair compliance in taking drugs, the disease is prone to recurrent UTIs