58 research outputs found


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    Community-based tourism (CBT) has been around since the 1970s and so far, has grown in popularity in most continents. This study systematically evaluates and generalizes theoretical and practical issues on CBT based on 87 related articles published in scientific journals under the Scopus system from 2013 to 2023 through the application of content analysis methods. The results also show that research in this area has different research areas and mainly uses qualitative methods. The literature review identified a number of key themes including: (1) benefits of CBT development, (2) community and stakeholder engagement, (3) advantages and barriers in CBT development, (4) community perceptions about CBT, and (5) sustainable CBT development. The article has analyzed research trends on CBT: theory and application.  Article visualizations

    Vocational Orientation and the Need for Establishing Career Counselling Office in Vietnamese Schools

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    School psychology is a field that has been receiving a lot of attention recently in Vietnam as it prepares to restructure the general education curriculum. In particular, vocational orientation and career counseling are most concerned due to the emergence of new subjects in the educational curriculum - Experimental and Vocational Orientation Activities. The objective of this study is to investigate the current situation of vocational orientation problems and the need for career counseling of Vietnamese high school students to provide evidence to develop the school counseling activities and the School Psychology in Vietnam. This is a quantitative study used a questionnaire to examine the current situation of vocational orientation problems and the need for career counseling of 1200 high school students in Vietnam to illustrate the importance of vocational orientation work. The results showed that Vietnamese high school students faced many vocational orientation problems and wanted support from school counselors. But the reality did not meet the needs of students: Vietnamese schools lacked a team of school counselors both in quality and quantity, also lack of school counseling offices in almost high schools. This result is expected to contribute to the development of the School Psychology in Vietnam, but firstly, to promote the establishment of counseling office at least one office per school


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    Motivation is regarded as an influential factor in the success of any activity. It plays a significant role in reaching the desired goals, including learning English. This research aims to analyze the students' motivation and factors affecting their motivation to learn English. The population of this study was 326 freshmen in nine faculties of natural sciences at Tay Do University. The quantitative data was collected through the questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS software. The results show that the students had motivation to learn English, but their motivation levels were not high. Additionally, the students had both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. However, the latter was higher than the former. Moreover, the results also indicate factors affecting learners’ motivation. The research findings contribute to improving English teaching and learning quality in Vietnam in general and in Tay Do University in particular. Article visualizations

    Cloning and expression of gene FanC-2NT encoding K99-2NT fimbrial antigen of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli from diarrheic post-weaning piglets

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    Background and Purpose: The K99 (F5) is one pilus adhesin that mediates the attachment of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strains to small intestines to cause to diarrhea in piglets, lambs and newborn calves. In this work, we carried out cloning and expression of the mature peptide of FanC subunit, K99 fimbriae, one of the most common adhesive antigens in E. coli. Materials and Methods: E. coli 2NT strain was isolated from fecal samples of post-weaning piglets with diarrhea. The coding sequence of the mature peptide of K99-2NT subunit was isolated by PCR amplification and cloned into pGEM®-T Easy vector for sequencing using fluorescent dideoxy-terminator method. Expression of K99-2NT protein which was inserted into pET200/D-TOPO vector induced with IPTG. The PCR product and expression level of protein was examined by agarose gel electrophoresis and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. Results and Conclusions: We cloned and expressed successfully the mature peptide of K99 subunit with molecular weight of approximately 17.5 kDa from E. coli 2NT strain (named K99-2NT). Nucleotide sequence of the K99-2NT subunit coding region of fanC-2NT gene is 477 bp in length and is 99% similarity with that of fanC gene (accession no: M35282). Highest expression level occurred after 12 h of induction with 0.75 mM IPTG at 37oC. This subunit antigen will be tested for immune response of rat in the next time

    Development of Daphnia magna under exposure to the xenobiotic octylphenol: Research article

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    Xenobiotics are of human and environmental concerns due to their potential toxicity. Octylphenol is one of the very common and daily used xenobiotics in door and out door activities of human beings. Toxicity of octylphenol to aquatic organisms, especially to zooplankton (e.g. Daphnia magna) was investigated but not fully understood. In this study we evaluated the chronic effects of octylphenol at the concentrations of 5, 50 and 500 μg L-1 on Daphnia magna over a period of 14 days. The results showed that low concentration of octylphenol (5 μg L-1) stimulated the maturation while high concentrations of the chemical (50 and 500 μg L-1) caused a significant mortality to the Daphnia. Besides, all the tested concentrations of octylphenol had serious impacts on fecundity and growth of the animals. Investigations on the presence, distribution, fate and toxicity of xonobiotics including octylphenol in the developing country environment are suggested for human, environmental and ecological health protection.Những hợp chất tổng hợp đang là mối quan ngại cho con người và môi trường vì khả năng gây độc của chúng. Octylphenol là một trong những hợp chất tổng hợp được sử dụng phổ biến và thường xuyên trong những hoạt động của con người trong nhà và ngoài trời. Độc tính của octylphenol đối với thủy sinh vật, đặc biệt đối với động vật phù du (vd. Daphnia magna) mặc dù đã được nghiên cứu nhưng vẫn chưa được hiểu biết đầy đủ. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi đánh giá ảnh hưởng mãn tính của octylphenol ở các nồng độ 5, 50 và 500 μg/lít lên Daphnia magna trong thời gian 14 ngày. Kết quả cho thấy ở nồng độ octylphenol thấp (5 μg/lít) kích thích sự thành thục của sinh vật trong khi ở nồng độ cao hơn (50 và 500 μg/lít) gây chết đáng kể Daphnia. Bên cạnh đó, tất cả các nồng độ ocytlphenol dùng trong thí nghiệm gây ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng lên sức sinh sản và sinh trưởng của sinh vật. Nghiên cứu về sự hiện diện, phân bố, phát tán và độc tính của những chất tổng hợp bao gồm octylphenol ở các nước đang phát triển nên được tiến hành vì mục tiêu bảo vệ sức khỏe con người, môi trường và hệ sinh thái

    A potential low cost medium for cultivation of Dunaliella salina DCCBC15 in Vietnam

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    Dunaliella salina is a marine alga with high potential for beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), up to more than 10% of cellular dry weight under appropriate stress conditions of limiting one of the following nutrients: nitrogen, phosphate, high light or high salt. Obtaining high biomass in low cost medium is the essential step of the two-phase culture system for beta-carotene production. For future development of beta-carotene production from Dunaliella in Vietnam, it is our first step to study a low cost medium using natural seawater enriched with industrial fertilizer N-P-K (30-15-10) commercially available in Vietnam. The primary results of biomass, cell density, chlorophyll a as well as growth rate are very promising to use this medium for mass culture of Dunaliella salina. The medium is recommended for growing other marine algae as well

    Criteria of “persistent vomiting” in the WHO 2009 warning signs for dengue case classification

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    Introduction: Dengue is a viral disease that spreads rapidly in the tropic and subtropic regions of the world and causes 22,000 deaths annually. In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a new classification of dengue infections, which divided them into three categories: dengue without warning sign (D), dengue with warning sign (DWS), and severe dengue (SD). However, researchers have been using different criteria to define persistent vomiting; therefore, we aimed to evaluate the ability of the number of vomiting times in early prediction of SD development among D/DWS patients. Method: A hospital-based cohort study was conducted in Ben Tre-south of Vietnam. We enrolled confirmed dengue patients with D and DWS at admission. The final classification was determined on the discharged day for every patient based on the classification of WHO 2009 without using vomiting symptom, using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to evaluate the ability of the number of vomiting times in early prediction of SD development among D/DWS patients. Result: The prevalence of vomiting symptom was higher in SD group than D/DWS group (92 versus 46 %, p = 0.006), and the median of the number of vomiting times was higher in SD group than D/DWS group (2.5 versus 0, p = 0.001). To distinguish SD from D/DWS, the ROC curve of the number of vomiting episodes showed that the area under the curve was 0.77; with the cut point of two, the sensitivity and specificity were 92 and 52 %, respectively. Conclusion: The number of vomiting times could be a good clinical sign which can early predict SD from the group of D/DWS. We suggest the definition of persistent vomiting should be vomiting two times or more per day


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    The study shows the effects of factors affecting consumers' purchase intention after experiencing Virtual Try-on (VTO) in Vietnam. The study is carried out by quantitative method through data from 408 subjects of different ages in Hanoi and Northern provinces. The findings of the study demonstrate that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and perceived privacy risk, have a significant impact on users' attitudes toward Virtual Try-On (VTO). Consequently, these factors increase their influence on customers' purchase intentions. Based on these results, the research group recommends that, in practical settings, enterprises concentrate on providing high-quality services, promoting their products to augment the aforementioned factors, and simultaneously addressing users' attitudes to enhance the overall customer experience. Therefore, this study provides valuable insights into the factors that influence customers' attitudes toward VTO technology, thereby contributing to the existing literature on the topic.Nghiên cứu chỉ ra những tác động của các nhân tố ảnh hưởng tới ý định mua hàng của người tiêu dùng qua hành vi sử dụng công nghệ trải nghiệm sản phẩm trực tuyến (Virtual Try-on - VTO) tại Việt Nam. Phương pháp định lượng được sử dụng để phân tích dữ liệu từ 408 đối tượng trong nhiều độ tuổi khác nhau trên địa bàn thành phố Hà Nội và các tỉnh thành phố miền Bắc. Kết quả cho thấy rằng các nhân tố như cảm nhận tính hữu ích, cảm nhận tính dễ sử dụng, cảm nhận tính thích thú, và cảm nhận rủi ro về quyền riêng tư có tác động đến thái độ của người dùng với công nghệ VTO từ đó gia tăng ảnh hưởng tới ý định mua sắm của khách hàng. Nhóm nghiên cứu đề xuất rằng, trong bối cảnh thực tiễn, doanh nghiệp cần tập trung vào cung cấp dịch vụ chất lượng, quảng bá sản phẩm để nâng cao các yếu tố đã được đề cập, đồng thời quan tâm đến thái độ của người dùng để cải thiện trải nghiệm tích cực cho khách hàng

    Evaluation of Luminex xTAG Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel Assay for Detection of Multiple Diarrheal Pathogens in Fecal Samples in Vietnam.

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    Diarrheal disease is a complex syndrome that remains a leading cause of global childhood morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis of enteric pathogens in a timely and precise manner is important for making treatment decisions and informing public health policy, but accurate diagnosis is a major challenge in industrializing countries. Multiplex molecular diagnostic techniques may represent a significant improvement over classical approaches. We evaluated the Luminex xTAG gastrointestinal pathogen panel (GPP) assay for the detection of common enteric bacterial and viral pathogens in Vietnam. Microbiological culture and real-time PCR were used as gold standards. The tests were performed on 479 stool samples collected from people admitted to the hospital for diarrheal disease throughout Vietnam. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for the xTAG GPP for the seven principal diarrheal etiologies. The sensitivity and specificity for the xTAG GPP were >88% for Shigellaspp.,Campylobacterspp., rotavirus, norovirus genotype 1/2 (GI/GII), and adenovirus compared to those of microbiological culture and/or real-time PCR. However, the specificity was low (∼60%) for Salmonella species. Additionally, a number of important pathogens that are not identified in routine hospital procedures in this setting, such as Cryptosporidiumspp. and Clostridium difficile, were detected with the GPP. The use of the Luminex xTAG GPP for the detection of enteric pathogens in settings, like Vietnam, would dramatically improve the diagnostic accuracy and capacity of hospital laboratories, allowing for timely and appropriate therapy decisions and a wider understanding of the epidemiology of pathogens associated with severe diarrheal disease in low-resource settings

    Efficacy Of 10% Potassium Hydroxide Solution Versus 10% Salicylic Acid Ointment in Treatment of Molluscum Contagiosum - the Low - Cost Dermatologic Therapy in Vietnam

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    BACKGROUND: Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral disease primarily affecting children. AIM: The objective is to compare the efficacy of 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution versus 10% salicylic pomade in the treatment of molluscum contagiosum. METHODS: Clinical trials on 70 patients were randomised into 2 groups: 39 patients treated with 10% KOH solution and 31 patients treated with 10% salicylic pomade. The evaluation was based on the complete clearance of lesions, side effects and complications of the drug. RESULTS: The clearance of all lesions after 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks of treatment in both groups were 7.7%; 23.1%; 53.8%; 79.5% and 0%; 3.2%, 9.7% 22.6%, respectively (p < 0.05). Side effects were seen in both groups include burning (76.9% versus 19.4%; p < 0.05); redness (59% versus 14%; p < 0.01); desquamation (12.8% versus 19.3%; p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The efficacy of KOH solution in the treatment of MC was better than that of salicylic pomade and both products are safe, effective, and easy to apply at home